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Neueste    Heute    14.06.2024    13.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Kommt ein Krieg zwischen Israel und der Hisbollah?
15.06.2024, 13:43 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Angesichts der Eskalationen an der israelisch-libanesischen Grenze infolge der ständigen Angriffe der Hisbollah auf Nordisrael könnte sich der Konflikt dort ausbreiten. Dies würde aber auch Milizen aus Syrien und dem Irak mit hineinziehen. Ohne funktionierende Strategie wird dies gefährlich....

US Worried Israel Is Rushing Into War With Hezbollah With No Clear Strategy
15.06.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Worried Israel Is Rushing Into War With Hezbollah With No Clear Strategy Authored by Dave DeCamp via, The Biden administration is concerned that the violence on the Israel-Lebanon border could soon escalate into a full-blown war and that Israel is rushing into the conflict without a clear strategy, Axios reported this week. US officials...

“Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran unite to refuse a Kurdish state in Syria.” Interview with Dr. Nidal Kabalan
14.06.2024, 16:02 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post “Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran unite to refuse a Kurdish state...

The Confiscation Of Reality
14.06.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Confiscation Of Reality Authored by Sinead Murphy via The Brownstone Institute, The UK Meteorological Office has just reported that we have enjoyed the hottest May on record.  Meanwhile, those of us who have lived in the UK during May have endured unseasonal cold and rain, and have complained to one another constantly about it.  Welcome to the...

Hezbollah Tries To Down Israeli Fighter Jets With Anti-Aircraft Missiles In First
12.06.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hezbollah Tries To Down Israeli Fighter Jets With Anti-Aircraft Missiles In First There's been another alarming "first" in the ongoing Israel-Hezbollah conflict which has been raging since Oct.7 in parallel with the Gaza war involving Hamas. Israeli media has revealed that a cell of Hezbollah operatives attempted to down an Israeli fighter jet operating...

US Lifts 10-Year Weapon Ban On Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade
11.06.2024, 23:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Lifts 10-Year Weapon Ban On Ukraine's Neo-Nazi Azov Brigade The US State Department on Tuesday announced that it is lifting a longtime ban on giving weapons and training to Ukraine's notorious Azov Brigade (often referenced by its earlier name Azov Battalion). The question must immediately be asked: Do Washington policy-makers think enough time...

Wen könnte Russland als asymmetrische Antwort auf die Bewaffnung der Ukraine durch den Westen aufrüsten?
11.06.2024, 16:00 Uhr. - https: - Russland könnte ernsthaft in Erwägung ziehen, sich auf seinen strategischen Partner Iran zu verlassen, um die Achse des Widerstands zu bewaffnen, um entweder einen demütigenden Rückzug der USA aus zumindest Teilen Westasiens, insbesondere Syriens, zu erzwingen oder sie in einen größeren regionalen Konflikt kurz vor den Wahlen im November zu ziehen...

What Would Josey Wales Do?
11.06.2024, 01:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Would Josey Wales Do? Via the Burning Platform, “To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.” – Josey Wales As our political, economic, civic, and social structures continue to degrade, dissolve, and disintegrate before our very eyes, it is easy to become apathetic and surrender to hopelessness. There are relentless powerful...

How Syrian Rebels Turned Mercenaries Guard Africa’s Gold Mines For Turkey
10.06.2024, 20:20 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to multiple sources, Syrian rebels, mainly affiliated with the Syrian National Army, have been recruited as mercenaries to provide security at factories and gold mines in African nations, reportedly under the direction of Turkey. Several opposition sources informed Middle East Eye this week that Syrian rebels had been hired to fight and provide...

Turkey Sends Anti-Assad Syrian Mercenaries To Africa To Guard Mines
09.06.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Sends Anti-Assad Syrian Mercenaries To Africa To Guard Mines Via Middle East Eye Syrian "rebels" have been hired to fight and provide security at gold mines and factories in African countries, several rebel sources told Middle East Eye this week. Syrian fighters, who are mostly affiliated with the Syrian National Army (SNA), a coalition of armed...

US-Truppen im Irak und in Syrien und russische Truppen in der Ukraine
09.06.2024, 13:50 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Ein durchaus berechtigter, aber ziemlich unpopulärer Vergleich.Den Artikel gibt's hier....

