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Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News  

Numbers Behind The Narrative: What Climate Science Actually Says
01.06.2024, 04:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Numbers Behind The Narrative: What Climate Science Actually Says Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times, Most people by now are familiar with the narrative that our planet faces a dire crisis due to rising temperatures. In January 2023, former Vice President Al Gore provided a graphic depiction during a World Economic Forum summit, informing...

White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest
01.06.2024, 01:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest A State Department official has resigned in protest, saying the Biden White House lied to Congress on a critical report so American weapons could keep flowing to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for its war in Gaza.     That official is Stacy Gilbert, a 20-year State...

Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills
01.06.2024, 00:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills A day after sending hundreds of feces and garbage-filled balloons into South Korea over the militarized border, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw a new military exercises showcasing the north's ability to mount "preemptive attacks".  North Korean media released several photos...

Dennis Quaid Praises Donald Trump: 'I Think I’m Gonna Vote For Him'
31.05.2024, 23:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dennis Quaid Praises Donald Trump: 'I Think I’m Gonna Vote For Him' Authored by Audrey Enjoli via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), U.S. actor Dennis Quaid poses during a photocall for the film ‘The Substance’ at the 77th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France, on May 20, 2024. (Christophe Simon/AFP via Getty Images) Actor...

Israel Intercepts Cruise Missile Launched From Iraq
31.05.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Intercepts Cruise Missile Launched From Iraq Israeli media is reporting on a dangerous escalation after the military announced it shot down an inbound projectile which came "from the east" - which is a phrase typically used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to describe attacks from Iraq. Time of Israel is describing "cruise missiles" fired from...

La “vacuna asesina” contra el coronavirus. La gente está muriendo en todo el mundo. Es un crimen
30.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. Global Research - https: - … The post La “vacuna asesina” contra el coronavirus. La gente está muriendo en todo el mundo. Es un crimen appeared first on Global Research....

Video: Tucker Carlson im Interview mit Jeffrey Sachs: Der Krieg zwischen der Ukraine und Russland wurde provoziert!
30.05.2024, 17:34 Uhr. - https: - Jeffrey Sachs: Die nicht erzählte Geschichte des Kalten Krieges Der Krieg zwischen der Ukraine und Russland wurde von langer Hand geplant. Professor Jeffrey Sachs ist Präsident des UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network und Direktor des Center for Sustainable Development an der Columbia University. Er ist Autor zahlreicher Bestseller, darunter...

Iran Is A Nuclear-Threshold State, But Biden Is Pressing Allies Not To Confront It
29.05.2024, 22:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran Is A Nuclear-Threshold State, But Biden Is Pressing Allies Not To Confront It On Monday the UN's nuclear monitoring agency IAEA announced that Iran's enriched uranium stockpile now stands at over 30 times the threshold set by the 2015 deal limit which the US unilaterally pulled out of under the Trump administration in 2018. The IAEA also confirmed...

Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea
29.05.2024, 20:26 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - On Wednesday, Kim Jong Un sent hundreds of sh*t-filled balloons into South Korea, causing a hazardous mess. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff issued warnings as HAZMAT crews were deployed to clean up the waste. North Korea is sending sh*t balloons over the border into South Korea. On Wednesday, hundreds of balloons—some bearing the phrase...

Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea
29.05.2024, 16:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea North Korea is literally sending sh*t ballons across the border into North Korea. Hundreds of balloons were spotted Wednesday drifting into South Korean territory, some of them with the word "excrement" written on them. This is because the balloons were loaded with feces and other...

Americans Are By Far The World's Biggest Tourism Spenders
29.05.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Americans Are By Far The World's Biggest Tourism Spenders China is yet to fully recover from its pandemic-induced travel slump, with projections forecasting outbound tourism to be back on track by the end of 2025. According to the latest available data from the UN World Tourism Organization, the Asian nation lost its position as the world’s leading...

Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World
29.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World Authored by Christopher Roach via American Greatness, If we want our country to be safe and powerful, we should start on the firm foundations of respect for peace, human life, and other nations’ sovereignty. During Bush’s years as president, Democrats frequently criticized his foreign...

IDF Tanks Reach Center Of Rafah As Hamas Claims 'Indiscriminate Bombing' Of Population
28.05.2024, 20:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - IDF Tanks Reach Center Of Rafah As Hamas Claims 'Indiscriminate Bombing' Of Population Israeli tanks have reached the heart of Rafah overnight amid continual heavy bombardment and shelling. Local eyewitnesses say they've reached a roundabout in the center of the city which forms a key landmark. Images and footages to emerge Tuesday have confirmed the...

