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Neueste    Heute    17.06.2024    16.06.2024    - Doppelte News  

Colorado Weed Industry In Free-Fall As Sales Plunge By $700 Million
10.06.2024, 13:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Colorado Weed Industry In Free-Fall As Sales Plunge By $700 Million Colorado's cannabis market is in free-fall, going from peak revenues of $2.2 billion in 2020, to $1.5 billion just three years later. The drop has had a substantial impact on the state's economy - with cannabis tax revenues decreasing more than 30% over the past two years to just $282...

Disney Tops Long List Of Woke Failures With Upcoming Release Of Gay Star Wars Show
06.06.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Disney Tops Long List Of Woke Failures With Upcoming Release Of Gay Star Wars Show A key element of understanding the smooth-brained antics of the woke left is that they are incapable of doing anything “creative” without sexualizing it and politicizing it.  Their collective identity revolves around who they lust after, how to virtue signal to the...

Massive Australian Truck Convoy Protests Live Sheep Export Ban
04.06.2024, 00:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Massive Australian Truck Convoy Protests Live Sheep Export Ban Authored by Monica O'Shea via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A truck drives on a road in Albany, Western Australia, on April 19, 2024. (Susan Mortimer/The Epoch Times) A huge truck convoy has descended on Western Australian (WA) roads to protest the Labor government’s ban on live sheep...

American Globalism Versus 'America First'
30.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - American Globalism Versus 'America First' Authored by Francis P. Sempa via RealClearDefense, Hal Brands, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, has laid out in an essay in Foreign Affairs the key differences between what he rightly calls “American Globalism”...

Goldman Veteran Will Be Next Cleveland Fed President
29.05.2024, 16:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Goldman Veteran Will Be Next Cleveland Fed President Once upon a time, we joked that Goldman had become a veritable incubator for future central bank heads: from NY Fed's Bill Dudley, to BOC's Mark Carney, to ECB's Mario Draghi, to disgraced Dallas Fed daytrader Robert Kaplan, and Minneapolis Fed "chump" Neel Kashkari, it seemed that anywhere one looked...

The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier & Our Societal Detachment From War
28.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier & Our Societal Detachment From War Authored by John Weeks via The Libertarian Institute, Modern nation states have developed an impressive symbolic innovation to memorialize their war dead, the tomb of the unknown soldier: “No more arresting emblems of the modern culture of nationalism exist than cenotaphs and tombs...

Obnoxious Weeds Team Up To Fight Cancer–New Review
27.05.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Obnoxious Weeds Team Up To Fight Cancer–New Review Authored by Alexandra Roach via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Recently, I gave a presentation about edible plants at my local library. Kitchen herbs, in fact, that double as medicinals, which people can easily grow in their gardens or on window sills. While preparing my presentation, I was reminded...

US Weapons Accuracy Drops To 10% In Ukraine Due To Jamming
26.05.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Weapons Accuracy Drops To 10% In Ukraine Due To Jamming Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Many high-tech US weapons systems in Ukraine are now useless due to jamming signals by Russia. Useless Weapons Please consider Russian Jamming Leaves Some High-Tech U.S. Weapons Ineffective in Ukraine Russia’s jamming of the guidance systems of...

Exceptionally Strong PBoC And Chinese Private Sector Buying Continues To Boost Gold Price
25.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Exceptionally Strong PBoC And Chinese Private Sector Buying Continues To Boost Gold Price By Jan Nieuwenhuijs of Gainesville Coins Chinese private sector gold imports accounted for 543 tonnes in the first quarter, while the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) added 189 tonnes to its reserves over this time horizon. Most of the PBoC’s purchases are “unreported...

White House Reacts To Ultra-Rare Putin-Xi Hug During Visit Highlighting Closer Military Ties
18.05.2024, 20:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Reacts To Ultra-Rare Putin-Xi Hug During Visit Highlighting Closer Military Ties The Biden administration has reacted to what might be called the hug heard around the world (or 'felt' perhaps). During the last day of Russian President Vladimir Putin's two-day visit to China where he met with President Xi Jinping, the two shared an ultra-rare...

