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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea
29.05.2024, 16:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea North Korea is literally sending sh*t ballons across the border into North Korea. Hundreds of balloons were spotted Wednesday drifting into South Korean territory, some of them with the word "excrement" written on them. This is because the balloons were loaded with feces and other...

IDF Tanks Reach Center Of Rafah As Hamas Claims 'Indiscriminate Bombing' Of Population
28.05.2024, 20:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - IDF Tanks Reach Center Of Rafah As Hamas Claims 'Indiscriminate Bombing' Of Population Israeli tanks have reached the heart of Rafah overnight amid continual heavy bombardment and shelling. Local eyewitnesses say they've reached a roundabout in the center of the city which forms a key landmark. Images and footages to emerge Tuesday have confirmed the...

Zelensky Signs $1BN Weapons Deal With Spain, Includes Patriot Missiles
28.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Zelensky Signs $1BN Weapons Deal With Spain, Includes Patriot Missiles Ukraine and Spain have inked a new military deal worth 1 billion euros ($1.08 billion), which will see the Spanish military transfer more military equipment to Kiev over the course of this year. The commitment calls for greater supplies of modern military equipment which prioritizes...

Israeli & Egyptian Troops Clash At Rafah Border, Leaving One Dead
28.05.2024, 04:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israeli & Egyptian Troops Clash At Rafah Border, Leaving One Dead In a significant escalation, an Egyptian soldier has been shot dead at the Rafah border crossing after a rare exchange of gunfire erupted between the two sides. Israel's Channel 14 described that Egyptian security forces "fired on an Israeli truck at the Rafah crossing" and that immediately...

Russia Has Launched A Mysterious Space Weapon
24.05.2024, 23:42 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Pat Ryder told the BBC that Russia has launched a mysterious space weapon, a satellite that can be used to attack other satellites. Space Wars According to the BBC, the Pentagon accused Russia of launching a satellite that might be used to strike other satellites in orbit, which has led to […] The post Russia...

«BBC» macht Klimawandel für Turbulenzvorfall auf Singapur-Flug verantwortlich
22.05.2024, 22:26 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Ein britischer Passagier ist an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben, nachdem es auf einem Singapore Airlines-Flug von London nach Singapur zu sehr starken Turbulenzen gekommen war. Mehr als 30 Menschen wurden verletzt. Laut Aussagen von Passagieren seien viele zum Zeitpunkt des gefährlichen Vorfalls nicht angeschnallt gewesen, wie verschiedene Medien berichten...

Ukrainian Special Recon Commander Confirmed That Kharkov's Border Was Undefended
21.05.2024, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukrainian Special Recon Commander Confirmed That Kharkov's Border Was Undefended Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, BBC published a report over the weekend about how “The Russians simply walked in, Ukrainian troops in Kharkiv tell BBC”, citing special reconnaissance commander Denis Yaroslavsky.  According to him, “There was no first line...

Fearing AI 'Take Over', 'Godfather Of AI' Advises UK Govt To Start UBI
20.05.2024, 15:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fearing AI 'Take Over', 'Godfather Of AI' Advises UK Govt To Start UBI Authored by Tristan Greene via, Geoffrey Hinton, a world-renowned artificial intelligence (AI) expert often referred to as the “Godfather of AI,” recently consulted with members of the United Kingdom’s government at Downing Street, where he advised lawmakers...

American & Foreigners Reportedly In Custody After Deadly Coup Attempt, Shootout In Congo 
19.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - American & Foreigners Reportedly In Custody After Deadly Coup Attempt, Shootout In Congo  Military leaders of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DR Congo) said they have put down an attempted coup in a dramatic Sunday incident which included a large shootout erupting in the capital of Kinshasa. At least three men have been reported killed, with...

Get Woke, Go Broke: New "Queer" 'Doctor Who' Suffers Worst Ratings In Series History
16.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Get Woke, Go Broke: New "Queer" 'Doctor Who' Suffers Worst Ratings In Series History Woke activists today often like to hearken back to nostalgic media from the 1960s; what they consider the golden era or genesis moment of far-left movements in British and US history.  These were the days when being a progressive was considered "counter-culture" and...