Wheat Jumps To Nine-Month High On Fears Of Dwindling Global Stockpiles
28.05.2024, 19:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wheat Jumps To Nine-Month High On Fears Of Dwindling Global Stockpiles During the Memorial Day holiday break, food inflation was certainly on the minds of those who had to purchase beef patties and other BBQ-related items for outdoor parties. The Biden administration has deflected rampant food inflation on 'greedy' corporations, but more likely due...

The Free World: An Alarming Status Report
28.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Free World: An Alarming Status Report Authored by Majod Rafizadeh via The Gatestone Institute, In the last few years, we have witnessed a world that has become significantly less safe and secure. American and Western policy failures and strategic missteps appear to have emboldened adversaries and undermined allies. A lack of decisive action and...

Visualizing Daily Protein Sources By Region
27.05.2024, 10:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Visualizing Daily Protein Sources By Region Protein plays a vital role in creating and maintaining every cell in our bodies. This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu, breaks down how people in different regions of the world get their protein intake. The figures come from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO), accessed via Our World...

Gallant In Rafah Vows To Advance Deeper Despite World Court Demand For Ceasefire
27.05.2024, 04:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gallant In Rafah Vows To Advance Deeper Despite World Court Demand For Ceasefire Rockets sent from Gaza rained down on Tel Aviv for the first time in months on Sunday, with Israeli media saying they were launched all the way from Rafah. It also came as Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited IDF frontline positions on the outskirts of Rafah and...

24 GOP Governors Tell Biden Not To Sign WHO Pandemic Agreement
26.05.2024, 01:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 24 GOP Governors Tell Biden Not To Sign WHO Pandemic Agreement Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Governors from 24 states have joined together to speak out against treaty negotiations being conducted by the Biden administration, which “would purport to grant” the World Health Organisation (WHO) “unprecedented and...

Hedges: The Slow-Motion Execution Of Julian Assange Continues
25.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hedges: The Slow-Motion Execution Of Julian Assange Continues Authored by Chris Hedges via, The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal the order to extradite him to the United States may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. It does not mean Julian will elude extradition. It does not mean the court has...

UN's Top Court Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive
24.05.2024, 17:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UN's Top Court Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive The top United Nations court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has on Friday issued an emergency order for Israel to halt its military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. "Israel must immediately halt its military offensive," judges at the ICJ, or world court (which...

Seine Prophezeiungen wurden wahr: So führte Gaddafi den Werte-Westen und die UNO vor
24.05.2024, 13:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Der libysche Machthaber Muammar al-Gaddafi prophezeite Europa genau das, was längst eingetroffen ist: Eine Immigrationswelle aus Afrika und den Heiligen Krieg auf europäischem Boden. Und er legte sich bereits 2009 bei einer „Skandal-Rede“, die bis heute Gültigkeit hat, mit den UN an. Wohl deswegen musste er aus dem Weg geräumt werden. Vergessene...

Watch: US Deploys Anti-Air Defense System On Gaza Aid Pier
24.05.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: US Deploys Anti-Air Defense System On Gaza Aid Pier Israeli media has reported that two American soldiers were injured Thursday in an accident which occurred while working on the Gaza humanitarian pier.  "Two U.S. soldiers sustained light injuries on Thursday during a work accident near the temporary floating pier in Gaza," i24 News said. IDF/Reuters...

Loose Talk About The End Of Everything: VDH
24.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Loose Talk About The End Of Everything: VDH Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, After a recent summit between new partners China and Russia, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin issued an odd one-sentence communique: “There can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be fought...

USA drohen dem IStGH mit Sanktionen und der UN mit der Hungerwaffe
24.05.2024, 12:24 Uhr. - https: - Peter Haisenko Der Haftbefehl des IStGH gegen Netanjahu und seinen Kriegsminister ist noch nicht beschlossen, sorgt aber schon für weltweiten Aufruhr. Nicht nur der Israeli selbst zeigt sich empört, auch Washington mischt sich ein. Wie und warum sie das tun ist bemerkenswert und das sollte für Empörung sorgen. Sowohl die USA als auch Israel erkennen...

Blinken Working With Congress To Punish Hague-Based ICC
24.05.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blinken Working With Congress To Punish Hague-Based ICC Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday said he wanted to work with Congress on legislation to punish the International Criminal Court (ICC) for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant...

War Cabinet Approves Resumption Of Truce Talks As Israeli Forces Plunge Deeper Into Rafah
23.05.2024, 20:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - War Cabinet Approves Resumption Of Truce Talks As Israeli Forces Plunge Deeper Into Rafah Facing immense pressure at home and internationally, the Netanyahu government said Thursday that Israel's war cabinet has approved the resumption of indirect truce and prisoner talks with Hamas. Israel media says that the country's negotiating team has been issued...

