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Neueste    Heute    25.06.2024    24.06.2024    - Doppelte News  

Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here?
26.06.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is The Global Inflationary Depression Already Here? Authored by Peter St. Onge and Jeffrey A. Tucker via the Brownstone Institute, There was an oblique message buried in a New York Times story on the growing crisis in commercial real estate in cities. Yes, this is exactly the kind of article that people pass over because it seems like it doesn’t have...

Would Russia Aid China In An Invasion Of Taiwan?
25.06.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Would Russia Aid China In An Invasion Of Taiwan? Authored by Audrey Oien via RealClearDefense, If China were to invade Taiwan, it is likely that Russia would provide Beijing with military, economic, or political assistance. While some experts have argued Ukraine and Taiwan are not the same situation, there are nonetheless lessons that can be drawn from...

MSM Signaling a change in the Russia-Ukraine Narrative?
23.06.2024, 18:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Two major incidents in the last week suggest we might be about to see a change in the narrative surrounding the Russian war in Ukraine. First we saw Piers Morgan interviewing economist and former US diplomat Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. Sachs is noted for his eloquent and historically literate takes on the history of NATO and …...

Common Sense And Memes Are Viruses To The New World Order
23.06.2024, 04:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Common Sense And Memes Are Viruses To The New World Order Authored by Doug “Uncola” Lynn via, The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants. – Albert Camus Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than...

LEGO Produces 'Pride' Video With Drag Queens And Furries
23.06.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - LEGO Produces 'Pride' Video With Drag Queens And Furries Authored by Steve Watson via, Children’s toy company LEGO has released a ‘Pride’ video featuring drag queens and even furries in toy form. Yes, they are furries, not just random bears taking part in a Pride parade.  Who exactly is this aimed at? Isn’t Lego for kids ?—...

Being Frank About Costco's $1.50 Hot Dog Combo
22.06.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Being Frank About Costco's $1.50 Hot Dog Combo Authored by Thomas McArdle via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Costco’s new CFO, Gary Millerchip, sent disciples of the ultra-low-priced warehouse chain into ecstasy when he told Wall Street analysts in May that the price of its legendary $1.50 quarter-pound, all-beef hot dog and soda with free refills...

TV-Moderator erhielt von Jeffrey Sachs eine 100% authentische und präzise Lektion in geopolitischer Geschichte.
21.06.2024, 17:11 Uhr. - https: - Moderastor: Sie scheinen sehr darauf bedacht zu sein, Putins Weltsicht zu akzeptieren, anstatt vielleicht die harte Realität der Barbarei zu sehen, mit der er diesen Krieg geführt hat. Piers Morgan Has Received Totally 100% Real and Accurate Lesson in Geopolitical History From Jeffrey Sachs ENJOY‼️‼️‼️ 📑You seem very reliant on accepting...

Der Krieg in der Ukraine wurde provoziert – Jeffrey Sachs
21.06.2024, 16:56 Uhr. - https: - Going Underground-Moderator Afshin Rattansi spricht mit Jeffrey Sachs, dem Präsidenten des UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, über den Ukraine-Konflikt und die Aktionen des Westens, die den Krieg provoziert haben. ‼️ Ukraine-Krieg wurde provoziert – Jeffrey Sachs Going Underground-Moderator Afshin Rattansi diskutiert mit Jeffrey...

The Price Of Everything, The Value Of Nothing
20.06.2024, 19:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Price Of Everything, The Value Of Nothing Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The inflation of the past three years has been devastating for households and businesses running on small margins. It’s all the more frustrating that during those years, we kept being told that it is transitory, softening, calming, cooling, settling down...

Jeffrey Sachs: „Die Ukraine wird zum Afghanistan Europas“
20.06.2024, 09:51 Uhr. - https: - Jeffrey Sachs: „Was die Öffentlichkeit verstehen sollte, ist, dass das Ziel Russlands seit den 1990er Jahren darin bestand, die NATO von seiner direkten Nachbarschaft, insbesondere aus der Ukraine, fernzuhalten. Das war im Grunde genommen das Ziel während der gesamten 25 Jahre des Projekts Ukraine. Als Russland am 24. Februar 2022 seine Militäroperation...

