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Neueste    Heute    22.04.2024    21.04.2024    20.04.2024    19.04.2024    18.04.2024    - Doppelte News  

Not 'The Onion': New Guinea Academics Say Cannibals Would Be Offended By Biden's Tale Of Uncle Being Eaten
20.04.2024, 20:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Not 'The Onion': New Guinea Academics Say Cannibals Would Be Offended By Biden's Tale Of Uncle Being Eaten Authored by Steve Watson via, Academics from Papua New Guinea say that the actual cannibals who live there would be extremely offended by Joe Biden’s made up story of his uncle being eaten by them during World War Two because they...

Israeli Security Chief Slams 'Lame' Attack On Iran, Deepening Division Among War Leaders
20.04.2024, 19:36 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israeli Security Chief Slams 'Lame' Attack On Iran, Deepening Division Among War Leaders Days ago, The Wall Street Journal featured a headline that underscored Israel's war leaders don't trust one another. This comes as they are dealing simultaneously with the operation in Gaza, repelling Hezbollah daily drone and missile attacks in the north, and of...

Gerald Hauser: Brüssel ist „Hort des Bösen“ – dort muss Corona-Aufarbeitung beginnen
20.04.2024, 19:21 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Wir haben den bekannten österreichischen Abgeordneten Mag. Gerald Hauser in Wien anlässlich des Corona-Aufklärungssymposiums der Freiheitlichen Partei zum Interview gebeten. Er erklärt, weshalb das Symposium so wichtig war - und dass die Aufklärung sowohl in der EU als auch in Österreich dringend vorangetrieben werden muss. Spätestens nach den...

Facebooks Zensuralgorithmus läuft weiter Amok gegen Regierungskritik
20.04.2024, 18:59 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Die öffentlich-private Zensurpartnerschaft gegen regierungskritische Inhalte im Netz arbeitet auf Hochtouren. Ein weiteres Mal hat Facebook die Weiterverbreitung eines völlig harmlosen, regierungskritischen Beitrags von mir unterbunden, wieder mit der absurden Begründung des Verdachts auf Gewaltdarstellungen. Diesmal war es ein Beitrag über ein...

Fabio de Masi zu Schmidbauer
20.04.2024, 18:59 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Der ehemalige deutsche Geheimdienstkoordinator Schmidbauer räumt nun gegenüber hmtillack erstmals öffentlich ein, dass der BND und andere Sicherheitsbehörden den Untersuchungsausschuss angelogen haben und wussten wer Marsalek ist.

Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools
20.04.2024, 18:18 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools It's not the easiest thing for a person to step away from their peer group and question the dogmatic political path the mob has chosen to follow.  When it comes to the woke left, stepping out of line is doubly difficult because any deviation from the approved ideology usually means...

Das Lesch-CO2-Klima-Experiment: so dreist werden Schüler und Lehrer hinters Licht geführt
20.04.2024, 17:59 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Die Wissenschaftlergruppe ICR (Independent Climate Research) hat den Versuch aus dem "Klimakoffer" für Schulen nachgestellt. In diesem Artikel wird im Detail und auf verifizierbarer Basis belegt, weshalb es sich um eine pseudowissenschaftlichen Täuschung handelt. Schlimm ist, dass der bekannte Fernseh-Professor Lesch am Design beteiligt war - der...

America’s Perpetual War: Six Questions
20.04.2024, 17:36 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article … The post America’s Perpetual War: Six Questions appeared first on...

Moredechai Vanunu and Israel’s Plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal
20.04.2024, 15:17 Uhr. Global Research - https: - This incisive article by Michael Carmichael was first published on January 15, 2007.  *** In 1986, an Israeli civil servant who worked in the state-owned nuclear industry flew to London where he was invited to meet with reporters working for … The post Moredechai Vanunu and Israel’s Plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel’s...

Furious Gen-Zers Threaten DC Protest Ahead Of TikTok Ban Vote 
20.04.2024, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Furious Gen-Zers Threaten DC Protest Ahead Of TikTok Ban Vote  The US House of Representatives plans a vote early Saturday afternoon on several bills that would send critical aid to Israel and Ukraine and a possible bill that would force TikTok's Chinese parent company ByteDance to divest or risk being banned across the US.  At 1300 ET, the chamber...

NATO Confirms that Ukraine “War Started in 2014”. “Fake Pretext” to Wage War against Russia? To Invoke Article 5 of Atlantic Treaty?
20.04.2024, 14:24 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to … The post NATO Confirms that Ukraine “War Started in 2014”. “Fake...

