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Biden's Dollar Weaponization - Growing Backlash Could Kill The Economy
01.05.2024, 23:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden's Dollar Weaponization - Growing Backlash Could Kill The Economy Authored by Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group, President Biden’s decision to participate in the Ukraine-Russia conflict back in February 2022 has taken a new and dangerous turn this year. The U.S. dollar could suffer dramatically as a result. Before we explore that new development...

"Throw 'Em A Rager": GoFundMe Donations Surge For UNC Frat Defending 'Old Glory' From Marxist Protesters
01.05.2024, 23:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Throw 'Em A Rager": GoFundMe Donations Surge For UNC Frat Defending 'Old Glory' From Marxist Protesters Law-abiding, freedom-loving Americans are finally catching on. The chaos spreading across the nation's colleges and universities is a direct result of failed woke ideologies pushed by radical Marxist teachers, school groups, and school administrators...

A Disappointing First Year For Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson
01.05.2024, 23:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Disappointing First Year For Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via, Nearly one year ago, Chicagoans cheered Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s removal from office. Gone was her toxic attitude. Her flippant dismissal of the city’s many crises. Her abrasive politics. In her place was Brandon Johnson,...

Iran Makes a Play in South Asia
01.05.2024, 23:01 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - President Ebrahim Raisi’s recent trip to the region was an opportunity for Iran to showcase its engagement amid instability in the Middle East....

USAID, DoS und die CIA beginnen eine strukturierte Farbenrevolution an Russlands Grenze in Georgien
01.05.2024, 22:42 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - So why is Samantha Power targeting Georgia now? Well, like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili does not want expanded war with Russia. Therefore, just like Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Georgia must now be removed and replaced with a pro-war leader.Warum also nimmt Samantha Power jetzt Georgien ins Visier?...

The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies From A To Z
01.05.2024, 22:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies From A To Z Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “As I look at America today, I am not afraid to say that I am afraid.” - Former presidential advisor Bertram Gross The American governmental scheme is sliding ever closer towards a pervasive authoritarianism. The American...

Is NATO A Paper Tiger?
01.05.2024, 22:28 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Iran’s successful missile strikes, NATO’s equipment failures in Ukraine, and U.S. military setbacks raise the question: Is NATO a paper tiger, unable to maintain its perceived strength? On April 13, Iran struck back against Israel for an attack on its Syrian embassy by launching over 300 drones and missiles toward Israeli targets. Although...

Exxon To Win FTC Approval For $60 Billion Pioneer Deal, Creating Energy Supergiant
01.05.2024, 22:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Exxon To Win FTC Approval For $60 Billion Pioneer Deal, Creating Energy Supergiant Having adversely intervened in virtually every other M&A deal in the past 3 years, the Biden FTC will reportedly allow Exxon's $60 billion purchase of Pioneer to go through after the companies agreed to minor concessions, Bloomberg reported citing people familiar with...

Ohne Wäsche in Berlin – aber dafür mit Sauna-Badehosen-Kontrolle
01.05.2024, 21:45 Uhr. - https: - Nichts geht mehr an der Spree: Meine (Heim-)Reise wurde zum Abenteuerurlaub wider Willen – nach China und Südkorea kommt man sich in Berlin fast vor wie in Kalkutta. Hier mein neues Video. Der Beitrag Ohne Wäsche in Berlin – aber dafür mit Sauna-Badehosen-Kontrolle erschien zuerst auf

China Crossed Biden's Red Line On Ukraine, So What?
01.05.2024, 21:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Crossed Biden's Red Line On Ukraine, So What? Authored by Mike Shedlock via, It’s ridiculous to have red lines if you are not going to do anything when they are crossed. So what should Biden do? China Has Crossed Biden’s Red Line on Ukraine A Wall Street Journal Op-Ed moans China Has Crossed Biden’s Red Line on Ukraine. President...

The Path Of Least Resistance: Northwestern Reaches Controversial Settlement With Pro-Palestinian Protesters
01.05.2024, 21:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Path Of Least Resistance: Northwestern Reaches Controversial Settlement With Pro-Palestinian Protesters Authored by Jonathan Turley, Northwestern University has agreed to a controversial settlement with pro-Palestinian protesters encamped on its campus this week, including a commitment for scholarships for Palestinians, Palestinian faculty appointments...

