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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Unity Vs Division: Leftists Appalled That Black And Latino Voters Turn Out For Trump
25.05.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Unity Vs Division: Leftists Appalled That Black And Latino Voters Turn Out For Trump Authored by Steve Watson via, Following Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx earlier this week, Democrats and their leftist media mouthpieces were shocked that Black and Latino voters turned out en mass to support Trump and embrace a message of unity....

Supreme Court Faces Historic Finish To Eventful Term
25.05.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court Faces Historic Finish To Eventful Term Authored by John Malcolm via The Epoch Times, Oral arguments are over at the Supreme Court for this term. Although the rallies and protesters have dispersed (for now, anyway), the justices remain frantically at work on the numerous opinions they have yet to hand down. With several closely watched...

CNN Sees Lowest Primetime Ratings In Three Decades
23.05.2024, 19:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - CNN Sees Lowest Primetime Ratings In Three Decades Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, The cable news channel CNN has suffered its lowest primetime ratings since 1991, in yet another indication that traditional television news coverage, as well as increasingly left-wing media, has taken a massive hit to its viewership in recent years. As...

Court Ruling Means California Schools Can Violate Students' Rights When Following Public Health Orders
21.05.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Court Ruling Means California Schools Can Violate Students' Rights When Following Public Health Orders Authored by Kristin Lang via The Epoch Times, As we near the end of the school year, a new court ruling may have some parents rethinking whether they want to enroll their children in California’s public schools this fall. Those of you living in Southern...

Turley: Will The Trump Jury Realize They Are Being Played By The Prosecution
17.05.2024, 15:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turley: Will The Trump Jury Realize They Are Being Played By The Prosecution Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is my column in on the approaching end of the Trump trial in Manhattan. With the dramatic implosion of Michael Cohen on the stand on Thursday with the exposure of another alleged lie told under oath, even hosts and commentators on...

Cohen Destroyed: Trump Lawyer "Dog Walks" Star Witness Through Lie After Lie, CNN Pundits Aghast
16.05.2024, 22:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Cohen Destroyed: Trump Lawyer "Dog Walks" Star Witness Through Lie After Lie, CNN Pundits Aghast President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen had his "knees chopped out" by Donald Trump's defense attorneys in cross-examination during Trump's 'hush money' trial. Cohen was grilled by Trump attorney Todd Blanche about a pivotal phone call that...

US Spy Balloon Crashes In Northeast Syria
16.05.2024, 21:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Spy Balloon Crashes In Northeast Syria Via The Cradle A sizable surveillance aerostat owned by the US military crashed on Wednesday near the town of Rmelan in Syria's northeastern Al-Hasakah province. Footage on social media showed the aerostat descending from the sky and, subsequently, its debris on the ground close to Rmelan, which was also...

The Marine Corps That Should Have Been
08.05.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Marine Corps That Should Have Been Authored by Gary Anderson via RealClearPolitics, Say what one wants about the Israeli incursion into Gaza, but not a single rocket or missile has been fired from what is left of it since the start of fighting. Compare this with the relative ineffectiveness of American efforts stop Yemen's Houthis from slinging...

11. Mai in Hall: Gerald Hauser, Dr. Hannes Strasser und Christine Anderson über WHO- und EU-Regime
07.05.2024, 17:01 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Am 11. Mai werden NAbg. Mag. Gerald Hauser (FPÖ), Univ.-Doz. Dr. Hannes Strasser und die EU-Abgeordnete Christine Anderson in Hall Wege zurück in die alte Normalität aufzeigen: Im Rahmen einer spannenden Veranstaltung erörtern die drei Redner das WHO- und EU-Gesundheitsregime und nehmen aktuelle Entwicklungen aufs Korn....

Largest Review On Transgender-Youth Medicine Finds Insufficient Evidence For Medicalization
05.05.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Largest Review On Transgender-Youth Medicine Finds Insufficient Evidence For Medicalization Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), England may be the third country to withdraw from a “gender-affirming” treatment pathway due to recommendations from a long-awaited report. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, The Cass Review, Getty...

