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The Anxiety Economy
21.06.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Anxiety Economy Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, We're told to stop being so darn negative even as the tsunami of inequality washes away the beach chairs of the bottom 90%. The disconnect between the happy story of the economy is growing healthily, so all is well and the insecurity and stagnation experienced by the bottom 90%...

California Legalized Drugs; Cartels Took It Over...
21.06.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - California Legalized Drugs; Cartels Took It Over... Authored by Daniel Greenfield via The Gatestone Institute, Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave Desert. Four of the men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an...

Boeing 737 Makes Emergency Landing In India After Engine Fire 
21.06.2024, 22:26 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Recently, Malaysia Airlines reported that a Boeing 737-800 was forced to conduct an emergency landing at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport in Hyderabad, India, after one of its engines caught fire shortly after takeoff on Thursday. An engine failure forced a Boeing 737-800 to make an emergency landing soon after takeoff, Malaysia Airlines revealed...

"What Does This Party Have To Run On..."
21.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "What Does This Party Have To Run On..." Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “Almost every headline and what passes as ‘news’ in the United States, is a cry for help.” - Karen Kwiatkowski Now that the gunplay and colorful flash-mobbery of Juneteenth has concluded, it’s on to next week’s big debate between the two major party...

Albert Bourla: «Desinformation könnte einen weiteren Holocaust verursachen»
21.06.2024, 21:50 Uhr. Transition News - https: - In einem Interview vom 31. Januar 2023 mit der Fuqua Business School der Duke University hat der CEO von Pfizer, Albert Bourla, Desinformation als «das Schlimmste» bezeichnet, was er während der Corona-«Pandemie» gesehen habe. Gleichzeitig verglich er unabhängige Experten, die Kritik an «der Wissenschaft» üben, mit Josef Goebbels, der Desinformationen...

Record July Fourth Travel Expected As Gas Prices Will "Remain Stable Until After Labor Day" 
21.06.2024, 21:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Record July Fourth Travel Expected As Gas Prices Will "Remain Stable Until After Labor Day"  Gasoline prices at the pump could rise next week as a record 71 million Americans start their travel before early next month's Independence Day holiday. Prices peaked at $3.67 per gallon in mid-April and have recently dipped to $3.449 due to weakening demand...

"Everything Is Frozen": Third-Day Of Cyberattack Leaves 15,000 Auto Dealerships Crippled
21.06.2024, 20:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Everything Is Frozen": Third-Day Of Cyberattack Leaves 15,000 Auto Dealerships Crippled Over 15,000 auto dealerships nationwide face major disruptions due to an ongoing cyberattack for the third day, shutting down their backend management systems. This has halted sales for some dealers and forced others to complete transactions the old-fashioned way:...

Left-Leaning Outlets Amplify Their Anti-Bitcoin Bias Following Trump's Endorsement
21.06.2024, 20:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Left-Leaning Outlets Amplify Their Anti-Bitcoin Bias Following Trump's Endorsement Authored by Fernando Nikolic via, The media is buzzing about Trump's recent endorsement of Bitcoin. Looking at Bitcoin Perception data (chart below), coverage of Bitcoin together with Trump has increased month-over-month since the start of the year...

Trump Seeks Recusal After "Allegations Surface" Over Judge In $454 Million Case
21.06.2024, 19:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Seeks Recusal After "Allegations Surface" Over Judge In $454 Million Case Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Attorneys for former President Donald Trump demanded a recusal of a New York civil fraud trial judge over allegations that he discussed the case with a third party. “Allegations have surfaced revealing this...

Russia Will 'Never' Withdraw Troops As Precondition To Negotiate: Putin
21.06.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Will 'Never' Withdraw Troops As Precondition To Negotiate: Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin while speaking at a press conference in Hanoi to close out his two-day visit to Vietnam on Thursday said that he will "never" withdraw his troops from Ukraine as a pre-condition for negotiations with the Zelensky government. "If negotiations are...

