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Neueste    Heute    28.03.2024    27.03.2024    26.03.2024    25.03.2024    24.03.2024    - Doppelte News  

The State Of The Media's Double Standard
26.03.2024, 23:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The State Of The Media's Double Standard Authored by Frank Miele via RealClear Politics, I’m sure everyone has heard enough about President Biden’s recent State of the Union address, certainly enough to know that the mainstream media thought it was admirable of Biden to scream at the top of his lungs that Republicans are detestable worms. You also...

"The Squad" Earmarked $224 Million Since 2023 – Led By AOC, It's Pork Barrel Spending By The Democratic Socialists
26.03.2024, 22:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Squad" Earmarked $224 Million Since 2023 – Led By AOC, It's Pork Barrel Spending By The Democratic Socialists Authored by Adam Andrzejewski via OpenTheBooks substack, “The Squad’ is a group of ultra-left wing Congressional socialists which has been the toast of so-called “progressives” for the last several years. Its members might promise...

The Predictable 2024 Biden Non-Campaign
26.03.2024, 22:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Predictable 2024 Biden Non-Campaign Authored by Victor Davis Hanson, Joe Biden reportedly is weirdly asking the Ukrainians not to strike Russian oil facilities, despite the military utility of such attacks. Why? Not because he fears a wider war since he sent no such request in the prior two years of fighting. Apparently, it is the same reason why...

How COVID-19 Vaccines Inhibited Real Change
26.03.2024, 21:35 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - They saved millions of lives but absolved countries from fixing core problems....

Global CBDC Rollout Continues Apace
26.03.2024, 21:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Global CBDC Rollout Continues Apace Authored by Kit Knightly via, Terror attacks in Moscow, ongoing genocide in Gaza, and cancer in the Royal family are dominating the headlines. Meanwhile, on the financial back pages, all over the world the implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies draws nearer. China, whose digital Yuan was...

Activist California Judge Tosses Musk's X Censorship Lawsuit Against Dark Money 'Anti-Hate' Group
26.03.2024, 20:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Activist California Judge Tosses Musk's X Censorship Lawsuit Against Dark Money 'Anti-Hate' Group A California judge has tossed out a lawsuit from social media platform X against the Center or Countering Digital Hate, contending that X is not entitled to seek restitution against the organization because third-party advertisers left the platform following...

The Canaries In America's Coal Mine
26.03.2024, 20:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Canaries In America's Coal Mine Authored by J.Peder Zane via, Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump is not the race America needs, but it is the one we deserve. A political system that has spit out a race few voters want is the perfect symbol of a nation – and a people – bent to the point of breaking. Biden vs. Trump appears to...

Watch: Jill Biden Compares Being Against Gay Porn Books In Schools To Nazism
26.03.2024, 19:19 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Jill Biden Compares Being Against Gay Porn Books In Schools To Nazism Authored by Steve Watson via, During a speech at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in LA Sunday, Jill Biden suggested that not having gay porno books available in children’s libraries in schools is akin to Nazi Germany. Biden’s wife stated “Rights are...

PIMCO Pulls Back On US Treasury Exposure: Fears Inflation, Fiscal Folly
26.03.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - PIMCO Pulls Back On US Treasury Exposure: Fears Inflation, Fiscal Folly PIMCO CIO Andrew Balls told The FT that the giant bond fund is holding a smaller than usual position in US Treasuries, preferring the bonds of countries such as the UK and Canada, as he fears re-igniting inflation will pressure The Fed to act considerably less dovish than even the...

Saving Democracy From Itself: The Democratic National Committee Moves To Block Third Party Candidates
26.03.2024, 18:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Saving Democracy From Itself: The Democratic National Committee Moves To Block Third Party Candidates Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is my column in the New York Post on reported plan of the Democratic National Committee and allied groups to try to block third-party candidates from the 2024 ballot. The contradiction is stunning as these groups raise...

"So It Goes"... Just Not Towards Low CPI Or Neutral Rates
26.03.2024, 17:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "So It Goes"... Just Not Towards Low CPI Or Neutral Rates By Michael Every of Rabobank Yesterday’s Global Daily underlined we shouldn’t look to central banks or markets for clear answers on where long-run inflation and neutral rates will sit. Meanwhile, politics and geopolitics echo Kurt Vonnegut’s “So it goes” - just not towards low CPI and...

"We Need Somebody Disruptive": Alex Jones, Former Bush Official Clash In Trump ZeroHedge Debate
26.03.2024, 16:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "We Need Somebody Disruptive": Alex Jones, Former Bush Official Clash In Trump ZeroHedge Debate Last night kicked off the fifth ZeroHedge debate on the question: "Should Donald Trump be the next U.S. President?" The debate featured Infowars host Alex Jones and former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos vs. independent journalist...

