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Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

Top Medical Journal Slaps Down Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth For Unscientific Trans Activism
29.05.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Top Medical Journal Slaps Down Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth For Unscientific Trans Activism Authored by Paul Thacker via The Disinformation Chronicle, In a shot across the bow against Scientific American’s continued descent into unscientific twaddle, a BMJ investigation documented over a dozen social media posts by editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth...

Unpacking Ray Dalio's Alarmist Prediction Of Civil War
20.05.2024, 03:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Unpacking Ray Dalio's Alarmist Prediction Of Civil War Authored by Stephen Soukup via American Greatness, The other day, Ray Dalio, the billionaire investor and founder of Bridgewater Associates, told The Financial Times that he sees the risk of a second American civil war as “growing” and places the odds of such a war at “35-40 percent.”...

Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint For Dystopia In Horrific Speech Bill
13.05.2024, 00:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blame Canada? Justin Trudeau Creates Blueprint For Dystopia In Horrific Speech Bill Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News, On February 21st, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave a press conference in Edmonton, announcing his government’s decision to introduce the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63. It was described in Canadian media as a “bill...

Sport Is The Continuation Of Diplomacy By Other Means
09.05.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sport Is The Continuation Of Diplomacy By Other Means Authored by René Zittlau via, How the goals of Olympism are being undermined by Western politics – an analysis with a look back at the roots of the Olympic idea. International Olympic Committee established on 23rd June 1894, Paris, Francehttp://Image Source: Introduction...

Journalism's Latest Draft Recasts Ukraine Narrative
07.05.2024, 11:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Journalism's Latest Draft Recasts Ukraine Narrative Authored by J. Peder Zane via RealClearPolitics, Journalism may indeed be the first draft of history but that old chestnut can be misleading. Where it suggests a set-in-stone version of events, that first draft is really an unfolding detective story, revised and rewritten as we dig out better answers...

Russia's Tactical Nuclear Weapons Exercises Are Meant To Deter A NATO Intervention In Ukraine
06.05.2024, 16:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia's Tactical Nuclear Weapons Exercises Are Meant To Deter A NATO Intervention In Ukraine Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Sputnik reported on Monday that the Russian General Staff is preparing to carry out drills for practicing the use of tactical nuclear weapons, which follows Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova warning over the...

Poland Ready To Help Ukraine Round Up Military-Aged Men
26.04.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Poland Ready To Help Ukraine Round Up Military-Aged Men Poland says it is ready and willing to help Ukraine with its crisis-level manpower and recruitment problems, as it could be poised to round up Ukrainian military-aged males and return them to their home country. Government officials are now strongly signaling just such a controversial plan. Polish...

The Fundamental Unraveling Of America
16.04.2024, 22:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Fundamental Unraveling Of America Authored by Albin Sadar via American Greatness, By now, it must be overwhelmingly apparent to every American citizen that what candidate Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail back in 2008 has come to pass. Obama touted a “fundamental transformation of America” if elected president and, once elected, he...

DEI Cronyism And Woke Grifters
11.04.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - DEI Cronyism And Woke Grifters Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, When ideology replaces meritocracy or provides immunity from the consequences of illegal behavior, systemic mediocrity follows. Under toxic National Socialism, Stalinism, and Maoism, millions of cronies and grifters mouthed party lines in hopes that their approved...

World War II Didn't End The Great Depression
06.04.2024, 20:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - World War II Didn't End The Great Depression By Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities A principal goal of Stark Realities is to “expose fundamental myths across the political spectrum” — and few myths are as universally embraced as the notion that US participation in World War II lifted the American economy out of the Great Depression. This...

The Russia-Ukraine War Is Just About Over
26.11.2023, 20:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Russia-Ukraine War Is Just About Over Authored by Peter van Buren via The Ron Paul Institute,  The handwriting was on the wall. An Op-Ed in the New York Times entitled “I’m a Ukrainian, and I Refuse to Compete for Your Attention” summed things up nicely: a media junket the author’s friend had been organizing to Ukraine was canceled...

Has America Been Set Up As History's Ultimate "Bumbling Villain"?
25.11.2023, 04:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Has America Been Set Up As History's Ultimate "Bumbling Villain"? Authored by Brandon Smith via, Editor’s Note: It’s not often we publish an article written before OffG even existed, but this one – written over a decade ago in September 2013 and brought to our attention by Mark Gresham – is both interesting and prescient. It...

Recycling Eco-Myths Is The Existential Threat
19.11.2023, 20:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Recycling Eco-Myths Is The Existential Threat Authored by J. Peder Zane via RealClear Wire, The recycling myth – Save the planet by separating paper and plastic! – is a foundational falsity of the green movement. By promising a relatively simple solution to an alleged problem, it has enabled the left to control behavior through a made-up morality...

Violent Clash Erupts As DNC HQ Mobbed By Pro-Palestinian Protestors
16.11.2023, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Violent Clash Erupts As DNC HQ Mobbed By Pro-Palestinian Protestors Cops and Gaza-ceasefire advocates clashed at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee on Wednesday night, with each side accusing the other of initiating the violence. 🚨#BREAKING: Pro-Palestine Protesters are Clashing with Metro DC Police Outside Democratic National...