School Apologizes For Teaching Children That ISIS Is A Terrorist Group After Muslims Complain
21.06.2024, 19:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - School Apologizes For Teaching Children That ISIS Is A Terrorist Group After Muslims Complain Authored by Steve Watson via, A middle school in New Jersey has issued an apology for teaching children that the Islamic State (ISIS) is a designated terrorist organisation. Students at Schuyler Colfax Middle School in Wayne, New Jersey, were...

Die westliche Vorherrschaft über den Rest der Welt ist nun vorbei
21.06.2024, 18:40 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Die G7, eine Art Exekutivbüro des kollektiven Westens, traf sich vom 13. bis 15. Juni in Italien. Sie sollte starke Maßnahmen zugunsten der Ukraine und gegen Russland ankündigen. Aber alle Staats- und Regierungschefs befinden sich in ernsthaften Wahlschwierigkeiten, mit Ausnahme der Italienerin Giorgia Meloni. Die G7 ist nicht mehr das, was sie einmal...

US Bans Kaspersky Antivirus Software, Citing Russian Influence
21.06.2024, 18:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Bans Kaspersky Antivirus Software, Citing Russian Influence Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times, The U.S. Department of Commerce banned Russian company Kaspersky from selling its anti-virus software and other cybersecurity products in the country after determining that the firm posed an “undue or unacceptable risk to national security...

Besuch bei alten Freunden
21.06.2024, 18:20 Uhr. Home - https: - Putin in Hanoi: er möchte Vietnam für eine Mitgliedschaft in den BRICS gewinnen, was die USA mehr als nur irritiert.Sie haben den Staatsbesuch bereits verurteilt. Nach seiner Visite in Nordkorea reiste der russische Präsident Putin am 19. Juni weiter nach Hanoi, der Hauptstand Vietnams. Auch dort wurde er, wie zuvor in Pjöngjang, sehr positiv empfangen...

Besuch bei alten Freunden
21.06.2024, 18:20 Uhr. Home - https: - Putin in Hanoi: er möchte Vietnam für eine Mitgliedschaft in den BRICS gewinnen, was die USA mehr als nur irritiert.Sie haben den Staatsbesuch bereits verurteilt. Nach seiner Visite in Nordkorea reiste der russische Präsident Putin am 19. Juni weiter nach Hanoi, der Hauptstand Vietnams. Auch dort wurde er, wie zuvor in Pjöngjang, sehr positiv empfangen...

"It's All Rigged": Alvin Bragg Drops All Charges For Columbia Protesters Who Took Over Building
21.06.2024, 18:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "It's All Rigged": Alvin Bragg Drops All Charges For Columbia Protesters Who Took Over Building While Donald Trump had a white collar misdemeanor upgraded to a felony by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters who wreaked havoc at Columbia university have had their charges dropped, while 13 more will have their charges dropped...

‘Hamas Cannot Be Destroyed’ Says IDF Spokesman
21.06.2024, 17:55 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - In an interview with Israel’s Channel 13 on Wednesday, IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari stated that “Hamas cannot be destroyed” as it is an ideology, not just a military entity. “Hamas cannot be destroyed. In an interview with Israel’s Channel 13, IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari stated on Wednesday that...

Color The Dot Plot
21.06.2024, 17:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Color The Dot Plot By Philip Marey, Senior US Strategist at Rabobank Color the Dot Plot EUR/USD dropped below 1.070 this morning and GBP/USD below 1.265 as the Fed still looks relatively hawkish compared to central banks across the Atlantic. The Bank of England’s MPC maintained the policy rate at 5.25%, a decision that was ‘finely balanced’ for...

Alles in unserer Zivilisation ist darauf ausgerichtet, dass wir der Propaganda glauben.
21.06.2024, 17:35 Uhr. - https: - Caitlin Johnstone Hören Sie einen Auszug aus diesem Artikel (gelesen von Tim Foley): Es geht nicht so sehr darum, dass die Menschen der Mainstream-Propaganda glauben, weil sie dumm sind oder weil sie egoistisch sind. In erster Linie glauben die Menschen an das Weltbild der Mainstream-Propaganda, weil die Menschen faul sind. Damit meine ich nicht, dass...