"The Russians Just Walked In": Ukraine Border Defense Funds Diverted To Fake Companies In Massive "Betrayal"
15.05.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Russians Just Walked In": Ukraine Border Defense Funds Diverted To Fake Companies In Massive "Betrayal" Authored by Thomas Stevenson via Human Events (emphasis ours), Head of the Mezha Anti-Corruption Center, Martyna Bohuslavets, has written a report in Pravda asking "Where are the fortifications?" She reports that millions of dollars that were...

Israeli Attacks Intensify Across Gaza, Rafah Civilians Have Nowhere To Go
12.05.2024, 23:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israeli Attacks Intensify Across Gaza, Rafah Civilians Have Nowhere To Go Via Middle East Eye Israeli tanks have moved into eastern Jabalia in northern Gaza following a night of intense bombardment, which has killed some 19 Palestinians and flattened residential blocks, according to health officials. Israeli fire targeted ambulances near the camp's...

Russia Launches Surprise Offensive In Kharkiv, Aims To Extend Border 10km Deep Into Ukraine
10.05.2024, 20:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Launches Surprise Offensive In Kharkiv, Aims To Extend Border 10km Deep Into Ukraine Following several more cross-border attacks from Ukraine, including direct drone hits on Russian oil facilities over the past 48 hours, Russian forces have launched a surprise ground offensive which seeks to break through front lines in the northeastern Kharkiv...

New "Guide" Teaches UK MPs To Spot "Conspiracy Theories"
10.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - New "Guide" Teaches UK MPs To Spot "Conspiracy Theories" Authored by Kit Knightly via, The British government has issued a new guidebook to all sitting MPs to help them spot “conspiracy theories”. Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt  MP, who commissioned the guide, has warned that: The proliferation of conspiracy theories across...

Jewish Businessman Gunned Down In Egypt In Suspected Terror Killing
09.05.2024, 21:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jewish Businessman Gunned Down In Egypt In Suspected Terror Killing Earlier this week, on Tuesday, a Canadian Jewish businessman was murdered in the city of Alexandria, Egypt when an unknown gunman approached his car and shot him at point-blank range. A shadowy terrorist organization has claimed responsibility as 'retaliation' for Israel's military...

Völlig verfilzt – die Medienlandschaft hinter Corona
09.05.2024, 09:20 Uhr. - https: - Die Bill-and-Melinda-Gates-Stiftung (BMGF) nahm in der Coronazeit durch ihre Spendenpolitik auch Einfluss auf die Medien. Sie wurden „unterstützt“, so wie der amerikanische Fernsehsender CNN, der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk in England, die BBC, und beispielsweise auch der Spiegel in Deutschland. 1 Im Zeitraum von 2018 bis 2021 erhielt der Spiegel...

BBC nutzt gefälschte Flughafendaten, um Ängste über “extreme Hitze” und Klimawandel zu verbreiten
08.05.2024, 07:44 Uhr. - https: - Von Chris Morrison In der vergangenen Woche wurde auf dramatische Weise deutlich, wie weit sich Teile der Mainstream-Medien in ihrem Bestreben, das Klima zu katastrophisieren und die Gesellschaft zur Akzeptanz der globalen Net-Zero-Kollektivierung zu zwingen, vom wissenschaftlichen Prozess entfernt haben. “London erlebt mehr Tage mit Temperaturen...

Die britische Armee hat Datenreichtum
07.05.2024, 07:19 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - The personal information of an unknown number of serving UK military personnel has been accessed in a significant data breach, the BBC understands.Wie die BBC erfuhr, wurde auf die persönlichen Daten einer unbekannten Zahl von britischen Militärangehörigen zugegriffen.Den Bericht gibt's hier....

Corona-Aufarbeitung: Zeugnis von Dr. Aseem Malhotra vor einem finnischen Gericht
05.05.2024, 12:19 Uhr. Home - https: - In Finnland läuft momentan ein Gerichtsverfahren aufgrund der Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch den Covid-Pass. In diesem Verfahren hat der britische Arzt Dr. Aseem Malhotra seine Sicht auf die Corona-Impfung und die Rolle der Pharmaindustrie dargestellt. Dieses Zeugnis ist insbesondere interessant, da Dr. Malhotra  nicht nur beschreibt, wie er...

