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Netanyahu Rips Biden: 'Inconceivable' That US Weapons Were Ever Halted
18.06.2024, 23:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Netanyahu Rips Biden: 'Inconceivable' That US Weapons Were Ever Halted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons transfers to Israel, in violation of stated promises that Washington would remove all restrictions on arms deliveries. Netanyahu revealed this during a video address discussing meetings...

We Approach 'State' Singularity
18.06.2024, 23:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - We Approach 'State' Singularity Authored by Bruce Pardy via The Brownstone Institute, Many citizens of the West believe that they live in free societies, or something close... But as time goes on, public authorities increasingly insist on having a say in everything... People cannot build things on their own land without permits. They cannot run businesses...

Apple Reportedly Halts Work On Vision Pro 2, Focuses On Cheaper Version As Demand Falters 
18.06.2024, 22:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Apple Reportedly Halts Work On Vision Pro 2, Focuses On Cheaper Version As Demand Falters  What was Apple CEO Tim Cook thinking? Releasing the Vision Pro headset earlier this year for the price tag of $3,899 (for a 1TB version) in a period where Goldman, including ourselves, has shown the American middle class has quickly deteriorated under Bidenomics...

The Glue Binding Democracy And A Free Economy Has Melted
18.06.2024, 22:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Glue Binding Democracy And A Free Economy Has Melted Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, And that's how democracy and a free economy die... An astute reader asked me to clarify the difference between individual sacrifice and shared sacrifice in the context of the Common Good, which as he rightly noted, dictatorships use as the...

'Magnificent 7' Stocks Fade As NVDA Becomes World's Largest Company... Ever
18.06.2024, 22:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Magnificent 7' Stocks Fade As NVDA Becomes World's Largest Company... Ever In an attempt to not bury the lead, NVDA continued its irrepressible charge higher (up $375 BN in the last week, up $1.44 TN in the last two months, and up $2.2 TN YTD)... Source: Bloomberg ... topping MSFT and AAPL as the world's largest market cap company... ever... Source:...

Bharat Biotech’s Rotavirus Vaccine Can Increase The Risk Of Bowel Gangrene In Babies
18.06.2024, 21:31 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to a recent study published on June 11, 2024, by Brian Hooker and Dr. Jacob Puliyel in the International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, Bharat Biotech’s Rotavac vaccine can increase the risk of bowel gangrene in babies due to intussusception. According to a recent study, intestinal problems may result from Rotovac, an […]...

Frankreich vor einem Zeitenwechsel
18.06.2024, 21:28 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Während sich Frankreich auf vorgezogene Parlamentswahlen vorbereitet, schließen sich seine politischen Parteien gegeneinander zusammen und beschuldigen sich gegenseitig, verschiedenen Formen des Extremismus nachzugeben. Die Besorgnis, die sie zeigen, und die Gewalt, die sie provozieren, sind der Herausforderung nicht gewachsen. Jeder weist auf die...

Indian National Accused In Plot To Assassinate Sikh Separatist Is Extradited To U.S.
18.06.2024, 21:04 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to a U.S. District Court spokeswoman, Indian national Nikhil Gupta, who was accused in a plot to assassinate a Sikh separatist, has been extradited to the U.S. An extradited Indian national has been charged with aiding and abetting the murder of a U.S. citizen in New York City. Nikhil Gupta is expected to appear […] The post Indian National...

Spike bindet den Östrogenrezeptor und könnte die Kollagenase-Genexpression verändern
18.06.2024, 19:59 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Since targeted delivery of the modified-spike-mRNA-LNP complex results in massive amounts of (intracellular) spike protein production, and spike protein binds to estrogen receptors, is it possible that this binding event prevents dimerization of ERs to subsequently down-regulate specific gene activity? And if so, is one of these genes collagenase? And...

Von Bergamo an den Wannsee
18.06.2024, 19:59 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Eine Fahrt von Bergamo (2020) über Potsdam (2023) bis zum Aufstand der Anständigen (2024). Ohne Endstation.Den Artikel gibt's hier....