RFK Jr Picks Nicole Shanahan As VP, May Seek Libertarian Nomination
26.03.2024, 16:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - RFK Jr Picks Nicole Shanahan As VP, May Seek Libertarian Nomination The Wall Street Journal reports that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has picked Nicole Shanahan, a California-based attorney who was previously married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, as his running mate for his long-shot presidential bid, according to people familiar with the decision. Shanahan...

Trump Says Israel Has To 'Finish The War' As It's 'Losing A Lot Of Support'
26.03.2024, 15:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Says Israel Has To 'Finish The War' As It's 'Losing A Lot Of Support' Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Former President Trump said in an interview with Israel Hayom over the weekend that Israel made a “big mistake” by broadcasting images and videos of the destruction in the Gaza Strip, saying it’s losing Israel “a lot of support...

Long Volatility Trade May Be A Widow-Maker No More
26.03.2024, 15:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Long Volatility Trade May Be A Widow-Maker No More Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, An unusual combination of divergences in the stock-market volatility space suggests the VIX is at elevated risk of pricing higher, and this may even happen with rising rather than falling equity prices. Volatility of volatility is near 10-year lows...

Technical Measures And Valuations - Does Any Of It Matter?
26.03.2024, 14:17 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Technical Measures And Valuations - Does Any Of It Matter? Authored by Lance Roberts via, Technical measures and valuations all suggest the market is expensive, overbought, and exuberant. However, none of it seems to matter as investors pile into equities to chase risk assets higher. A recent BofA report shows that the increase...

Assange Wins Temporary Reprieve As Court Seeks US 'Assurances' Over Extradition
26.03.2024, 13:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Assange Wins Temporary Reprieve As Court Seeks US 'Assurances' Over Extradition Tuesday's much anticipated London High Court ruling has gone mostly in Julian Assange's favor, as he has been granted permission to continue to appeal his extradition to the United States, where he would face espionage and related charges for publishing state secrets. However...

US Futures Rebound Ahead Of Busy Data Calendar As New Record High Looms
26.03.2024, 13:19 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Futures Rebound Ahead Of Busy Data Calendar As New Record High Looms It's as if Monday's modest dip never happened: S&P futures are trading are higher, surpassing Monday's highs, with both Tech and small-caps outperforming, as investors keep a close eye on any potential market impact from the collapse of a major commuter bridge in Baltimore after...

Priced-In Fed Rate-Cuts Are On Shakier Ground Than In UK And Europe
26.03.2024, 12:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Priced-In Fed Rate-Cuts Are On Shakier Ground Than In UK And Europe Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Greater inflation expectations and receding recession risk leave the interest rate cuts priced in for the Federal Reserve more vulnerable than in the UK or Europe. The market currently sees a similar amount of rate cuts in 2024 for...

Dominoes Falling As Biden Admin Deals With Twin Energy Crisis In Russia, Middle East 
26.03.2024, 11:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dominoes Falling As Biden Admin Deals With Twin Energy Crisis In Russia, Middle East  A twin crisis is unfolding for the Biden administration as the US tax-payer-funded Ukrainian military bombs key crude refineries deep within Russian territory with suicide drones. The administration has pleaded with the Ukranians to halt strikes on Russian energy...

Church Of England Archdeacon Openly Calls For "Anti-Whiteness"
26.03.2024, 11:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Church Of England Archdeacon Openly Calls For "Anti-Whiteness" Authored by Steve Watson via, A Church of England archdeacon has been labelled racist after openly calling for “anti-whiteness.” The Ven Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, Archdeacon of Liverpool wrote on X “I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good,...

Degenerate Art in New Normal Germany
26.03.2024, 10:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - CJ Hopkins One of the first things totalitarians do when they set about transforming a democratic society into whatever type of strictly-regulated, utterly soul-deadening totalitarian dystopia they are trying to transform it into is radically overhaul and remake its culture. You can’t impose your new official ideology on a formerly democratic society...

Lockdown's Fourth Birthday
26.03.2024, 10:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lockdown's Fourth Birthday Authored by Kit Knightly via, Last weekend marked four years to the day since the UK went into “lockdown” for the first time. What an exciting time that was, right? With the pan-banging and the curve-flattening and the Spirit of the Blitz living on. Good times. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s team...

Globale CBDC-Einführung schreitet voran
26.03.2024, 09:50 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - China, whose digital Yuan was the major flagship CBDC, is in the middle of an immense trial covering over 25 million people. This week they released new guidelines for tourists using CBDCs for the first time.A journalist for the crypto-focused DLNews wrote of her experience using it, and while functionality might seem limited right now we should note...

