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Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Republicans Vow To Scorch The Earth After Trump Conviction
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Republicans Vow To Scorch The Earth After Trump Conviction Authored by Philip Wegmann via RealClearPolitics, Spurred by the volcanic temper of their base, Republicans are now preparing to scorch the earth in the wake of former President Donald Trump’s conviction, potentially setting off a chain reaction that could fundamentally alter the American...

An Older, Anxious, Mildly Paranoid Analyst
29.05.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - An Older, Anxious, Mildly Paranoid Analyst By Michael Every of Rabobank An older, anxious, mildly paranoid analyst US Treasury yields spiked higher yesterday after strong consumer confidence data and weak bond auctions, pushing the dollar up. The Fed’s Kashkari said the FOMC hasn’t entirely ruled out further rate hikes, but the odds are “quite...

Rep McCaul Leads US Delegation To Taiwan After Major Chinese Military Drills
28.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rep McCaul Leads US Delegation To Taiwan After Major Chinese Military Drills Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Rep. Michael McCaul, chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is leading a bipartisan congressional delegation in Taiwan, a trip that came after China concluded two days of major drills around the island that it launched in response...

"Global Trade War Looms, But It's Not Just Trade War To Fear"
28.05.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Global Trade War Looms, But It's Not Just Trade War To Fear" By Michael Every of Rabobank History, Humility, and Wishful Thinking The UK election and the “I will protect you, but forgot my umbrella” Tory campaign have both been shaken up by its pledge to bring back conscription for 18-year-olds. This is seen as a desperate gamble and sad joke by...

Nun kommt Plan B: "One Health"
27.05.2024, 21:33 Uhr. Home - https: - Die Bemühungen um ein Pandemie-Abkommen sind gescheitert, das räumt die WHO ein. EU und USA sprechen jetzt von einer globalen Gesundheitsstrategie In einer offiziellen Pressekonferenz der WHO vor Beginn ihrer 77. Jahreskonferenz in Genf räumte Roland Driece, Ko-Vorsitzender des WHO-Verhandlungsgremiums für das Pandemieabkommen am Freitag ein...

Kolumbien: Regierung und soziale Bewegungen vereint für Wandel, gegen Putschgelüste
26.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Bogotá. Angesichts der Blockade struktureller Veränderungen durch die "rückständigen Kräfte" des Landes haben die Regierungskoalition Pacto Histórico und Organisationen der sozialen Bewegungen für den 31. Mai und 1. Juni zu einer Massenversammlung in Bogotá aufgerufen. "Ja zur... weiter 26.05.2024 Artikel von Hans Weber zu Kolumbien...

Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach
25.05.2024, 18:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach A section of the $320 million floating pier built and erected off Gaza's coast has broken off and floated onto an Israeli beach. The Saturday mishap is the latest setback for the US humanitarian aid project, after three US troops were reported injured aboard the pier two days prior, including...

US Service Member Critically Injured In Gaza Pier Op To Bypass Israeli Blockade
24.05.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Service Member Critically Injured In Gaza Pier Op To Bypass Israeli Blockade A cost of US government support of Israel's war in Gaza gained a grim new dimension Thursday, as three American service members suffered "non-combat injuries" in the humanitarian relief operation off the Gaza coast, with one in critical condition. The military branch of...

Current PLA Drills Around Taiwan Are Bigger In Scope Than Exercises Triggered By Pelosi
23.05.2024, 23:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Current PLA Drills Around Taiwan Are Bigger In Scope Than Exercises Triggered By Pelosi As part of China's two days of encircling drills around Taiwan, its military has dispatched about 30 aircraft toward the island Thursday, most of which crossed the Median Line in the Taiwan Strait. About a dozen PLA naval ships have also surrounded the self-ruled...

The Wrath Of Khan... Or Why At Some Point The Lack Of Global Rule Of Law Will Matter Mightily
21.05.2024, 19:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Wrath Of Khan... Or Why At Some Point The Lack Of Global Rule Of Law Will Matter Mightily By Michael Every of Rabobank Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), has announced he is applying for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defence Minister Gallant, the first time leaders of a Western democracy...

