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The New California Homeless: From American Dream To Poverty & Tyranny
11.06.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The New California Homeless: From American Dream To Poverty & Tyranny Authored by Roger Canfield via The Epoch Times, The once richest state in economic opportunity and liberties has become the poorest state in the nation and one of the least free states in America. (Tyranny competing with New York.) How? There is a total war on private homeownership...

„Buyx faselt …“ – Ex-Chefin des Ethikrats zeigt ihren Kritiker an
11.06.2024, 23:29 Uhr. - https: - Weil sich die Impf-Einpeitscherin auf den Schlips getreten fühlt, soll Professor Homburg bei der Polizei erscheinen. Doch der denkt gar nicht daran – und sagt, was man aus seiner Sicht gegen so hanebüchene Vorwürfe tun kann. Von Kai Rebmann. Der Beitrag „Buyx faselt …“ – Ex-Chefin des Ethikrats zeigt ihren Kritiker an erschien zuerst auf...

US Lifts 10-Year Weapon Ban On Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade
11.06.2024, 23:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Lifts 10-Year Weapon Ban On Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade The US State Department on Tuesday announced that it is lifting a longtime ban on giving weapons and training to Ukraine's notorious Azov Brigade (often referenced by its earlier name Azov Battalion). The question must immediately be asked: Do Washington policy-makers think enough time...

The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With Economic Collapse
11.06.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With Economic Collapse Authored by Brandon Smith via, In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of increasingly rigged employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it’s important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look...

The Swamp's Rational Hatred For Donald Trump
11.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Swamp's Rational Hatred For Donald Trump Authored by Vince Coyner via, As we all know, Democrats and the Swamp hate Donald Trump. They probably hate him more than any president ever. Those elites, including celebrities, journalists, and politicians, used to love Trump, with thousands of them smiling and taking pictures of him...

Die nächste Zeitenwende
11.06.2024, 22:18 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Berliner Denkfabrik fordert Absage an kleinere Militäreinsätze in aller Welt und komplette Fokussierung von Bundeswehr und Gesellschaft auf den Krieg gegen Russland. US-Strategen spekulieren über drei parallel geführte Kriege.Deutschland und Europa stehen vor einer zweiten „Zeitenwende“. Dies sagt die Berliner Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik...

Wegen „falschen“ Liedes: Polizei löst Geburtstagsparty auf
11.06.2024, 22:09 Uhr. - https: - Aufgrund einer Denunziation rückten die Beamten in einer Kleingartenanlage an, nahmen Personalien auf, schalteten den Staatsschutz ein. In meinen Augen ein klarer Rechtsbruch. Aber Gesinnung geht über Rechtssprechung. Der Beitrag Wegen „falschen“ Liedes: Polizei löst Geburtstagsparty auf erschien zuerst auf

Companies Unleash 2nd Biggest Stock Buyback Spree On Record Ahead Of Buyback Blackout This Friday
11.06.2024, 21:57 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Companies Unleash 2nd Biggest Stock Buyback Spree On Record Ahead Of Buyback Blackout This Friday How powerful are stock buybacks? Think of this way: back on April 22, we bottom-ticked the market when we reported that  with the S&P dipping below 5,000, stocks were set to soar as "traders frontrun the end of buyback blackout period." The S&P took and...

Europa auf dem Weg nach rechts (III)
11.06.2024, 21:50 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Im EU-Parlament erstarkt die äußerste Rechte und stellt in Zukunft annähernd ein Viertel der Abgeordneten. Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen will sich auch auf ultrarechte Parteien stützen – für eine Abkehr vom Green Deal.Nach der Europawahl dauern die Bemühungen von EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen um die Einbeziehung zumindest...

Vogelgrippe im Anmarsch
11.06.2024, 21:07 Uhr. Home - https: - Es geht wieder los. Schon eine ganze Weile geistern Nachrichten über die Vogelgrippe in den Medien umher. Wir sollen uns erwärmen für das vorsorgliche und alternativlose Gegenmittel - eine Impfung! Nun ist es soweit, die ersten Impfdosen werden nach Europa geliefert. Die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet gestern, dass laut EU-Beamten heute ein...