We Approach 'State' Singularity
18.06.2024, 23:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - We Approach 'State' Singularity Authored by Bruce Pardy via The Brownstone Institute, Many citizens of the West believe that they live in free societies, or something close... But as time goes on, public authorities increasingly insist on having a say in everything... People cannot build things on their own land without permits. They cannot run businesses...

"Shouldn't Be Happening": Illegal Alien Gang Member Arrested In Death Of Maryland Mom Of Five
18.06.2024, 02:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Shouldn't Be Happening": Illegal Alien Gang Member Arrested In Death Of Maryland Mom Of Five Marylanders were outraged to learn this weekend that an illegal alien suspected gang member, who entered the US under President Biden's open southern borders and with the support of woke leftist politicians in Annapolis who have transformed parts of the state...

Wie hat eine kleine Gruppe das geschafft?
14.06.2024, 17:21 Uhr. - https: - Von Jeffrey A. Tucker Letzte Woche erschien eine sehr interessante Studie von zwei Forschern, die sich mit der Reaktion der Pandemiepolitik auf der ganzen Welt befassen. Es handelt sich um Dr. Eran Bendavid und Chirag Patel von Stanford bzw. Harvard. Ihr Ziel war klar umrissen. Sie wollten die Auswirkungen der Regierungspolitik auf das Virus untersuchen...

Das letzte Wort zur “Laborleck”-Theorie: Unlogisch, unwesentlich und gefährlich
14.06.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Kit Knightly Die “Laborleck”-Theorie ist wieder in den Schlagzeilen. Sie hat sich im Wesentlichen als Mainstream-Position herausgestellt. Wie wir es immer vorausgesagt haben. Vor zwei Wochen veröffentlichte die New York Times einen langen Meinungsartikel, in dem sie die Theorie unterstützte. Vergangene Woche sprach sich der Ökonom Jeffrey...

The Inflation Pain Persists
13.06.2024, 20:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Inflation Pain Persists Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The newest inflation data is out, with a familiar spin. Once again, we are told that it is easing, cooling, settling down, and generally less worrisome. So just relax. Once again, the reality is different from the spin. So much common language in economics is metaphorical and...

Kevin Spacey’s Shocking Confession: Flying With Epstein And Young Girls Explained In Candid Interview
13.06.2024, 15:35 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - In a candid interview on “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Kevin Spacey discussed his trip with Jeffrey Epstein to Africa in 2002, highlighting their humanitarian mission and encountering “young girls.” For the first time, Kevin Spacey is describing his reasons for traveling abroad with Jeffrey Epstein and certain “young girls...

Alandra wuchs in einer mächtigen satanischen Sekte auf: Hier spricht er über seine schrecklichen Erlebnisse
13.06.2024, 07:35 Uhr. - https: - Alandra Markman wuchs in einer internationalen satanischen Sekte auf und wurde als Kind rituell missbraucht und gefoltert. Im Gespräch mit seiner Leidensgenossin Anneke Lucas erzählt er, wie er den Pädophilen Jeffrey Epstein kennenlernte und wie sich Epsteins Netzwerk teilweise mit satanischen Todeskulten überschnitt. Alandras Aussage zeigt, dass...

OffG’s last word on the “lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous
12.06.2024, 18:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - The “lab leak” theory is in the news again. It is essentially a mainstream position now. Two weeks ago the New York Times ran a long opinion piece endorsing it (we covered it This Week), last week ecnomist Jeffrey Sachs endorsed it in his 2-hour interview with Tucker Carlson, and yesterday RFK jr endorsed it …...