Your Tax Dollars At Work: US To Buy Ukrainian-Made Weapons For Ukraine
30.04.2024, 19:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Your Tax Dollars At Work: US To Buy Ukrainian-Made Weapons For Ukraine It's not just US and Western defense contractors and arms makers that have been raking in the billions as a result of Washington's mammoth defense aid handed over to Ukraine, but Ukrainian defense companies are also enjoying the largesse at US taxpayers' expense. "A total of $1.6...

Ukraine Army Chief Admits 'Tactical' Retreat Underway
29.04.2024, 17:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine Army Chief Admits 'Tactical' Retreat Underway The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi has just issued a new dire assessment confirming widespread international reports that Ukraine forces are getting beaten back from the frontlines. He has confirmed that his outnumbered troops have fallen back to new positions...

Germany Arrests Unprecedented Six Spies In Less Than A Week
24.04.2024, 16:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany Arrests Unprecedented Six Spies In Less Than A Week German security services say they've arrested an unprecedented six suspected spies in only the past week, and four of these are believed to have been working for the government of China, while the other two are suspected Russian agents.  As we reported earlier, the latest case unveiled Tuesday...

Die “erstaunliche Geschichte”, wie drei Milliardäre die Welt in den Wahnsinn der Klimakatastrophe stürzten
24.04.2024, 09:45 Uhr. - https: - Denken Sie, dass die fortwährende Dramatisierung von Wetter- und Klimaereignissen in den Mainstream-Medien, der Politik und der Wissenschaft bloß ein zufälliges Phänomen ist? In den vergangenen Jahren haben die BBC und der Guardian wie aus einem Guss unwahrscheinliche “Kipp-Punkt”-Horrorgeschichten unter der Überschrift “Wissenschaftler...

Wie viele Milliarden Menschen würden bei Net Zero sterben?
22.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. - https: - Chris Packham von der BBC widerspricht vehement der Behauptung von Neil Olivers GB News Show, dass die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung sterben könnte, wenn Netto-Null vollständig umgesetzt würde. Er kritisiert diese Aussage und fragt, wie es möglich ist, solchen Unsinn auszustrahlen. Den Gang zur Ofcom scheint er als eine Schutzmaßnahme für den Handel...

UK Physiotherapist Leaders Announce Goal To "Eradicate" Critics Of Gender Ideology From The Profession
21.04.2024, 13:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK Physiotherapist Leaders Announce Goal To "Eradicate" Critics Of Gender Ideology From The Profession Authored by Bryndis Blackadder via Reduxx, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), which is the “professional body” and trade union which represents member physiotherapists in the UK, has launched its first “definitive position statement...

Israel Fostered The Rise Of Hamas To Preclude A Two-State Solution
21.04.2024, 05:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Fostered The Rise Of Hamas To Preclude A Two-State Solution In Wednesday's ZeroHedge debate on Israel, Iran and Palestine, Dave Smith emphasized a little-known fact about the Gaza conflict -- that Israel "cynically, intentionally funded and propped up" Hamas "so they wouldn't face external pressure to give the Palestinians their freedom."...

Erinnerung an Lockdown-Files in GB: Politisches Komplott, um Menschen zu verängstigen
20.04.2024, 11:36 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Woche für Woche tauchen mehr Daten auf, die den RKI-Files aus Deutschland gleichen. Doch schon lange vor den Veröffentlichungen in Österreich und der Schweiz wurden in Großbritannien Daten bekannt, welche die politischen Prozesse im Hintergrund der vorgetäuschten Corona-Pandemie offenlegen. Dort ging man besonders dreist vor. Nachrichten von "neuen...

Illegal UK Immigrant Who Protested With Sign Saying "Migrants Are Not Criminals" Pleads Guilty To Rape Of 15-Year-Old Girl
19.04.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Illegal UK Immigrant Who Protested With Sign Saying "Migrants Are Not Criminals" Pleads Guilty To Rape Of 15-Year-Old Girl Authored by Thomas Brooke via ReMix News, A Congolese migrant who had his deportation from the U.K. blocked by an airline’s cabin crew and previously campaigned outside a detention center with a sign that read, “Migrants are...