RFK Jr. Inching Closer To Qualifying For CNN's June 27 Presidential Debate
11.06.2024, 21:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - RFK Jr. Inching Closer To Qualifying For CNN's June 27 Presidential Debate Authored by Jeff Louderbeck via The Epoch Times, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is simultaneously working to get on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and racing to meet a June 20 deadline to qualify for CNN’s presidential debate. The independent presidential...

JPM Analysts Say Tesla's Robotaxis Are "Years" Away From Launch 
11.06.2024, 20:54 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - JPM Analysts Say Tesla's Robotaxis Are "Years" Away From Launch  Elon Musk has said that a purpose-built robotaxi will be the centerpiece of his long-term strategy for Tesla. In about two months, on August 8, Musk is set to unveil the 'Robotaxi,' potentially positioning Tesla to compete with some of the largest ride-hailing services. However, before...

Putin Cuts Ukraine’s Power
11.06.2024, 20:28 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - With constant assaults on the electricity grid, Moscow is adding an explosive twist to an old playbook....

Supreme Court Rules 9–0 For IRS, Denying Refund In Estate Tax Dispute
11.06.2024, 20:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court Rules 9–0 For IRS, Denying Refund In Estate Tax Dispute Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of the IRS on June 6 in a dispute over taxing shareholders’ life insurance policies. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas poses for an official portrait at the...

Target Hospitality Shares Crater 35% On News Biden Admin Will Shutter ICE Facility In Dilley, Texas
11.06.2024, 19:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Target Hospitality Shares Crater 35% On News Biden Admin Will Shutter ICE Facility In Dilley, Texas Shares of Target Hospitality were rocked on Tuesday morning, falling more than 35% during the cash session, after news broke that the government was planning on terminating a services agreement with the company's migrant programming partner. The company...

Financial Nihilism And The Collapsing American Dream
11.06.2024, 19:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Financial Nihilism And The Collapsing American Dream Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Following the conventional path is a dead-end. It isn't easy to carve a path outside the well-worn pathways of debt servitude, but it is possible. America has become a nation bifurcated into haves and have-nots, and this is generating large-scale...

California Wants Higher Gas Prices And EVs; Virginia Did, But Changed Its Mind...
11.06.2024, 18:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - California Wants Higher Gas Prices And EVs; Virginia Did, But Changed Its Mind... Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Common sense returns to Virginia as California Governor Gavin Newsom struggles to defend inane policy. Let’s start with Newsom and gasoline prices. In a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, Newsom says “What people pay at the pump...

Malawi Vice President Killed In Plane Crash Along With 9 Other Passengers
11.06.2024, 18:31 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - In an address to the nation today, President Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi declared that Vice President Saulos Chilima was killed in a plane crash along with nine other passengers. President Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi declared on Tuesday that Vice President Saulos Chilima and nine other passengers had perished in an aircraft accident. After the plane […]...

Another Chinese Developer Gets Liquidated As Property Bear Market Persists 
11.06.2024, 18:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Another Chinese Developer Gets Liquidated As Property Bear Market Persists  Asian stocks were mostly red on Tuesday in Hong Kong (Hang Seng -1.04%) and China (CSI300 -.87%) as the Chinese property bear market deepened as Beijing's attempt to stabilize the economy wanes following yet more bad news of developer Dexin China Holdings Co. ordered into...

"I Take Responsibility": Pelosi Admits Fault For The Lack Of Security Precautions On Jan 6th
11.06.2024, 18:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "I Take Responsibility": Pelosi Admits Fault For The Lack Of Security Precautions On Jan 6th Authored by Jonathan Turley For years, some of us have asked why the Capitol was so poorly prepared for the January 6th riot. As part of the coverage on that day, I remarked at the start of the protests that I had never seen the Capitol so thinly protected for...

Failed Leadership Of DC And Fed Has Led Us To A Binary Outcome: Bad Or Worse
11.06.2024, 17:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Failed Leadership Of DC And Fed Has Led Us To A Binary Outcome: Bad Or Worse Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance Last week I was interviewed by the great Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity in a wide ranging interview that covered topics like Covid, the economy and the political future of the country. Chris was one of the only people during the onset of...

Nagel Gazing
11.06.2024, 16:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nagel Gazing By Benjamin Picton, Senior Macro Strategist at Rabobank US stocks lifted, yields rose and both gold and crude traded higher yesterday as markets rebalanced after Friday’s non-farm payrolls report and the European elections over the weekend. There wasn’t much new data of note, but we did see a softer than expected Italian industrial...