Wall Street Reacts To Powell Unleashing His Inner Dove
01.05.2024, 20:53 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wall Street Reacts To Powell Unleashing His Inner Dove Ahead of today's FOMC statement and Powell presser, we said that the bogey for a dovish interpretation today will come not from the Fed's rate decision, which we knew would be unchanged, but the QT tapering decision... The big question for today: how much will Fed taper QT by? If Taper goes to $30BN...

Lu-Lu-Leveraged: Lululemon Founder Pledges Shares For Margin Loan
01.05.2024, 19:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lu-Lu-Leveraged: Lululemon Founder Pledges Shares For Margin Loan Lululemon's founder is taking on some lu-lu-leverage - and it's coming at a time when Lululemon's stock is more than 20% off its recent highs.  Chip Wilson, the founder of Lululemon, has reportedly used a significant portion of his stake in the company to secure financing from Goldman...

Robert Mueller's Right Hand Man Warns SCOTUS: You're "One Vote Away From... The End Of Democracy"
01.05.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Robert Mueller's Right Hand Man Warns SCOTUS: You're "One Vote Away From... The End Of Democracy" Authored by Jonathan Turley, When Robert Mueller appointed Andrew Weissmann as one of his top advisers, many of us warned that it was a poor choice. Weissmann seemed intent to prove those objections correct in increasingly unhinged and partisan statements...

Can Powell Walk The 'Asymmetric' Tight-Rope At Today's Presser?
01.05.2024, 19:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Can Powell Walk The 'Asymmetric' Tight-Rope At Today's Presser? The Fed meeting later today has had the market feeling (and positioned for) “HAWKISHNESS,” especially after the ECI pile-on yesterday, which didn’t simply “upside surprise,” but re-accelerated to 1.2% after ending 2023 at 0.9%, and showing that persistent wage pressures further...

Israel Won't End War On Hamas As Part Of Hostage Deal, Bibi Tells Blinken
01.05.2024, 18:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Won't End War On Hamas As Part Of Hostage Deal, Bibi Tells Blinken It seems like once again that the Biden White House has almost zero sway, and that Israel is going to do whatever it is going to do, despite continued Washington pressure to halt and avoid the planned Rafah ground assault, with over a million refugees in harm's way. A deal is...

Gute ausländische Unterstützung, schlechte ausländische Einmischung
01.05.2024, 18:32 Uhr. GlobalBridge - https: - (Red.) Was an einem Ort seit Jahrzehnten eine Selbstverständlichkeit ist, ist am anderen Ort Anlass für politische Auseinandersetzungen bis und mit Demonstrationen und Schlägereien. Und in der westlichen Argumentation wird – ob zu Recht oder auch Unrecht – die Bezeichnung „russisch“ oft dazu verwendet, etwas schlecht zu reden –...

If Treasury Bonds Hit 5%, You're Gonna See Some Serious Sh*t
01.05.2024, 18:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - If Treasury Bonds Hit 5%, You're Gonna See Some Serious Sh*t Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance Almost as if all of us Austrian Economists (read: any carbon based life form using common sense when it comes to finance) live in an echo chamber together, a third expert I respect came out over the last few days and has warned that 5% on the 10 year treasury...

Leak: EU-Regierungen ordnen Massenscans bei verschlüsselten Messaging-Diensten an
01.05.2024, 18:23 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Ein neues Dokument zur geplanten Chatkontrolle, das dem Nachrichtenportal Contexte zugespielt wurde, enthüllt weitere Details über die Pläne der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Wenn Dienste unter Pseudonymen oder ohne Nutzeraccount, über VPNs oder mit Verschlüsselung genutzt werden, schneiden sie auf einer Risikoskala schlechter ab und sollen eher zur...

