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Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    - Doppelte News  

Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, & Tyranny Of Digital Transformation
06.06.2024, 04:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Cognitive Warfare, Mental Manipulation, & Tyranny Of Digital Transformation Authored by Jesse Smith via Global Research, A centuries-old plan to control humanity on a micro-level is being enforced through the construction of a new bio-digital prison system. Relegated to mere conspiracy theory by legacy media and vehemently denied by accused conspirators...

Trump Is Converting America's Nuns
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Is Converting America's Nuns Authored by Elle Hardy via UnHerd, Nuns for Trump out in full force. Credit: Getty Bespectacled and berobed, a softly spoken nun may seem an unlikely figurehead for the hard-Right of American politics — but Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God isn’t just any nun. With her broadsides against liberalism, President Biden...

The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier & Our Societal Detachment From War
28.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier & Our Societal Detachment From War Authored by John Weeks via The Libertarian Institute, Modern nation states have developed an impressive symbolic innovation to memorialize their war dead, the tomb of the unknown soldier: “No more arresting emblems of the modern culture of nationalism exist than cenotaphs and tombs...

Election 2024: A Political Renaissance For America Or The Path To Totalitarianism
22.05.2024, 05:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Election 2024: A Political Renaissance For America Or The Path To Totalitarianism Authored by James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer via American Greatness, It has been decades in the making, but the country is now on the precipice between its traditional ideology of political liberalism and a path that will lead, far sooner than Americans might think...

Biden Suffered Near-Fatal Brain Aneurysm, Priest Came To Deliver Last Rites
15.05.2024, 21:26 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - In 1988, US President Joe Biden suffered a near-fatal brain aneurysm, necessitating last rites from a priest. Later that year, he faced a second aneurysm. In February 1988, a life-threatening aneurysm that had been mistakenly classified as a pinched nerve struck Joe Biden, now 81 years old. Doctors found a worrisome distortion of a blood […] The...

Marjorie Taylor Greene Complains About FBI’s Inaction After Being Swatted For The 8th Time On Christmas Day
27.12.2023, 00:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Marjorie Taylor Greene Complains About FBI’s Inaction After Being Swatted For The 8th Time On Christmas Day Authored by Debra Heine via American Greatness, Authorities are investigating a Christmas Day swatting attempt at Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s residence in Rome, Georgia, but the Republican congresswoman says enough isn’t being done to...

Pope Francis Approves Blessings For Same-Sex Couples In Win For Progressive Catholics
18.12.2023, 22:49 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pope Francis Approves Blessings For Same-Sex Couples In Win For Progressive Catholics Traditional and conservative Catholics worldwide are stunned and outraged in the wake of another 'victory' for the progressive wing of the church, which clearly more influence at the Vatican, a trend which has been very visible throughout Pope Francis' liberalizing...

The Secret to a Happy Life – Dr. Robert Waldinger – After Skool (Engl.)
26.07.2023, 16:33 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Bildungsfernsehen Dr. Robert Waldinger is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Director of the Center for Psychodynamic Therapy and Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. He is a practicing psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and he is also a Zen priest. Learn more about Dr. Robert...

+++ALARM -Wahlspezial! – WARNUNG vor Tobi „Backpfeifengesicht“ H.!
27.03.2022, 16:35 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Tobias Hans: „Es ist wichtig, den Ungeimpften eine klare Botschaft zu senden: Ihr seid jetzt raus aus dem gesellschaftlichen Leben.“ Die aufgeklärte Zivilgesellschaft im Saarland: „Du bist jetzt raus aus der wirtschaftlichen Vollversorgung!“ Dies ist der Beitrag vom Love Priest zur Wahl im Saarland!...

Neues von der Kinderfickerfront aus Mexiko: der Priester der Legion Christus, der gerne kleine Mädchen vor den anderen Kindern vergewaltigt hat
22.01.2020, 06:01 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - The administrator of the elite Catholic school in Cancun, Mexico, used to take the girls out of class and send them to the chapel, where the priest from the Legion of Christ religious order would sexually abuse them.“As some were reading the Bible, he would rape the others in front of them, little girls aged 6 to 8 or 9,” said one of his victims...

Neues von der Kinderfickerfront: Bischof Trautman kommt wegen Vertuschens vor Gericht
04.01.2020, 21:13 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Barr said Trautman made a “paltry” settlement with the plaintiff that “amounts to hush money.” The sum was four figures and allegedly an inducement not to share their story. He alleged that this allowed the priest to abuse at least one other child.Barr sagte, dass Trautman einen “lächerlichen” Vergleich mit dem Kläger geschlossen hat,...

Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    - Doppelte News