Machete-Wielding Ecuadorian Illegal Arrested After Brutal Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl In NY
18.06.2024, 19:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Machete-Wielding Ecuadorian Illegal Arrested After Brutal Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl In NY An illegal migrant from Ecuador has been arrested by the NYPD following a broad daylight rape in which police say a man wielding a machete approached two 13-year-olds in a Queens park, a boy and a girl - tied them together by the wrists, and then raped the girl...

'Not Babylon Bee': California Proposes Restraining Orders To Stop Thieves
18.06.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Not Babylon Bee': California Proposes Restraining Orders To Stop Thieves Authored by Mike Shedlock via, More and more headlines look as if they are from the Babylon Bee. Let’s discuss the latest idiocrasy from la-la land. Governor Gavin Newsom courtesy of the Hoover Institute Background In California, police don’t arrest criminals...

"Our Culture Is Far From Perfect": Boeing CEO Says In Prepared Remarks Ahead Of Senate Hearing
18.06.2024, 19:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Our Culture Is Far From Perfect": Boeing CEO Says In Prepared Remarks Ahead Of Senate Hearing On Tuesday afternoon, Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun will testify before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, chaired by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), about the ongoing investigations into Boeing's quality oversight and production failures...

AI: "Existential Crisis" Or Excuse For Cronyism?
18.06.2024, 18:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - AI: "Existential Crisis" Or Excuse For Cronyism? Authored by Joshua Mawhorter via The Mises Institute, Several months ago, I was on a long car trip with my dad, and we listened to a podcast that gave some commentary on the following headlines from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal: “AI Poses ‘Risk of Extinction,’ Industry...

Your Lyin' Eyes: Corporate Media Panics With 'Fact Checks' Over Biden's Obvious Decline
18.06.2024, 18:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Your Lyin' Eyes: Corporate Media Panics With 'Fact Checks' Over Biden's Obvious Decline After several videos plainly showing Joe Biden's obvious cognitive decline went viral over the last week, the left is now pulling the 'out of context' thing, suggesting that they're edited "cheap fakes" that are "done in bad faith," and both NBC News and AP running...

Europe Aims To Reduce Reliance On China For Critical Minerals
18.06.2024, 18:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Europe Aims To Reduce Reliance On China For Critical Minerals Authored by Felicity Bradstock via, Europe is looking to boost its domestic production of rare earth metals to reduce reliance on China and enhance energy security. Norway has discovered Europe's largest deposit of rare earth metals, which could be crucial for the development...

Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump And Biden
18.06.2024, 17:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump And Biden Authored by Kristi Noem, op-ed via American Greatness, As the White House presses Israel to agree to a ceasefire that will allow the terrorist group Hamas to regroup and attack Israel again in the future, it’s worth taking stock of the mess Joe Biden has made of the Middle East, especially...

Ukraine Unleashes Deadly Kamikaze Drone Boats To Crush Russia’s Black Sea Fleet
18.06.2024, 17:22 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - At the Black Sea Security Forum, Ukrainian officials unveiled kamikaze drone boats, signaling Ukraine’s strategy to challenge Russia’s Black Sea Fleet dominance. These lethal vessels pose a significant threat to maritime security. In an attempt to devastate Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, Ukraine has unveiled a lethal new fleet of drone...

Putin In North Korea, Solidifies Anti-West Cooperation With Kim
18.06.2024, 17:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin In North Korea, Solidifies Anti-West Cooperation With Kim Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the North Korean capital of Pyongyang on his first visit to the country in 24 years. He was greeted with streets decked out in Putin portraits, Russian flags, and banners - one of which read on the side of a building, "We warmly welcome the President...

Holding And Hoping
18.06.2024, 16:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Holding And Hoping By Bnejamin Picton, Senior Macro Strategist at Rabobank Holding and Hoping US stocks reset record highs overnight as the NASDAQ rose 1.25% and the S&P500 closed up 0.77%. Even European stocks shook off the turmoil of the last few days to close higher. The EuroStoxx 100 was up 0.85%, the DAX rose 0.37% and the CAC40 rebounded from...