A Generation Lost To Climate Anxiety
17.04.2024, 03:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Generation Lost To Climate Anxiety Authored by David Zaruk via RealClear Politics, In a far-reaching new essay in The New Atlantis, the environmental researcher Ted Nordhaus makes a damning and authoritative case that while the basic science of CO2 and climate is solid, it has been abused by the activist class in service of a wildly irresponsible...

'Transgender Archeology' PhDs And Degrees In 'Magic' Being Funded With UK Taxpayer Money
16.04.2024, 09:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Transgender Archeology' PhDs And Degrees In 'Magic' Being Funded With UK Taxpayer Money Authored by Steve Watson via, A Conservative MP in the UK has called for a thorough review of government higher education funding after it was revealed that taxpayer money is being spent on ridiculous university courses, including a PhD researcher...

Ukraine At "Serious Risk" Of Losing War, Warns Top UK Ex-General
15.04.2024, 16:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine At "Serious Risk" Of Losing War, Warns Top UK Ex-General Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Ukraine is at “serious risk” of having to admit defeat to Russia this year, according to the former commander of the UK’s Joint Forces Command. General Sir Richard Barrons, the former head of Strategic Command (StratCom), issued...

UK, France, Germany Join Biden's Call For Israel's Restraint While Russia Defends Iran's Strike As 'Self-Defense'
15.04.2024, 14:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK, France, Germany Join Biden's Call For Israel's Restraint While Russia Defends Iran's Strike As 'Self-Defense' As Israel's war cabinet again meets Monday to debate how to respond to Iran's first-ever direct attack on Israel, intense international reaction continues, with leading European countries joining the Biden White House in urging restraint...

German Troops In 'Line Of Fire': First Foreign Deployment Since WW2
11.04.2024, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - German Troops In 'Line Of Fire': First Foreign Deployment Since WW2 This week Germany has begun deploying troops to the Baltic state of Lithuania, which marks the first such external deployment of its kind for Germany's military since World War II — and which is the result of Berlin adopting a firmer 'counter-Russia' posture after more than two...

"I Am Going To Lecture You On Climate Change": BBC Reporter Gets Schooled For Hypocrisy
11.04.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "I Am Going To Lecture You On Climate Change": BBC Reporter Gets Schooled For Hypocrisy Authored by Tilak K. Doshi via RealClear Politics, On March 28, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali of the South American country of Guyana became an instant hero to many as he refused to take lectures on climate change from a BBC reporter during an interview. In a two-minute...

Schottlands First Minister Yousaf: Kritiker seiner «Anti-Weiss»-Rede sind rechtsextrem
11.04.2024, 00:10 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Schottlands drakonisches neues Gesetz gegen Hasskriminalität erregt weiter Aufsehen. Der Erste Minister Humza Yousaf hat nun erklärt, dass diejenigen, die seine «Anti-Weiss»-Rede aus dem Jahr 2020 als mögliches Hassverbrechen gemeldet haben, rechtsextrem seien. Das berichtet das Magazin Modernity. In einem Interview mit der BBC wandte sich Yousaf...

Scottish First Minister Declares Anyone Who Reported His 'Anti-White' Speech To Police Is "Far Right"
10.04.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Scottish First Minister Declares Anyone Who Reported His 'Anti-White' Speech To Police Is "Far Right" Authored by Steve Watson via, The furore over Scotland’s draconian new hate crime law rumbles on, as First Minister Humza Yousaf has now stated that the only people who reported his infamous ‘anti-white’ speech as a potential hate...

"We Cannot Cope": Police Scotland Deluged With Politicized Hate-Crime Reports
09.04.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "We Cannot Cope": Police Scotland Deluged With Politicized Hate-Crime Reports Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Entirely as predicted, Police Scotland has been deluged with vexatious and politically-driven ‘hate crime’ reports, with one top official complaining “we cannot cope.” Didn’t see this one coming. Under the new legislation...

Ukraine May Have To Compromise With Russia, NATO Chief Admits
09.04.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine May Have To Compromise With Russia, NATO Chief Admits In a rare moment following more than two years of war, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has belatedly admitted the Ukraine may have to compromise with Russia at the negotiating table. He made the remarks in a fresh interview with BBC at a moment he's urging Western allies to commit...