"Never Would Have Happened": Trump Talks Ukraine, Nato, And Hints At "The Next AI Trade" In Explosive Interview
21.06.2024, 17:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Never Would Have Happened": Trump Talks Ukraine, Nato, And Hints At "The Next AI Trade" In Explosive Interview Just two weeks after Craft Ventures co-founder David Sacks hosted a high-profile fundraiser for former President Trump at his Silicon Valley mansion, filled with venture capitalists and tech elites, Trump made an appearance on Sacks' podcast...

The State Wants To Nationalize Second Mortgages. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
21.06.2024, 17:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The State Wants To Nationalize Second Mortgages. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Authored by Artis Shepherd via The Mises Institute, Recently, Freddie Mac, a government-sponsored enterprise, sought approval from its oversight agency, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), to purchase and guarantee second mortgages in the United States. While the business...

EU Tariffs Of Up To 38.1% On China-Made EVs Are About To Take Hold
21.06.2024, 16:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Tariffs Of Up To 38.1% On China-Made EVs Are About To Take Hold It will only be days now before tariffs of up to 38.1% go into effect on BEVs shipped from China to the EU - the culmination of a monthslong inquiry into how Chinese made EVs have impacted the European auto market.  As we noted days ago, SAIC is being hit with a 38.1% tariff and BYD...

Biden Haemorrhaging Voters In All Demographics: Women's Support At 20-Year-Low
21.06.2024, 16:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Haemorrhaging Voters In All Demographics: Women's Support At 20-Year-Low Authored by Steve Watson via, Analysis By The New York Times reveals that support for Joe Biden among women is at a 20 year low for any Democrat. The polling shows that Donald Trump has an eight-point lead over Biden among women.  The turnaround is once again...

A Fundamental Shift Higher In Valuations
21.06.2024, 15:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Fundamental Shift Higher In Valuations Authored by Lance Roberts via, Over the last decade, there has been an ongoing fundamental debate about markets and valuations. The bulls have long rationalized that low rates and increased liquidity justify overpaying for the underlying fundamentals. For the last decade, that view appears...

After Internal Revolt, Robert Winnett Will Not Join WaPo As Editor
21.06.2024, 15:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - After Internal Revolt, Robert Winnett Will Not Join WaPo As Editor On Sunday, an internal revolt over incoming Washington Post editor Robert Winnett spilled over into the public - as the paper published a scathing article about his shady past in the UK - including stories that were published based on stolen records. Robert Winnett in “The Disk,”...

Intelligente Zentren für Migranten an Universitäten, privates Beteiligungskapital und der fremdfinanzierte Aufkauf von Amerika
21.06.2024, 15:06 Uhr. - https: - Corey’s Digs Universitäten, privates Beteiligungskapital, Blackstone, Studentenwohnheime, illegale Einwanderer und „Smart Hubs“ – all das trifft in diesem Master-Buyout Amerikas aufeinander. Umsiedlung, Umwidmung und Ersetzung – so könnte man das Geschehen an den Colleges und Universitäten in den USA am besten zusammenfassen. Die Proteste...

NJ Transit, Amtrak Issues Spark Travel Nightmare During Rush Hour 
21.06.2024, 14:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NJ Transit, Amtrak Issues Spark Travel Nightmare During Rush Hour  NJ Transit riders are facing a travel nightmare this Friday morning: Rail service in and out of New York's Penn Station has been abruptly suspended due to overhead wire issues.  "Rail service is suspended into and out of Penn Station New York due to AMTRAK overhead wire issues in Penn...

Appeals Court Denies Steve Bannon's Emergency Bid To Avoid Prison
21.06.2024, 14:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Appeals Court Denies Steve Bannon's Emergency Bid To Avoid Prison Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times, A federal appeals court late on June 20 denied Steve Bannon’s emergency request to delay his prison sentence. In a split ruling, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said that Mr. Bannon’s request...