Are The Jobs Drying Up?
12.06.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Are The Jobs Drying Up? Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Part of the difficulty in reading economic statistics to discern where we are in the cycle is the huge crater of 2020. A full shutdown like this had never happened before. All data just went nuts, seesawing one way down and then the other way up. Everyone is looking...

Admission Of Failure? Democratic Cities Stop Reporting Crime Stats To FBI
12.06.2024, 01:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Admission Of Failure? Democratic Cities Stop Reporting Crime Stats To FBI The Biden administration's statisticians at the Bureau of Labor Statistics have painted a rosy economic picture for the job market. Yet, voters know damn well the economy is in a persistent inflation storm sparked by Bidenomics. That's why President Biden's reelection odds...

Bitcoin Battered, Bonds Bid, Apple Bounces Back Before Big-Risk Day
11.06.2024, 22:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin Battered, Bonds Bid, Apple Bounces Back Before Big-Risk Day Another quiet macro day, ahead of tomorrow's extravaganza of event risk with CPI and FOMC (Dots), which the vol market is well aware of... Source: Bloomberg Interestingly, rate-cut expectations for 2025 jumped significantly today but the shift in 2024 rate-cuts was relatively benign...

Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged
11.06.2024, 15:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged As regular readers already know, the legal system in Fulton County, Georgia is a complete mess. The latest fiasco involves a RICO case against one rapper named Young Thug and co-defendants, in which Mr. Thug (Jeffrey Lamar Williams) and pals have been charged with several...

Court Rules Meta Must Face Lawsuit Over Fraudulent Ads
10.06.2024, 17:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Court Rules Meta Must Face Lawsuit Over Fraudulent Ads Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Facebook parent company Meta must face a lawsuit over claims it breached its terms of service by soliciting fraudulent advertisements from Chinese companies, a federal appeals court has ruled. Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives...

It Leaked From A US-Backed Lab
09.06.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It Leaked From A US-Backed Lab Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, For The New York Times, which started this whole fiasco dating from Feb. 27, 2020, with a podcast designed to drum up disease panic, it’s been a drip, drip, drip of truthiness ever since. A fortnight ago, the paper finally decided to report on vaccine injury from shots...

Podcast: Die Woche 23 auf Infosperber
07.06.2024, 20:37 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Autofahrer werden von ihren Fahrzeugen überwacht. Jeffrey Sachs: Russlands Angriff wurde provoziert. Migros verkauft Misenso....

JEFFREY SACHS: Warum hasst der Westen Russland?
07.06.2024, 17:01 Uhr. - https: - Auszug aus dem unten eingebetteten Video. „Wissen Sie, die Menschen neigen zu Illusionen, zu Beleidigungen und Gruppendenken. Aber ich sage Ihnen: Ich habe mir das Ende der Sowjetunion im Dezember 1991 noch einmal angesehen. Unser damaliger Verteidigungsminister Dick Cheney sagte: „Okay, die wollen keinen Kommunismus mehr, vielleicht sollten wir...

Die Schließung des Internet-Gedankens
06.06.2024, 17:06 Uhr. - https: - Von Aaron Kheriaty, Debbie Lerman, Andrew Lowenthal und Jeffrey Tucker Die Definition von Online-Freiheit ist in den letzten dreißig Jahren in bedrückender Weise eingeengt worden. Sie haben sicher schon gehört, dass Ihre Suchergebnisse bei Google (mit einem Anteil von 92 Prozent am Suchmarkt) nicht Ihre Neugier und Ihre Bedürfnisse widerspiegeln...

Jeffrey Sachs: Ohne Diplomatie gibt es einen Nuklearkrieg
06.06.2024, 07:36 Uhr. - https: - Professor Jeffrey Sachs ist Präsident des UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network und Direktor des Center for Sustainable Development an der Columbia University. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Bestseller, darunter The End of Poverty und The Ages of Globalization. Hier ist er mit der wahrscheinlich klügsten und genauesten Einschätzung des Krieges in...