Biden Announces Deportation Protections For Some Illegal Immigrants
18.06.2024, 16:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Announces Deportation Protections For Some Illegal Immigrants President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced that his administration won't deport many illegal immigrants who are married to US citizens, or whose parent is married to a US citizen. This translates to roughly 500,00 spouses of US citizens, along with 50,000 children, who won't be deported...

You will be tagged and you will love it
18.06.2024, 16:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - As expected, the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was the hottest anti-globalist multipolar traditional RETVRN values conference of 2024—possibly of all-time. The unipolar world suffered non-stop humiliations during this mind-blowing freedom event. For example, Moscow Region governor Andrei Vorobyov made an incredible BRICS announcement during...

Why Consumer Sentiment Fell To A Seven-Month Low
18.06.2024, 16:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Consumer Sentiment Fell To A Seven-Month Low Authored by Daniel Lacalle, The University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Survey plummeted to its lowest level in seven months. The index reading for June came in at 65.6, down from 69.1 in May and under the consensus expectation of 72. In the current conditions and expectations categories, the survey...

«Liebe Nele: Wieso kommst du nicht zum Verfassungsschutz des Volkes?»
18.06.2024, 15:51 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Der deutsche Verfassungsschutz ist auf der Welt einzigartig: Er bespitzelt selbst unbescholtene Bürger. Gleichzeitig wirbt er auch junge Menschen als Agenten an. Ein Abwerbeversuch. Den Artikel gibt's hier....

ADHS-Raten steigen bei amerikanischen Kindern an
18.06.2024, 15:40 Uhr. - https: - Laut neuen Daten der US-Zentren für Krankheitskontrolle und -prävention (CDC) ist die Zahl der ADHS-Fälle in den Vereinigten Staaten in alarmierendem Maße gestiegen. Im Jahr 2022 war bei einem von neun Kindern ADHS diagnostiziert worden - ein Anstieg um 5,4 Millionen Diagnosen seit 2016. ADHS ist formell als Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung...

Dramatic Footage Shows First Houthi Kamikaze Drone Boat Strike On Bulk Carrier 
18.06.2024, 15:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dramatic Footage Shows First Houthi Kamikaze Drone Boat Strike On Bulk Carrier  Unconfirmed footage has emerged on X showing what appears to be the commodity-hauling bulk carrier "Tutor" under attack by a drone boat, allegedly controlled remotely by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. If verified, this incident is the first known drone boat attack on a commercial...

Chinas globale Militärbasisstrategie nimmt Gestalt an
18.06.2024, 15:35 Uhr. - https: - Von Gabriel Honrada Rand-Bericht identifiziert Chinas Zielländer für Basisabkommen als wachsende, aber noch weit entfernte Herausforderung für die US-Macht China sichert sich internationale Abkommen über den Zugang zu Militärbasen, um die globale Reichweite seiner Streitkräfte zu vergrößern und damit Amerikas erweiterter Abschreckungsstrategie...

An der Weggabelung | Von Felix Feistel
18.06.2024, 15:01 Uhr. - https: - Ein Standpunkt von Felix Feistel. Seit mehr als zwei Jahren fahren sämtliche EU-Staaten einen verheerenden Kurs. Geleitet von der Vorstellung, Russland in die Knie zwingen und ruinieren zu können, um den russischen Staat zu zerschlagen, und in eine Reihe von kleineren Einzelstaaten aufteilen zu können, rennt die EU und mit ihr […]...

„Was muss noch passieren?“ – Prof. DDr. Haditsch appelliert an Staatsanwälte und Richter
18.06.2024, 15:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Auf keiner Ebene scheint es mehr mit rechten Dingen zuzugehen: Die Rechte der Menschen werden mit Füßen getreten, Freiheiten werden eingeschränkt, die Öffentlichkeit wird belogen. Wer Korruption, Profitgier und kriminelle Machenschaften anprangert, wird selbst an den Pranger gestellt. In einem emotionalen Video wendet Prof. DDr. Martin Haditsch...