US Mulls Separate Deal With Hamas To Free 5 American Citizens
11.06.2024, 16:29 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Mulls Separate Deal With Hamas To Free 5 American Citizens Hamas on Tuesday announced that it accepts the UN Security Council's Gaza ceasefire resolution which was passed Monday after it was proposed by the United States. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is traveling in the region this week, has called the development a "hopeful sign". ...

Kreml: «USA flirten mit ukrainischen Neonazis»
11.06.2024, 16:24 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Washington werde vor nichts zurückschrecken, auch nicht vor dem Einsatz von Neonazis, um Russland zu schaden, sagte Kreml-Sprecher Dmitri Peskow am Dienstag. Wie RT berichtet, bezog er sich auf die Entscheidung der USA, das Verbot von Waffenlieferungen an die ukrainische Asow-Brigade aufzuheben. Die Brigade habe notorisch Personen in ihre Reihen aufgenommen...

Die Erfindung des Feindes
11.06.2024, 16:16 Uhr. - https: - Europa braucht seinen Feind, wenn es alles aufgegeben hat, an was es einmal glaubte. Russland dafür zu wählen, ist nicht besonders kreativ. Ich glaube, viele haben sich gefragt, warum der Westen und insbesondere die europäischen Länder durch eine radikale Änderung der Politik, die sie in den letzten Jahrzehnten verfolgt hatten, plötzlich beschlossen...

The Bitcoin Effect: Onwards And Upwards Post-Halving
11.06.2024, 16:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Bitcoin Effect: Onwards And Upwards Post-Halving Authored by Mark Jeftovic via, We’re a little over one month since the fourth halving, with the price more or less chopping sideways and the action and sentiment being rather subdued – despite the fact that in terms of immediate post-halving periods, we’re completely in line...

Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged
11.06.2024, 15:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged As regular readers already know, the legal system in Fulton County, Georgia is a complete mess. The latest fiasco involves a RICO case against one rapper named Young Thug and co-defendants, in which Mr. Thug (Jeffrey Lamar Williams) and pals have been charged with several...

Kritik: Stadt Atlanta zahlt 196.000 US-Dollar an Steuergeld für einen Regenbogen-Zebrastreifen
11.06.2024, 15:43 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Vermutlich muss man der Politik in jeder Stadt der Welt auf die Finger schauen, welche sich der Schwulen-Agenda unterwirft und ihre Städte mit Regenbogen-Zebrastreifen und Homosexuellen-Ampeln zupflastert. Denn gratis ist all das nicht - es gibt wie bei jeder organisierten Korruption finanzielle Nutznießer. In Atlanta greifen diese besonders frech...

Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces An Investigation Into Trump Liquor Licenses
11.06.2024, 15:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces An Investigation Into Trump Liquor Licenses Authored by Jonathan Turley, Many of us have expressed alarm at the politicization of the criminal justice system in New York by figures such as Attorney General Letitia James and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. It now appears that New Jersey Attorney General...

Augenblick Episode 3 – Ernst Wolff
11.06.2024, 15:20 Uhr. - https: - Wer für Frieden ist, muss diesen schon auf dem Weg dorthin beachten. Der Weg ist das Ziel! Niemals darf der Zweck die Mittel heiligen. Wenn der Zweck Frieden ist, kann das Mittel nicht Gewalt sein. Am Ende werden sich die Menschen durchsetzen, die an der friedlichen Agenda festgehalten haben. Wir […]...

French Bonds Plunge Amid Macron Resignation Rumors
11.06.2024, 15:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - French Bonds Plunge Amid Macron Resignation Rumors The blowout in European bond yields extended for a second day as French bonds tumbled, driving the biggest two-day jump in yields since the pandemic, amid rumors that Macron was preparing to announce his resignation, which has been swiftly denied by a person close to him. The French president is set...

It's Not 2000... But There Are Similarities
11.06.2024, 14:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's Not 2000... But There Are Similarities Authored by Lance Roberts via, More than a few individuals were active in the markets in 1999-2000, but many participants today were not. I remember looking at charts and writing about the craziness in markets as the fears of “Y2K” and the boom of “internet” filled media headlines...

NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation
11.06.2024, 14:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation Last week, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene took a detour from grilling Anthony Fauci over COVID-19, to confront him with photos of beagles who had been subjected to animal testing experiments widely reported to be funded by the National Institute...