"Zero Tolerance": Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing
09.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Zero Tolerance": Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing In response to last weekend's terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead - and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit...

The Influencer Chef Dividing Syria’s Diaspora
08.06.2024, 13:01 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Chef Omar has popularized Damascene cuisine online and in his Istanbul restaurant. But is he linked to the Assad regime?...

The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All
08.06.2024, 05:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All Authored by David Vine -Therisa (ISA) Arriola via, We need to talk about what bombs do in war. Bombs shred flesh. Bombs shatter bones. Bombs dismember. Bombs cause brains, lungs, and other organs to shake so violently they bleed, rupture, and cease functioning. Bombs injure. Bombs kill...

Iraqi Mediation Efforts Between Turkey and Syria
07.06.2024, 11:20 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Iraqi Mediation Efforts Between Turkey and Syria appeared first...

Israel Signs $3BN Deal With US For 25 F-35 Stealth Jets
06.06.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Signs $3BN Deal With US For 25 F-35 Stealth Jets "At time when some of our adversaries aim to undermine our ties with our greatest ally, we only further strengthen our alliance," Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced Tuesday upon unveiling Israel's signing a new $3 billion deal with Lockheed Martin for 25 F-35 fighter jets. "This sends a powerful...

Gunman Captured After Attack, Lengthy Shootout At US Embassy In Beirut
06.06.2024, 02:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gunman Captured After Attack, Lengthy Shootout At US Embassy In Beirut The American Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut has come under attack Wednesday, and a gunman has been shot by Lebanese security forces after the armed man fired at the embassy. At least one embassy security guard was injured. The badly wounded suspect was taken into custody...

Israel Is Gearing Up For Lebanon War As IDF Reaching 'Decision Point'
05.06.2024, 22:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Is Gearing Up For Lebanon War As IDF Reaching 'Decision Point' There are fresh reports out of Israeli media that the country's war cabinet is discussing launching a full-scale war against Hezbollah, which would likely involve an army ground invasion of southern Lebanon. Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, said...

Services ISM Unexpectedly Surges Out Of Contraction, Prints At 53.8, Above All Estimates
05.06.2024, 16:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Services ISM Unexpectedly Surges Out Of Contraction, Prints At 53.8, Above All Estimates After the Manufacturing ISM unexpectedly tumbled to the lowest level since February (led by a collapse in New Orders which tumbled at the fastest rate since Dec 2023), markets were expecting today's Services ISM to come in well below estimates and to be generally...

Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks Huge fires in Israel's Galilee region are once again raging out of control following stepped-up rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel. Some reports are citing over 20 wildfires in various locations. Israeli media has confirmed that "a large blaze is spreading in the Ramim...

Germany Considering Deportations To Afghanistan After Migrant Stabbing Attack
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany Considering Deportations To Afghanistan After Migrant Stabbing Attack Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Germany is considering allowing deportations to Afghanistan of dangerous criminals following the frenzied stabbing attack in Mannheim that left a police officer dead. The attack was carried out by an individual angry at right-wing...

Syria on the Brink of Recovery as Qatar and Turkey Change Their Policies. Steven Sahounie
04.06.2024, 11:42 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Syria on the Brink of Recovery as Qatar and Turkey Change Their...

Israel Pounds Aleppo In Fresh Attack, Iranian IRGC Casualties Confirmed
03.06.2024, 23:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Pounds Aleppo In Fresh Attack, Iranian IRGC Casualties Confirmed Israel launched major airstrikes on the northern Syrian city of Aleppo in the overnight hours, which killed an Iranian military adviser, and possibly more Iranian militia members, as well as civilians. "At approximately 12:20 AM at dawn on Monday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial...

Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023
03.06.2024, 14:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany Naturalized Over 200,000 Immigrants In 2023 Authored by Steve Watson via, German government records have shown that the country naturalised over 200,000 immigrants in 2023 alone, which amounts to more than the entire population of more than half of its cities. The statistics, released by the German Federal Statistical Office reveal...