Robert Mueller's Right Hand Man Warns SCOTUS: You're "One Vote Away From... The End Of Democracy"
01.05.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Robert Mueller's Right Hand Man Warns SCOTUS: You're "One Vote Away From... The End Of Democracy" Authored by Jonathan Turley, When Robert Mueller appointed Andrew Weissmann as one of his top advisers, many of us warned that it was a poor choice. Weissmann seemed intent to prove those objections correct in increasingly unhinged and partisan statements...

'Environmental Pollutant' - How A Key Climate Agenda Tool Harms Endangered Species
29.04.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Environmental Pollutant' - How A Key Climate Agenda Tool Harms Endangered Species Authored by Donna Anderson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), As the Biden administration expands its offshore wind projects as part of its goal to reach a carbon-free energy system, whales and other marine life may become collateral damage, according to new research...

Joe Biden's Brother Embroiled In High-Ranking Qatari Scheme To "Provide Wealth Of Introductions" Through "My Family": Politico
29.04.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Joe Biden's Brother Embroiled In High-Ranking Qatari Scheme To "Provide Wealth Of Introductions" Through "My Family": Politico Qatar has had a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. While we knew about the EU's 'Qatargate,' investments with the Kushner family, and of course Sen. Bob Menendez advancing Qatar's interests, Politico reports that the Biden family's...

Da wurde ihr eilig das Mikrofon abgedreht: EU-Abgeordnete darf Impfstoff-Deal nicht anprangern
24.04.2024, 15:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Skandal im EU-Parlament: Das Mikrofon der AfD-Abgeordneten Christine Anderson wurde von der Parlamentspräsidentin kurzerhand stummgeschaltet, als sie in einer Rede auf den Impfstoff-Deal der Kommissionspräsidentin mit dem Impfstoffhersteller Pfizer einging und Von der Leyen Korruption vorwarf. Zudem lehnte das Parlament einen kurzfristigen Antrag...

EU-Parlament dreht AfD das Mikro ab
23.04.2024, 10:07 Uhr. - https: - Weil von der Leyen als „korrupt“ bezeichnet worden ist, wurde der AfD-Abgeordneten Anderson im EU-Parlament das Mikrofon abgedreht. in Vorfall im EU-Parlament dürfte den demokratischen Zustand der Kammer in Straßburg eindrucksvoll offenbart haben. Die Präsidentin des Parlaments drehte einer oppositionellen Abgeordneten kurzerhand das Mikrofon...

EU-Parlament dreht AfD Mikro ab
23.04.2024, 10:04 Uhr. - https: - Weil von der Leyen als „korrupt“ bezeichnet worden ist, wurde der AfD-Abgeordneten Anderson im EU-Parlament das Mikrofon abgedreht. in Vorfall im EU-Parlament dürfte den demokratischen Zustand der Kammer in Straßburg eindrucksvoll offenbart haben. Die Präsidentin des Parlaments drehte einer oppositionellen Abgeordneten kurzerhand das Mikrofon...

Tesla Q1 Preview: Investors Brace For "Worst Results In 7 Years", AI Pivot, Cybertruck, Robotaxis In Focus
22.04.2024, 20:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Tesla Q1 Preview: Investors Brace For "Worst Results In 7 Years", AI Pivot, Cybertruck, Robotaxis In Focus Tesla is slated to report earnings tomorrow and, as FT notes, investors are bracing for the "worst results in 7 years" from the EV manufacturer.  Analysts predict that Tesla will post revenues of $22.3 billion for Q1, representing a year-over-year...

"Show Is Over": Angry Biden Supporter John Mellencamp Thows Tantrum On Stage
16.04.2024, 23:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Show Is Over": Angry Biden Supporter John Mellencamp Thows Tantrum On Stage At a recent concert, John Mellencamp, known for his liberal activism and support for President Biden, had a total meltdown on stage. A fan, seemingly uninterested in his liberal ranting, shouted, "Just Play Some Music!".  Music blog Wide Open Country said Mellencamp was...

Prices Up 2500% Since FDR Abandoned Gold
08.04.2024, 20:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Prices Up 2500% Since FDR Abandoned Gold Via, On April 5 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt abandoned the gold standard, wielding questionable legal power amidst America’s dire economic depression. His whimsical approach to monetary policy, including coin flips and lucky numbers, unleashed unprecedented inflation and price increases that...

