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Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest
01.06.2024, 01:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest A State Department official has resigned in protest, saying the Biden White House lied to Congress on a critical report so American weapons could keep flowing to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for its war in Gaza.     That official is Stacy Gilbert, a 20-year State...

Kremlin: NATO Weapons To Be Hit In Any Country From Where Russia May Be Attacked
31.05.2024, 16:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kremlin: NATO Weapons To Be Hit In Any Country From Where Russia May Be Attacked Predictably, the Kremlin is fuming at widespread reports that the Biden administration has made a U-turn on its policy which previously prohibited Ukraine from attack Russian soil with US-supplied weaponry. Former Russian president and current Security Council Deputy Chairman...

These Black And Hispanic Biden Voters Plan To Vote For Trump
31.05.2024, 15:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Black And Hispanic Biden Voters Plan To Vote For Trump Authored by Beth Brelje, Lawrence Wilson, T.J. Muscaro, Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times, (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times, Cher Lynne Photography for The Epoch Times, When Wender Angeles arrived in the United States from Peru in 2006, he registered to...

Selected Articles: What Has Israel Done for Americans in the Past Week? The Big Lie and the “Backup Lies”
31.05.2024, 14:07 Uhr. Global Research - https: - What Has Israel Done for Americans in the Past Week? The Big Lie and the “Backup Lies” By Philip Giraldi, May 30, 2024 The back-up lies, regularly spouted in Congress, are that Israel is a democracy and an ally. … The post Selected Articles: What Has Israel Done for Americans in the Past Week? The Big Lie and the “Backup Lies” appeared...

Assembly Passes Measure Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students To Work At California Colleges And Universities
30.05.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Assembly Passes Measure Allowing Illegal Immigrant Students To Work At California Colleges And Universities Authored by Sophie Li via The Epoch Times, A bill that would allow students who are illegal immigrants to work at California colleges and universities passed the state Assembly on May 22. Currently, students must obtain a work permit to hold jobs...

Trump & Nixon
30.05.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump & Nixon Authored by James Rickards via, We all know about the non-stop lawfare attacks on Donald Trump. You might like Trump or hate him, but it shouldn’t matter. Every American who cares about justice and the rule of law should be concerned about them. It corrodes the system of justice that’s long been a source of national...

Judge Denies Hunter Biden's "Frivolous" Bid To Halt Delaware Gun Case
30.05.2024, 15:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Judge Denies Hunter Biden's "Frivolous" Bid To Halt Delaware Gun Case Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times, A federal judge on Wednesday denied Hunter Biden’s bid to halt the prosecution of his Delaware gun case, deeming it unconvincing and “frivolous.” U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika issued the ruling on Wednesday, rejecting Mr...

Why It's Time To Stop Taxing Gold & Silver
30.05.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why It's Time To Stop Taxing Gold & Silver By Jesse Colombo, of BullionStar You’d have to be hiding under a rock to be unaware that inflation is one of the most pressing issues of our time. After a shocking 23% increase in the cost of living since 2019, all but the wealthiest of Americans are getting squeezed and seeing their living standards plummet...

South Africa Votes in Most Competitive Election Since End of Apartheid
30.05.2024, 01:01 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The ruling African National Congress faces heavy criticism for its legacy of state corruption and failed economic reforms....

"Worried About The Whole System Going Down" - Chris Martenson Fears "The Great Taking" Is Imminent
29.05.2024, 21:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Worried About The Whole System Going Down" - Chris Martenson Fears "The Great Taking" Is Imminent Via Greg Hunter’s, Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in pathology from Duke University, is a futurist and an economic researcher.  Dr. Martenson was one of the very few scientists who called BS on the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s CV19...

Zero-Percent-Down Mortgages Return, What Can Go Wrong?
29.05.2024, 14:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Zero-Percent-Down Mortgages Return, What Can Go Wrong? Authored by Mike Shedlock via, It’s a perfect time to do something really stupid, like offering zero percent down payments on mortgages. Case-Shiller national and 10-city indexes via St. Louis Fed, OER, CPI, and Rent from the BLS Perfectly Stupid Timing Morningstar reports One of...

Is The Federal Reserve Just Winging It?
29.05.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is The Federal Reserve Just Winging It? Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals, Are the central bankers at the Federal Reserve just winging it?  It sure seems that way if you step back and take a long view of their decision-making. Fed officials project this aura of authority. You might imagine them as hyper-intelligent experts in the field of...

Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World
29.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World Authored by Christopher Roach via American Greatness, If we want our country to be safe and powerful, we should start on the firm foundations of respect for peace, human life, and other nations’ sovereignty. During Bush’s years as president, Democrats frequently criticized his foreign...

Rep McCaul Leads US Delegation To Taiwan After Major Chinese Military Drills
28.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rep McCaul Leads US Delegation To Taiwan After Major Chinese Military Drills Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Rep. Michael McCaul, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is leading a bipartisan congressional delegation in Taiwan, a trip that came after China concluded two days of major drills around the island that it launched in response...

Today Markets Switch To "T+1" Settlement: Here's All You Need To Know
28.05.2024, 22:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Today Markets Switch To "T+1" Settlement: Here's All You Need To Know In a witty turn of the phrase, Bloomberg writes today that "the US stock market is finally as fast as it was about a hundred years ago" and it's true: it's been about one century since share trades in New York settled in a single day, as they will from Tuesday under new SEC rules...

Conscription Is Coming Back To Europe
28.05.2024, 09:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Conscription Is Coming Back To Europe Authored by Dénes Albert via ReMix News, While several countries are reintroducing compulsory military service, some EU politicians would welcome a uniform reintroduction across the EU. Hungarian news portal Divány has rounded up the countries that have reintroduced conscription. Professional armies are understaffed...

Fear Trump... Or Bust?
28.05.2024, 03:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fear Trump... Or Bust? Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation...

Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group 
28.05.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group  Rashida Tlaib, a Congresswoman from Detroit and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, spoke over the weekend at the "People's Conference for Palestine," linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). This group, an Arab nationalist...

Even CNN (!) Debunks Trump 'Reich' Ad Hysteria
26.05.2024, 20:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Even CNN (!) Debunks Trump 'Reich' Ad Hysteria While CNN remains an undisputed propaganda arm of the ruling class (see: Ted Cruz's recent 'will you accept the results' purity test interview), the network committed two recent acts of journalism we felt warranted recognition in the hope they'll change their ways (don't hold your breath). First, they debunked...

House Democrats Pushing Back Against 'Divisive' Netanyahu Speech To Congress
26.05.2024, 18:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Democrats Pushing Back Against 'Divisive' Netanyahu Speech To Congress Authored by Brett Wilkins via Common Dreams, A growing number of U.S. congressional Democrats pushed back Friday against pressure to endorse House Speaker Mike Johnson's invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress—even as...

13th Oregon County Votes To Secede And Join 'Greater Idaho'
25.05.2024, 20:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 13th Oregon County Votes To Secede And Join 'Greater Idaho' The "Greater Idaho" movement notched another victory this week, as Oregon's Crook County became the 13th county to vote to secede from leftist domination and join its more like-minded neighbors to the east. About 53% of voters approved a referendum recommending that county leaders engage in...

Supreme Court Faces Historic Finish To Eventful Term
25.05.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court Faces Historic Finish To Eventful Term Authored by John Malcolm via The Epoch Times, Oral arguments are over at the Supreme Court for this term. Although the rallies and protesters have dispersed (for now, anyway), the justices remain frantically at work on the numerous opinions they have yet to hand down. With several closely watched...

Wanted By ICC, Netanyahu Set To Address US Congress
25.05.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wanted By ICC, Netanyahu Set To Address US Congress Via The Cradle Mike Johnson, Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, announced Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon address a joint meeting of the Congress.  "Tonight, I’m happy to announce... we will soon be hosting Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Capitol...

Lula's Brazil: A Cautionary Tale For Free Speech In The West
25.05.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lula's Brazil: A Cautionary Tale For Free Speech In The West Authored by Paulo Figueiredo via The Epoch Times, The notion of censoring political opponents is as old as civilization itself. Throughout history, countless governments have employed this tactic to silence dissent and maintain their grip on power. From ancient Rome to modern-day dictatorships...

House Republicans Take Aim At Biden Energy Policies, Vow To Install "Different Vision" In 2025
25.05.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Republicans Take Aim At Biden Energy Policies, Vow To Install "Different Vision" In 2025 Authored by John Haughey via The Epoch Times, The Republican-led House Oversight and Accountability Committee staged its 15th review in the last 15 months of the Biden administration’s energy policies during a two-hour May 23 hearing that Democrats say was...