List Of Countries Hosting The Most Refugees
23.05.2024, 19:57 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to data from UNHCR, as of mid-2023, there are 36.5 million refugees worldwide. Countries like Iran and Turkey host the most refugees due to their proximity to conflict zones. Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and South Sudan have the highest number of people fleeing. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) forecasts that as of mid-2023, 36.5 million […]...

Western Arms Supplies to Ukraine Prevent Peaceful Solutions. Margaret Kimberley’s Presentation at the UN Security Council
23.05.2024, 14:18 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Western Arms Supplies to Ukraine Prevent Peaceful Solutions. Margaret...

UN General Assembly Ignores a Real Genocide in Jasenovac to Highlight a Phony One in Srebrenica
23.05.2024, 13:54 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post UN General Assembly Ignores a Real Genocide in Jasenovac to Highlight...

These Are The Countries Hosting The Most Refugees
23.05.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Are The Countries Hosting The Most Refugees According to estimates from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), some 36.5 million people were living as refugees under the UNHCR or UNRWA mandates as of mid-2023. As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the chart below, the countries hosting the most refugees are predominantly neighbors to nations that have been...

There Sure Has Been A Lot Of "International Intrigue" Lately...
22.05.2024, 22:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - There Sure Has Been A Lot Of "International Intrigue" Lately... Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, World leaders have been targeted quite frequently this month, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  I think that all of this geopolitical instability is a sign that there is far more going on behind the scenes than we...

Nearly 70% Of Gaza Aid From US-Built Pier Stolen
22.05.2024, 20:00 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Nearly 70% of Gaza aid from a new $320 million US-built pier was stolen on Saturday en route to a U.N. warehouse, with only five out of sixteen trucks successfully delivering the aid. Close to three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from a new $320 million floating pier built by the U.S. military off the […] The post Nearly 70% Of Gaza...

Nearly 70% Of Gaza Aid From US-Built Pier Stolen
22.05.2024, 18:49 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nearly 70% Of Gaza Aid From US-Built Pier Stolen Authored by Joshua Marks via The Gatestone Institute, Close to three-fourths of the humanitarian aid transported from a new $320 million floating pier built by the U.S. military off the Gaza coast was stolen on Saturday en route to a U.N. warehouse, Reuters reported on Tuesday. Eleven trucks "were cleaned...

Neue Videos am Mittwoch
22.05.2024, 17:39 Uhr. - https: - Lassen Sie sich heute von einer breiten Palette neuer und fesselnder Videos begeistern, die nicht nur unterhalten, sondern auch Ihren Horizont erweitern werden. Von faszinierenden Dokumentationen bis hin zu aktuellen Nachrichten und informativen Clips ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei! Jasmin Kosubek über Meinungsfreiheit, Diffamierungskampagnen...

UN CODES nutzt die erfundene Klimakrise, um digitale Zwillinge und das Internet der Dinge einzuführen.
22.05.2024, 16:01 Uhr. - https: - Im Jahr 2022 haben die Vereinten Nationen den Aktionsplan CODES ins Leben gerufen. Unter Berufung auf die Eindämmung des “Klimawandels” sieht der Plan die Einführung globaler digitaler Zwillinge und digitaler Produktpässe vor. Der CODES-Aktionsplan der Vereinten Nationen (“der Plan”) wurde auf der fünften Sitzung der Umweltversammlung...

Die neue Weltordnung: Die große September-Offensive (II) – Ein planetarischer Ausnahmezustand
22.05.2024, 15:02 Uhr. - https: - Von Levana Zigmund Wie ich zu Beginn des ersten Teils des Artikels erwähnt habe, wird erwartet, dass die UN auf dem Zukunftsgipfel im September 2024 einen sogenannten “globalen Notstand” ausrufen wird, ein Konzept, das in letzter Zeit im Diskurs von UN-Beamten und Organisationen, die mit der Agenda 2030 verbunden sind, zunehmend präsent...

The Wrath Of Khan... Or Why At Some Point The Lack Of Global Rule Of Law Will Matter Mightily
21.05.2024, 19:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Wrath Of Khan... Or Why At Some Point The Lack Of Global Rule Of Law Will Matter Mightily By Michael Every of Rabobank Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), has announced he is applying for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant, the first time leaders of a Western democracy...

UN Report Clearing UNRWA Of Terror Ties A "Whitewash", Witnesses Tell Congress
21.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UN Report Clearing UNRWA Of Terror Ties A "Whitewash", Witnesses Tell Congress Authored by Dan Berger via The Epoch Times, Three expert witnesses testifying before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on May 17 said a recent U.N. investigation into its troubled agency assisting Palestinians in Gaza was a whitewash. They told the Subcommittee on Global...

