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Neueste    Heute    27.05.2024    26.05.2024    25.05.2024    24.05.2024    23.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

Republicans Are Winning The Voter Registration Battle In Battleground States
25.05.2024, 23:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Republicans Are Winning The Voter Registration Battle In Battleground States Authored by Austin Alonzo via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Republicans are closing the gap on voter registrations in key swing states. Political observers say it could be a sign the party will perform well in November. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock) The...

Average US Vehicle Age Hits 12.6 Years As Inflation Takes Toll
25.05.2024, 21:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Average US Vehicle Age Hits 12.6 Years As Inflation Takes Toll Cars, trucks, and SUVs across the U.S. are getting older, with the average vehicle age now at a record 12.6 years. According to S&P Global Mobility, which monitors state vehicle registration data, high prices for new cars and massive economic pressures on buyers account for the trend, ABC...

Exceptionally Strong PBoC And Chinese Private Sector Buying Continues To Boost Gold Price
25.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Exceptionally Strong PBoC And Chinese Private Sector Buying Continues To Boost Gold Price By Jan Nieuwenhuijs of Gainesville Coins Chinese private sector gold imports accounted for 543 tonnes in the first quarter, while the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) added 189 tonnes to its reserves over this time horizon. Most of the PBoC’s purchases are “unreported...

13th Oregon County Votes To Secede And Join 'Greater Idaho'
25.05.2024, 20:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 13th Oregon County Votes To Secede And Join 'Greater Idaho' The "Greater Idaho" movement notched another victory this week, as Oregon's Crook County became the 13th county to vote to secede from leftist domination and join its more like-minded neighbors to the east. About 53% of voters approved a referendum recommending that county leaders engage in...

Extreme Hurricane Season Could Trigger "Carrier Revenge"
25.05.2024, 20:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Extreme Hurricane Season Could Trigger "Carrier Revenge" By Craig Fuller, CEO of FreightWaves For the past two years, shippers have had enormous leverage in the freight market, as excess capacity has kept rates under significant pressure. Shippers, who suffered under the weight of sizable market stress during COVID have inflicted “shippers revenge”...

Inflation To The Nines
25.05.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Inflation To The Nines By Peter C. Earle of the American Institute for Economic Research Twice in the past few weeks President Joe Biden has claimed that when he took office in January 2021 inflation was “over nine percent.” First on CNN’s OutFront with Erin Burnett on May 8 and again on May 14 in a Yahoo! Finance interview, the bizarre comment...

A Fork In The Road Of The EU
25.05.2024, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Fork In The Road Of The EU Authored by David Thunder via the Brownstone Institute, In case you hadn’t noticed, we just celebrated “Europe Day” on Thursday, May 9th, marking the 74th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. This declaration, presented by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on 9th May 1950, paved the way for the formation of...

Ukraine Hits Base In Crimea With US Long-Range Missiles In Further Escalation
25.05.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine Hits Base In Crimea With US Long-Range Missiles In Further Escalation The Ukrainians aren't waiting for 'permission' from the US despite the Biden administration's official prohibition on using American-supplied weaponry to strike inside Russian territory. But perhaps Kiev's argument is that Crimea is not 'Russian territory'... "Ukraine hit...

Mediziner Haffner erstreitet Teilentschwärzung der Protokolle des Corona-Expertenrats – überlegt aber , «in die nächste Instanz zu gehen »
25.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Das Bundeskanzleramt ist vom Verwaltungsgericht Berlin dazu «verdonnert» worden, wichtige Teile der Protokolle des Corona-Expertenrats zu entschwärzen. Das meldeten Leitmedien wie die Berliner Zeitung. Diesem Expertenrat der Regierung gehörten zwischen Dezember 2021 und April 2023 unter anderen der damalige RKI-Chef Lothar Wieler und die Virologen...

Palestinians Stranded In Gaza After Paying Egypt $5,000 Each To Flee
25.05.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Palestinians Stranded In Gaza After Paying Egypt $5,000 Each To Flee Via Middle East Eye The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza has been closed indefinitely since the Israeli military seized the crossing on 7 May, a closure which has left thousands of Palestinians in limbo. Since the beginning of Israel’s war on Gaza in October, and the...

Rents Are Plunging In These Major U.S. Cities
25.05.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rents Are Plunging In These Major U.S. Cities As everybody knows, during the early phase of the pandemic, both single-family and multifamily rental prices surged, fueled by the shift to remote work and changing migration trends - not the least of which was getting the hell out of the city by any means necessary... But, as CNBC/NBC now notes, the dynamics...

Konflikt in Myanmar eskaliert weiter: Tausende Häuser in wenigen Tagen niedergebrannt
25.05.2024, 00:05 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Im Schatten der Kriege in der Ukraine und in Gaza ist in Myanmar einer der blutigsten Konflikte des 21. Jahrhunderts im Gange. Mehr als drei Jahre nach dem Militärputsch gibt es keine Anzeichen für ein Ende des Krieges. Im Gegenteil, gemäß L'Indipendente scheint er immer schlimmer zu werden. Örtlichen Quellen zufolge seien im April in der Stadt...

Neueste    Heute    27.05.2024    26.05.2024    25.05.2024    24.05.2024    23.05.2024    - Doppelte News