The Great Gold Vs Bitcoin Debate: ZeroHedge Presents Roubini And Schiff Against Scaramucci And Vorhees
01.05.2024, 18:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Great Gold Vs Bitcoin Debate: ZeroHedge Presents Roubini And Schiff Against Scaramucci And Vorhees Proponents of gold and bitcoin often hail from the same ideological background: Austrian economists, dollar bears, Libertarians tired of State manipulation of fiat currencies and, generally, the anti-Fed crowd. Yet shared principles have not eased...

Feds Scrutinizing Block's Square And Cash App, Eyeing If Transactions Funded Terror And Skirted Sanctions
01.05.2024, 17:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Feds Scrutinizing Block's Square And Cash App, Eyeing If Transactions Funded Terror And Skirted Sanctions Federal prosecutors are investigating compliance issues at Block, the fintech firm co-founded by Jack Dorsey, according to a new report from NBC, citing "two people with direct knowledge".  Questions about the company started swirling back in March...

Lauterbach spricht offen, dass Menschen an der Impfung „verstorben“ sind
01.05.2024, 17:41 Uhr. - https: - Wenn nach dem Ausspruch des Gesundheitsministers weitere Menschen gibt, die nachweislich an der Covid-Impfung verstorben sind, handelt es sich vom bedingtem Vorsatz? Eine Frage an Juristen. Von Prof. Dr. Rießinger Der Beitrag Lauterbach spricht offen, dass Menschen an der Impfung „verstorben“ sind erschien zuerst auf

Fed Policies Turn The Wealth Gap Into A Chasm
01.05.2024, 17:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fed Policies Turn The Wealth Gap Into A Chasm Authored by Michael Lebowitz via, In an op-ed for the Washington Post on November 5, 2010, Ben Bernanke did a victory lap, praising the Fed’s efforts in stemming the financial crisis. In the article, he discusses how QE and other Fed policies eased financial conditions, bolstering...

AMD's Muted AI Sales Forecast Fails To Unleash Bulls 
01.05.2024, 17:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - AMD's Muted AI Sales Forecast Fails To Unleash Bulls  Advanced Micro Devices, the second-largest maker of computer processors, disappointed investors with its sales outlook for processors used in data centers. The company also reported weak demand for chips used in gaming hardware, which could serve as a warning for Nvidia bulls as they await the...

Baerbockisierung der US-Außenpolitik: Blinki fliegt nach China
01.05.2024, 17:15 Uhr. - https: - Angesichts der Widersprüche der US-Außenpolitik, vor allem gegenüber China, fühlt man sich ungewollt an Annalena erinnert. Jedes Mal, wenn sie ihren US-Amtskollegen Blinken trifft, strahlen die beiden übers ganze Gesicht. Steht Blinken womöglich unter ihrem Bann? Wird die US-Außenpolitik baerbockisiert? Von Rainer Rupp Aktuell ist es schwer...

Initiatoren des Terrors: Wie NATO-Generäle die ukrainischen Streitkräfte manipulieren und den Beschuss russischer Städte anordnen
01.05.2024, 16:57 Uhr. - https: - Menschenrechtsaktivisten der Stiftung zum Kampf gegen Repression haben die Identität hochrangiger Offiziere der NATO aufgedeckt, die persönlich für Luft- und Bodenangriffe auf russische und ukrainische Wohngebiete sowie für den Massenmord an Zivilisten verantwortlich sind. Die Quellen der Stiftung weisen auf die direkte Beteiligung von Generälen...

Markets Are Very, Very Nervous Going Into The FOMC Decision
01.05.2024, 16:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Markets Are Very, Very Nervous Going Into The FOMC Decision By Michael Every of Rabobank Higher for Longer Anxiety Markets are very, very nervous going into the FOMC decision. The Wall Street Journal’s Timiraos tells us the Fed’s message will be “higher for longer”, language that had been dumped in December. It's another wait-and-see meeting...

Job Openings Tumble, Quits Plunge, Hires Unexpectedly Crater To January 2018 Levels
01.05.2024, 16:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Job Openings Tumble, Quits Plunge, Hires Unexpectedly Crater To January 2018 Levels After several months of relatively boring JOLTS prints, this morning Janet Yellen's favorite labor market indicator once again got exciting, and not in a good way. Starting at the top, according to the March JOLTS reported, job openings unexpectedly tumbled by 325K -...