Research Suggests Unusual Form Of Cell Death Causes Severe COVID-19 Lung Damage
01.06.2024, 00:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Research Suggests Unusual Form Of Cell Death Causes Severe COVID-19 Lung Damage Authored by Megan Redshaw, J.D. via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Illustration of the cell apoptosis mechanism. Ferroptosis differs from apoptosis. (best in world/Shutterstock) SARS-CoV-2 infection may cause severe pulmonary conditions such as pneumonia, inflammation...

Israel Intercepts Cruise Missile Launched From Iraq
31.05.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Intercepts Cruise Missile Launched From Iraq Israeli media is reporting on a dangerous escalation after the military announced it shot down an inbound projectile which came "from the east" - which is a phrase typically used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to describe attacks from Iraq. Time of Israel is describing "cruise missiles" fired from...

Iran's Khamenei Receives Assad, Hails Syria's Resistance To Regime Change Efforts
31.05.2024, 00:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran's Khamenei Receives Assad, Hails Syria's Resistance To Regime Change Efforts Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in Tehran on Thursday for a rare state as part of a condolence message in the wake of the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash earlier this month. Assad met with Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as well...

The Normalizing of Assad Has Been a Disaster
30.05.2024, 09:43 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Syria’s president was welcomed back into the fold a year ago—and everything since then has gotten worse....

Israel Launches Airstrikes Deep Into Syria - Reports Of Civilians Dead & Wounded
30.05.2024, 02:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Launches Airstrikes Deep Into Syria - Reports Of Civilians Dead & Wounded Israel's military on Wednesday launched a fresh attack on targets deep inside Syria, which reportedly left civilian casualties, according to state media. State sources identified that it was a neighborhood that was struck, while the anti-Assad opposition outlet Syrian...

Is Russia Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban?
29.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is Russia Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban? Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, The Taliban remain international outcasts due to their refusal to implement a truly ethno-politically inclusive government per their prior promises as well as their treatment of women. Although no tangible progress has been made on either of those...

Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World
29.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World Authored by Christopher Roach via American Greatness, If we want our country to be safe and powerful, we should start on the firm foundations of respect for peace, human life, and other nations’ sovereignty. During Bush’s years as president, Democrats frequently criticized his foreign...

Israeli & Egyptian Troops Clash At Rafah Border, Leaving One Dead
28.05.2024, 04:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israeli & Egyptian Troops Clash At Rafah Border, Leaving One Dead In a significant escalation, an Egyptian soldier has been shot dead at the Rafah border crossing after a rare exchange of gunfire erupted between the two sides. Israel's Channel 14 described that Egyptian security forces "fired on an Israeli truck at the Rafah crossing" and that immediately...

Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group 
28.05.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group  Rashida Tlaib, a Congresswoman from Detroit and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, spoke over the weekend at the "People's Conference for Palestine," linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). This group, an Arab nationalist...

Democracies Aren’t the Peacemakers Anymore
24.05.2024, 15:43 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - How Washington can reclaim its diplomatic primacy in an authoritarian age....

List Of Countries Hosting The Most Refugees
23.05.2024, 19:57 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to data from UNHCR, as of mid-2023, there are 36.5 million refugees worldwide. Countries like Iran and Turkey host the most refugees due to their proximity to conflict zones. Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and South Sudan have the highest number of people fleeing. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) forecasts that as of mid-2023, 36.5 million […]...

These Are The Countries Hosting The Most Refugees
23.05.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Are The Countries Hosting The Most Refugees According to estimates from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), some 36.5 million people were living as refugees under the UNHCR or UNRWA mandates as of mid-2023. As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the chart below, the countries hosting the most refugees are predominantly neighbors to nations that have been...

Blowback In The African Coup Belt
22.05.2024, 08:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blowback In The African Coup Belt Authored by Marcel Dumas Gautreau via The Mises Institute, Starting in 2020, things started to get strange in Africa for those who knew what to look for. Normally, coups in Africa are nothing to write about. But starting in 2020, we saw six countries flip into a pro-Russian direction in just three years. Individually...

Iran Announces Interim President After Raisi's Helicopter "Hit A Mountain & Disintegrated"
20.05.2024, 16:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran Announces Interim President After Raisi's Helicopter "Hit A Mountain & Disintegrated" Following Tehran's early Monday confirmation of the deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, 63, along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other officials after their helicopter went down over mountainous terrain near the border with Azerbaijan...

