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Neueste    Heute    30.04.2024    29.04.2024    28.04.2024    27.04.2024    26.04.2024    - Doppelte News  

Wie komme ich hier wieder raus? Gestrandet in Berlin
28.04.2024, 23:57 Uhr. - https: - Nichts wie weg! Aber wie? Diese Fragen haben mich zwei Tage lang bei meinem Besuch in Mogadishu an der Spree in Atem gehalten. Der Beitrag Wie komme ich hier wieder raus? Gestrandet in Berlin erschien zuerst auf

The Struggle For The Soul Of The GOP
28.04.2024, 23:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Struggle For The Soul Of The GOP Authored by Kevin Roberts via The Epoch Times, The Republican establishment doesn’t know it yet, but last weekend was a watershed moment for their party. On April 20, House Republican leadership facilitated passage of a foreign-aid package that sends roughly $60 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel and Gaza...

«So schießen sich die USA und die NATO-Staaten ins eigene Knie.»
28.04.2024, 22:58 Uhr. GlobalBridge - https: - (Red.) Am 20. April 2024 hat das US-Repräsentantenhaus einen Gesetzesentwurf verabschiedet, gemäß dem die USA der Ukraine weitere 61 Milliarden Dollar an Militärhilfe zukommen lassen dürfen. Die Maßnahme hat zwischenzeitlich auch den Senat passiert und Präsident Biden hat sie unterzeichnet. Ein zweiter, sogar wichtigerer Beschluss wurde von den...

NY Home Depot Hires Guards And Dogs To Combat Aggressive Parking Lot Migrants
28.04.2024, 22:57 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NY Home Depot Hires Guards And Dogs To Combat Aggressive Parking Lot Migrants A Home Depot in New York has hired armed security guards and K-9 units to protect shoppers from aggressive migrants and thieves in the parking lots, the NY Post reports. According to City COuncilwoman Kristy Marmorato, "Everybody is well aware of the culture here at Home Depot...

NY Judge Claims '2nd Amendment Doesn't Exist In Her Courtroom' In Case Against Gunsmith
28.04.2024, 21:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NY Judge Claims '2nd Amendment Doesn't Exist In Her Courtroom' In Case Against Gunsmith Dexter Taylor, a software engineer and resident of Brooklyn, NY, took on gunsmithing as a hobby during the Covid-19 lockdowns.  He was already familiar with machining and found himself fascinated by the project, so he set out to learn the skills needed.  Taylor...

Watch: Biden Lectures Press To Get Behind His Campaign
28.04.2024, 21:12 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Biden Lectures Press To Get Behind His Campaign Authored by Steve Watson via, In an incredible moment at the annual White House correspondent’s Dinner Saturday, Joe Biden lectured reporters, telling them they need to “rise up” and get behind his campaign, insinuating that if they don’t there will no longer be a free press...

Watch: Arizona State Fraternity Students Tear Down Pro-Palestine Encampment And Boot Out Activists
28.04.2024, 20:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Arizona State Fraternity Students Tear Down Pro-Palestine Encampment And Boot Out Activists After years of leftist activists disrupting the speech of groups and individuals they disagree with and threatening people with "cancellation" for having the "wrong" opinions, it's hard to find sympathy for them when they finally get a taste of their own...

The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term
28.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Gloves Will Come Off In A Second Biden Term Authored by David Keltz via American Greatness, If you believe, correctly, that the entirety of Joe Biden’s presidency has been one unmitigated disaster after another - not only for the American citizenry, but for the United States’ standing on the world stage and for our allies around the globe who...

Man Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Killing Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison
28.04.2024, 18:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Man Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Killing Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison Authored by Joseph M. Hanneman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), John Earle Sullivan, the onetime racial-justice activist and provocateur who filmed the deadly shooting of Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced to six years in federal prison by a judge in...

Elon Musk Makes Surprise Beijing Visit As Tesla Seeks Full Self-Driving Rollout 
28.04.2024, 18:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Elon Musk Makes Surprise Beijing Visit As Tesla Seeks Full Self-Driving Rollout  Elon Musk arrived in Beijing on Sunday and met with Premier Li Qiang, one week after postponing a trip to India. A source familiar with the visit told Reuters that Musk was expected to discuss the rollout of Full Self-Driving software and permission to transfer...

