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Neueste    Heute    05.07.2024    04.07.2024    03.07.2024    02.07.2024    - Doppelte News  

Alaska's Strategic Importance To U.S. Security
04.07.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Alaska's Strategic Importance To U.S. Security Authored by Seth Cropsey via RealClearDefense, From grave deficiencies in strategic lift and defense industrial base to submarine repair inadequacies, Yorktown Institute continues to highlight shortfalls in the enabling elements on which the continued global supremacy of the U.S. military depends. This...

Putin & Erdogan Discuss Syria Rapprochement To Squeeze Out Pentagon Occupation
04.07.2024, 20:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin & Erdogan Discuss Syria Rapprochement To Squeeze Out Pentagon Occupation During the ongoing Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) annual summit which is being held in Kazakhstan's capital of Astana, Russia's Putin and Turkey's Erdogan publicly broached the subject of a potential Turkey rapprochement with the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad...

Will Putin Invade Europe?
04.07.2024, 17:35 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - On Thursday, during a debate with Donald Trump, President Joe Biden labeled Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” and warned of potential invasions beyond Ukraine, suggesting threats to Poland and other regions. At Thursday’s debate with Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal...

Ukraine-Krieg wird mit Kapitulation enden
04.07.2024, 17:26 Uhr. - https: - Von Stephen Bryen Und es wird keine Verhandlungen mit Zelensky geben, wenn die ukrainische Armee zusammenbricht und eine Ersatzregierung eingesetzt wird. Der Krieg in der Ukraine wird mit einer Kapitulation enden, nicht mit einem ausgehandelten Abkommen. Das ist mein Eindruck davon, wohin der Krieg führt und warum die Parteien nicht über eine Lösung...

Trump Could Make a Deal with Russia to Not Offer NATO Membership to Ukraine If Elected
04.07.2024, 17:06 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Trump Could Make a Deal with Russia to Not Offer NATO Membership...

NATO: Neues Hauptquartier in Italien
04.07.2024, 16:26 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Italien mit seinem NATO-Kommando für schnelle Reaktion (NRDC-Ita) und seinem multinationalen Hauptquartier in Solbiate Olona in der Provinz Varese ist neuerdings das Hauptquartier der neuen NATO-Reaktionstruppe, der ARF (Allied Reaction Force). Wie die Presseagentur ANSA berichtet, handelt es sich dabei um eine Erweiterung der Einsatzbereitschaft des...

E Pluribus Airhead
04.07.2024, 14:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - E Pluribus Airhead Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance It was only a couple of days ago that I reminded my readers that, if it was necessary to replace Joe Biden, the DNC would do what both politically parties consistently do: make the worst decision possible. And now it looks like that’s exactly what’s happening. On Wednesday the New York Times reported that...

Le Pen Accuses Macron Of Preparing 'Coup D'etat' After Series Of Last Minute Appointments
04.07.2024, 13:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Le Pen Accuses Macron Of Preparing 'Coup D'etat' After Series Of Last Minute Appointments French President Emmanuel Macron's office issued a statement Wednesday urging "cool-headedness" and "moderation" aimed at the National Rally (RN) party and its supporters, after Marine Le Pen on Tuesday charged that Macron is leading an "administrative coup d'état" to...

Trump's Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented
04.07.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump's Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented Authored by Andrew Korybko via substack, Politico published a piece on Tuesday about how “Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging”, which cites some on-the-record and unnamed sources to describe his approach towards the bloc if he’s re-elected. It’s based upon a policy brief that...

Ukraine Lays Its Tracks to Europe
04.07.2024, 12:01 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - By expanding its railways, Kyiv hopes to tie its fate to the rest of the continent....

US-Munitionsfabrik von Explosionen erschüttert
04.07.2024, 12:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Eine Munitionsfabrik von General Dynamics, in der auch Hellfire- und Javelin-Raketen, sowie Mörsergranaten für die Ukraine und Israel hergestellt werden, wurde von heftigen Explosionen erschüttert. Dies könnte die Nachschublieferungen beeinträchtigen....

Selensky macht US-amerikanisches Englisch (wie es z.B. bei BlackRock gesprochen wird) zur Amtssprache und schreibt per Gesetz vor, dass alle höheren Beamten es können müssen
04.07.2024, 11:36 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Artikel 3. Personen, die Englisch sprechen müssenDie Anforderung zwingender Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache wird für Personen festgelegt, die sich für folgende Stellen bewerben:1) Beamtenkategorie „A“ ;2) Beamtenkategorien „B“ und „B“ , deren Liste vom Ministerkabinett der Ukraine erstellt wird;3) Leiter der lokalen Staatsverwaltungen...

A Former Prime Minister Reveals Why The UK's Blob Must Be Destroyed
04.07.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Former Prime Minister Reveals Why The UK's Blob Must Be Destroyed Authored by Iain Murray via The American Institute for Economic Research, In 2023, the British Conservative Party decided to oust its leader, Boris Johnson, who had led them to a resounding electoral victory in 2019, over a slice of cake. He was succeeded by his Foreign Secretary...

Zelensky Makes English Official Language Of Ukraine
04.07.2024, 09:19 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - On June 26, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a new law that makes English an official language for international communication in Ukraine. This law is set to change the landscape of communication in the country significantly. Under the new legislation, specific job positions will now require proficiency in English, and it will be increasingly used...

Der Ukraine droht der Staatsbankrott
04.07.2024, 09:02 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Private ausländische Gläubiger verweigern der Ukraine ein weiteres Schuldenmoratorium. Gelingt deren Regierung bis August keine Umschuldung, könnte sie zahlungsunfähig werden. Der kürzlich von den G7-Staaten beschlossene 50-Milliarden-Dollar-Kredit an die Ukraine erscheint so in einem neuen Licht. Die Konsequenzen dieser Entwicklung...

Jeffrey Sachs: NATO-Märchen der USA führte Ukraine in die Katastrophe
04.07.2024, 07:45 Uhr. - https: - Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: USA vs. Russland: Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft der Ukraine erklärt Welches Land ist der schlimmste Feind für die Ukraine, Russland oder die Vereinigten Staaten? Nun, ich sage die USA, weil die USA die Ukraine ins Unglück gelockt haben. Was ich kürzlich geschrieben habe, ist, dass wir den ukrainischen Führern viele Märchen...

Watch: Dramatic Video Shows Russia Repelling Drone Boat Attack On Key Port
04.07.2024, 02:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Dramatic Video Shows Russia Repelling Drone Boat Attack On Key Port Russia's defense ministry (MoD) on Wednesday published some rare and intense footage of a Ukrainian naval suicide drones which got close to the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. The speedboat-type drones were approaching the coast in the darkness of the early morning hours when...

Putin & Xi Meet Again, Plot Countering US, While White House Consumed With Crisis Of Biden's Decline
04.07.2024, 00:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin & Xi Meet Again, Plot Countering US, While White House Consumed With Crisis Of Biden's Decline In their second face-to-face meeting in as many months, Russian President Vladimir Putin told his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping that "Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation are in the best period of their history...

Neueste    Heute    05.07.2024    04.07.2024    03.07.2024    02.07.2024    - Doppelte News