Supreme Court Faces 'High Stakes' Decisions On Trump-Related Cases
06.04.2024, 00:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court Faces 'High Stakes' Decisions On Trump-Related Cases Authored by Sam Dorman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), President Joe Biden issued a rare primetime threat to the Supreme Court during his State of the Union address on March 7, warning the justices that they could cause political backlash for their 2022 decision to overturn Roe...

Mutmaßliche Drahtzieher des Mordes an Marielle Franco verhaftet
29.03.2024, 05:00 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Es handelt sich um hochrangige Mitglieder von rechtsgerichteten Parteien und der Polizei. Francos Schwester, Anielle Franco: "Wir sind der Gerechtigkeit nähergekommen“ Rio de Janeiro/Brasília. Die brasilianische Bundespolizei (PF) hat am vergangenen Sonntag die drei Hauptverdächtigen verhaftet, die für die Ermordung der damaligen Stadträtin...

Mob Rule Versus Survival Of The West: Why Americans Should Be Watching The UK
24.03.2024, 13:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mob Rule Versus Survival Of The West: Why Americans Should Be Watching The UK Authored by Susan Harris via The Epoch Times, It’s been hard to watch the effects of forced diversity, multiculturalism, and mass immigration on the tiny island of Great Britain—the most densely populated nation in Europe. At least in America we still have so much land...

Christine Anderson: Begriffe wie Gebärmutterhabende machen Frauen unsichtbar
22.03.2024, 11:58 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Christine Anderson vertritt die AfD im EU-Parlament und macht dabei einen außerordentlich guten Job. Vor allem während des Covid-Wahnsinns war sie eine laute Stimme gegen Maßnahmen, Zwangsimpfungen und die Machtinteressen der WHO. Report24 traf die unbeugsame Politikerin Strassburg und befragte sie zum Stand der Corona-Aufarbeitung – und wie...

Höchstes Gericht in Brasilien ermittelt jetzt Auftraggeber im Mordfall Marielle Franco
16.03.2024, 05:31 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Brasília. Das brasilianische Oberste Bundesgericht (Supremo Tribunal Federal, STF) hat die Untersuchung des Mordes an der Stadträtin Marielle Franco und ihrem Fahrer Anderson Gomes übernommen. Laut einem Bericht von TV Globo vom Freitag wurde der Fall an das STF weitergeleitet,... weiter 16.03.2024 Artikel von Prensa Latina, Redaktion...

Hauser, Strasser, Anderson, Luck: Vorträge zur geplanten WHO-Gesundheitsdiktatur in Kärnten
09.03.2024, 16:47 Uhr. Report24 - https: - In gut einer Woche startet der Erste von drei hochkarätigen Vorträgen des Spittaler Demo Teams am Millstätter See in Kärnten. Bei diesem geht es um die Eigen- und Fremdbestimmung unserer Gesundheit, sowie um die Agenda 2030, EU und WHO. Zu diesem sensiblen Thema sprechen am 15. März FPÖ-Politiker und NAbg. Mag. Gerald Hauser und Univ. Doz. Dr...

Trump And 'Joke' Biden Hold Dueling Border Visits
29.02.2024, 18:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump And 'Joke' Biden Hold Dueling Border Visits On Thursday, former President Donald Trump will be at Eagle Pass, TX, where he'll visit with residents and community leaders to discuss the complete disaster at the border caused by the Biden administration's decision to reverse various Trump-era policies and its failure to enforce existing laws. Stephen...

Illinois Judge Removes Trump From Primary Ballot
29.02.2024, 04:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Illinois Judge Removes Trump From Primary Ballot By Catherine Yang of Epoch Times Ahead of a Supreme Court ruling on whether former President Donald Trump can be disqualified as a candidate by individual states under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, an Illinois judge ruled President Trump ineligible for the ballot. Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie...

Seattle Comedy Club Cancels Comics As SNL Makes U-Turn
26.02.2024, 21:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Seattle Comedy Club Cancels Comics As SNL Makes U-Turn Authored by Jason Rantz via, A Seattle comedy club canceled on four stand-up comedians after angry community activists complained, according to the comedians involved. The shows at Capitol Hill Comedy/Bar purportedly offended left-wing community activists and progressive comics....