Dershowitz: Trump Could Fast-Track His Appeal To Supreme Court
05.06.2024, 01:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dershowitz: Trump Could Fast-Track His Appeal To Supreme Court Retired Harvard Law Professor and Jeffrey Epstein's former attorney Alan Dershowitz thinks that former President Trump has a path to expedite his conviction to the US Supreme Court before the November presidential election. Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records...

US-Präsidenten, «die mit dem nuklearen Armageddon spekulieren»
05.06.2024, 00:07 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Laut dem US-Ökonomen Jeffrey D. Sachs besteht die wichtigste Aufgabe eines US-Präsidenten darin, die Sicherheit der Nation zu gewährleisten. Im Atomzeitalter bedeute dies vor allem, ein nukleares Armageddon zu verhindern. In Common Dreams kritisiert Sachs die rücksichtslose und inkompetente Außenpolitik von Joe Biden, die uns der Vernichtung immer...

Jeffrey Sachs: “Wir sind in höchster Gefahr”!
04.06.2024, 17:35 Uhr. - https: - Jeffrey Sachs: „Die Doomsday Clock ist die Uhr der nationalen Sicherheitsexperten des Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, die täglich überwacht, wie nahe wir an Mitternacht sind – wie nahe wir einem nuklearen Armageddon sind, wie nahe wir der Zerstörung des Planeten sind. Das Bulletin beobachtet dies seit 1947 und berichtet darüber, ob wir auf...

Fentanyl Mixed With Potent Animal Sedative Is All The Rage
04.06.2024, 04:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fentanyl Mixed With Potent Animal Sedative Is All The Rage Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Various forms of fentanyl. (Courtesy of the University of Houston) Public health authorities are warning of a new fentanyl drug concoction laced with a veterinary sedative more potent than previous cocktails. According to a libertarian...

Unbecoming American: Tucker Carlson with Jeffrey Sachs
03.06.2024, 16:37 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Unbecoming American: Tucker Carlson with Jeffrey Sachs appeared...

Jeffrey Sachs Blasts US Sanctions on Russia: “Just one absolutely naive idea after another.”
02.06.2024, 12:24 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Jeffrey Sachs Blasts US Sanctions on Russia: “Just one absolutely...

«Die USA und die NATO haben Russland zum Angriff provoziert»
01.06.2024, 11:39 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Von einem «unprovozierten» Angriffskrieg zu reden, sei «falsch», sagt Professor Jeffrey Sachs von der Columbia University in N.Y....

NATO Chief Pushes Allies To Commit $44 Billion In Defense Aid To Ukraine Annually
31.05.2024, 18:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO Chief Pushes Allies To Commit $44 Billion In Defense Aid To Ukraine Annually Currently NATO defense and foreign ministers are gathered in Prague for two days of meetings as part of preparations for the major Washington Summit in July. At the meeting chaired by the alliance's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg he urged that NATO countries must...

US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon
31.05.2024, 17:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon Authored by Jeffrey D. Sachs via Common Dreams, Each of the last five presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, have brought us closer to the brink. We desperately need leaders with a knack for peace who can steer the nation, and the world, toward a more secure and less dangerous future. The overriding...

The 3 Layers Of The Technocratic State
31.05.2024, 05:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The 3 Layers Of The Technocratic State Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, There are three layers to the U.S. state that lord it over the American people and the world: deep, middle, and shallow. It’s a typology of how technocracy works in practice. Let’s talk about how it works and how the layers interact. Donald Trump popularized the...

Video: Tucker Carlson im Interview mit Jeffrey Sachs: Der Krieg zwischen der Ukraine und Russland wurde provoziert!
30.05.2024, 17:34 Uhr. - https: - Jeffrey Sachs: Die nicht erzählte Geschichte des Kalten Krieges Der Krieg zwischen der Ukraine und Russland wurde von langer Hand geplant. Professor Jeffrey Sachs ist Präsident des UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network und Direktor des Center for Sustainable Development an der Columbia University. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Bestseller, darunter...