WTI Extends Losses After Bigger Than Expected Crude Build
01.05.2024, 16:37 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - WTI Extends Losses After Bigger Than Expected Crude Build Oil prices extended losses overnight (3rd day lower in a row) following API's report showing an unexpected crude build. Rising stocks would add to bearish headwinds for prices driven by hopes that peace (or some such variant of it) may break out in the Middle East. “The potential for a cease-fire...

Whoopi Goldberg "Enraged" By Donald Trump Saying There Is An "Anti-White Feeling" In America
01.05.2024, 16:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Whoopi Goldberg "Enraged" By Donald Trump Saying There Is An "Anti-White Feeling" In America Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The View host Whoopi Goldberg said she was “enraged” over Donald Trump asserting that there is “an anti-white feeling in America.” Goldberg made the remarks as she angrily glared at the camera. “This...

MTG To Force Mike Johnson Ouster Vote Over Ukraine Money, But Top Dems Vow To Save Him
01.05.2024, 15:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - MTG To Force Mike Johnson Ouster Vote Over Ukraine Money, But Top Dems Vow To Save Him Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Wednesday announced that she'll force a vote next week over whether to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R?-LA), however Top Democrats have vowed to save him. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) makes an announcement about her motion...

Watch Live: Peter Daszak Testifies Days After Whistleblower Documents Expose More About Dangerous Wuhan Research
01.05.2024, 15:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch Live: Peter Daszak Testifies Days After Whistleblower Documents Expose More About Dangerous Wuhan Research British epidemiologist Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance, is testifying today in front of Congress, where Congressional investigators will try and get to the bottom of multiple inconsistent statements he's made about gain-of-function research...

In tiefer Trauer über Deutschland | Von Tom J. Wellbrock
01.05.2024, 15:30 Uhr. - https: - Ein Standpunkt vonTom J. Wellbrock. Ich bin einer von den vielen, die aus Deutschland weggegangen sind. Und ich bin einer der vielen, die noch gehen werden. Die Tatsache, dass ich mich ausgerechnet für Russland entschieden habe, kommt nicht überall gut an. Aber ich bereue die Entscheidung nicht, im Gegenteil. Was […]...

Yields Tumble After Dovish Refunding Reveals Debt Sales In Line With Expectations, No Coupon Auction Increases "For Several Quarters", And Treasury Buybacks Begin
01.05.2024, 15:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Yields Tumble After Dovish Refunding Reveals Debt Sales In Line With Expectations, No Coupon Auction Increases "For Several Quarters", And Treasury Buybacks Begin Having already revealed its borrowing estimates for Q2 and Q3 on Monday, where we learned that the Treasury expects to sell $41BN more debt than previously expected in Q2, but offset by a...

Transhumanismus auf die Erde bringen – Teil 1
01.05.2024, 15:01 Uhr. - https: - Den Transhumanismus zurück auf den Teppich holen, Teil 1: Militärische Geheimdienstoperationen unter dem Deckmantel des falschen Versprechens der Transzendenz Lissa Johnson, Daniel Broudy, David A. Hughes „Unser ganzer erhabener technologischer Fortschritt, ja die ganze Zivilisation, ist vergleichbar mit einer Axt in der Hand eines pathologischen...

Militarismus oder freie Gesellschaft?
01.05.2024, 15:00 Uhr. Overton Magazin - https: - Das „Regal zur Geschichte der Friedensbewegung“ erinnert an den Erzdemokraten Ludwig Quidde: "Jede Stärkung des Militarismus kommt schließlich reaktionären Bestrebungen zugute." Der Beitrag Militarismus oder freie Gesellschaft? erschien zuerst auf ....

Ahead Of The Fed - Will Powell's 'Inner Dovishness' Shine Through?
01.05.2024, 14:59 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ahead Of The Fed - Will Powell's 'Inner Dovishness' Shine Through? Authored by Peter Tchir via Academy Securities, Ahead of the Fed There is very little excitement about this meeting, as the range of possible outcomes seems relatively narrow. We all know there will be no cut this meeting. There should be an outline of how the Fed will “taper” quantitative...