The "Unassailable" Theory Faces A Potential Unanimous Rejection
12.02.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The "Unassailable" Theory Faces A Potential Unanimous Rejection Authored by Jonathan Turley, This week, the argument before the Supreme Court in Trump v. Anderson captivated the nation as the justices considered the disqualification of former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot. For some of us, the argument brought back vivid memories...

Are Bankruptcies Of Some US States In The Future?
04.02.2024, 21:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Are Bankruptcies Of Some US States In The Future? Authored by Stephen Anderson via The Mises Institute, Bankruptcy is a developing twenty-first century theme in America. We see bankruptcy in federal government policy and spending, many corporate boardroom decisions, nonprofit and religious groups’ overspending and arrogance, individuals, some United...

'Independent Contractor' Rule Latest Dumpster Fire Exported From California
31.01.2024, 18:39 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Independent Contractor' Rule Latest Dumpster Fire Exported From California Authored by Mary Katherine Ham via RealClear Wire, California is known for many things –  beautiful scenery, surfing, wine, movies, singing raisins. But perhaps its biggest exports now are its failed public policies and the hundreds of thousands of people leaving the state because...

Growing Concerns Over Links Between Transgenderism And Violence
27.01.2024, 03:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Growing Concerns Over Links Between Transgenderism And Violence Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Mental health issues that manifest in gender confusion, combined with potent cross-sex hormones, can be a recipe for violence, some experts have said. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock) Since 2018, five...

Maryland Library Event Rolls Back Scheme Charging White People More
26.01.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Maryland Library Event Rolls Back Scheme Charging White People More Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), An event being held at a public library in Maryland is no longer charging different rates for white men and others after backlash from county officials. The Germantown Library in Germantown, Md. (Google Maps) The event...

"Your Short Has Been Rejected": Massive Stock-Lending Firm Processing Over $2TN In Transactions, Goes Dark In Cyberattack
24.01.2024, 16:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Your Short Has Been Rejected": Massive Stock-Lending Firm Processing Over $2TN In Transactions, Goes Dark In Cyberattack Amid the meltup of most shorted names in the past two days, numerous daytraders were greeted with an unexpected notification from their broker when they tried to short (or re-short) some of these highflying ultra junk names: "rejected...

Harvard Teaching Hospital To Retract Papers As Falsified Data Scandal Unfolds
23.01.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Harvard Teaching Hospital To Retract Papers As Falsified Data Scandal Unfolds Weeks after Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned amid a plagiarism scandal, the university's teaching hospital is set to retract or correct dozens of papers authored by four of their top researchers, following claims of data falsification. Dana–Farber Cancer Institute...

Hindenburg Founder Warned Deloitte 11 Times In 5 Months About Tingo's "Massive Fraud" Before SEC, DOJ Action
12.01.2024, 19:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hindenburg Founder Warned Deloitte 11 Times In 5 Months About Tingo's "Massive Fraud" Before SEC, DOJ Action As we wrote back in December, the SEC charged publicly listed company Tingo Group, a Nigerian "agri-fintech" company with "massive fraud", claiming that almost every aspect of the company - including its partners and its financials - was fabricated...

What Is Happening To College Sports?
08.01.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Is Happening To College Sports? Authored by William Anderson via The Mises Institute, On Monday night, January 8, the University of Michigan and the University of Washington football teams will vie for the collegiate national championship. While championships always bring excitement to fans and participants alike, this year’s game brings attention...

The Perfidious Unreality Of The "New Normal"
07.01.2024, 03:36 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Perfidious Unreality Of The "New Normal" Authored by Kit Knightly via, So, what’s with all the fake crying? Rachel Maddow pretended to cry about “kids in cages”. Matt Hancock pretended to cry about Covid vaccines. Sarah Sidner pretended to cry over covid. Anderson Cooper pretended to cry about Israel, so did John Kirby...

The Perfidious Unreality of the “New Normal”
05.01.2024, 17:36 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Kit Knightly So, what’s with all the fake crying? Rachel Maddow pretended to cry about “kids in cages”. Matt Hancock pretended to cry about Covid vaccines. Sarah Sidner pretended to cry over covid. Anderson Cooper pretended to cry about Israel, so did John Kirby. Van Jones pretended to cry after Biden “won” the 2020 “election”...