Sachs deckt auf: NATO-Intervention in Kosovo diente militärisch-industriellem Komplex
30.05.2024, 17:18 Uhr. - https: - Wir sind das Land des ewigen Krieges’: Professor Jeffrey Sachs schockiert Tucker Carlson mit einer neuen Theorie hinter der NATO-Aggression gegen Serbien 1999. Sachs argumentiert, dass die Rettung der Waffenproduzenten für die NATO-Koalition wichtiger war als das, was Carlson als “unterdrückte muslimische Bevölkerung” bezeichnet. „Es...

Wie USA den Ukraine-Krieg provozierten: Prof. Jeffrey Sachs bei Tucker Carlson
29.05.2024, 09:26 Uhr. - https: - „Der Einmarsch Russlands in die Ukraine war unprovoziert." Das ist es, was die führenden Köpfe des politischen und medialen Establishments in Washington dem amerikanischen Volk seit Jahren erzählen. Aber das ist nicht wahr. Die außenpolitischen Initiativen der US-Regierung haben den Weg für diesen Krieg geebnet. Und nun zahlt die ganze Welt,...

Everything You Need To Know As Trump Trial Heads To Verdict
28.05.2024, 14:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Everything You Need To Know As Trump Trial Heads To Verdict As lawyers in the criminal trial of former President Donald Trump prepare to deliver their summations today, and the jury makes ready to begin deliberating as soon as the middle of the week, speculation runs high as to whether proceedings will end in an acquittal, a guilty verdict, or a hung...

Why Are They Drugging The Students?
27.05.2024, 12:41 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - A scandal involving the cooperation of pharmaceutical firms, government authorities, and the medical sector has emerged, exposing the widespread issue of drugging students with ADHD medications. This article was authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times. You can read it here. A scandal that has long existed but is not well known outside […]...

Der große Pandemie-Rückzug
27.05.2024, 07:38 Uhr. - https: - Von Tyler Durden Verfasst von Jeffrey Tucker über The Epoch Times, Das Muster ist nun klar erkennbar. Wichtige Persönlichkeiten aus dem Umfeld der Pandemiebekämpfung nehmen allmählich alle wichtigen Behauptungen über das globale Zwangsregime zurück, das das Leben zweieinhalb Jahre lang beherrschte. Und jede Erklärung deutet auf die gleiche Realität...

Why Are They Drugging The Students?
26.05.2024, 19:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Are They Drugging The Students? Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The last few years have blown wide open a scandal that has long existed but is not that well known aside from specialists. The problem is the collaboration between pharmaceutical companies, government regulators, and the medical industry. The problem...

No, Artificial Intelligence Will Not Solve All Problems
25.05.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No, Artificial Intelligence Will Not Solve All Problems Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The famed historian and epidemiologist John M. Barry just threw out a trope that has become unbearably popular today. He predicted that in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will make it possible to more perfectly enact pandemic lockdowns and...

The Doom Of The Total State
24.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Doom Of The Total State Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, We’ve been waiting for the big thoughts on the meaning of it all. Where does the crisis of our times fit into the historical trajectory? What does it all imply for how we should think about politics, culture, society, our lives, and our futures? A frustrating part of current...

Rage Against The Inflation Denialists
24.05.2024, 15:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rage Against The Inflation Denialists Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, Such strange times. We are living through the most destructive bout of inflation in 45 years, one that threatens to become worse and perhaps just as ruinous in the long run as the last one. And yet daily and for years, we’ve been told it’s not so bad and that it’s...

The Great Pandemic Walkback
23.05.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Great Pandemic Walkback Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The pattern is now clearly established. Major figures in and around the pandemic response are slowly walking back all the major claims surrounding the global compulsory regime that ruled life for two and a half years. And each statement is pointing to the same reality. The critics...

Neueste    Heute    25.06.2024    24.06.2024    - Doppelte News