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Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

A Global Censorship Prison Built By The Women Of The CIA
20.05.2024, 02:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Global Censorship Prison Built By The Women Of The CIA Authored by Elizabeth Nickson via 'Welcome to Absurdistan' substack, The polite world was fascinated last month when long-time NPR editor Uri Berliner confessed to the Stalinist suicide pact the public broadcaster, like all public broadcasters, seems to be on. Formerly it was a place of differing...

Green Irony: Massive US Lithium Source Found - In Fracking Wastewater
19.05.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Green Irony: Massive US Lithium Source Found - In Fracking Wastewater The global, government-coerced transition into "green energy" has geologists scouring the Earth for new sources of lithium -- the element that's required for batteries, like those used in electric vehicles. Now, in a cosmic practical joke on environmentalists, researchers say they've...

"Make My Day, Pal": Biden Wants June, September Debates; Trump Accepts: "I'm Ready To Go"
15.05.2024, 16:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Make My Day, Pal": Biden Wants June, September Debates; Trump Accepts: "I'm Ready To Go" President Biden on Wedensday says he won't participate in the decades-old tradition of three fall debates by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, and has proposed two televised debates in June and September - with no audience, RFK Jr. can't participate...

OpenAI 'Exploring' How To Responsibly Generate AI Porn
15.05.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - OpenAI 'Exploring' How To Responsibly Generate AI Porn OpenAI, maker of ChatGPT, has recently disclosed plans that could revolutionize its technology’s applications, signaling a potential shift in its traditionally stringent content policies. According to draft documentation released last week, the company is exploring how to 'responsibly' introduce...

House Panel Calls To Defund Federal Agencies That Stonewall Congressional Probes
06.05.2024, 23:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Panel Calls To Defund Federal Agencies That Stonewall Congressional Probes Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Republicans on the House Oversight Committee are calling for budget cuts to federal agencies that refuse to cooperate with lawmakers’ investigations, warning that failure to discipline agencies that deny oversight-related...

Boeing Faces 10 More Whistleblowers After Mysterious Deaths
06.05.2024, 18:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Boeing Faces 10 More Whistleblowers After Mysterious Deaths In the span of two months, two Boeing whistleblowers have died under mysterious circumstances. John Barnett (L), Joshua Dean The first, 62-year-old John Barnett, died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound on March 9. He was found dead in his Dodge Ram truck holding a silver pistol in...

Mainstream Media Misrepresenting Crime Statistics In Order To Protect Biden
27.04.2024, 01:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mainstream Media Misrepresenting Crime Statistics In Order To Protect Biden Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, With the November election less than 7 months away, mainstream media outlets are now choosing to misrepresent the current state of crime in the United States, claiming that crime is declining without providing full context or...

Amash Battling Trump-Endorsed Deep-State Doozie For Michigan Senate Nomination
24.04.2024, 02:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Amash Battling Trump-Endorsed Deep-State Doozie For Michigan Senate Nomination Former Rep. Justin Amash on Monday announced that his Senate campaign had submitted the requisite signatures to appear on Michigan's Aug. 6 primary ballot. The GOP field for a shot at a Democrat-vacated seat includes an archetypal Deep Stater in former Rep. Mike Rogers, who...

NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting
20.04.2024, 20:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting Authored by Charles Lipson via RealClearPolitics, “I don't want any yes-men around me,” said Sam Goldwyn, the Hollywood producer famed for his movies and malapropisms. “I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their job.” The brass at National Public Radio must have heard...

The Regime That Doesn't Care
20.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Regime That Doesn't Care Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, We’ve all come across warnings against doom scrolling. This is the practice of waking up in the morning, scouring headlines, seizing on the bad news, and dwelling on the darkness. You do this during downtimes in the day and in the evening. Your mood worsens, permanently....

"Defund NPR Act" Introduced In House Over Bias, "Radical, Left-Wing Activist" CEO
20.04.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Defund NPR Act" Introduced In House Over Bias, "Radical, Left-Wing Activist" CEO Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) has introduced the "Defund NPR Act" to pull federal funds from National Public Radio, after veteran journalist Uri Berliner - who resigned this week following a suspension for penning a scathing article which exposed the network's far-left bias, including...

New NPR CEO Gave Ted Talk Asserting "Truth" Is A "Distraction"
17.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - New NPR CEO Gave Ted Talk Asserting "Truth" Is A "Distraction" Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, New NPR CEO Katherine Maher gave a Ted Talk during which she asserted that “truth” is a “distraction” which is “getting in the way of getting things done.” Calls are growing for NPR to have its government funding withdrawn after...

A Generation Lost To Climate Anxiety
17.04.2024, 03:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Generation Lost To Climate Anxiety Authored by David Zaruk via RealClear Politics, In a far-reaching new essay in The New Atlantis, the environmental researcher Ted Nordhaus makes a damning and authoritative case that while the basic science of CO2 and climate is solid, it has been abused by the activist class in service of a wildly irresponsible...

Die NATO – das gefährlichste Militärbündnis der Welt
25.07.2022, 12:35 Uhr. - https: - Chris Hedges ist ein mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichneter Journalist, der fünfzehn Jahre lang als Auslandskorrespondent für die New York Times tätig war, wo er das Büro für den Nahen Osten und das Büro für den Balkan leitete. Zuvor arbeitete er im Ausland für The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor und NPR. Er ist […]...

Der fortschreitende Kollaps
24.06.2022, 07:31 Uhr. - https: - Von Paul Craig Roberts: Er ist ein US-amerikanischer Ökonom und Publizist. Er war stellvertretender Finanzminister während der Regierung Reagan und ist als Mitbegründer des wirtschaftspolitischen Programms der Regierung Reagans bekannt. Glenn Greenwald und Matt Taibbi sind die besten Journalisten Amerikas. Sie sind keine Talking Heads bei CNN oder...

Chris Hedges: Gesellschaft des Spektakels
17.06.2022, 12:24 Uhr. - https: - Von Christopher Lynn Hedges: Er ist ein amerikanischer Journalist, presbyterianischer Pfarrer, Autor und Kommentator. Zu Beginn seiner Karriere arbeitete Hedges als freiberuflicher Kriegsberichterstatter in Zentralamerika für The Christian Science Monitor, NPR und Dallas Morning News. PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY (Scheerpost) – Der Sonderausschuss zur Untersuchung...

Chris Hedges: Amerikas neuer Klassenkrieg
26.01.2022, 12:57 Uhr. - https: - Chris Hedges ist ein mit dem Pulitzer-Preis ausgezeichneter Journalist, der fünfzehn Jahre lang als Auslandskorrespondent für die New York Times tätig war, wo er das Büro für den Nahen Osten und das Büro für den Balkan leitete. Zuvor arbeitete er im Ausland für The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor und NPR. Er ist […]...

Secret Meeting on the Privatization of Nuclear War Held on Hiroshima Day 2003 Behind closed doors at Strategic Command Headquarters
09.08.2020, 09:58 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - What seems to have escaped the numerous media reports on Trump’s 2018 NPR is that the development of “more usable nuclear weapons” had already been put forth in George W. Bush’s 2001 Nuclear Posture Review, which was adopted by the US Senate in late 2002. In this regard, Senator Edward Kennedy had accused the Bush Administration for having developed...

Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News