Was Sie über WHO-Chef Tedros wissen müssen, der uns den Pandemievertrag aufzwingen will
21.05.2024, 07:30 Uhr. - https: - Wer ist WHO-Chef Tedros? Bevor er zur Weltgesundheitsorganisation kam, war er Gesundheitsminister in Äthiopien. Als Minister war er jahrelang an der völkermörderischen Blockade von Nahrungsmitteln und Medikamenten für die somalische Bevölkerung in der äthiopischen Region Ogaden beteiligt. David Steinman, ein amerikanischer Journalist, der für...

Watch: Houthis Shoot Down A 4th US Reaper Drone
18.05.2024, 04:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Houthis Shoot Down A 4th US Reaper Drone Yemen's Iran-linked Houthis have announced that they have shot down yet another $30 million American military drone.  Footage is widely circulating of what appears to be the wreckage of an MQ-9 Reaper drone in Yemen, but the Pentagon has not yet confirmed.  Houthi military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya...

Regierung in Venezuela erlässt Gesetz zum Schutz der Renten
14.05.2024, 05:05 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Caracas. Die venezolanische Nationalversammlung (AN) hat ein Gesetz gebilligt, das die Einkommen der Rentner durch einen vom Privatsektor finanzierten Sonderfonds erhöhen soll. Das "Gesetz zum Schutz der Sozialversicherungsrenten gegen die imperialistische Blockade" wurde von... weiter 14.05.2024 Artikel von Andreína Chávez Alava zu Venezuela...

West Fueling Global Conflicts, Trying To Topple Moscow, Putin Says On WW2 Victory Day
10.05.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - West Fueling Global Conflicts, Trying To Topple Moscow, Putin Says On WW2 Victory Day As fully expected, Russian President Vladimir Putin struck a defiant tone in his speech at Moscow’s Red Square for the annual events commemorating Russia's WW2 victory. Addressing thousands of soldiers in ceremonial attire, Putin accused the "arrogant" West of stoking...

Mass Arrests In NYC As More Than 1,000 Pro-Palestine Protesters March To Met Gala
07.05.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mass Arrests In NYC As More Than 1,000 Pro-Palestine Protesters March To Met Gala The NYPD has begun arresting people after more than 1,000 pro-Palestine demonstrators marched through upper Manhattan towards the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which is hosting the star-studded Met Gala. As protesters marched down 5th Avenue towards the event, blocking traffic...

US Has Now Lost Three MQ-9 Reaper Drones Over Yemen, At Cost Of $90 Million
29.04.2024, 19:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Has Now Lost Three MQ-9 Reaper Drones Over Yemen, At Cost Of $90 Million Authored by Dave DeCamp via, A military spokesman for Yemen’s Houthis announced on Saturday that their forces downed a US MQ-9 Reaper drone that was operating over Yemen and was carrying out a “hostile mission.” US officials confirmed to CBS News that a...

Gaza Aid Flotilla With 1,000 Passengers, Tons Of Supplies Poised To Sail - As IDF Awaits
26.04.2024, 05:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gaza Aid Flotilla With 1,000 Passengers, Tons Of Supplies Poised To Sail - As IDF Awaits A flotilla of ships packed with a thousand activists, human rights observers and more than 5,500 tons of food and medical supplies is ready to sail from Istanbul to for Gaza. To do so, they'll need the Turkish government to let them leave the port, and then run...

Are Pro-Palestinian Protests Being Hijacked By Marxists To "Destroy Capitalism, Freedom & Democracy"? 
25.04.2024, 04:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Are Pro-Palestinian Protests Being Hijacked By Marxists To "Destroy Capitalism, Freedom & Democracy"?  Just over a week ago, we asked our readers a very straightforward question: Who is funding this chaos? This question followed incidents where pro-Palestinian protesters disrupted critical infrastructure, such as shutting down airport terminals...

Bernie Sanders To Lead Progressive Fight Against Israel Aid In Senate With New Amendment
23.04.2024, 16:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bernie Sanders To Lead Progressive Fight Against Israel Aid In Senate With New Amendment Authored by Jake Johnson via Common Dreams, US Sen. Bernie Sanders said Monday that he would put forth an amendment to remove offensive military funding for Israel from a House-passed aid package that the Senate is set to consider this week. The amendment would...