Futures Fall, Tech Rally Fades Ahead Of Record $5 Trillion OpEx
21.06.2024, 14:19 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Fall, Tech Rally Fades Ahead Of Record $5 Trillion OpEx US futures were slightly lower, with tech companies indicating declines as the AI-fueled rally showed signs of fading, even as tech funds had their largest weekly inflow on record, which Bank of America's Michael Harnett said hints at “AI capitulation.” As of 8:00am ET, S&P futures...

Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack 
21.06.2024, 13:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukrainian Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack  Brent crude futures were flat on Friday amid rising geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe, which seems counterintuitive as escalating war risks could result in supply disruptions.  In the overnight hours, four refineries in southern Russia were targeted, with one facility...

FPÖ-Kickl: „Van der Bellen darf nicht länger zum Verrat Österreichs durch ÖVP und Grüne schweigen!“
21.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Die FPÖ wertet die Zustimmung Gewesslers zum EU-Renaturierungsgesetz als Hochverrat an der Versorgungssicherheit der Österreicher mit heimischen Lebensmitteln, an der Landwirtschaft und der österreichischen Souveränität. Das muss, so Parteichef Herbert Kickl, auch den Bundespräsidenten auf den Plan rufen. "Angesichts eines derartigen Skandals...

For The First Time Since The Financial Crisis, CMBS Investors Face Europe's First AAA Loss
21.06.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - For The First Time Since The Financial Crisis, CMBS Investors Face Europe's First AAA Loss This wasn't supposed to happen... or rather this wasn't supposed to happen outside of a crisis (and certainly not with stocks at all time highs). Sure, the "impossible" did happen back back in April 2020, just as the world was about to break and the Fed was injecting...

Erzbischof Carlo Maria Viganò zur Exkommunikation nach Rom zitiert
21.06.2024, 12:36 Uhr. - https: - Erzbischof Carlo Maria Viganò, ehemaliger Apostolischer Nuntius in den USA und seit 2018 entschiedener Gegner von Papst Franziskus, wurde zur Exkommunikation in den Vatikan vorgeladen. Viganò, international bekannt für seine Enthüllungen kirchlicher Missstände, äußerte scharfe Kritik an den Maßnahmen zur Einschränkung der Freiheit während...

Bürgerskinder und Kinderbürger
21.06.2024, 12:30 Uhr. Overton Magazin - https: - Man will an das Geld des Zuschauers, traut ihm aber nicht mehr zu, dass er selbst denken kann. Auch der Film bevormundet unentwegt. Der Beitrag Bürgerskinder und Kinderbürger erschien zuerst auf ....

If The White House Has A 'Strategic Avocado Reserve', Now Might Be The Time To Dump 
21.06.2024, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - If The White House Has A 'Strategic Avocado Reserve', Now Might Be The Time To Dump  Bloomberg obtained a notice earlier this week from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) stating that some imports of Mexican avocados from the Michoacan region will be suspended after two agency workers were reportedly assaulted and detained by assailants...

MI6-Coup in Mazedonien enttarnt
21.06.2024, 11:20 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - This included running covert communications campaigns on Kiev’s behalf, promoting the destruction of workers’ rights locally. It is likely the organization was engaged in similar skullduggery in Skopje, after Garrett rode into town. VMRO’s return to government at last offers Macedonians an opportunity to halt the operations of all US and British...

Kanada: Kreuzfahrtterminal führt Gesichtsbiometrie zur ID-Verifizierung ein
21.06.2024, 11:12 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Den Passagieren wird diese Superkontrolle unter dem Vorwand verkauft, man wolle «ihre Erfahrung verbessern». Modernste Computer und KI werden eingesetzt, «um eine genaue Gesichtserkennung in Echtzeit zu erfassen und diese an sichere biometrische Abgleichdienste zu übermitteln, die eine sofortige Überprüfung der Identität der Passagiere gewährleisten»...