France Blames Deadly New Caledonia Uprising On TikTok, Russia, & Azerbaijan 
17.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - France Blames Deadly New Caledonia Uprising On TikTok, Russia, & Azerbaijan  More shocking images have come out of the ongoing unrest and riots which have gripped the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia, as additional French troops, including reports of elite security forces, are en route to help authorities restore order.  Determined to suppress...

The Latent Fascism Of Today’s Anti-Fascists
12.05.2024, 05:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Latent Fascism Of Today’s Anti-Fascists Authored by Aaron Kheriaty via the Brownstone Institute, "Nothing can have as its destination anything other than its origin. The contrary idea, the idea of progress, is poison." -Simone Weil The terms “fascist” and “fascism” are continuously bandied about today. But those who use these words most...

Sport Is The Continuation Of Diplomacy By Other Means
09.05.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sport Is The Continuation Of Diplomacy By Other Means Authored by René Zittlau via, How the goals of Olympism are being undermined by Western politics – an analysis with a look back at the roots of the Olympic idea. International Olympic Committee established on 23rd June 1894, Paris, Francehttp://Image Source: Introduction...

Equity Is Justice, Redefined
03.02.2024, 05:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Equity Is Justice, Redefined Authored by Richard Porter via RealClear Wire, Diversity and inclusion are not what’s wrong with DEI.  “Diversity” and “Inclusion” are apple-pie American concepts that echo our national motto: out of many, one; from diversity, inclusion, and unity. What DEI proponents have cleverly done, though, is sandwich between...

Arizona Lawmaker Introduces Bill Requiring Schools To Teach About Harms Of Communism
31.01.2024, 23:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Arizona Lawmaker Introduces Bill Requiring Schools To Teach About Harms Of Communism Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), An Arizona state GOP lawmaker has introduced a bill that would require schools to teach about the harms of communist regimes, including such ills as poverty, suppression of speech, and systemic lethal violence...

The State Of The World's 7,168 Languages
31.01.2024, 10:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The State Of The World's 7,168 Languages What are the roots of a living language, and how many are at risk of extinction? This graphic via Visual Capitalist, from Stephen Jones, CEO of, shows the state of living languages around the world. Mapping Out Living Languages Across the 7,168 living languages today, 43% are at risk of being...

Could AI Start Nuclear War?
27.01.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Could AI Start Nuclear War? Authored by James Rickards via, I’ve covered a wide variety of potential crises over the years. These include natural disasters, pandemics, social unrest and financial collapse. That’s a daunting list. One thing I haven’t done is to cover the greatest potential calamity of all — nuclear war. For...

How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis
25.01.2024, 15:12 Uhr. Global Research - https: - The energy crisis is a long-planned strategy of western corporate capital to dismantle industrial economies in the name of a dystopian Green Agenda. That has its roots well before February 2022, when Russia launched its military action in Ukraine. The post How Blackrock Investment Fund Triggered the Global Energy Crisis appeared first on Global Research...

Chicago Public Schools' Twisted Goal: End Selective Enrollment Schools While Keeping Nearly Empty, Failing Schools Open
24.01.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Chicago Public Schools' Twisted Goal: End Selective Enrollment Schools While Keeping Nearly Empty, Failing Schools Open by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner of Wirepoints There’s little that better highlights the moral bankruptcy of Chicago’s ‘equity’ agenda than a look at how CPS is treating two of its schools: Northside College Prep and Douglass...

Supreme Court Conservatives Appear Open To Rolling Back Power Of Federal Agencies
19.01.2024, 04:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court Conservatives Appear Open To Rolling Back Power Of Federal Agencies Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A bureaucracy-empowering judicial doctrine that critics blame for the explosive growth of the U.S. government in recent decades should be overturned, the Supreme Court heard on Jan. 17. Associate Supreme Court...