Pro-Gaza UCLA Activists Refuse Entry To Non-Allied Students
01.05.2024, 14:38 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Gaza UCLA Activists Refuse Entry To Non-Allied Students It's like the Seattle CHAZ encampment all over again.  Far-left activists have declared the UCLA campus a "liberated zone" and are refusing entry for many students not affiliated with the pro-Gaza protests.  They have erected barriers and placed guards, creating makeshift checkpoints which...

ADP Employment Report Strong In April, But Tech Sector Lost Jobs
01.05.2024, 14:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - ADP Employment Report Strong In April, But Tech Sector Lost Jobs Thanks to an upward revision in March (from +184k to +208k), April's ADP print was lower at +192k (beating expectations of +183k)... Under the hood, practically everything was solid, with only the Information sector losing jobs... "Hiring was broad-based in April. Only the information...

Future Slide In Damp Start To New Month As Fed Decision Looms
01.05.2024, 14:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Future Slide In Damp Start To New Month As Fed Decision Looms US equities were set for a second day of losses, as investors weighed disappointing tech earnings and braced for today's Quarterly Refunding Announcement and Fed rate decision and Powell press conference where the Fed chair is expected to signal a delay to rate cuts. S&P 500 futures slid 0...

USAF F-16 Fighter Jet Crashes In New Mexico 
01.05.2024, 13:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - USAF F-16 Fighter Jet Crashes In New Mexico  A United States Air Force F-16 fighter jet crashed near Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico on Tuesday afternoon. A U.S. Air Force F-16 from the 49th Wing crashed west of #HollomanAFB near White Sands National Park this morning. The sole pilot on board ejected and was treated and released from a medical...

US Treasury's Funding Mix Will Be Pivotal For Fed's Next Moves
01.05.2024, 13:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Treasury's Funding Mix Will Be Pivotal For Fed's Next Moves Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, How the Treasury intends to meet its borrowing requirements – the mix between shorter-term bills and longer-term coupons – will strongly influence liquidity and thus the performance of risk assets. Quantitative tightening is thus on...

Sechs Minuten des Time Magazine: Die tödlichsten Propagandisten der Welt
01.05.2024, 13:00 Uhr. - https: - Von Phil Butler Es ist eine sechsminütige Lektüre, oder so sechs Minuten des Time Magazine: Die tödlichsten Propagandisten der Welt. Bevor ich eintauchte, war meine erste Frage: “Wer hat das geschrieben?” Ich nehme an, Sie vermuten bereits einen Möchtegern-Propaganda-Experten. Und Peter Pomerantsev ist derjenige, um den es geht. Erlauben...

Thankfully, There Are No Russia-EU Fertilizer Pipelines For West To Blow Up 
01.05.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Thankfully, There Are No Russia-EU Fertilizer Pipelines For West To Blow Up  The chief executive of Yara International, Europe's largest fertilizer producer, warned the bloc is quickly "sleepwalking" into over-dependence on Russian fertilizers. This caution comes as Yara significantly reduced its production last year. Additionally, radicals in Brussels...

Global Research Wants to Hear From You!
01.05.2024, 12:50 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Is Global Research among your sources of daily news and analyses? In an era of media disinformation, our focus has essentially been to center on the “unspoken truth”. In our publication, you can read what you can’t on the … The post Global Research Wants to Hear From You! appeared first on Global Research....

It's The End Of The Foreign Exchange Reserves As We Know It... Don't Feel Fine About It
01.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's The End Of The Foreign Exchange Reserves As We Know It... Don't Feel Fine About It Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, “Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, Boom!” — R.E.M. The world we’ve known is over. The US Congress finally pushed the big red button. When the West froze around $300 billion of Russia’s foreign...