Commemorating Nakba, 76 years Ago: Palestine Apartheid, Stolen Lives and Land, History Erased, United Nations Deaf Mute
20.05.2024, 22:15 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Felicity Arbuthnot reflects on an endless list of breaches of international law pertaining to "people with no army, air force or navy". She also underscores Israel's violations of the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter. The post Commemorating Nakba, 76 years Ago: Palestine Apartheid, Stolen Lives and Land, History Erased, United Nations Deaf Mute...

Il Tramonto Rosso Sangue dell’occidente
19.05.2024, 22:28 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Il Presidente Vladimir Putin, su invito del Presidente della Repubblica Popolare Cinese Xi Jinping, ha effettuato una visita di Stato in Cina. Non è un atto formale, ma un ulteriore passo nel rafforzamento delle relazioni economiche, politiche e militari tra … The post Il Tramonto Rosso Sangue dell’occidente appeared first on Global Research...

Fierce Fighting Gets Closer To US-Built Gaza Pier Just As Initial Aid Rolls Off
19.05.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fierce Fighting Gets Closer To US-Built Gaza Pier Just As Initial Aid Rolls Off While global coverage of the Gaza crisis has focused on the Israeli offensive in the southern city of Raffah of late, fierce battles have erupted in the north of the Strip over the last several days, especially in Jabalia, where the IDF military is in a fierce anti-insurgent...

US Focused On Hunting Down Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar, In Bid To End War
18.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Focused On Hunting Down Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar, In Bid To End War Via Middle East Eye The United States is focused on tracking down Hamas's Gaza chief, Yahya Sinwar, amid a new push by the White House to help Israel declare "total victory" so it can bring an end to the war in Gaza, US officials have told Middle East Eye. Current and former...

Anatomie eines Völkermords: UN Menschenrechts Expertin findet vernünftige Gründe für Völkermord in Gaza
17.05.2024, 12:12 Uhr. - https: - Francesca Albanese trat vor dem UN-Menschenrechtsrat in Genf auf, wo sie ihren neuesten Bericht mit dem Titel “Anatomie eines Völkermords” im Rahmen eines interaktiven Dialogs mit den Mitgliedsstaaten präsentierte. “Nach nahezu sechs Monaten unerbittlicher israelischer Angriffe auf den besetzten Gazastreifen ist es meine ernste Pflicht, das...

The Trouble With World Government
17.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Trouble With World Government Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, Well, at least that’s one setback for world government. A court in Australia has told the government’s own eSafety Commission that Elon Musk is correct: One country cannot impose censorship on the world. The company X, formerly known as Twitter, must obey national...

Die UN plant unsere “integrative, offene, sichere und geschützte digitale Zukunft”, aber wir sind nicht eingeladen
17.05.2024, 07:36 Uhr. - https: - Von Dr. David McGrogan Schauen Sie sich um. Ich denke, Sie werden mir zustimmen, dass wir wirklich “eine hochrangige Veranstaltung brauchen, bei der führende Politiker der Welt zusammenkommen, um einen neuen internationalen Konsens darüber zu erzielen, wie wir eine bessere Gegenwart schaffen und die Zukunft sichern können”. Das klingt...

North Korea Steals $3.6 Billion In Crypto Assets
16.05.2024, 21:21 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to monitors, North Korea has stolen $3.6 billion in crypto assets from cryptocurrency companies between 2017 and 2024, with $147.5 million stolen through the virtual currency platform Tornado Cash in March alone. According to private work by UN sanctions monitors reviewed by Reuters on Tuesday, North Korea laundered $147.5 million through...

'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West's 'Unilateral Hegemony'
16.05.2024, 15:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Brothers Forever': Putin, Xi Agree That Deepened Ties Project Stability Against West's 'Unilateral Hegemony' Russian President Vladimir Putin is in Beijing visiting his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. On the first day of the two-day state...

Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem
16.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem Authored by Pepe Escobar, Get ready for what may well be the geoeconomic bombshell of 2024: the coming of a decentralized monetary ecosystem. Welcome to The Unit  – a concept that has already been discussed by the financial services and investments working...

Al Gore: Polareiskappe könnte bis Sommer 2014 komplett verschwinden
15.05.2024, 13:10 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in summer as early as 2014, Al Gore said today at the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen.Neue Computermodelle deuten darauf hin, dass der Arktische Ozean bereits 2014 im Sommer fast eisfrei sein könnte, sagte Al Gore heute auf der UN-Klimakonferenz in Kopenhagen.Den Bericht gibt's...

Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    - Doppelte News