Die US-Regierung verbietet Kaspersky-Produkte
21.06.2024, 11:08 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - The Biden administration on Thursday announced plans to bar the sale of antivirus software made by Russia's Kaspersky Lab in the United States, with Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo saying that Russia's influence over the company poses a significant security risk.Die Regierung Biden kündigte am Donnerstag Pläne an, den Verkauf von Antivirensoftware...

Die strategischen Interessen der USA in der Ukraine und die Vergesslichkeit des Regierungssprechers
21.06.2024, 11:01 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - US-Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris hatte auf dem sogenannten „Friedensgipfel“ in der Schweiz am 15. Juni öffentlich erklärt, „Wir müssen die Wahrheit sagen. Amerika steht nicht aus Nächstenliebe an der Seite der Ukraine, sondern weil es in unserem strategischen Interesse ist.“ Die NachDenkSeiten wollten vor diesem Hintergrund...

EU To Ban Re-Export Of Russian LNG
21.06.2024, 11:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU To Ban Re-Export Of Russian LNG Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via, The European Union is set to ban the re-export of Russian LNG in the bloc’s waters in a first sanctions measure targeting Russia’s gas, EU diplomats told Reuters on Thursday. The EU has been debating the 14th sanctions package against Russia over its invasion...

Korruption? Großzügige Spenden von Big Pharma und Big Tech an Bundesgesundheitsministerium
21.06.2024, 10:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Große Unternehmen waren in der sogenannten Pandemie spendabel - und das Bundesgesundheitsministerium profitierte ganz besonders. Pharmakonzerne wie Gildead Sciences (Hersteller von Remdesivir) und AstraZeneca, aber auch Big Tech-Riesen wie Facebook und Google bedachten das Ministerium während der Corona-Jahre mit großzügigen Spenden. Das geht aus...

Head Of German Teachers Association Warns Education System Being Overwhelmed With Migrants
21.06.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Head Of German Teachers Association Warns Education System Being Overwhelmed With Migrants Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The president of the German Teachers Association has warned that the country’s education system is being overwhelmed with migrant students, many of whom are illiterate and can barely speak the language. “Due...

Wer Daten zentral sammelt, kommt darin um: «Gesundheitsdaten von 148.000 Menschen in Schottland gehackt und im Darknet veröffentlicht»
21.06.2024, 09:08 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Es muss schlimm stehen um die Gesundheits- und Behandlungsdaten der 148.000 Menschen in der schottischen Region Dumfries and Galloway. Der National Health Service (NHS – Nationaler Gesundheitsdienst) Dumfries and Galloway lässt zwischen dem 18. und 22.06.2024 Flyer (Seite 1, Seite 2) an alle Einwohner verteilen, um über die entstandenen Probleme...

Recipe For EU Disaster: Warning Signs Ignored
21.06.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Recipe For EU Disaster: Warning Signs Ignored Authored by Grzegorz Adamczyk via ReMix News, Recent European Parliament election results and reactions to them have sparked discussions about the true meaning of European autonomy, a term frequently touted by French President Emmanuel Macron that now seems to lack real substance beyond pompous declarations...

Den Einfluss des WEF bekämpfen und aus der WHO austreten: So steht es im Manifest der UK-Partei von Nigel Farage.
21.06.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Diese Woche hat Nigel Farages Reform, praktisch die zweitgrößte Partei Großbritanniens, ihr Manifest vorgestellt. Was steht darin? Die Reform will Gesetze gegen „extremistische Kräfte“ erlassen, die versuchen, unsere Lebensweise zu untergraben. Sollte die Partei an die Macht kommen, will sie sich innerhalb von 100 Tagen dem Einfluss des Weltwirtschaftsforums...

Wie (und warum) die Vogelgrippe in die Phase der “Massentests” eintreten wird
21.06.2024, 07:35 Uhr. - https: - Kit Knightly Hallo und willkommen zur neuesten Ausgabe von Vogel-Grippe-Auszug, früher bekannt als OffGuardian. Die Berichterstattung über die Vogelgrippe wird von Woche zu Woche umfangreicher, sodass es fast schwierig ist, mit der Flut an heißen Themen und erschreckenden Erkenntnissen Schritt zu halten. Aber wenn Sie es versuchen wollen, dann tun...

