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Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

Brexit-Politiker: UK muss WHO-Austritt vorbereiten
14.05.2024, 11:12 Uhr. - https: - Nigel Farage, eine der führenden Stimmen der erfolgreichen Brexit-Kampagne, verlangt, dass die UK auf einen WHO-Austritt vorbereitet.  Dass es Nigel Farage ernst meint, hat er bewiesen: Der Politiker und Journalist spielte eine wesentliche in der erfolgreichen EU-Austrittskampagne und war ein Jahr später Mitgründer der Brexit-Partei. 20 Jahre war...

Watch: Pelosi Dismantled In Real Time In Masterclass On Populism
12.05.2024, 22:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Pelosi Dismantled In Real Time In Masterclass On Populism Two weeks ago, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was thoroughly savaged during a debate at Oxford University over the question of whether populism is a "threat to democracy." In case you missed it, read on as it's making the rounds. If you have 14 minutes to spare, jump right in: Opening...

Watch: Billionaire Real Estate Investor Expects 'One Or Two' Bank Failures A Week, UK Economist Says "Entering A New Dark Age"
09.05.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Billionaire Real Estate Investor Expects 'One Or Two' Bank Failures A Week, UK Economist Says "Entering A New Dark Age" Billionaire Barry Sternlicht, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Starwood Capital Group has issued an ominous warning about America's regional banks, which he says will fail at a rate of 'one or two' per week. Speaking with CNBC on...

UK Moves Against Russian Diplomatic Personnel & Sites 'Used For Intel Purposes'
09.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK Moves Against Russian Diplomatic Personnel & Sites 'Used For Intel Purposes' The British government announced Wednesday it has expelled an official of the Russian embassy for being "an undeclared military intelligence officer." The action comes amid an apparent broader pressure and essentially a war on Russian diplomatic facilities and personnel...

Russia Warns It Can Hit UK's Military "Beyond" Ukraine Amid Nuclear Saber-Rattling
06.05.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Warns It Can Hit UK's Military "Beyond" Ukraine Amid Nuclear Saber-Rattling We reported earlier Monday that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his armed forces to conduct tactical nuclear weapons drills in order for the country to be fully 'ready' to deter threats against it. A specific date for these nuclear drills has yet to be publicized...

Will Trump Survive This?
02.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Will Trump Survive This? Authored by James Rickards via the Daily Reckoning, This is a highly consequential election year, to say the least. The policy differences between Biden and Trump are enormous. Whether it’s taxes, regulation, borders, energy or foreign policy, the differences couldn’t be clearer. And though I prefer to focus my analysis...

Migrant Child Rapist Won't Be Deported Because It Would 'Harm His Mental Health'
23.04.2024, 18:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Migrant Child Rapist Won't Be Deported Because It Would 'Harm His Mental Health' Authored by Steve Watson via, A migrant from Eritrea who is a convicted child rapist has won an appeal not to be deported from the UK after arguing that it would harm his mental health. Yes, really. The migrant has been in prison for TEN YEARS after attacking...

It's Not Rate Hikes That Are "Sparking An Economic Boom", It's The Fiscal Stimulus
18.04.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's Not Rate Hikes That Are "Sparking An Economic Boom", It's The Fiscal Stimulus By Michael Every of Rabobank The Polybius Crisis Take a step back (in time), and see that our neoliberal, debt-addled, was-lower-for-longer global system is not just in a Polycrisis but a Polybius Crisis - referring to the ancient Greek historian. Polybius Methodology:...

«Diesmal sind sie zu weit gegangen»
17.04.2024, 08:03 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Die Polizei-Blockade einer Konferenz prominenter europäischer Konservativer, darunter Victor Orbán und Nigel Farage, ausgerechnet in Brüssel, ist der erste Skandal zur Europawahl – und ein Sockenschuss.Den Bericht gibt's hier....