Only 28% Of The Public Has "High Confidence" In Higher Education; New Poll Finds
18.06.2024, 14:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Only 28% Of The Public Has "High Confidence" In Higher Education; New Poll Finds Authored by Jonathan Turley, A new poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago (commissioned by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) shows that only 28% of Americans have a lot of trust in higher education. Academia has continued to alienate much...

Skandalurteil: muss Dr. Witzschel wieder ins Gefängnis – Deutschland du hast ein Problem!
18.06.2024, 14:43 Uhr. - https: - Eine weitere Ärztin, welche vom deutschen Staat verfolgt wird. Eigentlich kann man es direkt auf den Punkt bringen, - einem Justizsystem, welches sich am Leid anderer bereichert, ein Fehlurteil nach dem anderen spricht und zugleich ohne jegliche Regung abnickt. Deutschland hat schwere Zeiten hinter sich, aber offenbar nichts daraus gelernt. Dr. Witzschel...

Consumer Survey Shows Rising Bullishness
18.06.2024, 14:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Consumer Survey Shows Rising Bullishness Authored by Lance Roberts via, The latest consumer survey data from the New York Federal Reserve had interesting data. “The New York Fed’s latest consumer survey found that expectations that stocks will be higher in the next 12 months rose from 39% to 41% since last month’s reading...

Futures Flat As Tech Stocks Rise For 7th Consecutive Day
18.06.2024, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Flat As Tech Stocks Rise For 7th Consecutive Day Futures are flat with gigatech naturally outperforming into today’s retail sales print where the expectations are for beats to resume after last month's sharp miss. As of 8:00am ET, S&P futures were completely flat, while Nasdaq futures were up for the 7th day in a row as it nudges toward the...

Freiheitsstrafe für Ärztin, weil Richter an Corona-Lügen festhält – Vergewaltiger gab er Bewährung
18.06.2024, 14:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Ein aktuelles Urteil aus Sachsen zeigt die Pervertierung des deutschen Rechtssystems: Eine Ärztin, die mehr als 1.000 Menschen von der schädlichen Maskenpflicht befreite, wurde zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von zwei Jahren und acht Monaten sowie einem dreijährigen Berufsverbot verurteilt. Derselbe Richter ließ vor Kurzem einen Dreifach-Vergewaltiger...

Deutschlands Rüstungsbudget 2024 historisch hoch
18.06.2024, 13:46 Uhr. - https: - 90 Milliarden Euro Rüstungsausgaben meldet Deutschland für 2024 an die NATO. Eine historische Aufrüstung. Noch nie hat Deutschland so viel in Rüstung investiert. Der NATO hat man für das Jahr 2024 90,6 Milliarden Euro an sogenannten „Verteidigungsausgaben“ gemeldet. Damit erfüllt man die Vorgaben der NATO (bzw. der USA) deutlich, denn mit...

Second Time: EV Startup Fisker Files For Bankruptcy Due To "Macroeconomic Headwinds"
18.06.2024, 13:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Second Time: EV Startup Fisker Files For Bankruptcy Due To "Macroeconomic Headwinds" Electric vehicle startup Fisker filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in a Delaware federal court on Monday evening, intending to sell its assets. This decision comes after recently halting production of its "Ocean" SUVs.  Joining the ranks of Arrival, Lordstown Motors...

Wir suchen Autorinnen und Autoren!
18.06.2024, 13:32 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Wir suchen Autorinnen und Autoren mit Fachkenntnissen zu einzelnen oder mehreren Ländern in Lateinamerika, die Interesse an journalistischer Arbeit haben Das Internetportal stellt Nachrichten und Analysen aus Lateinamerika auf Deutsch zur Verfügung, die andere Medien oft schuldig... weiter 18.06.2024 Artikel von Redaktion...