BRICS in der Endphase der Abkehr vom Dollar durch neues globales Zahlungssystem
21.06.2024, 07:03 Uhr. - https: - Derzeit erleben wir die größten geopolitischen Veränderungen seit 80 Jahren. Die westliche Ordnung mit USA an der Spitze gefolgt von der EU, UK, Japan bricht zusammen, der Dollar als Reservewährung wird abgelöst. Sinnbild war das Meeting der G7 in Italien mit den Verlierern der jüngsten Wahlen. Es wird nicht mehr lange dauern, bis die BRICS [...

Eigenverantwortung Reloaded
21.06.2024, 06:59 Uhr. ZG Blog - - ? Der gute Erwin kommentiert den Vortrag eines Psychologen, der analysiert haben will, warum unsere heutige Jugend so unzufrieden und unglücklich sei. Das liegt natürlich nicht an hohen Mietpreisen, schlechten Löhnen, Armutsrenten, miesen Arbeitsbedingungen, Inflation, C‑Terror, Medienlügen oder einer gezielten … Weiterlesen →...

Mission Creep: How The Police State Acclimates Us To Being Modern-Day Slaves
21.06.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mission Creep: How The Police State Acclimates Us To Being Modern-Day Slaves Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which...

Putin Says West Prepared To Scapegoat Zelensky For War Failures: 'Replaced By Next Year'
21.06.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Says West Prepared To Scapegoat Zelensky For War Failures: 'Replaced By Next Year' Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Vietnam, where he signed at least a dozen energy and trade deals with the country's President To Lam, on his tour to shore up ties in Asia in an effort to offset the West's drive to isolate Moscow. On his last day in the country...

Kurs auf "produktiven Aufschwung": Regierung von Venezuela setzt auf Brics+
21.06.2024, 05:00 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Investitionen aus den Brics-Ländern auf den Weg gebracht. Venezuela strebt baldigen Beitritt an. Brics+ zur Begleitung der Präsidentschaftswahlen eingeladen Caracas. Der venezolanische Präsident Nicolás Maduro hat bekannt gegeben, dass sich das Land Investitionen aus zahlreichen Ländern des Brics-Gruppe gesichert hat. Dies eröffne auch die Möglichkeit...

Journalist Formerly Detained In China Barred From Australian Media Event During CCP Premier's Visit
21.06.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Journalist Formerly Detained In China Barred From Australian Media Event During CCP Premier's Visit Authored by Rex Widerstrom via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Staff from the Australian prime minister’s office barred Chinese-born Australian journalist Cheng Lei from reporting on Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s meeting with Chinese Communist...

Teaser: HOPE – Andreas Sönnichsen
21.06.2024, 04:41 Uhr. - https: - Der neue Dokumentarfilm “HOPE – die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt” von Kai Stuht schließt an die Erkenntnisse aus seinem vorangegangen Film “Können 100 Ärzte lügen?” an. Denn die Geschichte ist noch nicht zu Ende erzählt. In einer Welt, in der wenige ihre Macht missbrauchen und die Menschheit immer stärker in Krieg, […]...

Lott: Biden Gun Regulations Don’t Affect Mass Shootings
21.06.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lott: Biden Gun Regulations Don’t Affect Mass Shootings Authored by John R. Lott Jr. via RealClearPolitics, President Biden is making gun control a central part of his reelection campaign. In a new ad, Biden says that Trump did “nothing” when children were “gunned down in classrooms,” innocent people “killed in church,” and others “massacred...

Watch: Filipino Soldiers Fought Off Axe-Wielding Chinese Coast Guard 'With Bare Hands'
21.06.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Filipino Soldiers Fought Off Axe-Wielding Chinese Coast Guard 'With Bare Hands' Dramatic new video shows the latest ramming incident between Chinese and Philippine vessels in a contested area of the South China Sea, and it reveals clear escalation which involved the Chinese side clearly brandishing weapons. The incident happened near the Second...