Neues von der Ostflanke – Litauen bekommt Munitionsschmiede von den Deutschen
28.04.2024, 18:13 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Nachdem sich zur heroischen Freude des Verteidigungsministers Boris Pistorius (SPD) und führender Medien das erste Vorkommando der Bundeswehr auf den Weg nach Litauen begeben hat, läuft das Kriegsertüchtigungsprojekt „Stärkung der Ostflanke“ auch im Bereich Produktion auf Hochtouren. Die litauische Regierung und Verantwortliche...

Justice Kavanaugh Warns Of Vicious Cycle Of Malicious Prosecutions That Could End Presidency
28.04.2024, 17:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Justice Kavanaugh Warns Of Vicious Cycle Of Malicious Prosecutions That Could End Presidency Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times, During Thursday’s deliberations at the U.S. Supreme Court on former President Donald Trump’s immunity claim, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh warned that a decision in the case has future implications for...

Operations-Plan Deutschland
28.04.2024, 16:47 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Ein 1.000-Seiten-Plan des Innenministeriums sieht vor: Die deutsche Zivilbevölkerung soll im (anscheinend erwarteten) Kriegsfall aktiv einbezogen werden. Zum Beispiel, wenn US-Divisionen durch Deutschland Richtung Osten ziehen. Die müssen ja verpflegt werden. Derweil sind deutsche SoldatInnen schon an der Front.Den Artikel gibt's hier....

"Wasted Protest Vote": Trump Says He'd Take Biden Over RFK Jr.
28.04.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Wasted Protest Vote": Trump Says He'd Take Biden Over RFK Jr. Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times, Former President Donald Trump criticized Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s bid for presidency in the 2024 elections, pointing out his progressive stances on climate, guns, border, and energy. “RFK Jr. is a Democrat ‘Plant,’ a Radical Left...

The Curious Case of the Freedom Flotilla
28.04.2024, 14:25 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - The departure of the spectacular “Freedom Flotilla” to Gaza carrying 5,500 tonnes of aid has been postponed (again), because the flag state of the major vessels, Guinea Bissau, has withdrawn their registration. The key question is why the organisers were proceeding with such an unreliable flag state in the first place? In the 2010 Freedom...

PM Orbán At CPAC: The 5 Methods Of Oppression Liberals Use To Silence Conservatives
28.04.2024, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - PM Orbán At CPAC: The 5 Methods Of Oppression Liberals Use To Silence Conservatives Authored by John Cody via ReMix News, In the run-up to major elections across the West, including the U.S. presidential election and the EU parliament elections in June, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán warned that conservatives face unprecedented pressure from...

Vergeltung für US-Beschlagnahmegesetz: Russland will 440 Millionen von JPMorgan konfiszieren
28.04.2024, 13:48 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Per Gesetz hat Washington die Konfiszierung von russischem Staatsvermögen bei US-Banken beschlossen. Moskau revanchiert sich mit der Beschlagnahme von 440 Millionen Dollar der US-Großbank JPMorgan in Russland. Wächst nun der Druck des Großkapitals auf die Biden-Administration? Oder schließen sich vielleicht die Europäer an und sorgen damit für...

Ukraine Withdraws Abrams Tanks From Frontlines After Russian Drone Attacks
28.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine Withdraws Abrams Tanks From Frontlines After Russian Drone Attacks Authored by Will Porter via The Libertarian Institute, The Ukrainian military has opted to withdraw its US-supplied M1 Abrams main battle tanks from the front lines due to the threat posed by Russian drones, American officials told the Associated Press. Kiev has reportedly lost...

«Das Unglaubliche ist, dass wir mit einer künstlichen, von Menschen verursachten Hungersnot konfrontiert sind.»
28.04.2024, 12:08 Uhr. GlobalBridge - https: - (TASS) In einem Sonderinterview mit TASS gab Philippe Lazzarini, Generalkommissar des UN-Hilfswerks für Palästinaflüchtlinge im Nahen Osten (UNRWA), einen Einblick in seinen Besuch in Russland, hob hervor, welche Unterstützung Moskau dem Hilfswerk gewährt hat, und sprach die Beweggründe hinter den Versuchen einiger Länder an, das UNRWA zu zerschlagen...

Daten-Skandal an Dänemarks Schulen: Chromebooks saugen Daten ab
28.04.2024, 10:41 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Google sammelt illegal Informationen über Schulkinder. Jesper Graugaard, ein Vater, wehrt sich und sorgt für einen Paukenschlag....

