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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

The Twilight of Freedom
31.05.2023, 16:25 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - Three British journalists I know personally – Johanna Ross, Vanessa Beeley and Kit Klarenberg – have each in the last two years been detained at immigration for hours on re-entering their own country, and questioned by police under anti-terrorist legislation. This is plainly an abuse of the power to detain at port of entry, because […]...

EU Parliamentarian Calls to Sanction Vanessa Beeley and All Observers of Donbass Referendums
30.09.2022, 18:13 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate This Article button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe … The post EU Parliamentarian Calls to Sanction Vanessa Beeley and All Observers...

Covid, die Ukraine und der wahre „Feind“: ein offener Brief an Vanessa Beeley
11.08.2022, 12:06 Uhr. - https: - Die Journalistin Vanessa Beeley schrieb heute auf ihrem Telegram-Kanal „Wann werden die Menschen begreifen, dass wir alle einem Feind gegenüberstehen und dass es keine Zeit für „Neutralität“ gibt? Es ist keine Zeit für eine Spaltung über die Konzepte, die der Feind geschaffen hat, um zu spalten und abzulenken. Konzentriert euch...

Covid, Ukraine & the real “enemy”: an open letter to Vanessa Beeley
09.08.2022, 22:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Catte Journalist Vanessa Beeley wrote this today on her Telegram channel “When are people going to realise we all face one enemy and that there is no time for “neutrality”? There is no time for division over the concepts created by the enemy to divide and distract. Focus on the enemy” This is my response… …...

NATO White Helmets follow al-Qaeda to Ukraine
10.03.2022, 10:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Vanessa Beeley Four-hundred and fifty extremists from Idlib, north-west Syria have arrived in Ukraine according to Al Mayadeen. Hailing from Idlib – the “largest Al Qaeda haven since 9/11”-  these fanatics from various countries have been despatched to Ukraine to fight against the Russian forces that alongside the Syrian Arab Amy signified...

From Ghweran to Al-Tanf the ISIS play is directed by the CIA
09.02.2022, 21:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Vanessa Beeley On January 20, 2022, the militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) launched a violent attack on Ghweran prison in Al-Hasakah, northeast Syria. This is the largest gathering of ISIS in the world and controlled by the Kurdish separatists, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The prison contains about 3,500 fighters and leaders of ISIS …...

AUDIO: Misrepresenting Humanity on a Grand Scale
27.12.2021, 21:32 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Vanessa Beeley sits down with researcher, economic reform activist, free speech advocate & soul singer Ian Jenkins, to discuss the worst of the impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the most vulnerable of society. Governments do not care about these marginalised communities and the measures imposed upon them do nothing to alleviate their suffering, rather...

Vanessa Beeley Debunks A BBC Hit Piece
22.10.2020, 02:34 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Vanessa Beeley Debunks A BBC Hit Piece...

Die BBC fährt nun eine Schmierenkampagne gegen jeden, der die britische Unterstützung der Terroristen in Syrien kritisiert
17.10.2020, 19:24 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Dabei wird die libanesische Aktivistin Sarah Abdallah angegriffen, was noch einleuchtet: schliesslich betreibt Abdallah die Gegenpropaganda gegen den von Grossbritannien orchestrierten Syrienkrieg und deren islamistische Terroristen, die als “moderate Rebellen” verbrämt werden.Damit hört die Propaganda der BBC jedoch noch nicht auf; denn angegriffen...

How Victims of the US’ “Maximum Pressure” Campaign Are Coping with Coronavirus
21.03.2020, 12:37 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - By Vanessa Beeley - Despite crippling sanctions, years of war, military intervention and a “maximum pressure “campaign that has only increased since the coronavirus began, victims of America’s heavy-handed foreign policy are rising to the challenge. Iran has been hit hard by the pandemic with 850 confirmed deaths to date. It’s Rial lost 80 percent...

After His Mysterious Death, the Media Scrambles to Get its Story Straight About White Helmets Founder James Le Mesurier
07.12.2019, 22:12 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - By Vanessa Beeley - Almost immediately after Le Mesurier’s alleged plunge to his death, reports began to emerge of tampering and the removal of details about the controversial “private security” operative’s career. On November 11, 2019, the British founder of the notorious White Helmets, James Le Mesurier, died in Istanbul, Turkey. The circumstances...

Die Weißhelme kommen „nach Hause“
22.07.2018, 09:07 Uhr. Linke Zeitung - https: - von Vanessa Beeley – Das Projekt „White Helmets“ ist in Syrien gescheitert. Trotz der millionenschweren Finanzierung einer großen Anzahl von NATO-Staaten und Katar hat dieses Konstrukt des Schattenstaats in Syrien das Ende seiner Fahnenstange erreicht, so scheint es zumindest. In einer Meldung von AP hieß es gestern:...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    - Doppelte News