This Hamlet Looks Like Tolkien's Shire, Believed 5,000 Years Old - And People Still Live Here Off-Grid
17.01.2024, 04:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - This Hamlet Looks Like Tolkien's Shire, Believed 5,000 Years Old - And People Still Live Here Off-Grid Authored by Michael Wing via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), There are no iPhone chargers plugged into the stone walls, no microwave ovens, or light switches in the hamlets of Bavona Valley. (DjemoGraphic/Shutterstock) It is, and for centuries has...

Watch: Maddow Melts Down Over "Rise Of Fascism"; Joy Reid Says Trump Iowa Caucus Landslide Proves White Christians Are Racists
16.01.2024, 15:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Maddow Melts Down Over "Rise Of Fascism"; Joy Reid Says Trump Iowa Caucus Landslide Proves White Christians Are Racists In an early glimpse of what to expect from coverage of this election, MSNBC and CNN hosts went into full rage mode with the Iowa caucus results.  Leftist hack Rachel Maddow complained about a “rise of fascism” after Donald...

Bitcoin Vs Marx: Two Competing Geopolitical Domino-Theories
15.01.2024, 23:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin Vs Marx: Two Competing Geopolitical Domino-Theories Authored by Robert Malka via, Marxism and Bitcoin have one thing in common, the idea that a radical change in the structure of society will happen in a bottom up decentralized fashion. Which of them, if either, will succeed in that goal? Marx tells us the revolution will...

Escobar: Year Of The Dragon - Silk Roads, BRICS Roads, & Sino-Roads
14.01.2024, 05:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: Year Of The Dragon - Silk Roads, BRICS Roads, & Sino-Roads Authored by Pepe Escobar, As we enter incandescent 2024, four major trends will define the progress of interconnected Eurasia. Financial/trade integration will be the norm. Russia and Iran already integrated their financial message transfer systems, bypassing SWIFT and trading in rials...

O, Wonder! Take A Moment To Smell The Roses
13.01.2024, 02:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - O, Wonder! Take A Moment To Smell The Roses Authored by J. Peder Zane via RealClear Wire, Ever since Henry Ford worked his wonders, most Americans have been able to afford a car, but chauffeured rides long remained the exclusive province of the uber-rich. “Jeeves, have the car ready at 6 to take me to the club.” Over the holidays I was a regular...

Easter, Passover and the Archetype of Blood Sacrifice – Rupert Sheldrake
16.04.2022, 10:12 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Easter and Passover are closely linked festivals , and this year they overlap, with Passover beginning on Good Friday, April 14. Both are rooted in ancient traditions of blood sacrifice, which in turn has its evolutionary roots in the behaviour of predators; when they have killed one prey animal and have enough to eat, the […]...

Ukrainian Refugees Refusing Free COVID Jabs From German Govt
24.03.2022, 13:31 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - The humanitarian catastrophe produced by Ukraine's war could be a thorn in the side of German political elites wanting to push the coronavirus agenda forward. This concern takes roots from the fact that Ukrainian refugees are refusing free COVID jabs from German government. The post Ukrainian Refugees Refusing Free COVID Jabs From German Govt appeared...

Strap on your seatbelts: Die Mantis Religiosa wird zum leitenden „Corona-Ritter“ geschlagen. Das Land der „Spinner und Henker“ bleibt sich seiner Geschichte treu. Back to the roots! (Op-Ed)
07.12.2021, 18:25 Uhr. orbisnjus - https: - Mit Vollkaracho in den Schlund der Abyss. Es ist vollbracht! Die als Apokalyptikerin verschriene anorektische Gottesanbeterin, ist zur Gesundheitsministerin geschlagen worden. Karla Lauterbach ist mindestens für die kommenden vier Jahre die führende Pandemie-Sonderbeauftragte, im besten Deutschland das es jemals gab. Gleichwohl die in Sachen Evaluierung...

Neueste    Heute    17.06.2024    16.06.2024    - Doppelte News