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Neueste    Heute    20.04.2024    19.04.2024    18.04.2024    17.04.2024    16.04.2024    - Doppelte News  

Musk Funds National Signature Campaign In Support Of First Amendment 
18.04.2024, 23:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Musk Funds National Signature Campaign In Support Of First Amendment  Since acquiring the X platform, formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk has been on a 'free speech' crusade against leftist corporate media, dark money propping up progressive fact-checkers, taxpayer-funded non-governmental organizations working under the guise of defending free speech...

The Great Freight Recession Has Now Lasted Longer Than The COVID Bull Market
18.04.2024, 23:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Great Freight Recession Has Now Lasted Longer Than The COVID Bull Market By Greg Fuller, CEO of FreightWaves On March 31, 2022, FreightWaves declared that a freight recession was imminent. More than two years later, the freight market remains in one of its deepest and longest recessions in history. The trucking industry is asking, “How much longer...

Money-Market Fund Assets See Largest Outflows Since 'Lehman'
18.04.2024, 22:44 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Money-Market Fund Assets See Largest Outflows Since 'Lehman' Total money-market fund assets plunged by $112BN in the last week as Tax-Day demands took the total assets below $6 Trillion for the first time sine January (to $5.97 Trillion)... Source: Bloomberg Corporate taxes collected from April 11 through April 17 totaled $100.7 billion, Treasury data...

2nd Trump Juror Dismissed After Concerns Over Arrest Record
18.04.2024, 22:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 2nd Trump Juror Dismissed After Concerns Over Arrest Record Authored by Chase Smith via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A second juror who was seated on the jury for former President Donald Trump in the Manhattan ‘Hush-Money’ Trial earlier this week was excused on Thursday, after prosecutors said that someone with the same name was arrested in...

Columbia University Gives NYPD Cops Greenlight To Arrest Anti-Israel Protesters Occupying Campus 
18.04.2024, 21:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Columbia University Gives NYPD Cops Greenlight To Arrest Anti-Israel Protesters Occupying Campus  Americans should wake up to fiery anti-Israel protests erupting across the nation this week, from attempting to close critical infrastructure such as bridges and airports; we must ask who exactly is funding this social unrest. And whoever is funding...

This Is The Uniparty 'Reveal': Speaker Johnson To Pass $95.3 Billion Foreign Aid Package Using Democrats
18.04.2024, 21:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - This Is The Uniparty 'Reveal': Speaker Johnson To Pass $95.3 Billion Foreign Aid Package Using Democrats House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is scrambling - both to keep his job, and to pass several bills to devote billions in US taxpayer funds to foreign entanglements that Johnson's conservative base has little-to-no appetite for. The bills would provide...

Breaking Down The 2024 Bitcoin Halving: Implications & Predictions For Bitcoin Miners
18.04.2024, 20:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Breaking Down The 2024 Bitcoin Halving: Implications & Predictions For Bitcoin Miners Authored by 'El Sultan Bitcoin' via Bitcoin Magazine, The Bitcoin halving event, a pivotal occurrence, is scheduled for April, 19 2024. This quadrennial event will reduce the block subsidy for Bitcoin miners from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC, thereby halving the reward that...

'Israel Propped Up Hamas': Fireworks Ensue During ZeroHedge Debate, Dennis Prager Says Atrocity Claims 'Libel'
18.04.2024, 20:08 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Israel Propped Up Hamas': Fireworks Ensue During ZeroHedge Debate, Dennis Prager Says Atrocity Claims 'Libel' On Wednesday night, against the backdrop of the war in Gaza expanding to Lebanon and Syria, ZeroHedge held a debate to discuss the war in the Middle East. Debating that question and more at last night’s ZeroHedge debate were talk show host...

Iran's Oil Exports Climb to the Highest Level in 6 Years
18.04.2024, 19:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran's Oil Exports Climb to the Highest Level in 6 Years By Irina Slav of Crude oil exports from Iran hit the highest level in six years during the first quarter of the year, data from Vortexa cited by the Financial Times has shown. The daily average over the period stood at 1.56 million barrels, almost all of which was sent to China...

Biden's 'Punishing' Iran Sanctions For Israel Attack End Up Being Meek Political Smokescreen
18.04.2024, 18:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden's 'Punishing' Iran Sanctions For Israel Attack End Up Being Meek Political Smokescreen President Biden has unveiled the administration's promised new sanctions on Iran targeting the country's drone, steel and automotive industries, which is 'punishment' in response to the unprecedented Saturday overnight Iranian ballistic missile and drone attack...

Plaza Accord Lite? Japan, Korea Get Green Light From Yellen For FX Intervention
18.04.2024, 17:29 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Plaza Accord Lite? Japan, Korea Get Green Light From Yellen For FX Intervention One week ago, when Japan's PM Kishida visited the White House and unwittingly sparked the latest Beltway fashion scandal, when Jeff Bezos' current wife appeared dressed as a middle-aged stripper to the dinner honoring the Japanese delegation, sparking online outrage among...

