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Neueste    Heute    23.05.2024    22.05.2024    21.05.2024    20.05.2024    19.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

Taiwan’s New President Pledges Not to Yield to China
21.05.2024, 23:22 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Lai Ching-te, inaugurated on Monday, received a relatively mild response from Beijing....

EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability
21.05.2024, 21:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability Authored by Gabriella Hoffman & Christian Palich via RealClearEnergy, Coal and natural gas plants provide 60% of the U.S.’ affordable, reliable, and baseload power. In a time of increased electricity demand, America needs to double down on harnessing these sources—not abandon...

Biden Drains Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve In Bid To Lower Gas Prices As He Trails Trump By Double Digits
21.05.2024, 20:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Drains Entire Northeast Gasoline Reserve In Bid To Lower Gas Prices As He Trails Trump By Double Digits Back in March, when reading the mammoth, 1050-page bill that was meant to avert government shutdown, but was yet another pork filled free-for-all bonanza authorizing $1.7 trillion in in discretionary spending, we stumbled upon something that...

The Wrath Of Khan... Or Why At Some Point The Lack Of Global Rule Of Law Will Matter Mightily
21.05.2024, 19:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Wrath Of Khan... Or Why At Some Point The Lack Of Global Rule Of Law Will Matter Mightily By Michael Every of Rabobank Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), has announced he is applying for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant, the first time leaders of a Western democracy...

Where's The Demand? Alibaba Slashes AI Pricing By Up To 97%, Igniting Discount War Across China
21.05.2024, 18:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where's The Demand? Alibaba Slashes AI Pricing By Up To 97%, Igniting Discount War Across China The release of OpenAI's ChatGPT in late 2022 sparked a generative artificial intelligence bubble, and now investors are watching for any signs of its bursting. Nvidia reports earnings results and guidance on Wednesday evening, as the company is arguably...

Taiwan's New President Sworn In, Calls On Chinese Regime To Stop Intimidation
21.05.2024, 17:08 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Taiwan's New President Sworn In, Calls On Chinese Regime To Stop Intimidation By Frank Fang of Epoch Times Taiwan’s new president has been sworn into office, calling on the Chinese regime to stop its military and political intimidations in a speech unlikely to deter the communist regime’s ambition to seize control of the self-ruling island. Taiwanese...

Die Macht des chinesischen Yuan
21.05.2024, 17:01 Uhr. - https: - Bei der Betrachtung des Nahen Ostens kommt man nicht umhin, die ‘soft power’ (weiche Macht) Chinas zu erwähnen, die der Yuan darstellt. China finanziert den Bau von Infrastrukturen, indem es folgende Möglichkeit anbietet: Es vergibt Kredite an den Staat, und die Bauarbeiten werden von chinesischen Unternehmen durchgeführt. Und hier entsteht ein...

Cambodia Doesn’t Owe Washington an Explanation Over China Ties
21.05.2024, 15:19 Uhr. Global Research - https: - … The post Cambodia Doesn’t Owe Washington an Explanation Over China Ties appeared first on Global Research....

Futures Flat As Investors Wait For Nvidia Earnings; Ethereum Soars
21.05.2024, 14:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Flat As Investors Wait For Nvidia Earnings; Ethereum Soars US futures are flat, reversing earlier losses, with European bourses and Asian markets all lower as the international risk-off tone carries over to the US pre-mkt, likely driven by a desire to see the NVDA print before determining near-term direction. Until then, markets are hunting...

Several States Take Steps To Block A Central Bank Digital Currency
21.05.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Several States Take Steps To Block A Central Bank Digital Currency Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals, Several states have taken action over the last two years in an effort to block the implementation of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the United States. Indiana was the first state to pass legislation relating to central bank digital...

ASML Chip Machines In Taiwan Have 'Kill Switch' In Event Of Chinese Invasion
21.05.2024, 12:57 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - ASML Chip Machines In Taiwan Have 'Kill Switch' In Event Of Chinese Invasion The US faces one of the worst geopolitical climates since the end of World War II. As the war rages on in Eastern Europe and conflict risks broadening across the Middle East, there are mounting concerns the People's Republic of China could invade Taiwan by the end of the decade...

USA finanzieren Entwicklung tödlicherer und ansteckenderer Vogelgrippestämme
21.05.2024, 07:46 Uhr. - https: - Unter dem Vorwand, Impfstoffe gegen die Vogelgrippe zu entwickeln, finanzieren US-Regierungsbehörden und private Geldgeber wie die Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Forschungen, um Vogelgrippeviren tödlicher und für Säugetiere übertragbarer zu machen. Die US-Gesundheitsbehörde hat vor Kurzem zugegeben, dass sie die “Gain-of-Function”-Forschung...

Kissingers Alptraum: Der Versuch der USA, Russland und China wirtschaftlich zu zerschlagen, bringt sie nur näher zusammen
21.05.2024, 07:40 Uhr. - https: - Von Ilya Tsukanov Wladimir Putin ist am Donnerstag zu seinem ersten Auslandsbesuch in seiner neuen Amtszeit als russischer Präsident in Peking eingetroffen. Sputnik befragte angesehene Beobachter aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, internationale Angelegenheiten und Sicherheit, um mehr über die Prozesse zu erfahren, die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Russland...

Trade Protectionism In Renewables Could "Haunt" The Industry, Chinese Solar Execs Claim
21.05.2024, 01:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trade Protectionism In Renewables Could "Haunt" The Industry, Chinese Solar Execs Claim Solar executives in China are railing the U.S. and Europe over trade protectionism, claiming that the West should instead “let the best technology win” in their respective markets. The Financial Times conducted an interview with Zhou Shijun, who leads global...

Lockheed Running Out Of Parking Space For F-35s Pentagon Refuses To Accept
21.05.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lockheed Running Out Of Parking Space For F-35s Pentagon Refuses To Accept Another day, another indication of what a spectacular, snakebit clusterf**k the F-35 program is.  The latest blotter entry comes to us from the US Government Accounting Office (GAO), via a new report pointedly titled "F-25 Joint Strike Fighter: Program Continues to Encounter...

Neueste    Heute    23.05.2024    22.05.2024    21.05.2024    20.05.2024    19.05.2024    - Doppelte News