House Panel Approves Measure To Rehire Troops Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine
24.05.2024, 21:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Panel Approves Measure To Rehire Troops Fired For Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine Authored by Caden Pearson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The House Armed Services Committee adopted an amendment in the annual defense policy bill on May 22 that, if cleared through Congress, would force the Pentagon to rehire U.S. troops who were fired for refusing...

Rand Paul: Fauci And NIH Emails "Sound Like The Mob Talking"
24.05.2024, 17:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rand Paul: Fauci And NIH Emails "Sound Like The Mob Talking" Authored by Steve Watson via, GOP Senator Rand Paul earlier this week charged that newly released emails dating from the pandemic exchanged between COVID era health officials working with Anthony Fauci provide evidence of an “extensive cover up.” The communications were...

Competing Forces On Rent, Where Do We Put 8 Million Illegal Immigrants?
24.05.2024, 14:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Competing Forces On Rent, Where Do We Put 8 Million Illegal Immigrants? Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Millions of immigrants keep pouring in. New residential construction has stalled and multi-family construction is in decline. Completions are rising, but is that enough housing? More Than 8M Migrants Will Soon Be Living in the US Axios...

Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition
24.05.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition Authored by Joseph Lord and Stacy Robinson via The Epoch Times, The U.S. Senate on May 23 again rejected a proposed border bill as the issue continues to dominate voters’ concerns ahead of the 2024 election. The bill was previously blocked by Republicans in February when it was rolled into a broader...

Last Hope Against Biden-Bucks - House Passes Bill Blocking The Fed From Issuing A CBDC
24.05.2024, 02:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Last Hope Against Biden-Bucks - House Passes Bill Blocking The Fed From Issuing A CBDC The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act passed the United States House of Representatives on a largely partisan vote on May 23. As CoinTelgraph's Derek Andersen reports, the bill, which must still face a vote in the Senate, amends the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to prohibit...

Blinken Working With Congress To Punish Hague-Based ICC
24.05.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blinken Working With Congress To Punish Hague-Based ICC Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday said he wanted to work with Congress on legislation to punish the International Criminal Court (ICC) for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant...

"Dangerous Racial Gerrymandering" - White House Fumes As Supreme Court Backs GOP's New South Carolina Congressional Map
24.05.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Dangerous Racial Gerrymandering" - White House Fumes As Supreme Court Backs GOP's New South Carolina Congressional Map The U.S. Supreme Court on May 23 ruled in favor of South Carolina’s redrawn congressional map, reversing a lower court decision. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) challenged the map, arguing legislators...

Garland's Ultimate Test Of Principle: Will DOJ Send The Hunter Biden Perjury Allegations To A Grand Jury?
23.05.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Garland's Ultimate Test Of Principle: Will DOJ Send The Hunter Biden Perjury Allegations To A Grand Jury? Authored by Jonathan Turley, Attorney General Merrick Garland has long maintained that he is a completely apolitical figure who only follows the law. Critics have challenged that claim on key cases, including those related to Hunter Biden. However...

143 Democrats Voted Against Bill Barring Non-Americans Voting In DC Elections
23.05.2024, 21:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 143 Democrats Voted Against Bill Barring Non-Americans Voting In DC Elections The GOP-led House passed a bill with bipartisan support on Thursday to prevent noncitizens from voting in local Washington, DC, elections. This is a further push for election integrity by Republicans at a time when radicals in the Biden administration have facilitated...

White House Makes Nine Corrections To Transcript Of Biden's NAACP Speech
23.05.2024, 20:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Makes Nine Corrections To Transcript Of Biden's NAACP Speech Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, On Monday, the White House was forced to make nine different corrections on the transcript of Joe Biden’s speech to the NAACP... As Fox News reports, Biden made multiple mistakes during his speech which reflected his increased...

Ranking Trump's Vice-Presidential Options
23.05.2024, 18:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ranking Trump's Vice-Presidential Options Authored by Sean Trende via RealClearPolitics, Playing the Veepstakes guessing game is often a losing one for analysts. Vice-presidential selection is ultimately a highly personal choice, and it is simply too difficult to venture into the mind of one individual and mimic their thought process. Perhaps more importantly...

Biden Goes All-In With War On Coal
23.05.2024, 16:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Goes All-In With War On Coal Authored by American Coal Council CEO Emily Arthun, via RealClearEnergy, The Biden administration’s war on coal came out of the shadows recently, with the release of a new series of regulations that have the clear intent of locking up millions of acres of federal land from coal mining and drilling for oil and natural...