Government Funded Study Claims Shakespeare Made Theater "Too White, Male, And Cisgender"
26.03.2024, 08:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Government Funded Study Claims Shakespeare Made Theater "Too White, Male, And Cisgender" Authored by Steve Watson via, A study funded by the British government to the tune of almost a million pounds claims that William Shakespeare, one of foremost the literary icons in history, has been disproportionately represented and has enabled “white...

German Doctor Refuses To Treat AfD Politician
26.03.2024, 07:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - German Doctor Refuses To Treat AfD Politician Via ReMix News, A doctor in the German state of Baden-Württemberg refuses to treat one of his patients because he is a local politician in the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The doctor’s decision was reportedly sparked when he saw a photo in the local newspaper of the politician, Heiko Nüßner...

Election 2024: It's The Psychopathology, Stupid
26.03.2024, 04:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Election 2024: It's The Psychopathology, Stupid Authored by Roger L. Simon via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The deeper we get into the 2024 presidential election, the more pathological, in the psychological sense, our society appears. Dozens of anti-Trump protesters gather in Times Square, New York, on July 26, 2017. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)...

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts”
26.03.2024, 04:06 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Netanyahu, Galant, Ben-Gvir, Katz, Smotrich, et al are the architects of Genocide. Yet they have been assigned by the ICJ with a mandate "To Prevent and Punish" those who have committed "genocidal acts" The post “Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible...

This Is How You Can Get Frothy Markets At A Time When Rates Are At 5%
26.03.2024, 03:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - This Is How You Can Get Frothy Markets At A Time When Rates Are At 5% By Rabobank Economists and strategists tend to look at everything through the lens of interest rates, as if these are all important in explaining market conditions. But if we look at this year’s shift in money markets, we’ve seen a significant recalibration of expectations, from...

Harvard Prepares To Screen "Domestic Ecoterrorism" Movie About Blowing Up American Pipelines
26.03.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Harvard Prepares To Screen "Domestic Ecoterrorism" Movie About Blowing Up American Pipelines The nation is already on alert for terrorist attacks after radical leftists in the White House facilitated the greatest-ever migrant invasion through the southern border, letting in millions of illegal aliens, some of whom are known terrorists.  Just days...

CCP’s Military Growth 'Largely Funded' By US: Ret. Navy Capt.
26.03.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - CCP’s Military Growth 'Largely Funded' By US: Ret. Navy Capt. Authored by Dorothy Li and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Chinese Communist Party has aggressively built up its military, expanding its arsenal of both conventional and nuclear capabilities. The growth was largely funded by its rival, the United States. A missile...

AI's Left-Wing Bias On Crime And Gun Control: Lott
26.03.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - AI's Left-Wing Bias On Crime And Gun Control: Lott Authored by John Lott Jr. via RealClear Politics, Some 20 artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are currently available for general use. Students, reporters, and researchers already rely heavily on these programs to help write term papers, media reports, and research papers. Now, Apple is reportedly...

Most Americans Believe US Will Be In World War Within Next Decade
26.03.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Most Americans Believe US Will Be In World War Within Next Decade Via The Libertarian Institute The majority of Americans believe it is likely that the US will be involved in a world war during the coming decade. Under President Joe Biden, the US is preparing for great power wars with Russia and China, engaged in multiple Middle East conflicts, and...

Israel Angrily Halts Delegation To D.C. After US Allows UN Ceasefire Resolution To Pass
26.03.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Angrily Halts Delegation To D.C. After US Allows UN Ceasefire Resolution To Pass In a Monday vote, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted for the first time a resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It was put forward by the council's non-permanent members, and fourteen countries backed the resolution, while the...

From Riot To Insurrection To Terrorism: January 6th Continues To Be A Tragedy In The Eye Of The Beholder
26.03.2024, 00:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - From Riot To Insurrection To Terrorism: January 6th Continues To Be A Tragedy In The Eye Of The Beholder Authored by Jonathan Turley, For years, I have maintained that January 6th was a disgraceful riot but not an insurrection. That issue came to a head with the litigation over disqualifying former president Donald Trump and similar calls to block...

"It's A Far Deeper Recession Than Publicized..." Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey Screams Stagflation
26.03.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "It's A Far Deeper Recession Than Publicized..." Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey Screams Stagflation "Many good things may happen, but the actual occurrence remains to be seen..." That's about as rosy a picture as one could glean from the respondents to today's Dallas Fed Manufacturing survey. Against expectations of a small improvement from -11.3 to...

Will DEI End America... Or America End DEI?
26.03.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Will DEI End America... Or America End DEI? Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, At the nexus of most of America’s current crises, the diversity/equity/inclusion dogma can be found. The southern border has been destroyed because the Democratic Party wanted the poor of the southern hemisphere to be counted in the census, to vote...

Neueste    Heute    28.03.2024    27.03.2024    26.03.2024    25.03.2024    24.03.2024    - Doppelte News