Steve Bannon Predicts Leftists Will Sentence Trump To "Multiple Years In Prison"
18.06.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Steve Bannon Predicts Leftists Will Sentence Trump To "Multiple Years In Prison" Authored by Steve Watson via, Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon has warned that the left will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from regaining the White House and that they plan to sentence him to “multiple years in prison” next month. Speaking at Turning...

Stimmen aus Ungarn: Die EU-Eliten sind im Kriegsfieber – doch wer soll eigentlich Europa verteidigen?
18.06.2024, 13:02 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Die EU und ihre Mitgliedsländer gehen mit der Bewaffnung der Ukraine an die Grenzen, als ob es sich selbst verteidigen könnte, wenn es darauf ankommt. Davon ist aber keine Rede. Die Frage ist also nicht mehr, ob die EU die Ukraine verteidigen kann, sondern ob es sich selbst verteidigen kann. Die Europäische Union scheint dasWeiterlesen...

Von Bergamo an den Wannsee
18.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr. Overton Magazin - https: - Eine Fahrt von Bergamo (2020) über Potsdam (2023) bis zum Aufstand der Anständigen (2024). Ohne Endstation. Der Beitrag Von Bergamo an den Wannsee erschien zuerst auf ....

German EV Sales Plummet 30.6% In May Compared To Year Earlier
18.06.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - German EV Sales Plummet 30.6% In May Compared To Year Earlier Authored by P. Gosselin via, The figures for the registration of new electric cars in Germany are looking increasingly awful. In May 2024, the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) reported that it had registered only 29,708 vehicles with electric motors. That is 30.6%...

50.000 Kinder in Gaza müssen wegen Mangelernährung dringend behandelt werden
18.06.2024, 12:01 Uhr. - https: - Das Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für palästinensische Flüchtlinge (UNRWA) berichtet, dass über 50.000 Kinder im Gazastreifen aufgrund akuter Unterernährung dringend medizinische Behandlung benötigen. In einer Aussage vom Samstag betonte die Organisation: “Aufgrund der fortwährenden Beschränkungen des humanitären Zugangs sind die Menschen...

Diät für einen großen Planeten
18.06.2024, 11:05 Uhr. - https: - Analyse von Sally Fallon Morell Die Geschichte auf einen Blick Ich habe an der Long Island Food Conference 2018 teilgenommen, als einsamer Fleischesser in einer Reihe von Rednern, die für eine „pflanzliche“ Ernährung plädierten. Der Hauptredner war Francis Moore Lappé, den Sie als Autor des sehr einflussreichen Buches „Diet for a Small Planet“...

Frankreich vor einem Zeitenwechsel, von Thierry Meyssan
18.06.2024, 11:02 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Während sich Frankreich auf vorgezogene Parlamentswahlen vorbereitet, schließen sich seine politischen Parteien gegeneinander zusammen und beschuldigen sich gegenseitig, verschiedenen Formen des Extremismus nachzugeben. Die Besorgnis, die sie zeigen, und die Gewalt, die sie provozieren, sind der Herausforderung nicht gewachsen. Jeder weist auf die...

Skandal im Bildungsministerium geht in die nächste Runde: Unwahrheiten und Alibi-Rücktritte
18.06.2024, 11:00 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Letzte Woche hatten die NachDenkSeiten auf der Bundespressekonferenz zum Skandal um die autoritären Fantasien der amtierenden Bundesbildungsministerin nachgefragt, die prüfen ließ, wie man 393 Hochschullehrer und Dozenten an Berliner Universitäten, die einen Offenen Brief unterzeichnet hatten, der Bettina Stark-Watzinger nicht gefiel...

Exposure To Heavy Metals Linked To Dementia Risk
18.06.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Exposure To Heavy Metals Linked To Dementia Risk Authored by George Citroner via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), As the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia continues to rise, a growing body of research is sounding the alarm on a possible culprit: heavy metal exposure. From the medications we take to the water we drink and potentially even...

