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Neueste    Heute    23.09.2019    22.09.2019    21.09.2019    20.09.2019    19.09.2019    - Doppelte News  

The Weight | Featuring Robbie Robertson | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
21.09.2019, 14:47 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - We’re excited to share our newest Song Around The World, “The Weight,” featuring musicians performing together across 5 continents. Great songs can travel everywhere bridging what divides us and inspiring us to see how easily we all get along when the music plays....

"Suspiciously Well Placed": First Images Of Crippling Damage To Giant Khurais Oil Field Revealed
21.09.2019, 14:47 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Much of the attention concerning the crippling damage to Saudi Aramco facilities struck in last week`s aerial attack ultimately blamed on "Iranian sponsorship" by US and Saudi officials has focused on Abqaiq processing plant, but on Friday the first on the ground images from the kingdom`s giant Khurais oil field — the country`s second largest —...

Iran says has found ways to deal with US sanctions
21.09.2019, 13:58 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Iran has played down new US sanctions against the country, saying Washington`s campaign of pressure against Tehran has already failed....

Russia is auxiliary to US-India partnership, not balancer
21.09.2019, 11:30 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The Chinese Communist Party tabloid Global Times has featured a stimulating commentary entitled Modi does balancing act between US and Russia. It discusses the ‘Chanakyan’ moorings of India’s diplomacy vis-a-vis Russia. The hypothesis is uncomplicated — namely, that India ‘balances’ its relations with the US and Russia with a view to get...

The Crisis Over The Attack On Saudi Oil Infrastructure Is Over - We Now Wait For the Next One
21.09.2019, 11:30 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The crisis about the Yemeni drone and cruise missile attack on two Saudi oil installations is for now over. The Saudis and the U.S. accuse Iran of being behind the "act of war" as Secretary of State Pompeo called it. The Saudis have bombed Yemen with U.S. made bombs since 2015. One wonders how Pompeo is calling that. The Yemeni forces aligned with the...

This Is the Moment That Decides the Future of the Middle East
21.09.2019, 11:11 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Since the end of World War II, three core interests have shaped U.S. Middle East policy: ensuring the free flow of energy resources from the region, helping to maintain Israeli security, and making sure no state or group of states can challenge American power in a way that would put the other two interests at risk. In other words, aside from the strategic...

Why would Israel spy on Donald Trump?
21.09.2019, 11:11 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - As difficult as it may be to prove, given the nature of intelligence work, almost no one – certainly not the US officials quoted by Politico – doubts that Israel does spy on the US. Almost no one – except Donald Trump who credulously accepted Netanyahu’s denial at face value....

Afghanistan : une énième bavure US sanglante renforce le ralliement des populations aux Talibans
21.09.2019, 10:52 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Le raid est survenu dans la nuit du mercredi au jeudi à Wazir Tangi à l’est de la province du Nangarhar. Les fermiers se reposaient autour d’un feu lorsque les missiles Hellfire s’abattirent sur eux. Des officiels locaux évoquent plus de 80 blessés et un bilan initial provisoire de 30 tués. Le président afghan Ashraf Ghani a réagi très...

Florida Man Arrested for Making Racially-Motivated Threats in Interference with Election in Charlottesville and Cyberstalking
21.09.2019, 10:08 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - ...“As alleged in the indictment, this defendant was motivated by racial animus and used his social-media accounts to threaten and intimidate a potential candidate for elective office,” U.S. Attorney Thomas T. Cullen stated today. “Although the First Amendment protects an individual’s right to broadcast hateful views online, it does not give...

The Very Book The Government Does Not Want You To Read Just Went #1 In The World
21.09.2019, 10:08 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The Facts: Edward Snowden recently released a book titled Permanent Record. The US government is now suing the publisher of the book for not giving the CIA and the NSA a chance to erase classified details from the book....

Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D`état
21.09.2019, 10:08 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Catherine Austin Fitts has been following the story of the black budget, the missing trillions, and the back door in the US Treasury for decades. Now, her tireless work on this subject has been published in a comprehensive report from

Neueste    Heute    23.09.2019    22.09.2019    21.09.2019    20.09.2019    19.09.2019    - Doppelte News