Elliott Abrams, der zur „Theopolitik“ konvertierte „Gladiator“, von Thierry Meyssan
20.05.2024, 09:29 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Die neue Nummer 2 des Nationalen US-Sicherheitsrates, Elliott Abrams, ist ein Neokonservativer von immer. Infolge des Irangate beiseitegeschoben, wo er sich ernsthaft kompromittiert hatte, kam wieder zurück und wechselte in einen religiösen Think-Tank, wo er eine seltsame Doktrin der Allianz jüdischer und christlicher Fundamentalismen entwickelte...

Comparing New And Current US Tariffs On Chinese Imports
20.05.2024, 04:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Comparing New And Current US Tariffs On Chinese Imports This week, the U.S. introduced a new series of tariff increases on Chinese imports, amounting to over $18 billion worth of goods. In the announcement, President Biden said they are aiming to “counter China’s unfair trade practices” by targeting specific sectors where the U.S. is boosting...

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
19.05.2024, 20:23 Uhr. Global Research - https: - When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East The post “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East appeared first on Global Research....

US Focused On Hunting Down Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar, In Bid To End War
18.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Focused On Hunting Down Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar, In Bid To End War Via Middle East Eye The United States is focused on tracking down Hamas's Gaza chief, Yahya Sinwar, amid a new push by the White House to help Israel declare "total victory" so it can bring an end to the war in Gaza, US officials have told Middle East Eye. Current and former...

Drug Overdose Deaths Drop For First Time Since 2018
18.05.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Drug Overdose Deaths Drop For First Time Since 2018 Authored by Amie Dahnke via The Epoch Times, The rate of death by overdose declined in 2023, marking the first decrease in five years. Data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics show the decline mainly attributed to a drop in...

US Spy Balloon Crashes In Northeast Syria
17.05.2024, 12:15 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Local news media reported that a US spy balloon crashed in northeast Syria near Rmelan, which was also close to a US facility. On May 15, a large US military surveillance aerostat crashed close to the town of Rmelan in the northeastern Al-Hasakah region of Syria. Social media footage showed the aerostat falling out of […] The post US Spy Balloon...

US Wars Are Making Türkiye's Relationship With The West Politically Untenable
17.05.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Wars Are Making Türkiye's Relationship With The West Politically Untenable Authored by Conor Gallagher via, Turkish public opinion of the West dropped due to the Iraq War and has not recovered. There have been almost constant issues since, with both sides fanning the flames – the US with its arrogance and Turkish President...

Hezbollah Leader Threatens To "Open The Sea" To Flood Europe With Migrants
16.05.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hezbollah Leader Threatens To "Open The Sea" To Flood Europe With Migrants Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah urged Lebanese authorities to ‘open the sea’ in order to flood Europe with a new wave of migrants. Nasrallah made the remarks during a televised address at a rally marking the eighth anniversary...

Rail Union Warns German Train System Turning Into "Battleground" Thanks To Male Migrants
15.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rail Union Warns German Train System Turning Into "Battleground" Thanks To Male Migrants Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The head of a German rail union warns that the country’s train system is turning into a “battleground” thanks to a wave of violence and intimidation being unleashed by male asylum seekers against female staff...

Was der syrische Staatschef Assad über den sozialistischen Aufbau und den chinesischen Sozialismus sagte
14.05.2024, 12:31 Uhr. - https: - Obwohl es vom Westen nicht offen akzeptiert wird, ist allen klar, dass der Krieg in Syrien beendet ist und die Baath-Partei diesen Prozess erfolgreich abschließen wird. Nach dem Ende des 14-jährigen Krieges in Syrien bleibt eine syrische Wirtschaft zurück, die versucht, sich zu erholen, und große Massen von Menschen, die mit Armut kämpfen. Die...

The Tide Turns: Research On COVID Vaccine Harms, Once A Taboo Subject, Now Appearing In Some Medical Journals
14.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Tide Turns: Research On COVID Vaccine Harms, Once A Taboo Subject, Now Appearing In Some Medical Journals Authored by Joe Wang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), When COVID-19 took the world by storm in early 2020, I mostly relied on reading Nature Medicine, The Lancet, and a few other medical journals to learn the latest on this new disease....

Neueste    Heute    14.06.2024    13.06.2024    + Doppelte News