Iran Says It Could Pursue Nuclear Weapons If Israel Threatens Atomic Sites
18.04.2024, 17:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran Says It Could Pursue Nuclear Weapons If Israel Threatens Atomic Sites Iran's leadership has always strongly asserted that it is not pursuing the development of nuclear weapons, but instead has long sought a peaceful nuclear energy program. Various Ayatollahs over the decades have even declared the atomic bomb to be 'unIslamic' and against the teachings...

Watch: Biden Falsely Claims That WWII Uncle Eaten By Cannibals, Twice
18.04.2024, 16:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Biden Falsely Claims That WWII Uncle Eaten By Cannibals, Twice Joe Biden has always been a prolific liar and plagiarist, but on Wednesday he took things to another level. While attempting to disparage former President Donald Trump for 'skipping out' on a 2018 visit to a military cemetery outside Paris (when in fact the Navy made a 'bad-weather'...

Apple's Dominance On Watch: Huawei Unveils New Smartphone Lineup With Advanced Chip 
18.04.2024, 15:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Apple's Dominance On Watch: Huawei Unveils New Smartphone Lineup With Advanced Chip  China's smartphone market has stumbled into a downturn as economic woes turn consumers cautious. At the same time, consumers are ditching Apple's new iPhone 15 and have embraced domestic brands. Huawei Technologies Co. is one of those domestic brands that gained popularity...

Senate Can Stop Expansion Of Government Surveillance
18.04.2024, 14:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Senate Can Stop Expansion Of Government Surveillance Authored by Bob Goodlatte & Mark Udall via RealClear Wire, When the U.S. House passed the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), which reauthorizes the FISA Section 702 surveillance authority, it overlooked something big – an amendment that would drive the greatest expansion...

Futures Rise After 4 Straight Days Of Losses
18.04.2024, 14:17 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rise After 4 Straight Days Of Losses US equity futures are higher after four consecutive days of selling, although that is the same pattern we have seen all week as futures initially rise only to dump later in the day. As of 7:40am, S&P futures are up 0.3% while tech stocks were set to outperform, pushing the Nasdaq 0.4% higher after TSMC delivered...

Google Quickly Fires 28 Employees Who Protested Dealings With Israel
18.04.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Google Quickly Fires 28 Employees Who Protested Dealings With Israel Dozens of Google employees just learned they can't treat corporate offices like a college campus. On Wednesday, the Alphabet subsidiary rushed to fire 28 employees who were part of Tuesday sit-in protests against the company's provision of artificial intelligence and cloud services...

US Submits 'Assurances' To UK Govt Over Assange Extradition 
18.04.2024, 12:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Submits 'Assurances' To UK Govt Over Assange Extradition  Via Consortium News The United States Embassy on Tuesday filed two assurances with the British Foreign Office saying it would not seek the death penalty against imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange and would allow Assange “the ability to raise and seek to reply upon at trial...

Kann der Verfassungsschutz vielleicht Zersetzungsarbeit? Was für ne Frage? Das ist sein Hauptbetätigungsfeld neben der “Decapitation” (= Neudeutsch für Enthauptung von oppositionellen Bewegunge
18.04.2024, 12:20 Uhr. - - Kann der Verfassungsschutz vielleicht Zersetzungsarbeit? Erstellt am 18. April 2024 von kranich05 Zersetzungsarbeit ist etwas Ekliges. Die Stasi (oder „der Stasi“, wie Westler einst formulierten) soll darin Meister gewesen sein. Zumindest haben das Kronzeugen (z. B. Biermann, Birthler, Gauck und viele mehr) immer wieder bestätigt...

Der Tag an dem die Meinungsfreiheit beerdigt wurde – Das Begräbnis eines Kongresses
18.04.2024, 12:17 Uhr. - https: - Evelyn Hecht-Galinski Schon im Vorfeld des Palästina-Kongresses wurde aus allen politischen, medialen und zionistischen „Hasbara-Rohren“ scharf geschossen, um den Palästina Kongress und die ausrichtenden Organisationen zur Aufgabe zu zwingen. Als Anfang April die Berliner Sparkasse das Konto des Vereins „Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden...

WHO-Pandemievertrag: Gute Nachricht aus den Niederlanden
18.04.2024, 12:04 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Aus den Niederlanden gibt es positive Nachrichten in Bezug auf die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Absichten der WHO, den Pandemievertrag und die Änderungen der Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften (IGV) durchzudrücken. Am 16. April 2024 hat das niederländische Parlament mehrheitlich einen Antrag angenommen, der die Regierung beauftragt,...

„Ich muss meinen Puls herunterfahren“ – Hitler-Vergleich von Pistorius und erfundene Putin-Zitate
18.04.2024, 12:04 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Am 11. April hatte SPD-Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius den russischen Präsidenten mit Adolf Hitler verglichen und erklärt, Putin würde nach dem Krieg gegen die Ukraine nicht stoppen. Europa müsse sich auf einen groß angelegten russischen Angriff vorbereiten. Dies hätte der russische Präsident „auch klar gesagt...