Futures Slide Ahead Of Wednesday's Main Event, As European Political Turmoil Sparks Bond Rout
11.06.2024, 14:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Slide Ahead Of Wednesday's Main Event, As European Political Turmoil Sparks Bond Rout US equity futures are lower with small-caps lagging, while Treasuries and the dollar rose as traders braced for a landmark day tomorrow that sees the release of both CPI data in the morning and then the Fed's latest decision at 2pm ET. The crowded schedule...

„Das wäre das Beste“ – Mit Robert Habeck sind die Menschenrechte geliefert
11.06.2024, 14:03 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Der Bundeswirtschaftsminister will das deutsche Lieferkettengesetz zwei Jahre ruhen lassen, bis das noch schwächere Pendant auf europäischer Ebene in Kraft tritt. Das gefällt dem Unternehmerlager und der FDP, die das EU-Regelwerk vollends verhindern wollte. Merke: Im Kampf gegen die Bürokratie marschieren Grüne und Liberale...

Markt für PV-Anlagen bricht ein: „Bürger wurden hinters Licht geführt“
11.06.2024, 14:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Photovoltaik-Anlagen wurden als Heilsbringer verkauft, doch diese Erzählung zerplatzt wie eine Seifenblase. Nicht nur, dass es in der PV-Branche aktuell zu etlichen Firmenpleiten kommt: Auch von den Versprechungen einer raschen Amortisierung der Anlagen durch lukrative Einspeiseverträge bleibt nichts übrig. Garantierte die Energie AG zuvor 15,73...

Biden To Offer Saudi Arabia Defense Treaty In Exchange For Official Ties With Israel
11.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - The Wall Street Journal has reported that officials have revealed Biden will offer Saudi Arabia a defense treaty in exchange for official ties with Israel. The White House is ready to present a strategy that calls for new formal connections between Riyadh and Tel Aviv in exchange for Saudi Arabia becoming an ally akin to […] The post Biden To...

Gold & Oil: Understanding Rather Than Fearing Change
11.06.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gold & Oil: Understanding Rather Than Fearing Change Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via, There is much legitimate (as well as dramatic) talk about the failing US, its debased currency and its identity-fractured/inflation-taxed middle-class which has been increasingly described more aptly as the working poor. The End, or Just Change...

Four American Educators Stabbed In China
11.06.2024, 12:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Four American Educators Stabbed In China Four American college instructors from a small Iowa college were stabbed in broad daylight during a teaching trip to China, highlighting the increasing dangers abroad amid rising Sino-US tensions. Beijing says the incident was "isolated," and foreigners are safe there. The four educators are from Cornell College...

Deutschland: “AfD” und BSW mit absoluter Mehrheit: Der Osten wird nach alten Modellen unregierbar
11.06.2024, 12:49 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Im September stehen in Ostdeutschland entscheidende Landtagswahlen an. Die jüngsten Ergebnisse zur Europawahl zeigen: In allen drei Bundesländern haben “AfD” und BSW gemeinsam die absolute Mehrheit. Das könnte das Ende der Brandmauer einläuten. Die Analyse gibt's hier....

Shortage Of Skilled-Trade Workers Crippling Some Industries
11.06.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Shortage Of Skilled-Trade Workers Crippling Some Industries Authored by Mark Gilman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Many of this summer’s Generation Z college graduates are immediately getting a reality check with large school debt and few job guarantees after college graduation. This dilemma is why many are now suggesting that encouraging high...

Die „HEREIN-WINKER“ gehören vor Gericht gestellt – Sämtliche MIGRANTEN-OPFER gehen auf ihr Konto!
11.06.2024, 11:57 Uhr. - https: - Wenn ich an den Tod des jungen Polizisten in Mannheim denke, könnte ich losheulen. Es treibt mir Tränen in die Augen, ich kann nichts dagegen tun. Die Trauer und der Schmerz schütteln mich. Das tut weh. Einfach sehr weh. Gleich danach empfinde ich Wut und bekomme einen Riesenzorn auf die verantwortungslosen “Herein-Winker”, die sich jetzt...