Hochverrat an Deutschland: CDU will, dass Vereinte Nationen über Immigration entscheiden
18.06.2024, 10:52 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Dass es die denkbar schlechteste Idee ist, die Globalisten der UN über Immigrationsfragen entscheiden zu lassen, erklärt ein Blick auf den UN-Migrationspakt. Dieser ist ein zentrales Element zur Zersetzung des Westens durch kultur- und religionsfremde Armutsmigration. Carsten Linnemann, amtierender CDU-Generalsekretär, möchte die Entscheidung über...

Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'
18.06.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior' The development of totalitarian governments always coincides with sweeping efforts to socially engineer the population to adhere to less rebellious behaviors.  Specific groups that present a threat to the regime are usually identified and targeted with propaganda or indoctrination...

Nutzen-Risiko-Analyse: Dieses Prinzip wurde bei den Covid-Impfungen mit Füßen getreten
18.06.2024, 10:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - "Der Nutzen überwiegt das Risiko" - das behaupteten Vertreter der Pharmaindustrie, Politiker und Behörden in den Corona-Jahren konsequent, wenn es um die experimentellen Covid-"Impfstoffe" ging. Das geflissentlich ignorierte Problem: Nach der Logik der Nutzen-Risiko-Analyse muss bei der Behandlung von Gesunden durch sogenannte Impfungen ein viel höherer...

Putins komplette Grundsatzrede zur russischen Außenpolitik. Friedensvorschlag an Kiew.
18.06.2024, 09:37 Uhr. clausstille56 - https: - von Anti-Spiegel Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin hat in einer Rede vor der Leitung des russischen Außenministeriums ein neues Angebot für eine mögliche Friedenslösung im Ukrainekrieg unterbreitet. Dieser Vorstoß wird von vielen Journalisten und Politikern hierzulande entweder ignoriert oder mit … Weiterlesen →...

Giorgia Meloni And Europe's Future
18.06.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Giorgia Meloni And Europe's Future Authored by Conor Gallagher via, One burning question following the European parliamentary elections that concluded on June 9: how did Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s ruling Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy – Fd’I) perform so well despite the following: A lousy economy. That’s...

Indoktrination fehlgeschlagen? Hat der „Kampf gegen rechts“ an Schulen ausgedient?
18.06.2024, 09:17 Uhr. - https: - Demo statt Unterricht! Kinder werden auf die Straße geschickt, um für die Regierung und gegen die Opposition zu demonstrieren. Die eigentliche Zielgruppe lässt sich damit aber längst nicht mehr ködern, die Aufrufe wirken zunehmend verzweifelt. Von Kai Rebmann. Der Beitrag Indoktrination fehlgeschlagen? Hat der „Kampf gegen rechts“ an Schulen...

„Putin bezahlt die Verteidigung der Ukraine“ – Fake News zum 50-Milliarden-Dollar-Ukraine-Paket der G7
18.06.2024, 09:00 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Wer in der Halbzeitpause des Fußballspiels Deutschland gegen Schottland sich die ZDF-Nachrichtensendung heute angeschaut hat dürfte nicht schlecht gestaunt haben. Heute-Sprecherin Anne Gellinek verkündete dort gleich zu Beginn als Top-Meldung, die G7 hätten sich auf einen Milliardenkredit an die Ukraine geeinigt, der „aus Zinsen...

Visualizing The Steps Of The Hajj Pilgrimage
18.06.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Visualizing The Steps Of The Hajj Pilgrimage Sunday marked the celebration Eid al-Adha, a festival of sacrifice, which falls on the 10th day of the final month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul-Hijjah. Eid al-Adha is a three day long celebration, and requires the sacrificing of an animal, commemorating Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son. The sacrificial...

The US' Security Pact With Ukraine Is A Consolation For Not Approving Its NATO Membership
18.06.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The US' Security Pact With Ukraine Is A Consolation For Not Approving Its NATO Membership Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Zelensky celebrated his country’s new security pact with the US on Thursday as “bring[ing] our relations to the level of a true alliance”, but the reality is that it’s just a consolation for the US not approving...