Gold Vs. S&P 500: Which Has Grown More Over Five Years?
18.04.2024, 11:54 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gold Vs. S&P 500: Which Has Grown More Over Five Years? Gold is considered a unique asset due to its enduring value, historical significance, and application in various technologies like computers, spacecraft, and communications equipment. Commonly regarded as a “safe haven asset”, gold is something investors typically buy to protect themselves...

UN Security Council To Hold Contentious Vote On Palestinian Statehood
18.04.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UN Security Council To Hold Contentious Vote On Palestinian Statehood Friday will witness another Gaza-related showdown in a very divided United Nations Security Council, as council member Algeria has prepared a draft resolution for the body recognize a Palestinian state. It would require nine votes and no vetoes on the part of the US, Britain, France...

4x geimpfte Jugendliche sterben mit 318% höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit als nicht geimpfte Gleichaltrige
18.04.2024, 07:40 Uhr. - https: - Analyse von Dr. Joseph Mercola Die Geschichte auf einen Blick Junge Menschen, die mehrere COVID-Impfungen erhalten hatten, starben signifikant häufiger als diejenigen, die sich nicht impfen ließen, so die Daten des britischen Office for National Statistics (ONS). Die Daten umfassen Todesfälle nach Impfstatus vom 1. April 2021 bis zum 31. Mai 2023...

Selected Articles: Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic
18.04.2024, 06:06 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War on Energy, Strategic Waterways By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 17, 2024 Israel and the Zionist lobby in the U.S. are NOT exerting undue influence AGAINST U.S. foreign policy … The post Selected Articles: Expanding Middle East War. Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran, The War...

Tucker Carlson: Congress Is Lying To You About FISA
18.04.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Tucker Carlson: Congress Is Lying To You About FISA Authored by Tucker Carlson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours) The U.S. House is expected to vote Friday on a two-year extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, commonly known as FISA. This transcript has been edited for length and reprinted with permission from Tucker Carlson. A few...

Excused Juror Reveals Selection Process For Trump’s 'Hush-Money' Trial: 'All Have Prior Opinions'
18.04.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Excused Juror Reveals Selection Process For Trump’s 'Hush-Money' Trial: 'All Have Prior Opinions' Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A juror who was excused from serving on the Manhattan trial of former President Donald Trump provided details about the questions potential jurors were asked. Kara McGee an excused juror,...

Iran Navy Escorting Iranian Commercial Ships To Red Sea To Prevent Reprisal
18.04.2024, 02:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran Navy Escorting Iranian Commercial Ships To Red Sea To Prevent Reprisal Iran has newly declared that its military will begin a mission to escort Iranian commercial ships to the Red Sea, protecting them from any potential hostile attacks or intercepts from the West or Israel, which comes as Washington and the European Union are readying expanded...

Los Angeles Mayor Urges 'More Fortunate' Residents To Help Fund Housing For Homeless
18.04.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Los Angeles Mayor Urges 'More Fortunate' Residents To Help Fund Housing For Homeless Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has suggested that “more fortunate” residents help fund housing for the homeless as part of a new campaign to tackle the city’s ongoing homelessness crisis. Los Angeles...

Russia Restoring Oil Refining Capacity After Ukrainian Suicide Drone Strikes
18.04.2024, 00:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Restoring Oil Refining Capacity After Ukrainian Suicide Drone Strikes With Western sanctions widely failing against Russia, as well as Ukraine's depleted air force unable to patrol its skies, Western leaders have said General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter jets would be game-changing in the war (these are the same leaders that said the...

Die USA wollen das durchziehen
18.04.2024, 00:30 Uhr. Home - https: - US-Regierung lehnt Australiens Forderung nach Einstellung des Falles Julian Assange ab und legt „Zusicherungen“ für die Auslieferung vor. Sie wollen den Journalisten unbedingt vor Gericht stellen Auch wenn US-Präsident Biden bei seinem Besuch in Japan in der vergangenen Woche auf Journalistenfragen geantwortet hatte, man denke über eine Beendigung...

«Wir wissen es nicht. Diese Erkenntnis ist eine Errungenschaft»
18.04.2024, 00:07 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der Themenblock «Medien» des Symposiums «Corona – Fakes und Fakten», das am 6. und 7. April in Bern stattfand, wurde von Prisca Würgler moderiert, der Verlegerin der Zeitschrift Die Freien. Sie ging vom Begriff «Die Vierte Gewalt» aus, die Missstände aufdecken sollte. Und sie stieg mit einer steilen These ein: «So wie Corona war, wäre es...

Neueste    Heute    20.04.2024    19.04.2024    18.04.2024    17.04.2024    16.04.2024    - Doppelte News