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Neueste    Heute    03.06.2024    02.06.2024    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

What A China-Taiwan Conflict Could Mean For Semiconductors, Gold
01.06.2024, 23:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What A China-Taiwan Conflict Could Mean For Semiconductors, Gold Via, American-made weapons will soon be bound for Taiwan, American lawmakers are telling Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te, sending shockwaves of uncertainty through electronics and metals markets this week. In a pointed “celebration” of Lai’s recent inauguration,...

Pro-Palestinian Protesters To "Surround The White House" Next Weekend Over Rafah Strike
01.06.2024, 22:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Palestinian Protesters To "Surround The White House" Next Weekend Over Rafah Strike In the wake of a deadly Israeli strike at a tent camp in Rafah last week which produced horrific viral footage of charred corpses, days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to immediately halt military operations, and miles beyond Biden's 'red...

US Drivers Overwhelmingly Prefer Gasoline Cars To EVs
01.06.2024, 22:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Drivers Overwhelmingly Prefer Gasoline Cars To EVs Authored by Tsvetana Paraskova via, Americans continue to be fans of gasoline-powered vehicles and prefer them to electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids, a new study by KPMG has shown. Assuming all costs and features are the same, just 21% of consumers prefer an EV, the inaugural KPMG American...

France Foils Planned Attack On Paris Olympics
01.06.2024, 21:48 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - The French interior minister told AP News that France foiled a planned attack on the Paris Olympics, with the man preparing an attack targeting the Geoffroy-Guichard stadium. Leftist non-governmental organizations and radical progressive leaders around the world are still enabling an unprecedented influx of migrants into Europe and the US. As summer...

Watch: Hezbollah Shoots Down Large Israeli Drone In Expanded Fighting
01.06.2024, 21:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Hezbollah Shoots Down Large Israeli Drone In Expanded Fighting Friday saw intensifying fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border as Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets in an expanded assault on northern Israel, some of which were sent to areas never hit before since the conflict started last year. On Saturday morning the Lebanese paramilitary group...

Explosive Hearing: Philippines’ House Of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Caused By Experimental Vaccines
01.06.2024, 21:29 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - The Philippines’ House of Representatives held an explosive hearing to investigate over 290,000 excess deaths potentially linked to experimental vaccines, featuring testimonies from Attorney Tanya Lat, analyst Sally Clark, and House Chairman Dan Fernandez. The House of Representatives in the Philippines had a contentious session that was centered...

Biden Planning To Send Migrants For Resettlement In Greece And Italy
01.06.2024, 21:17 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to people familiar with the government, Biden is planning to send migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy. As part of an additional initiative to deter residents of the region from visiting the border between the United States and Mexico, the Biden administration intends to refer certain migrants from Latin America for resettlement in...

Bubble Symmetry: Could The NASDAQ Drop 60% And Round-Trip To 2,500?
01.06.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bubble Symmetry: Could The NASDAQ Drop 60% And Round-Trip To 2,500? Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, The prospect of a 60% or 80% decline in the NASDAQ index is only horrifying if we stay invested in the index all the way down. Speculative bubbles are interesting because they're never bubbles in real time; they're only recognized...

Welt: Habeck gibt Merz und Union Schuld an Wirtschaftskrise
01.06.2024, 19:27 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Netanyahu Quickly Slams Door On Biden's Major Gaza Ceasefire Plan: "Non-Starter"
01.06.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Netanyahu Quickly Slams Door On Biden's Major Gaza Ceasefire Plan: "Non-Starter" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the door shut on President Biden's new appeal urging both Israel and Hamas to accept the new ceasefire plan set before both sides. As we detailed earlier, Biden's Friday afternoon speech was mostly about pressuring Israel to end...

Gerald Hauser: WHO-Eingriffe in Gesundheit vorläufig abgewendet – weiter wachsam bleiben!
01.06.2024, 19:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Als kleinen Erfolg wertete heute Gerald Hauser, FPÖ-Nationalratsabgeordneter und FPÖ-Kandidat für die EU-Wahl, den Umstand, dass die von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO geplanten Vorhaben bei der heute zu Ende gehenden Weltversammlung offenbar nicht umgesetzt werden können: „In Artikel 55 der WHO-Satzungen steht klipp und klar, dass alle Änderungsvorschläge...

Electricity Demand May Cure Debt Concerns
01.06.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Electricity Demand May Cure Debt Concerns Authored by Lance Roberts via, The future of electricity demand for everything from electric cars to Bitcoin mining to artificial intelligence may also be the cure for our debt concerns. Before you dismiss that statement, let me explain. One of the bears’ primary arguments against...

Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate
01.06.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate For the legions of us who still carry righteous rage about the tyrannical and destructive Covid-19 regime, the planets aligned on Friday and gave us the enormous, vicarious pleasure of watching one of libertarianism's most articulate voices repeatedly pummel one of the most visible...

Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership'
01.06.2024, 15:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blinken To NATO Leaders: Ukraine Has 'Strong & Well-Lit Bridge To Membership' US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday addressed a meeting of NATO foreign and defense ministers in Prague. The meeting is being held in preparation for a bigger Washington summit set to take place in July. Blinken previewed that the later summit will bring Ukraine...

Did FDR Really Confiscate Everybody's Gold?
01.06.2024, 15:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Did FDR Really Confiscate Everybody's Gold? Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals, Did the U.S. government really try to confiscate Americans' gold? The short answer is... well, there isn't a short answer. It's a complicated subject with more nuance than most people give it. Yes, President Franklin D. Roosevelt did try to take most of the gold...

"Lower Supply Expectations" Drive EU NatGas To Largest Monthly Gain Since August
01.06.2024, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Lower Supply Expectations" Drive EU NatGas To Largest Monthly Gain Since August Lower supply expectations are driving European natural gas prices to their highest levels since December, with May set to record the largest monthly increase since last August. Benchmark futures jumped 20% in May, the largest monthly increase since last August. From a...

Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax
01.06.2024, 14:14 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Desperate, Lying Biden May Abuse AI To Pull The Ultimate Race Hoax Submitted by Ben Sellers via Headline USA, Joe Biden / IMAGE: Suzy_1776 via Twitter Commentary Consider, if you will (even those who have been so conditioned by threat of defamation suit never to speak of it), the possibility that the Biden presidency was built upon a major deception:...

Westen dreht an der Eskalationsschraube – bis zum Dritten Weltkrieg?
01.06.2024, 13:52 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Erst hat die US-Regierung Medienberichten zufolge der Ukraine erlaubt, US-Waffen «in begrenztem Umfang gegen Ziele auf russischem Territorium einzusetzen». Kurz danach hat die bundesdeutsche Regierung ebenfalls grünes Licht für den Einsatz deutscher Waffen durch Kiewer Truppen gegen Ziele in Russland gegeben. Das soll nur in begrenztem Rahmen erfolgen...

America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah
01.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah The Egyptian populace's anger could soon boil over if the Abdel Fattah Al Sisi government doesn't form a tougher response to Israel's offensive in Rafah. Israeli forces now have direct control of the about nine-mile Gaza-Egypt border, and this led to a flare-up in tensions as on Monday...

How An Israeli Firm Tried To Influence Indian Elections Using ChatGPT
01.06.2024, 13:01 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to a recent report by OpenAI, an Israeli firm named STOIC tried to influence Indian elections using ChatGPT but was thwarted by OpenAI. Four days before the results of the Lok Sabha elections are announced, OpenAI made a stunning announcement claiming that it has thwarted clandestine efforts that aimed to manipulate Indian elections through...

Escobar: The West Is Hell-Bent On Provoking Russia Into Hot War
01.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: The West Is Hell-Bent On Provoking Russia Into Hot War Authored by Pepe Escobar, The warning by President Putin could not be starker: “In the event of the use of long-range weapons, the Russian Armed Forces will again have to make decisions about expanding the sanitary zone further (…) Do they want global conflict? It seemed they wanted...

Tell Congress We Need an Arms Embargo NOW!
01.06.2024, 12:46 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Tell Congress We Need an Arms Embargo NOW! appeared first on Global...

Leistungsabfall: Windkraftwerke beeinflussen sich gegenseitig negativ
01.06.2024, 11:34 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Neue Untersuchungen zeigen, dass sich Windturbinen gegenseitig Energie entziehen können. Eine Offshore-Farm kann so bis zu 38 Prozent an Leistung verlieren. Ganze Küsten und Landstriche damit vollzupflastern ist offensichtlich keine gute Idee. Die Rentabilität dieser Windfarmen leidet darunter....

Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up The Fight: Know Your Rights Or You Will Lose Them
01.06.2024, 05:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up The Fight: Know Your Rights Or You Will Lose Them Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” - Thomas Jefferson If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and...

Wird jemals ein deutscher Politiker an einem russischen Grab knien?
01.06.2024, 05:07 Uhr. GlobalBridge - https: - Annalena Baerbock macht es vor: Sie legt Kränze nur dort nieder und gedenkt nur dort, wo Menschen angeblich durch die Schuld von Stalin oder Putin starben, am Holodomor-Denkmal in Kiew oder in Butscha. Der deutsche Botschafter Graf Lambsdorff legte zwar im Januar zum 80. Jahrestag des Endes der Hungerblockade von Leningrad einen Kranz auf dem […]...

Numbers Behind The Narrative: What Climate Science Actually Says
01.06.2024, 04:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Numbers Behind The Narrative: What Climate Science Actually Says Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times, Most people by now are familiar with the narrative that our planet faces a dire crisis due to rising temperatures. In January 2023, former Vice President Al Gore provided a graphic depiction during a World Economic Forum summit, informing...

Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months
01.06.2024, 03:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia, Ukraine Swap 150 POWs In First Exchange In Months Zelensky and his Western backers, especially the US and UK, have long claimed that it's 'impossible' to sit down with Russia at the negotiating table. Zelensky even just six months into the war had vowed not to re-enter negotiations with Moscow until Putin is no longer in power. But as if inadvertently...

Sprachlupe: Lehrerich an alle: So wird’s gut!
01.06.2024, 03:38 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Statt das generische Maskulinum umständlich auszubooten, soll Gendern 2.0 mit eigenen Endungen für Männer Gerechtigkeit schaffen....

France Foils Planned Attack On Paris Olympics; Israel's Mossad Warns Of Terrorism Ahead Of Games 
01.06.2024, 02:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - France Foils Planned Attack On Paris Olympics; Israel's Mossad Warns Of Terrorism Ahead Of Games  Radical progressive leaders across the Western world, along with leftist non-governmental organizations, are continuing to facilitate an unprecedented migrant invasion into Europe and the US. This poses a significant national security risk as terror...

NRA Hails Supreme Court Ruling On Free Speech Violation By NY Officials
01.06.2024, 02:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NRA Hails Supreme Court Ruling On Free Speech Violation By NY Officials Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The stage for the National Rifle Association Presidential Forum in Harrisburg, Pa., on Feb. 9, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times) The National Rifle Association (NRA) is celebrating a unanimous U.S. Supreme...

"A Full-Scale War Isn't A Foregone Conclusion", Warns Russian Think Tank Head
01.06.2024, 02:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "A Full-Scale War Isn't A Foregone Conclusion", Warns Russian Think Tank Head Ahead of the "Russia and China: Cooperation in a New Era" conference in Moscow on Thursday, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) Director General Ivan Timofeev told Russian state-owned news agency Tass about the increasing likelihood of a full-scale war between...

Reuters Claims Trump Supporters Want 'Riots And Violent Retribution' Following Trump Verdict
01.06.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Reuters Claims Trump Supporters Want 'Riots And Violent Retribution' Following Trump Verdict Authored by Steve Watson via, Reuters has published an article claiming that Trump supporters have called for “riots and violent retribution” after the GOP nominee was convicted in the New York Trial Thursday. Here’s a screenshot of the...

White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest
01.06.2024, 01:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Lied To Congress About Israel-Gaza, Per Official Resigning In Protest A State Department official has resigned in protest, saying the Biden White House lied to Congress on a critical report so American weapons could keep flowing to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) for its war in Gaza.     That official is Stacy Gilbert, a 20-year State...

Research Suggests Unusual Form Of Cell Death Causes Severe COVID-19 Lung Damage
01.06.2024, 00:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Research Suggests Unusual Form Of Cell Death Causes Severe COVID-19 Lung Damage Authored by Megan Redshaw, J.D. via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Illustration of the cell apoptosis mechanism. Ferroptosis differs from apoptosis. (best in world/Shutterstock) SARS-CoV-2 infection may cause severe pulmonary conditions such as pneumonia, inflammation...

Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills
01.06.2024, 00:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kim Jong Un Oversees Massive Missile Launch 'Preemptive Attack' Drills A day after sending hundreds of feces and garbage-filled balloons into South Korea over the militarized border, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un oversaw a new military exercises showcasing the north's ability to mount "preemptive attacks".  North Korean media released several photos...

Seymour Hersh: US-Präsident Biden in der Riege der Lügenpräsidenten
01.06.2024, 00:06 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Über «Wahnvorstellungen, Übertreibungen und Lügen» von US-Präsident Joseph Biden schreibt der investigative US-Journalist Seymour Hersh in seinem jüngsten, am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Text. Darin macht er deutlich, dass Biden die Realitäten in der Ukraine, in Palästina und in anderen Konfliktregionen ignoriert. Hersh ordnet den derzeitigen...

Joe Bidens Tochter Ashley bestätigt Echtheit ihres Tagebuchs, das den Verdacht des väterlichen Missbrauchs nährt
01.06.2024, 00:02 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Ashley Biden, die Tochter des amtierenden US-Präsidenten Joe Biden, hat zum ersten Mal bestätigt, dass ihr Tagebuch mit hochbrisanten Einträgen tatsächlich authentisch ist. Das gehe aus einem Gerichtsdokument hervor, das vergangenen Monat veröffentlicht worden sei, schreibt die britische Tageszeitung Daily Mail. So bestätige ein Schreiben vom...

Trump Verdict Seen As 'Pivotal Moment' For Undecided Voters
01.06.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Verdict Seen As 'Pivotal Moment' For Undecided Voters Authored by Janice Hisle via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times, Getty Images) The outcome of former President Donald Trump’s New York records-falsification trial is most likely to influence undecided voters—a sliver of the electorate...

Neueste    Heute    03.06.2024    02.06.2024    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    + Doppelte News