POLIZEISTAAT! Polizisten in Brüssel behindern europäische Konservative daran, sich zu treffen. Dazu gehören Victor Orban, Nigel Farage und mehr…
17.04.2024, 07:33 Uhr. - https: - Belgische Polizeibeamte durchsuchten den Saal, in dem am 16. April 2024 in Brüssel der erste Tag der National Conservative Conference (NatCon) stattfand. Die Konferenz, an der 500 Delegierte teilnahmen und die zwei Tage dauern sollte, sah unter anderem Reden der ehemaligen britischen Innenministerin Suella Braverman und des ungarischen Premierministers...

Farage Says Democrats Will Ditch Biden Before Convention
10.02.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Farage Says Democrats Will Ditch Biden Before Convention Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Nigel Farage says Democrats will ditch Joe Biden before the Democratic convention in July because he is clearly suffering from “senile dementia”. The controversy has exploded once again after special counsel Robert Hur concluded that Biden’s...

EU Wants All 'Gendered Language' Erased
30.01.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Wants All 'Gendered Language' Erased Authored by Steve Watson via, A European Union body has called for all ‘gendered language’ to be purged from existence, including completely innocuous sayings such as ‘Joe Public’, as well as words such as ‘virile’ which it claims are too often associated with men. The Telegraph reports that...

Doug Casey über De-Banking, Finanzzensur und ein soziales Kreditsystem
17.01.2024, 16:46 Uhr. - https: - Internationaler Mensch: Seit 2020 haben wir Maßnahmen zur Zensur und Entplatzierung von Stimmen erlebt, die die Mainstream-Agenda herausfordern. Dr. Joseph Mercola wurde als Verbreiter von Fehlinformationen ins Visier genommen und von der Plattform entfernt. Nigel Farage wurde wegen seiner politischen Ansichten gesperrt. Was halten Sie von diesem Trend...

Tucker And Farage: Why Aren't Muslim Countries Taking Muslim Refugees?
30.10.2023, 23:39 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Tucker And Farage: Why Aren't Muslim Countries Taking Muslim Refugees? Tucker Carlson sat down with former UK politician Nigel Farage to discuss where refugees from current conflicts in the Middle East should go, considering that there will be "hundreds of thousands, possibly millions" of them in the coming weeks, months and years. Carlson posited a...

It's Jim Jordan Vs. Holdouts As Speaker Battle Heads For Tuesday Vote
16.10.2023, 17:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's Jim Jordan Vs. Holdouts As Speaker Battle Heads For Tuesday Vote As the dysfunctional House eyeballs a Tuesday vote for Speaker, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) faces at least 10-20 Republican holdouts who oppose his nomination, one of said holdouts told CBS News (so it could be like 5). CNN has also spoken with one senior Republican, who told the network...

Neue Idee für noch mehr Zensur! Der Begriff „Globalist“ ist eine antisemitische Beleidigung, die verboten werden sollte!
31.10.2022, 12:19 Uhr. - https: - Einige sagen tatsächlich, dass die Verwendung des Wortes zur Beschreibung der politischen Ideologie, den Superstaat dem Staat vorzuziehen, ein rassistischer Begriff gegen das jüdische Volk ist. Mehrere Personen, darunter der Brexit-Führer Nigel Farage, waren ein „globalistischer Putsch“, als der ehemalige Goldman-Sachs-Banker und World Economic...

Farage fertigt EU ab: „Ein antidemokratischer Ort mit einem Haufen nicht gewählter Gangster“
19.12.2018, 12:58 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - NachrichtenspiegelOnline - Der ehemalige UKIP-Chef Nigel Farage ist mit der EU ins Gericht gegangen und hat deren „nicht gewählte Bürokraten“ als „einen Haufen Gangster“ bezeichnet. Darüber hinaus bezeichnete er die EU nicht als undemokratisch, sondern anti-demokratisch. „Diese Organisation, diese Europäische Union, ist nicht nur ein grundlegend...

Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News