Jenseits der Mainstreammedien – Newsticker Aufarbeitung
01.05.2024, 12:17 Uhr. - https: - Uwe Froschauer Wo Gewalt herrscht, schweigen die Rechte. In Coronazeiten herrschte vornehmlich psychische Gewalt. Das Recht passte sich der Politik an. Das sollte in einer Demokratie nicht passieren. Die Politik muss sich ausnahmslos dem Recht anpassen. Das hat sie nicht getan. Das Recht stand im Schatten der Politik. Eine Regierung, die sich über...

The Four Key Reasons Why The US Will Never Stop Targeting Russia's LNG Sector
01.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Four Key Reasons Why The US Will Never Stop Targeting Russia's LNG Sector Authored by Simon Watkins via, LNG has become the most important swing energy source in an increasingly insecure world. Energy exports remain the foundation stone of Russia’s essentially petro-economy. Russia's LNG industry is closely associated in Russia with...

Reitschuster: Indoktrination auf dem Stundenplan – „Correctiv“-Journalistin referiert an Schule über angebliches „AfD-Geheimtreffen“
01.05.2024, 10:45 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Pentagon Chief Engaged In Pressuring EU Countries To Give Up Their Patriot Systems
01.05.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pentagon Chief Engaged In Pressuring EU Countries To Give Up Their Patriot Systems America's top defense official is engaged in efforts to pressure European countries to give up their own US-made anti-air defenses for Ukraine. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday he's been actively encouraging countries to donate their Patriot missile systems...

Spotlight: Ulrich Heyden über westliche Mitverantwortung an der Krise in Russland in den 1990ern
01.05.2024, 10:10 Uhr. - https: - Ausschnitt aus dem Gespräch mit Ulrich Heyden (“Mein Weg nach Russland: Erinnerungen eines Reporters”) – Hier in voller Länge zu sehen: „Mein Weg nach Russland: Erinnerungen eines Reporters“, so lautet der Buchtitel des früheren Auslandskorrespondenten in Russland, Ulrich Heyden. Darin beschreibt...

„Correctiv“-Journalistin referiert an Schule über angebliches „AfD-Geheimtreffen“
01.05.2024, 09:56 Uhr. - https: - Die Narrative um den ominösen „Geheimplan Deutschland“ sind in weiten Teilen widerlegt, dennoch werden sie munter weiterverbreitet. Aus dem Umfeld eines Gymnasiums hören wir hierzu Erstaunliches, die Verantwortlichen schweigen. Von Kai Rebmann. Der Beitrag „Correctiv“-Journalistin referiert an Schule über angebliches „AfD-Geheimtreffen“...

Eurozone Exits Recession
01.05.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Eurozone Exits Recession By Maartje Wijffelaars and Elwin de Groot of Rabobank Eurozone leaves recessionary territory The Eurozone economy grew by 0.3% q/q at the start of the year, exceeding expectations. Growth follows two quarters in which the economy mildly contracted. Among the largest member states, Spain again took the lead, growing by a stunning...

At Least 30 Men Have Died Trying To Flee Ukraine Draft
01.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - At Least 30 Men Have Died Trying To Flee Ukraine Draft Since Russia's February 2022 invasion, some Ukrainian 30 men have died trying to sneak out of the country and avoid being forced into a war that looks increasingly futile -- and increasingly deadly for those on the losing side.  That grim tally was shared by Ukraine's State Border Guard Service...

Maté: What 10 Years Of US Meddling In Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy)
01.05.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Maté: What 10 Years Of US Meddling In Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy) Authored by Aaron Maté via RealClear Investigations, In successfully lobbying Congress for an additional $61 billion in Ukraine war funding, an effort that ended this month with celebratory Democrats waving Ukrainian flags in the House chamber, President Biden...

Hortet China Ressourcen für den Kriegsfall?
01.05.2024, 07:39 Uhr. - https: - Im ostchinesischen Hafen Dongying legten Anfang 2024 oft mehrere Öltanker gleichzeitig an, um russisches Rohöl in ein neues, Ende letzten Jahres fertiggestelltes Lager mit einer Kapazität von 31,5 Millionen Barrel zu entladen. Händlern zufolge ist all dies Teil einer konzertierten und bewussten Anstrengung Chinas, strategische Reserven für eine...