Das US-Handelsministerium hat bereits einen Plan zur Digitalisierung der Identitäten aller Amerikaner
18.06.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Leo Hohmann Im Geheimen wurden bereits “Richtlinien” für ein zunächst “freiwilliges” digitales ID-Programm verabschiedet, aber nur die leichtgläubigsten Amerikaner würden glauben, dass es sich dabei um etwas anderes als eine vorübergehende Lösung handelt. Die Globalisten streben die Einführung einer nationalen digitalen...

Kansas verklagt Pfizer wegen Verheimlichung der Risiken von Covid-Injektionen
18.06.2024, 07:35 Uhr. - https: - Peter Imanuelsen Der Generalstaatsanwalt von Kansas, Kris Kobach, verklagt Pfizer wegen irreführender Angaben und Verheimlichung von Risiken. Wichtige Neuigkeiten gibt es aus Kansas. Der Generalstaatsanwalt klagt nun Pfizer wegen Irreführung über die Covid®-Spritze und wegen Verschweigen der Risiken bei der Einnahme an. Endlich kommt die Wahrheit...

GEW und Corona
18.06.2024, 06:25 Uhr. ZG Blog - - Am 22. Mai 2024 schrieb ich der GEW-Berlin eine E‑Mail: »Liebe GEW-Berlin, mein Name ist Markus Vollack, ich arbeite als pädagogische Fachkraft an einer Berliner Grundschule. In der Corona-Zeit war ich, aus Gründen des Kindeswohls, ein Kritiker von Isolierungsmaßnahmen, Masken … Weiterlesen →...

The Trade Wars: How Trump's And Biden's Policies Match Up
18.06.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Trade Wars: How Trump's And Biden's Policies Match Up Authored by Jonathan Draeger via RealClearPolitics, One of the defining features of former President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was his – at least at the time – unorthodox opinions on trade. With the notable exception of Bernie Sanders, the other candidates parroted the longstanding...

Study Funded By Anti-Gun Group Accidentally Proves Pro-Gun Men Are Secure In Their Penis Size
18.06.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Study Funded By Anti-Gun Group Accidentally Proves Pro-Gun Men Are Secure In Their Penis Size Another far-left social fallacy bites the dust, this time because of their own data.  A long running theme of anti-gun rhetoric has been the claim that men who own guns are compensating for hidden insecurities.  A tactic common among women in particular,...

Live Fire Incident: Casualties Reported After North Korean Soldiers Cross Military Demarcation Line
18.06.2024, 05:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Live Fire Incident: Casualties Reported After North Korean Soldiers Cross Military Demarcation Line Something big is happening on the heavily militarized Korean border, following several days of soaring tensions which has included North Korea flying hundreds of trash and feces-filled balloons into the south. There are several reports of dozens of North...

Hot On The Campaign Fail: Secret Service Agent Robbed, WH Spox Mocked After Biden Propped
18.06.2024, 04:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hot On The Campaign Fail: Secret Service Agent Robbed, WH Spox Mocked After Biden Propped This weekend wasn't great for the Biden campaign - after a viral video showed the president 'freezing' on stage during a star-studded 'weekend at Biden's' event in LA, and a Secret Service agent getting robbed at gunpoint that same night. Oh, and then Biden had...

Israel's Arms Exports Hit Record Sales Amid Gaza War
18.06.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel's Arms Exports Hit Record Sales Amid Gaza War Via Middle East Eye Israel's defense ministry said in a statement on Monday that its arms exports for 2023 hit a record in sales, as Israel's war in Gaza enters its ninth month and as the country's military continues to be supplied with hundreds of millions of dollars in American weapons. The report...

Retail Sales To Beat Estimates According To Latest Card Spending Data
18.06.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Retail Sales To Beat Estimates According To Latest Card Spending Data Last month was the first time in about a year, when the Bank of America retail sales forecast - one derived from real-time debit and credit card spending and which is usually spot on and unerringly correct - was wrong, predicting a small beat when in fact the final number was a big...

