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Neueste    Heute    10.06.2024    09.06.2024    - Doppelte News  

"A Blatant Lie": The Biden Campaign Falsely Accuses Fox's John Roberts Of Lying About The Insulin Caps
05.06.2024, 23:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "A Blatant Lie": The Biden Campaign Falsely Accuses Fox's John Roberts Of Lying About The Insulin Caps Authored by Jonathan Turley, Winston Churchill once said that “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” It often seems like the Biden White House and campaign has embraced that warning as an operating...

London Mayor Khan Says He's Calling Trump Out For Being A "Racist, Sexist Homophobe"
21.05.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - London Mayor Khan Says He's Calling Trump Out For Being A "Racist, Sexist Homophobe" Authored by Steve Watson via, The freshly reelected Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has declared Donald Trump to be a “racist, sexist homophobe,” urging the Labour party to “call him out” as you would do a “best mate.” Khan told POLITICO “I’m...

Das Erwachen der Veteranen
20.05.2024, 12:16 Uhr. - https: - Am 8. Mai 1945 endete der Zweite Weltkrieg in Europa. 79 Jahre später bleiben noch immer so viele Fragen zu diesem Krieg offen. Und viele werden neu gestellt. Wer war Winston Churchill? Und welche Bedeutung hatte dieser Mann für den Ablauf des 20. Jahrhunderts? Für die einen war Churchill der grandiose Held, der Retter Großbritanniens […]...

Watch: Pelosi Dismantled In Real Time In Masterclass On Populism
12.05.2024, 22:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Pelosi Dismantled In Real Time In Masterclass On Populism Two weeks ago, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was thoroughly savaged during a debate at Oxford University over the question of whether populism is a "threat to democracy." In case you missed it, read on as it's making the rounds. If you have 14 minutes to spare, jump right in: Opening...

German Defense Chief Compares Putin To Hitler
12.04.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - German Defense Chief Compares Putin To Hitler Amid the recent days of stepped-up major Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, which the Kremlin on Thursday said is necessary in response to Ukrainian forces' own cross-border attacks on Russian oil refineries, the rhetoric out of Europe is becoming unhinged. In but the latest example of this...

NATO: It's Time To Cull The Snake In America's Garden
08.04.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO: It's Time To Cull The Snake In America's Garden Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, This week’s brouhaha in Brussels saw the Foreign Ministers of NATO emerge from their holes in the ground looking for food now that things are finally warming up for Spring. And they had a message for us: more for them and less for us. They were...

How Progressive Policies Are Designed For Civilizational Suicide
17.02.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Progressive Policies Are Designed For Civilizational Suicide Authored by John D. O'Connor via American Greatness, We all understand, in the timeless words of the poet Robert Burns, that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Most Americans are accustomed to assessing the various failed initiatives of our country’s leaders as well-intended...

Why You Should Read 1984 (Again)
22.11.2023, 01:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why You Should Read 1984 (Again) Authored by Nesrine Assani via, If you care at all about privacy, sovereignty, and freedom, the lessons of George Orwell's 1984 are more relevant than they ever have been... Despite being published in 1949 at the tail end of World War II, I think George Orwell's fictional novel, 1984, is still as...

Aufrecht in einer verkehrten Welt – Transition News braucht Ihre Hilfe!
15.11.2023, 03:31 Uhr. Transition News - https: - «Ein Drachen fliegt gegen den Wind, nicht mit ihm.» Winston Churchill Liebe Leserinnen und Leser Die Welt steht Kopf: Globale totalitäre Massnahmen und toxische Injektionen zum Wohle der Menschen; Kriege, um Frieden zu schaffen; Pubertätsblocker und Kastrationen bei Jugendlichen im Namen der Selbstbestimmung und Toleranz; Deindustrialisierung und...

Is A Cyber 9/11 Coming?
11.11.2023, 04:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is A Cyber 9/11 Coming? Authored by Marie Hawthorne via The Organic Prepper blog, Talk of a “Cyber 9/11” has been circulating for years.  With the next presidential election twelve months away now, some folks are predicting that a major cyber event will happen before then, throwing a monkey wrench into the 2024 election process. What the heck is...

Kommt nun der Dritte Weltkrieg oder nicht? – Es kommt darauf an …
04.11.2023, 20:44 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Die Welt gerät zunehmend aus den Fugen. Da ich immer wieder gefragt werde, ob das Ganze überhaupt noch gut gehen kann oder jetzt der große Krieg kommt, hier nur zwischen Tür und Angel meine Einschätzung: Irrsinnige Pläne gab es in den Kommandozentralen der Mächtigen schon immer, z.B. „Operation Unthinkable“ von Winston Churchill oder...

Two Dozen Law Firms Warn Harvard, Yale Over Antisemitism On Campus
03.11.2023, 16:12 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Two Dozen Law Firms Warn Harvard, Yale Over Antisemitism On Campus Two dozen top US law firms have sent a letter to more than 100 law school deans advising them to take an "unequivocal stance" against antisemitism on their campuses, which we assume includes protests opposing the Israeli government's longstanding treatment of Palestinians (who are technically...

Winston Churchill Sent “Black and Tans” Armed Forces To Palestine. These Same Forces were Used to Fight against Sinn Fein in Ireland in the 1920s
19.10.2023, 17:31 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article … The post Winston Churchill Sent “Black and Tans” Armed Forces...

Rickards: Is The World Falling Apart?
19.10.2023, 16:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rickards: Is The World Falling Apart? Authored by James Rickards via, Is the world coming apart at the seams? It would seem so... Of course, there are always wars going on somewhere and hot spots waiting to erupt. That’s the steady state of the world. But some periods are far more dangerous either because the conflicts are more...

Klima-Panikmache: Daten-Schindluder und Propaganda
16.06.2023, 12:59 Uhr. - https: - Wir unterbrechen die aktuelle Berichterstattung aufgrund "viral" gehender Mitteilungen in den sozialen Medien, die vorgeblich "beispiellose" Katastrophen verkünden. Während die Covid-Jünger "Klima-Lockdowns" in immer schrilleren Tönen fordern, zeigt ein eingehender Blick auf die vorliegenden Daten vor allem – methodische Probleme und interpretatorische...

Western Ruling Elites Show Their True Colors by Revering a Moral Monster — Winston Churchill
30.08.2022, 14:30 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Follow … The post Western Ruling Elites Show Their True Colors by Revering a Moral Monster —...

Neueste    Heute    10.06.2024    09.06.2024    - Doppelte News