Liebeserklärung an die deutsche Sprache
11.06.2024, 11:53 Uhr. - https: - Ein Meinungsbeitrag von Gerald Ehegartner. „Ich lebe in der Sprache“, formulierte Bei Ling, der bekannte chinesische Poet und Dissident, im Rahmen eines Interviews, fernab von seinem ehemaligen Heimatland. Auch Roger Willemsen, der Deutschland viel zu früh abhanden gekommene Genius, verortete als ewig Reisender seine Heimat in der Sprache. Wenn...

Two-Thirds Of Small Business Owners Worried Biden's Economy Will Kill Their Business
11.06.2024, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Two-Thirds Of Small Business Owners Worried Biden's Economy Will Kill Their Business Around two-thirds of small business owners say that current economic conditions under President Joe Biden could force them to  close their doors, according to a new poll  from the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) reported by the Daily Caller. According to the...

Facebook-Schulen für Argentinien
11.06.2024, 11:14 Uhr. - https: - KI soll öffentliche Schulen ersetzen – so die Pläne von Javier Milei. Google, Facebook und Co würden dann die Schulbildung übernehmen. Alles privatisieren: Dieses Prinzip von Mileis Politik zeigt langsam Auswirkungen. Neues Plänen sehen die Privatisierung der Bildung vor, was dazu führt dass die Schulbildung an die USA ausgelagert werden. Denn...

COVID Severity Not Affected By Viral Load Upon First Infection: Study
11.06.2024, 11:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - COVID Severity Not Affected By Viral Load Upon First Infection: Study Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The viral load or quantity of SARS-CoV-2 in the nasal cavity does not predict disease severity, according to a recent JAMA Network Open study. “We observed considerable variability in VL (viral load) at diagnosis,”...

Nicht der „Rechtsrutsch“ ist für Europa katastrophal, sondern ein linksgrünes „weiter so“
11.06.2024, 11:02 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Nach der Europawahl kommt der große Aufschrei. Die Wahlerfolge vieler rechtskonservativer Parteien werden als "gefährlich" für die Wirtschaft bezeichnet. Dabei sind es die linksgrünen Parteien, die den Laden an die Wand fahren. Die Realitätsverweigerung dominiert den öffentlichen Diskurs....

7 Dinge, die Sie tun sollten, bevor Sie versuchen, Gewicht zu verlieren
11.06.2024, 11:01 Uhr. - https: - Analyse von Ashley Armstrong Die Geschichte auf einen Blick Die Frage “Wie kann man Fett verlieren?” scheint heutzutage eine beliebte Frage zu sein. Und das ist auch verständlich, denn viele Menschen sind übergewichtig und die Fettleibigkeitsrate steigt weiter an. Doch bevor Sie sich mit der Frage “Wie nehme ich ab?” befassen...

Wie man die NATO-Aggression gegen Russland rechtfertigt, von Thierry Meyssan
11.06.2024, 11:01 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Josef Stalin ließ alte offizielle Fotos korrigieren, um alle Spuren seiner Opposition zu beseitigen. Auch Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron und ihre Verbündeten schreiben die Geschichte neu. Sie haben gerade unter dem Namen "Landung in der Normandie" Ereignisse inszeniert, die ganz anders abgelaufen sind. Sie ignorieren den sehr ernsten Konflikt zwischen...

Republikaner enthüllt: Ukraine-Krieg um Bodenschätze
11.06.2024, 10:30 Uhr. - https: - Diesmal hat sich ein Republikaner verplappert: Im Ukraine-Krieg geht es um Rohstoffe, nicht um „westliche Werte“. Es geht um eine "Goldmine" an wertvollen Mineralien im Wert von 10 Billionen Dollar. Es ist alles andere als abgemacht, dass Donald Trump ein „Friedenspräsident“ wird und den NATO-Stellvertreterkrieg in der Ukraine gegen Russland...

Pepe Escobar: Die drei Schlüsselbotschaften aus St. Petersburg an die globale Mehrheit
11.06.2024, 09:50 Uhr. - https: - Von Pepe Escobar Im Jahr des russischen BRICS-Vorsitzes musste das Internationale Wirtschaftsforum St. Petersburg (SPIEF) etwas Besonderes bieten. Und das tat es auch: über 21.000 Menschen aus nicht weniger als 139 Nationen – ein wahrer Mikrokosmos der globalen Mehrheit – diskutierten über alle Facetten des Strebens nach einer multipolaren...