Reporter konfrontiert Frau von der Leyen mit unangenehmen Fragen
01.05.2024, 07:32 Uhr. - https: - EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen war am Montag in Maastricht, um an einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung teilzunehmen. Bei ihrer Ankunft im Theater aan het Vrijthof wurde sie von einer Frau aus dem Publikum lautstark als Kriegsverbrecherin beschimpft. ON!-Reporter Jonathan Krispijn konfrontierte von der Leyen, die von der EU-Staatsanwaltschaft...

Senate Passes Ban Of Russian Uranium Imports, Risking "Havoc" And Soaring Prices In Uranium Markets
01.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Senate Passes Ban Of Russian Uranium Imports, Risking "Havoc" And Soaring Prices In Uranium Markets With shares of CCJ tumbling earlier today after the company reported soggy Q1 earnings, despite its recent initiating coverage report by an enthusiastic Goldman Sachs which sees the Uranium company at the forefront of the "Next AI trade" and slapped it...

Meet The Lawyers Taking Big Government To The Supreme Court... And Winning
01.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Meet The Lawyers Taking Big Government To The Supreme Court... And Winning Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), As the administrative state implements more regulations on Americans, a team of legal veterans has come together to fight the expansion of unelected government agency power. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock...

Die Abgeordnetenkammer in Argentinien nimmt das "Omnibus-Gesetz" von Milei an
01.05.2024, 05:00 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Buenos Aires. Die Abgeordnetenkammer hat am Dienstag mit 142 Ja-Stimmen, 106 Nein-Stimmen und fünf Enthaltungen das von Präsident Javier Milei vorgelegte Gesetz "Basis und Punkte für die Freiheit der Argentinier", auch "Omnibusgesetz" genannt, angenommen. Das Ergebnis wurde nach... weiter 01.05.2024 Artikel von Redaktion zu Argentinien...

The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes
01.05.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty Ignores Covid Policy Mistakes Authroed by Kevin Bardosh & Jay Bhattarcharya via RealClearPolicy, The World Health Organization is urging the U.S. and 193 other governments to commit next month to a new global treaty to prevent and manage future pandemics. Current estimates suggest over $31 billion...

Meet The Lifelong Felon Who Killed Four Cops In North Carolina 
01.05.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Meet The Lifelong Felon Who Killed Four Cops In North Carolina  A neighborhood in Charlotte, North Carolina, was transformed into a warzone on Monday afternoon when a lifelong felon, illegally owning firearms, ambushed a US Marshals Fugitive Task Force and police officers as they were serving a warrant.  Three US Marshals and an officer from the...

Health Canada Asked Pfizer For DNA Fragments Size In COVID Shots, Linked To 'Probability' Of Genomic 'Integration'
01.05.2024, 03:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Health Canada Asked Pfizer For DNA Fragments Size In COVID Shots, Linked To 'Probability' Of Genomic 'Integration' Authored by Noé Chartier via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Canada’s drug regulator asked Pfizer to provide data on the size of DNA fragments in its COVID-19 vaccine, due to genomic integration concerns, shortly after learning the...

Employers Must Honor Preferred Pronouns, Bathrooms For Employees Identifying As Transgender: Feds
01.05.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Employers Must Honor Preferred Pronouns, Bathrooms For Employees Identifying As Transgender: Feds Authored by Bill Pan via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Biden administration has rolled out a set of new guidelines, under which an employer would be deemed liable for harassment for referring to a worker by an unwanted pronoun or requiring the worker...

Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Caught Trafficking Fentanyl For Sinaloa Cartel
01.05.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy Caught Trafficking Fentanyl For Sinaloa Cartel A former Riverside County Sheriff’s deputy, who was apprehended last year as part of an investigation into the Sinaloa cartel, has been found to have been working for "El Chapo" himself.  25 year old Jorge Oceguera-Rocha resigned from his position with the Sheriff after...

First Cases Of HIV Transmitted Through Cosmetic Needles Identified: CDC
01.05.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - First Cases Of HIV Transmitted Through Cosmetic Needles Identified: CDC Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Multiple people contracted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through cosmetic needles after receiving facials at an unlicensed spa in New Mexico, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)....