The Rwanda Genocide Deception 30 Years Ago
06.04.2024, 09:31 Uhr. Swiss Policy Research - https: - 30 years ago today, the Rwanda genocide commenced. Western media managed to turn the main victims into the aggressors, and the true aggressor into the main victim. Read more in the SPR Rwanda analysis and watch the excellent BBC documentary Rwanda’s Untold Story. English: Rwanda 1994 → German: Ruanda 1994 → Videos: Rwanda/Africa →...

Japan To Embark On An Era Of "Mass Foreign Immigration"
06.04.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Japan To Embark On An Era Of "Mass Foreign Immigration" Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Japan appears to be transitioning from a homogenous society to embrace ‘diversity and inclusivity’ by ushering in “an era of mass foreign immigration.” It’s set to be a massive change for a country that was still up until recently 97...

Climate Alarmists Battle To Censor Film Exposing 'Climate Crisis Scam'
02.04.2024, 22:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Climate Alarmists Battle To Censor Film Exposing 'Climate Crisis Scam' Authored by Katie Spence via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), It’s been a little over a week since “Climate: The Movie,” a documentary produced by Thomas Nelson and directed by Martin Durkin, was released on Vimeo, YouTube, Rumble, and other platforms. And already, it’s garnered...

Left Livid Over Trump Ally Efforts To Eliminate Anti-White Policies
01.04.2024, 16:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Left Livid Over Trump Ally Efforts To Eliminate Anti-White Policies With Donald Trump's popularity growing among black and latino voters, it's only natural to assume that a revived effort to paint him as a racist would follow. In a Monday 'exclusive' report, Axios is absolutely beside themselves, writing "Trump allies plot anti-racism protections —...

Israel Believes Only 60-70 Out Of 134 Hostages Are Still Alive
30.03.2024, 19:36 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Believes Only 60-70 Out Of 134 Hostages Are Still Alive Israel's official count for the number of people still being held hostage in the Gaza Strip remains at 134 mostly Israeli citizens as well as some foreigners, which includes possibly deceased victims. Amid stalled truce negotiations in Qatar, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has revealed that...

The Human Tragedy In Haiti
29.03.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Human Tragedy In Haiti Authored by Callista L. Gingrich via RealClear Politics, Since late February, gang violence in Haiti has surged, overwhelming government and security forces and plunging the nation into further turmoil. The United Nations estimates that armed gangs now control 80 percent of the nation’s capital, Port-au-Prince. The recent...

McDonald's Stores Hit By Multi-Nation "Technology Outage"
16.03.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - McDonald's Stores Hit By Multi-Nation "Technology Outage" A major technology outage forced McDonald's stores in Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, and the United Kingdom to either shutter operations or suspend online ordering on Friday, CNN reported. "Many stores across the country have temporarily suspended operations," McDonald's Japan wrote in an X post...

Boeing "Overwrote" Camera Footage Of Work On MAX Jet Door That Blew Out, Can Not Identify Employee Who Worked On It
14.03.2024, 01:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Boeing "Overwrote" Camera Footage Of Work On MAX Jet Door That Blew Out, Can Not Identify Employee Who Worked On It Just when you thought it couldn't get any more bizarre, the Boeing story did just that... As previously reported, the aerospace giant has been under regulatory scrutiny following a string of safety-related incidents since the beginning...

Childless China: Coercive Population Plan Implodes
13.03.2024, 22:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Childless China: Coercive Population Plan Implodes Authored by John Miltimore via The American Institute for Economic Research, Kenneth Emde of Minnesota, who came of age during the Swinging Sixties, recently explained why he is childless today. “I was a college student when I read [Paul] Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb,” he said in a letter published...

Princess Catherine, BBC Dad, and the New Picture Perfect
13.03.2024, 18:12 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - What the reception to two viral moments reveals about our new global culture of authenticity....

Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In A Truck From "Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound"
12.03.2024, 02:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead In A Truck From "Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound" The latest twist in what can only be described as an onslaught of horrific news surrounding Boeing - or perhaps the sequel to the Hudsucker Proxy where a mysterious cabal is trying to spark a stock panic so they can buy the company for pennies on the dollar - came this afternoon...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    - Doppelte News