A Fiscal Crisis: The West Is On The Wrong Side Of Cost Curve
21.06.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Fiscal Crisis: The West Is On The Wrong Side Of Cost Curve Authored by Matthew van Wagenen and Arnel David via RealClearWireThe Epoch Times, An axis of aggressors has embarked on a new strategy to defeat the West: relentless attacks with inexpensive weapons, produced at scale, to provoke a global response. Western militaries, which cling to outdated...

Oakland, CA Mayor's House Raided By The FBI
21.06.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Oakland, CA Mayor's House Raided By The FBI The FBI raided the house of Oakland, California Mayor Sheng Thao Thursday morning for an unknown reason, according to the US Attorney's Office. That said, law enforcement sources told NBC Bay Area that the raid was one of four search warrants executed in Oakland as part of a larger operation involving Thao...

Escalating Red Sea Attacks Drive Up Vessel Insurance Costs
21.06.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escalating Red Sea Attacks Drive Up Vessel Insurance Costs Iran-backed Houthi rebels have been intensifying missile and drone attacks, targeting commercial vessels in the southern Red Sea, critical Bab el-Mandeb chokepoint, and the Gulf of Aden. The rebels have even threatened to extend their reach to the Mediterranean Sea. The recent sinking of the...

A New High-Rise Building Will House LA's Homeless In $600,000 Units
21.06.2024, 02:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A New High-Rise Building Will House LA's Homeless In $600,000 Units Authored by Mike Shedlock via, A grand opening of Weingart Tower will have 278 units to shelter the homeless. Hooray!? Image courtesy of ABC News, YouTube video and details below ABC News reports New high-rise building to house homeless in $600K units in downtown Los Angeles...

KitKat-Maker Warns 'Cocoaflation' Will Send Chocolate Bar Prices Higher For Consumers 
21.06.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - KitKat-Maker Warns 'Cocoaflation' Will Send Chocolate Bar Prices Higher For Consumers  Mark Davies, managing director at Nestlé Confectionery UK & Ireland, has issued a stark warning to chocolate lovers: while secured and hedged supplies of cocoa beans have kept KitKat bar prices relatively low amid the cocoa price storm, the full impact is about...

No "Blank Check": Dean Warns That Criticizing The School Or Its Leadership Is Not Protected At Harvard
21.06.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No "Blank Check": Dean Warns That Criticizing The School Or Its Leadership Is Not Protected At Harvard Authored by Jonathan Turley, In my book out this week, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage, I write about the anti-free speech movement that has swept over higher education and how administrators and faculty hold a view of free...

Major Cyber Incident Paralyzes Thousands Of US Auto Dealerships  
21.06.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Major Cyber Incident Paralyzes Thousands Of US Auto Dealerships   The company supplying software for managing sales and services to thousands of auto dealerships across the US reported yet another cyber disruption on Thursday, disrupting sales of new and used vehicles.  X user Car Dealership Guy reports that CDK Global sent an email to auto dealers...

US-Gericht würdigt Klägerstatement, wonach Covid-mRNA-Injektionen «keine ‹traditionelle› Impfung» darstellen
21.06.2024, 00:02 Uhr. Transition News - https: - «In einem Gerichtsverfahren, an dem der Health Freedom Defense Fund und andere Kläger gegen den Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) vorgegangen sind, hat das Gericht die These der Kläger anerkannt, dass die Covid-19-mRNA-Impfstoffe nicht der herkömmlichen Definition von Impfstoffen entsprechen.» Das berichtet The Gateway Pundit. Wörtlich...

Louisiana Orders Schools To Display 10 Commandments In Every Classroom, Including Colleges
21.06.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Louisiana Orders Schools To Display 10 Commandments In Every Classroom, Including Colleges In the latest shot fired in America's intensifying culture wars, Louisiana will now require public schools to display a Ten Commandments poster in every classroom, after Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed a bill into law on Wednesday. “If you want to respect...

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