Neue Videos am Donnerstag
05.01.2024, 12:27 Uhr. - https: - Die Impfungen in der Schwangerschaft, eine Gefahr für Mütter und Babys. Von 29 verloren 28 ihr Baby Link zum Video Mike Adams: Disney, das Reich der Pädophilie, des Kinderhandels und anderer schrecklicher Verbrechen Link zum Video Die 17 nachhaltigen Entwicklungsziele der UNO, eine Agenda für eine totalitäre Gesellschaft Link zum Video Christine...

The End Of Western Europe?
05.01.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The End Of Western Europe? Authored by Jan Jekielek and Jeff Minick via The Epoch Times, In a recent episode of “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek sits down with Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament and of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Here they discuss the cultural and political threats facing Europe, from...

Ein Wissenschaftler spricht! Die Präsentation geht viral, »Weil es wahr ist«!
02.01.2024, 11:01 Uhr. - https: - Eine neunminütige Präsentation des Wissenschaftlers Denis Rancourt bei der Veranstaltung »Make It Your Business« von Christine Anderson und Eva Vlaardingerbroek am 29. November 2023 in Ottawa hat sich auf X, früher bekannt als Twitter, viral verbreitet, schreibt Patricia Harrity. Als Wissenschaftler erklärt Rancourt, dass er nach drei Jahren intensiver...

EU Governance Is "Anti-Democratic": European Lawmaker
30.12.2023, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Governance Is "Anti-Democratic": European Lawmaker Authored by Savannah Hulsey Pointer and Jan Jekielek via The Epoch Times, A member of the European Union (EU) Parliament asserts that the EU’s way of governing is “anti-democratic.” In a recent interview with The Epoch Times’s Jan Jekielek, host of American Thought Leaders, Christine Anderson...

The Ultimate Way To Cut Out Sugar
22.12.2023, 02:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Ultimate Way To Cut Out Sugar Authored by Flora Zhao via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), You may have thought of cutting back on or even quitting sugar. But how exactly should you go about it, and, more importantly, how can you achieve the greater goal of overcoming excessive cravings for sweetness? (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock)...

"Astonishing Audit Failure": SEC Charges Tingo Group With "Massive Fraud"
21.12.2023, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Astonishing Audit Failure": SEC Charges Tingo Group With "Massive Fraud" The SEC charged Tingo Group, a Nigerian "agri-fintech" company with "massive fraud" this week, claiming that almost every aspect of the company - including its partners and its financials - was fabricated. Short seller Hindenburg Research had written about the company on June...

The Days Of Using Dating Apps For Free Are Long Gone
21.12.2023, 03:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Days Of Using Dating Apps For Free Are Long Gone The good ole' days of using dating apps for free appear to be long gone. Now, such apps are "borderline unusable" without paying up for features, according to a new report by CNBC, which says that users are paying hundreds of dollars a month to use to services.  “When you’re serious about looking...

Nikola Founder Milton Invokes Cherokee Heritage, Childhood, Mother's Cancer, Wife's Illness At Bizarre Sentencing
18.12.2023, 19:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nikola Founder Milton Invokes Cherokee Heritage, Childhood, Mother's Cancer, Wife's Illness At Bizarre Sentencing Disgraced Nikola founder Trevor Milton is having his sentencing hearing today. A jury found Nikola founder Trevor Milton guilty of defrauding investors back in October 2022.  Inner City Press is doing an incredible job of live Tweeting...

Boston Mayor Takes Heat Over Segregated "Electeds Of Color" Holiday Party
14.12.2023, 18:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Boston Mayor Takes Heat Over Segregated "Electeds Of Color" Holiday Party Boston's Democrat Mayor, Michelle Wu, has come under fire for accidentally sending an invitation for a segregated holiday party to all city council members, rather than just the nonwhite officials it was intended for. The invite for the December 13th 'Electeds of Color Holiday...

Christine Anderson ist "Most Courageous International Leader of the Year 2023"
11.12.2023, 23:56 Uhr. Corona Doks - https: - Mein erster Gedanke war: Das kann doch nur von Jan Böhmermann kommen. Mäandernd durch die Untiefen von Twitter stieß ich heute auf diesen Post: Die preisverleihende Organisation ist natürlich nicht die Nasdaq. Es handelt sich vielmehr um ein Unternehmen, das sich auf so vorstellt: »Die International Association of Top Professionals...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News