Rolling Stone Blames Gun Industry For Mass Shootings - Reveals Greater Fear Of Patriot Rebellion
13.11.2023, 23:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rolling Stone Blames Gun Industry For Mass Shootings - Reveals Greater Fear Of Patriot Rebellion It's the old leftist anti-gun standby:  Pretend as if the 2nd Amendment was drafted only to protect hunting and self defense against criminals.  Ignore the fact that the Founding Fathers explicitly created gun rights for the purpose of repelling and overthrowing...

Trump's Veterans Day Message Was Quite Different From Biden's
12.11.2023, 23:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump's Veterans Day Message Was Quite Different From Biden's Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump both released differing messages on Nov. 11, Veteran's Day. "Today, we honor the story of our veterans - the story of our nation at its best," President Biden wrote on X. "On Veterans Day...

Has The US Lost Its First-World Status?
10.11.2023, 22:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Has The US Lost Its First-World Status? Authored by Daniel Nuccio via The Brownstone Institute, Everything is dirty. Nothing works. But everything’s also more expensive. And oh, by the way, you don’t have privacy anymore... That is how I described life in the US to a friend who had been living abroad for a bit more than a decade when we met up earlier...

The Meltdown Of The Old Order Foretells A New Crisis
04.11.2023, 04:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Meltdown Of The Old Order Foretells A New Crisis Authored by Josiah Lippincott via American Greatness, This week, the left-wing organization Swords into Plowshares began the process of melting down the statue of Robert E. Lee that stood in Charlottesville, Virginia. The images from the ordeal contain deep spiritual significance. A profound sense...

"I Pray To God This Isn't World War III"
01.11.2023, 00:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "I Pray To God This Isn't World War III" Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance If there's one takeaway I have from witnessing the discourse over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it's that nuance is an absolute necessity when discussing it, yet nobody seems able to exercise even a modicum of nuance while doing so. Because the issue is complex, polarizing...

This Week’s Most Popular Articles
21.10.2022, 08:32 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind Ethan Huff, October 17, 2022 The Rise and Fall of the Great Reset — Professor Arthur Noble Prof. Arthur Noble, October 19, 2022 US Rejection of Moscow’s Offer … The post This Week’s Most Popular Articles appeared first on Global Research....

Selected Articles: The Rise and Fall of the Great Reset — Professor Arthur Noble
19.10.2022, 07:43 Uhr. Global Research - https: - The Rise and Fall of the Great Reset — Professor Arthur Noble By Rodney Atkinson, October 19, 2022 The brainless leaders of the West have fallen headlong for the concealed totalitarianism of Klaus Schwab’s global takeover agenda. Only the … The post Selected Articles: The Rise and Fall of the Great Reset — Professor Arthur Noble appeared...

The Rise and Fall of the Great Reset — Professor Arthur Noble
19.10.2022, 02:20 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to … The post The Rise and Fall of the Great Reset — Professor Arthur Noble appeared...

Entvölkerung Russlands scheitert an Sanktionen
06.05.2022, 20:05 Uhr. QPress - https: - Die Planer der Russlandsanktionen haben jeden Bezug zur Realität verloren. Das zeigt ein Vorgang, dem ein hiesiges Unternehmen zum Opfer fiel. Es lieferte Gummis nach Russland, um Russen zu verhindern. An sich ein hochwertiges Sanktionsziel, welches sich die Russen sogar noch was kosten ließen. Damit ist jetzt Schluss. Das Unternehmen hat hier Pleite...

Hungarian PM, Croatian President, Noble Prize Winner on Ukrainian ‘Hit List’
04.05.2022, 16:03 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Visit … The post Hungarian PM, Croatian President, Noble Prize Winner on Ukrainian ‘Hit List’...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. setzt sich mit dem Covid-Coup auseinander
07.01.2022, 13:23 Uhr. - https: - RFK Jr. tritt in seinem neuen Buch, das am 16. November 2021 veröffentlicht wurde, in die Fußstapfen seines Vaters und Onkels JFK. Innerhalb von zwei Wochen war das Buch sowohl bei Amazon als auch bei Barnes and Noble ausverkauft, auch wenn die Mainstream-Medien es ignorieren. RFK Jr. zeigt, dass der „globale Krieg gegen die Demokratie […]...

USA wird die EU besiegen
21.11.2018, 08:15 Uhr. einartysken - https: - Ebenfalls gestern hat Pepe Escobar einen Artikel "Den Überschall-Putin dekodieren an einem Tag der Erinnerung" geschrieben. Er macht sich lustig über Macron, das sich-in-Szene-setzen und sein napoleonisches Gehabe. Trotz aller Manöver Macrons, Putin und Trump auseinander zu halten, haben die sich doch getroffen und ein halb-stündiges lebhaftes Gespräch...

Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News