Doctors, Medical Groups Call For Focus On Mental Health In Gender-Confused Children
11.06.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Doctors, Medical Groups Call For Focus On Mental Health In Gender-Confused Children Authored by Bill Pan via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), More than 100 medical professionals and groups have signed onto a declaration that calls for a shift in focus toward addressing underlying psychological problems in children who experience discomfort with their...

European Leaders Might Renew Contract To Keep Russia-Ukraine Gas Pipeline Flowing Despite War
11.06.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - European Leaders Might Renew Contract To Keep Russia-Ukraine Gas Pipeline Flowing Despite War It is somewhat surprising (but also not surprising given energy scarcity fears) that after two-and-a-half years of war, hundreds of thousands of lives tragically lost, and brutal grinding warfare which has also killed many civilians on both sides... that the...

Ein Billionengeschäft mit Milliardenschmiergeld: Neuer Bericht enthüllt massives Ausmaß der Finanzierung der „Klimanotfall“-Berichterstattung in den Mainstream-Medien durch grüne Milliardäre
11.06.2024, 08:22 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - A massive global grooming programme aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews’s Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism. At one point...

Elon Musk Says He Will Ban iPhones And Put Them In Faraday Cage If They Integrate With OpenAI
11.06.2024, 08:00 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - In an X post, Elon Musk said he would ban iPhones and put them in a Faraday cage if they integrate with OpenAI, citing security concerns after it was revealed that Apple is capable of producing its own AI module. Ultimately, the 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference was a complete failure for Apple, as the company’s […] The post Elon Musk...

Lindsey Graham gibt den wahren Grund für die unbegrenzte Finanzierung des Russland-Ukraine-Krieges durch die USA zu
11.06.2024, 07:50 Uhr. - https: - Leo Hohmann Wie erwartet, hat es hat nichts mit der Erhaltung von Freiheit oder „Demokratie“ zu tun Der neokonservative, kriegstreiberische Gesetzgeber aus South Carolina sagt, die USA wollen Zugang zu den „10 bis 12 Billionen Dollar an kritischen Mineralien“ der Ukraine. US-Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) ist das erste Mitglied des...

US-Sanktionen gegen georgische Offizielle wegen Gesetz über ausländische Agenten
11.06.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Befürworter des Gesetzes in Georgien haben es mit dem US-Gesetz zur Registrierung ausländischer Agenten verglichen Dave DeCamp Am Donnerstag kündigte das US-Außenministerium Sanktionen gegen georgische Offizielle wegen eines Gesetzes über ausländische Agenten an, das der Sprecher des georgischen Parlaments Anfang der Woche unterzeichnet hatte...

Alles über Israel ist gefälscht
11.06.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Von Caitlin Johnstone Es handelt sich um eine völlig künstliche Nation, die ohne Rücksicht auf die organischen soziopolitischen Bewegungen des Landes und seiner Menschen geschaffen wurde und wurzellos auf eine alte, bereits existierende Zivilisation mit tiefen Wurzeln aufgesetzt wurde. Alles an Israel ist eine Fälschung. Es ist eine völlig künstliche...

Past Informs The Present
11.06.2024, 05:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Past Informs The Present Authored by Howell Keiser via RealClearHistory, The work of the eighteenth-century English economist Thomas Malthus has been famously used to defend the indefensible. Malthus’s warning of the dangers of overpopulation, labor redundancy, and environmental degradation in urban-industrial societies have served as the basis for...

Supreme Court To Hear Case About Facebook Data-Harvesting Incident
11.06.2024, 05:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court To Hear Case About Facebook Data-Harvesting Incident Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Supreme Court on June 10 agreed to look at a large shareholder lawsuit that claims Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc. deceived investors regarding a data-harvesting controversy that involved Cambridge Analytica, a political...

After Texas Win, School-Choice Groups Eye Other Red States
11.06.2024, 04:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - After Texas Win, School-Choice Groups Eye Other Red States Authored by Susan Crabtree via RealClearPolitics, The political ground shifted in Texas last week, and the impact of the electoral shakeup could send aftershocks across the nation for months, if not years, to come. A wave of Republican incumbents fell to conservative challengers in the Texas...

Watch: Mob Loots AutoZone In South LA During Chaotic Street Takeover 
11.06.2024, 04:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Mob Loots AutoZone In South LA During Chaotic Street Takeover  The latest chaotic example of California's criminal and social justice reforms backfiring erupted in South Los Angeles early Monday morning, where a street takeover resulted in a mob of looters ransacking an AutoZone store.  Local media outlet KTLA reported that the Los Angeles...