The War on Iraq : Five US Presidents, Five British Prime Ministers, More than Thirty Years of Duplicity, and Counting….
20.04.2024, 14:23 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. He had walked into possibly the biggest trap in modern history The post The War on Iraq : Five US Presidents, Five British Prime Ministers, More than Thirty Years of Duplicity, and Counting…. appeared first on Global Research....

Ukraine Claims First-Ever Shootdown Of Russian Strategic Bomber, Moscow Denies
20.04.2024, 13:39 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine Claims First-Ever Shootdown Of Russian Strategic Bomber, Moscow Denies Another Russian military aircraft has fallen from the sky in a fiery wreck, social media video widely circulating on Friday shows. But precisely how it happened is being hotly disputed. Ukraine is now touting that for the first time ever, its forces have downed a Russian...

The Regime That Doesn't Care
20.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Regime That Doesn't Care Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, We’ve all come across warnings against doom scrolling. This is the practice of waking up in the morning, scouring headlines, seizing on the bad news, and dwelling on the darkness. You do this during downtimes in the day and in the evening. Your mood worsens, permanently....

War in the New Normal – slaughtering your Proles for convenience, fun & profit
20.04.2024, 12:05 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - There was a discussion on OffG recently under the latest column by CJ Hopkins, about whether the current spate of wars were “real”. Opinion was sharply divided. Binary you might say. On reading it the thing that occurred to me was that before you can have a meaningful discussion about whether or not a thing …...

Gesundheitsschutz oberste Priorität? Das war mal bei Corona
20.04.2024, 11:23 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Wenn es um gesundheitsschädigende Stoffe wie Glyphosat oder PCB geht, stehen Industrieinteressen über dem Gesundheitsschutz....

Wie kam 1973 die Masern-Impfempfehlung der STIKO zustande?
20.04.2024, 07:51 Uhr. - https: - Als die frisch gegründete STIKO im Jahr 1973 erstmals die Masernimpfung öffentlich empfahl, war die Masern-Sterberate bereits um 99 Prozent gefallen - ganz ohne Impfung! Doch das spielte offenbar bei der Impfempfehlung keine Rolle, wie die offiziellen STIKO-Protokolle von damals zeigen. Die Masern gelten als hochansteckende und potenziell tödliche...

Major War Just Narrowly Averted & Biden Already Mulls $1BN+ In New Arms For Israel
20.04.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Major War Just Narrowly Averted & Biden Already Mulls $1BN+ In New Arms For Israel President Biden is mulling his first new major arms sales to Israel since the unprecedented Iranian missile and drone attack which targeted the country last Saturday. Though the world just narrowly avoided witnessing a major regional war explode with Thursday night's...

Speaker Johnson's Ignominious Betrayal
20.04.2024, 03:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Speaker Johnson's Ignominious Betrayal Authored by David Stockman via David Stockman's Contra Corner, Speaker Johnson’s ignominious betrayal of fiscal sanity might well be the death knell for the GOP. He is apparently risking his speakership on behalf of $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that Uncle Sam cannot remotely afford, and which actually...

RFK Jr Nails Down First Battleground-State Ballot Spot: Who Will Benefit Most?
20.04.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - RFK Jr Nails Down First Battleground-State Ballot Spot: Who Will Benefit Most? In a development that's sure to cause shudders at Democratic National Party headquarters, the independent campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr on Thursday officially secured a place on the ballot in tightly-contested Michigan. However, some polls point to Kennedy being a bigger...

Huge Blast Rocks Iraq Base Used By Iran-Linked Militias
20.04.2024, 00:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Huge Blast Rocks Iraq Base Used By Iran-Linked Militias Reuters is reporting a massive blast at an Iraqi base used by Iran-linked militias south of Baghdad in the overnight hours (local).  "A huge blast rocked a military base used by Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) to the south of Baghdad late on Friday," army sources said to Reuters. Fires...

Malaysischer Arzt entschuldigt sich für Covid-«Impfempfehlung»
20.04.2024, 00:03 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der malaysische Arzt Syafiq Nordin hat sich bei der Bevölkerung für die «vielen Fehler» bei der medizinischen Beratung entschuldigt, die er im Laufe der Jahre und insbesondere in der «Covid-Massenimpfsaison» begangen habe, als er an der Verabreichung des «Impfstoffs» beteiligt war. Dies berichtet das Portal Aussie17, worauf auch Medien wie The...

Neueste    Heute    22.04.2024    21.04.2024    20.04.2024    19.04.2024    18.04.2024    - Doppelte News