NYT Documents: Putin Was Willing To Compromise To End War In 2022
18.06.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NYT Documents: Putin Was Willing To Compromise To End War In 2022 Authored by Kyle Anzalone via, In April 2022, Ukraine and Russia were on the brink of signing a deal to end the war just weeks after it began. The New York Times published documents showing President Vladimir Putin was willing to make concessions to get an agreement signed...

Israel Says It's On "Brink" Of Wider War With Hezbollah
18.06.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Says It's On "Brink" Of Wider War With Hezbollah There's been obvious escalation for several weeks at the Israel-Lebanon border, as we've been documenting. But on Sunday Israel's military issued one of the most dire alarms yet, saying it is on the brink of a full-scale war with Hezbollah. "Hezbollah's increasing aggression is bringing us to the...

How Trump Wins The Debate – And The Election
18.06.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Trump Wins The Debate – And The Election Authored by Frank Miele via RealClearPolitics, It’s the demeanor, stupid. The public already overwhelmingly supports Donald Trump on the issues. But what many of them worry about is his demeanor. In other words, does he “act presidential”? So, on June 27, when Trump joins President Joe Biden on CNN...

"Shouldn't Be Happening": Illegal Alien Gang Member Arrested In Death Of Maryland Mom Of Five
18.06.2024, 02:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Shouldn't Be Happening": Illegal Alien Gang Member Arrested In Death Of Maryland Mom Of Five Marylanders were outraged to learn this weekend that an illegal alien suspected gang member, who entered the US under President Biden's open southern borders and with the support of woke leftist politicians in Annapolis who have transformed parts of the state...

Why Modi's India Is Suddenly Getting Washington's Cold-Shoulder
18.06.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Modi's India Is Suddenly Getting Washington's Cold-Shoulder Authored by Finian Cunningham, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could be forgiven for thinking the United States has a schizoid view of his government and the world’s most populous country. Modi’s narrow re-election this month was greeted in the U.S. media with petulant satisfaction...

"Clearly Not Satisfied": McDonald's Winds Down IBM's Drive-Thru AI Chatbot Test
18.06.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Clearly Not Satisfied": McDonald's Winds Down IBM's Drive-Thru AI Chatbot Test "McDonald's essentially told operators that drive-thru AI is in its future. But it is clearly not satisfied with the one it has been testing," Jonathan Maze, editor-in-chief of Restaurant Business, wrote on X at the end of last week.  Maze penned a note in Restaurant...

The Corruption Of Merrick Garland
18.06.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Corruption Of Merrick Garland Authored by Jonathan Turley, This week, Attorney General Merrick Garland took to the pages of the Washington Post to lash out at critics who are spreading what he considers “conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself.” His column, titled “Unfounded...

Putin To Arrive In North Korea Tuesday, First Visit In 24 Years
18.06.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin To Arrive In North Korea Tuesday, First Visit In 24 Years On Monday the Kremlin has revealed details of Russian President Vladimir Putin's trip to North Korea. Last week South Korea's Yonhap news agency predicted that Putin could show up in the North Korean capital "as early as next week" as part of an expected Asian tour that will include...

No Charges In Deadly ATF Arkansas Home Raid
18.06.2024, 01:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No Charges In Deadly ATF Arkansas Home Raid Authored by Beth Brelje via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The use of deadly force was legal and justified in the March 19 early morning fatal shooting of Bryan Malinowski by federal agents in his West Little Rock, Arkansas, home, according to Pulaski County Prosecutor Will Jones, who said in a June 14 letter...

China's New Home Prices Plunge The Most Since October 2014
18.06.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China's New Home Prices Plunge The Most Since October 2014 So much for that Chinese housing "bailout", which we correctly warned would be woefully insufficient. A slew of data published early Monday local time, showed that among various other economic measures, China’s housing slump deepened in May and triggered new calls for the government to pump...

Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic
18.06.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has issued a grim prediction that the next major pandemic will be caused by the bird flu. Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers...

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