No Better Friend Than Japan Despite Political Distractions
11.06.2024, 03:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No Better Friend Than Japan Despite Political Distractions Authored by Heino Klinck via RealClearDefense, Soon, President Biden will meet with seven of our most important allies and partners at the upcoming G7 summit in Italy, June 13-15. This meeting comes at a pivotal moment: wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East show little signs of stopping, China...

A Nationwide Teacher Shortage Is Costing Schools $4 Billion Per Year
11.06.2024, 03:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Nationwide Teacher Shortage Is Costing Schools $4 Billion Per Year Statewide teacher attendance in Nevada has fallen to the lowest in a decade, echoing a similar problem seen at school districts all over the United States, in places like New York and Connecticut to Chicago, Bloomberg wrote this past week. According to staffing firm Kelly Services...

UN Security Council Backs Biden's Gaza Ceasefire Plan, Russia Abstains
11.06.2024, 03:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UN Security Council Backs Biden's Gaza Ceasefire Plan, Russia Abstains The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has finally agreed on something related to Gaza. On Monday it adopted a US-proposed resolution which gives formal backing to an Israel-Hamas ceasefire plan. Fourteen council members voted in favor, Russia abstained, and there were no votes...

The Tension Between The 'Centralized Manager Class' & Reality Is "Explosive"
11.06.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Tension Between The 'Centralized Manager Class' & Reality Is "Explosive" Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, If Wishes Were Fishes - a Teachable Intermezzo “Together we can finish the job.”  - “Joe Biden” This is the most significant reality of the world picture now: the wishes of the manager class are going in one direction...

Israel Releases Intense Bodycam Video Of Hostage Rescues In Gaza
11.06.2024, 02:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Releases Intense Bodycam Video Of Hostage Rescues In Gaza On Monday Israeli forces released dramatic video of the moment a group of hostages were found and led to safety in the daring Saturday raid on a Hamas stronghold in central Gaza. The specific footage shows when three of the hostages were initially located by elite counter-terror commandos...

Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Against Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
11.06.2024, 01:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Federal Court Revives Lawsuit Against Los Angeles COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A federal appeals court has revived a lawsuit challenging the COVID-19 vaccine mandate imposed by the Los Angeles school district, noting that the record doesn’t clearly show whether the vaccines prevent transmission...

Here Are The 5 Supreme Court Issues Set To Reshape America's Political Landscape
11.06.2024, 01:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Here Are The 5 Supreme Court Issues Set To Reshape America's Political Landscape As the Supreme Court gears up to conclude its decision season by the end of June, several high-stakes cases loom that could significantly alter the nation’s political and social fabric in a crucial election year. In less than three weeks, the high court is expected to...

What Would Josey Wales Do?
11.06.2024, 01:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Would Josey Wales Do? Via the Burning Platform, “To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.” – Josey Wales As our political, economic, civic, and social structures continue to degrade, dissolve, and disintegrate before our very eyes, it is easy to become apathetic and surrender to hopelessness. There are relentless powerful...

"It's Trump Vs World War III" - Martin Armstrong Warns "The Swamp Is Now An Ocean"
11.06.2024, 00:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "It's Trump Vs World War III" - Martin Armstrong Warns "The Swamp Is Now An Ocean" Via Greg Hunter’s, Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024.  Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is...

Blinken's Exercise In Futility: Mideast Tour #8 To Achieve Gaza Truce
11.06.2024, 00:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blinken's Exercise In Futility: Mideast Tour #8 To Achieve Gaza Truce US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is once again in the Middle East where he's pressing for a Gaza ceasefire. But so far at least, it seems this but more of the same futile and hopeless, contradictory messaging. It is his eighth trip to the region since the Gaza war began. He first...

Tokio: Mit Dating-App gegen die «kollabierende» Geburtenrate
11.06.2024, 00:02 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Die Stadtverwaltung von Tokio startet eine eigene Dating-App, um Eheschließungen zu fördern und die kollabierende nationale Geburtenrate anzukurbeln. Das berichten verschiedene Medien, darunter ZeroHedge. Es handele sich um einen Online Dating-Dienst wie zum Beispiel, nur dass man in diesem Fall alle seine Daten an die Behörden statt an...

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