Infosperber: Daten-Skandal an Dänemarks Schulen: Chromebooks saugen Daten ab
28.04.2024, 10:12 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Anti-Israel-Genozid Proteste erinnern immer stärker an Anti-Vietnamkrieg Bewegung
28.04.2024, 10:02 Uhr. - https: - Der Krieg Israels gegen die Palästinenser mit Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen, haben weltweit eine vor allem von Studenten getragene Protestbewegung hervorgerufen. Wer sich noch an die Anfänge der Bewegung gegen die US-Kriegsverbrechen im Vietnamkrieg erinnert, wird klare Parallelen erkennen. Die jüngere Generation und Studenten haben weitgehend...

Rot-Grün wirkt – Wirtschaftswachstum im Keller
28.04.2024, 09:35 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Die grünsozialistische Wirtschaftspolitik der Ampel und die Sanktionen gegen Russland sorgen dafür, dass Deutschland den ökonomischen Anschluss an die anderen Wirtschaftsmächte verliert. In diesem Jahr bleibt die Bundesrepublik in Sachen Wirtschaftswachstum das Schlusslicht der G20. Indien, China und Russland hingegen zählen zu den wachstumsstärksten...

Iran's Nightmares
28.04.2024, 05:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran's Nightmares Authored by Victor Davis Hanson, Details of the recent limited Israeli retaliatory strike against Iranian anti-aircraft missile batteries at Isfahan are still sketchy. But nonetheless, we can draw some conclusions. Israel’s small volley of missiles hit their intended targets, to the point of zeroing in on the very launchers designed...

Americans Are Increasingly Negative About China
28.04.2024, 04:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Americans Are Increasingly Negative About China Data by Gallup shows that Americans' views of China have continued to worsen after 2018. The deterioration started with the U.S.-China trade war under President Donald Trump, continued during the coronavirus pandemic that originated in China and has recently taken on yet another dimension among concerns...

The Scramble For Antarctica
28.04.2024, 04:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Scramble For Antarctica Authored by Gregory Copley via The Epoch Times, The “scramble for Antarctica” is slowly gathering steam, and it is not unrelated to a new “scramble for the Americas.” The ramifications for the Indo-Pacific and, indeed, for the global strategic balance are also profound. By 2024, Antarctica had at least 82 bases from...

How The Supreme Court's Immunity Decision Could Limit The Cases Against Trump
28.04.2024, 03:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How The Supreme Court's Immunity Decision Could Limit The Cases Against Trump Authored by Sam Dorman via The Epoch Times, The Supreme Court indicated on April 25 that it would issue a narrow ruling refining the scope of presidential immunity while leaving the details of former President Donald Trump’s other legal battles up to lower courts. The most...

Bitcoin Is Built To Last: How The Network Defends Against Attacks
28.04.2024, 01:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin Is Built To Last: How The Network Defends Against Attacks Via Bitcoin Magazine, Bitcoin is one of the most robust distributed systems in the history of mankind. For fifteen years it has ticked along block by block with only two disruptions in its first few years that were very quickly handled by responsive developers the minute they manifested...

Jugend in Deutschland schaltet die Gehirn-App ein, aber soll nach rechts gerückt sein
28.04.2024, 01:10 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Wie Fakten manipuliert werden, lässt sich deutlich an der Studie Jugend in Deutschland 2024 und den Medienberichten darüber erkennenDen Artikel gibt's hier....

Chinese Nationals Charged With Conspiracy to Export US Technology
28.04.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Chinese Nationals Charged With Conspiracy to Export US Technology Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times, The Department of Justice has arrested two Chinese nationals who allegedly plotted to export U.S. technology to advance the People’s Republic of China’s military operations. Han Li, 44, and Lin Chen, 64, have been charged with several...

«Humanitäre» Bomben auf Serbien - Teil 6
28.04.2024, 00:08 Uhr. Transition News - https: - In diesen kriegerischen Zeiten ist es wichtiger denn je, die wahren Gründe vergangener Kriege zu verstehen, damit man heute weiteren Eskalationen entgegenwirken kann. Um die Erinnerung an den NATO-Angriffskrieg auf Serbien vor genau einem Vierteljahrhundert wachzuhalten, werden wir in dieser Serie elf Wochen lang einmal wöchentlich dessen Hintergründe...

Neueste    Heute    30.04.2024    29.04.2024    28.04.2024    27.04.2024    26.04.2024    - Doppelte News