Trump In The Bronx: Thousands Expected To Show Up For Massive Rally Tomorrow
23.05.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump In The Bronx: Thousands Expected To Show Up For Massive Rally Tomorrow With Donald Trump stuck in New York for his 'hush money' trial, which now rests in the hands of the jury (while having imploded in the court of public opinion), the former president is holding what's expected to be a massive rally on Thursday in the Bronx amid huge gains in...

US House Passes FIT21 Crypto Bill With Bipartisan Support, Biden Does Not Threaten Veto
23.05.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US House Passes FIT21 Crypto Bill With Bipartisan Support, Biden Does Not Threaten Veto A majority of US House of Representatives members voted in favor of legislation to establish regulatory clarity over digital assets, CoinTelegraph reports. In a 279 to 136 vote on May 22, House lawmakers approved H.R.4763, or the Financial Innovation and Technology...

EcoHealth Funding Suspension Is Pure Theater
23.05.2024, 02:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EcoHealth Funding Suspension Is Pure Theater Authored by Debbie Lerman via the Brownstone Institute, Peter Daszak is the President of EcoHealth Alliance, the organization most closely associated with the potential lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that may have started the Covid crisis. The US House Committee on Oversight and Accountability...

Charges Dropped Against New Jersey Gym Owner Who Defied Strict COVID Lockdown Rules
23.05.2024, 01:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Charges Dropped Against New Jersey Gym Owner Who Defied Strict COVID Lockdown Rules Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Ian Smith, co-owner of Atilis Gym in New Jersey, at a Freedom Plaza rally in Washington on Dec. 12, 2020. (The Epoch Times) The owner of a gym in New Jersey who shot to national attention after defying...

South Africa’s Uncertain Election, Explained
22.05.2024, 20:59 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The African National Congress risks losing its majority for the first time since 1994....

CIA Prevented Hunter's Hollywood Tax Sugar Daddy From Becoming Federal Witness: Whistleblower
22.05.2024, 19:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - CIA Prevented Hunter's Hollywood Tax Sugar Daddy From Becoming Federal Witness: Whistleblower A trove of new whistleblower documents provided to House GOP investigators reveal, among other things, that the CIA prevented federal investigators from pursuing Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris as a witness in their investigation of Hunter Biden. Photo: Valerie...

Russia Blasts As 'Fake News' Fresh Pentagon Charge Of Anti-Satellite Weapon In Space
22.05.2024, 17:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Blasts As 'Fake News' Fresh Pentagon Charge Of Anti-Satellite Weapon In Space At a moment nuclear tensions are soaring due to Russia launching tactical nuclear military drills in its southern district near Ukraine this week, Washington and Moscow are trading barbs over allegations of banned weapons in space. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov asserted...

Massie Taunts AIPAC After Demolishing Primary Challengers
22.05.2024, 14:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Massie Taunts AIPAC After Demolishing Primary Challengers Despite having been targeted by the most powerful, pro-Israel political organization operating in America, libertarian-minded Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie stomped his two Republican primary challengers on Tuesday -- and then used social media to mock his Israel-first detractors.  Massie...

The Audacity Of Merrick Garland: Julie Kelly
22.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Audacity Of Merrick Garland: Julie Kelly Authored by Julie Kelly via The Florida Capital Star (emphasis ours), FBI agents last week arrested a man from Maine for his involvement in the events of January 6. According to a Department of Justice press release, Lincoln Deming spent about 30 minutes inside the building after entering through an open...

Joe Biden's Problem Is In the Pews
22.05.2024, 04:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Joe Biden's Problem Is In the Pews Authored by Salena Zito & Brad Todd via RealClearPolitics, To locate Joe Biden’s electoral problem, you need only to look on Sunday morning. Polling shows the mass-attending Catholic president trails Donald Trump by 10 points among those who attend religious services a few times a year or more. The score...

Republican Iran Hawks Celebrate Raisi's Death
22.05.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Republican Iran Hawks Celebrate Raisi's Death Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Some Republicans in Congress are celebrating the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and seven others in Iran’s mountainous East Azerbaijan province. When the news first...

GOP Bill Would Give Israeli Soldiers US Job And Financial Protections
22.05.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - GOP Bill Would Give Israeli Soldiers US Job And Financial Protections Leaping headlong into 2024's frenzy of Israel-catering legislative activity, two House Republicans have introduced a bill that would extend credit and employment privileges enjoyed by US military service members to American citizens serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).  This...

Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News