Independent Candidate RFK Jr. Clinches Spot On California Presidential Ballot
01.05.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Independent Candidate RFK Jr. Clinches Spot On California Presidential Ballot Authored by Aldgra Fredly via The Epoch Times, Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. secured his spot on the California presidential ballot after receiving a nomination from the American Independent Party (AIP). Mr. Kennedy said in a video released Tuesday...

South Korea's Central Bank Says May Buy Gold In The Mid To Long-Term
01.05.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - South Korea's Central Bank Says May Buy Gold In The Mid To Long-Term Back in 2011, around the time gold hits its previous cycle high, South Korea surprised the fiat world when it revealed that it had spent more than a billion dollars in its first gold purchase in more than a decade, as uncertainty about global growth and sovereign debt push central...

Appeals Court Says State Health Policies Excluding Transgender Surgeries Violate Constitution
01.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Appeals Court Says State Health Policies Excluding Transgender Surgeries Violate Constitution Authored by Sam Dorman via The Epoch Times, The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled against two state-level health policies that exclude so-called “gender-affirming” treatments, teeing up potential review by the U.S. Supreme Court... Judge...

RFK Jr. über 9/11: «Es ist die Aufgabe eines jeden Bürgers, Autoritäten und überhaupt alles in Frage zu stellen»
01.05.2024, 00:25 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Quelle: Telegram-Kanal von AE911Truth Wie Transition News bereits im Oktober 2023 berichtete, hat der unabhängige US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Zweifel geäussert an der offiziellen Version zu den 9/11-Geschehnissen. So wurde der 70-Jährige in der von Peter Bergen moderierten Sendung «In the Room» gefragt, was er über den 11...

Renommierter japanischer Onkologe verurteilt mRNA-Injektionen als «üble Praktiken der Wissenschaft»
01.05.2024, 00:24 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der renommierte japanische Onkologe Masanori Fukushima konstatiert, dass die Entwicklung der Corona-Injektionen «durch Missverständnisse und Fehlverhalten» und das, was er als «üble Praktiken der Wissenschaft» scharf verurteilt, beeinträchtigt wurde. Das berichtet die Seite PharmaFiles by Aussie17. Fukushima ist Professor Emeritus an der Universität...

Leitet die CIA die USA?
01.05.2024, 00:24 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Werden die USA von der Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) geleitet? Dieser Frage geht der Journalist Jeffrey A. Tucker in The Epoch Times nach. Er ergründet darin den Einfluss der CIA und der breiteren Geheimdienstgemeinschaft auf die Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten. Tucker geht davon aus, dass Wissen, insbesondere wenn es geheim gehalten wird, mit...

DoJ Charges 'Bitcoin Jesus' With Tax Fraud
01.05.2024, 00:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - DoJ Charges 'Bitcoin Jesus' With Tax Fraud Authored by Turner Wright via, The early crypto investor, often called ‘Bitcoin Jesus,’ faces extradition to the U.S. after being charged with evading nearly $50 million in taxes. Officials with the United States Department of Justice announced charges against early Bitcoin investor Roger...

Überraschung: «Covid-19-Testzentren: „Schockierende Dimension“ – Milliardenschaden durch Betrug mit Corona-Tests»
01.05.2024, 00:23 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Die Teststruktur hat zum Betrug geradezu eingeladenAch, nee. Echt jetzt. Und ich dachte, der Umbau von Kebab-Läden und Tankstellen zu Testzentren ziehe ausschliesslich qualifiziertes Fachpersonal an....

Ukraine-Konferenz in der Schweiz: Ohne Russland, ohne China, ohne Friedensabsicht
01.05.2024, 00:12 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Trotz verzweifelter Versuche des Bundeskanzlers Olaf Scholz bei seinem China-Besuch hat die Volksrepublik kein Interesse an der Ukraine-Konferenz in der Schweiz. Dies ist bezeichnend für den Zustand der westlichen und vor allem deutschen Diplomatie. Die Bundesrepublik schreitet scheiternd voran in die außenpolitische Bedeutungslosigkeit.Den Bericht...

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