'Surprising' Intensity Of Houthi Attacks Push French Warship To Exit Red Sea
13.04.2024, 23:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Surprising' Intensity Of Houthi Attacks Push French Warship To Exit Red Sea Via The Cradle France's Aquitaine-class FREMM frigate Alsace has turned tail from the Red Sea after running out of missiles and munitions repelling attacks from the Yemeni armed forces, according to its commander, Jerome Henry. "We didn’t necessarily expect this level of...

Middle East Crisis: Container Ship Hijacked Near Strait Of Hormuz Amid Soaring Iran Tensions
13.04.2024, 13:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Middle East Crisis: Container Ship Hijacked Near Strait Of Hormuz Amid Soaring Iran Tensions While Israel on Friday braced for cruise missile and suicide drone attacks, there are new reports on Saturday morning that Iranian commandos hijacked an Israeli-affiliated container ship heading towards the Strait of Hormuz.  AP News says the British military's...

Venezuela: Innovation in Zeiten der Blockade
10.04.2024, 05:11 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Jessica Dos Santos berichtet über den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt inmitten der US-Sanktionen Vor einigen Wochen habe ich nach fast fünf Jahren Abwesenheit vom öffentlichen Sektor das Angebot angenommen, einen Podcast für das Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technologie mitzuproduzieren und zu leiten. Ich gebe zu, dass ich neugierig...

US-Aktivisten: "Es ist an der Zeit, das Embargo gegen Kuba zu beenden"
06.04.2024, 05:06 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Washington. Eine breite Koalition von Bürgerrechtlern, religiösen und politischen Führungspersönlichkeiten fordern den Senator ihres US-Bundesstaates Maryland auf, sich für die Aufhebung der Blockade gegen Kuba einzusetzen. Mit ihrem Offenen Brief wenden sie sich an einen... weiter 06.04.2024 Artikel von Edgar Göll zu USA, Kuba, Politik...

Kreml warnt Telegram-Chef nach Terroranschlag in Moskau
28.03.2024, 16:05 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der Messaging-Dienst Telegram kommt zunehmend unter Beschuss. Anfang Woche wurde dessen Sperrung in Spanien abgewehrt, da eine Klage gegen den Richter eingereicht wurde, der eine vorübergehende Blockade angeordnet hatte (wir berichteten). Kurz darauf änderte der Richter sein eigenes Urteil und bezeichnete es als unverhältnismässig. Die Büros von...

Baltimore Port Closure Puts Truck Drivers Who Haul Autos In A Bind
27.03.2024, 20:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Baltimore Port Closure Puts Truck Drivers Who Haul Autos In A Bind By John Kingston of FreightWaves With the closure of the Port of Baltimore for the foreseeable future, the question of which truck drivers are most affected inevitably focuses first on drayage. But Baltimore is not a major intermodal port, with estimates that its share of U.S. intermodal...

18 Killed In Gaza Trying To Reach Aid As Pentagon Vows More Airdrops
27.03.2024, 17:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 18 Killed In Gaza Trying To Reach Aid As Pentagon Vows More Airdrops The Biden administration announced this week that it plans to resume humanitarian aid drops into Gaza amid reports that large-scale famine is looming. However, critics have said that the airdropped crates from large military transport planes are dangerous given the cramped and desperate...

European Council President Calls On Europe To Switch To A War Economy
22.03.2024, 11:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - European Council President Calls On Europe To Switch To A War Economy Authored by Mike Shedlock via, As a way to create jobs, EC President Charles Michel promotes a war economy. Where that would lead is obvious. I suggest putting Michel on the front line with Senator Lindsey Graham. Michel’s Rosy War Economy Eurointelligence discusses Michel’s...

Entwurf eines Beitrags zur aktuellen Debatte – Teil 2:
22.03.2024, 06:04 Uhr. - https: - 5. Die Kuba-Krise: Wenn die UN-Charta mit sich selbst in Konflikt gerät. Als die Sowjetunion begann, Raketen auf Kuba aufzustellen, wurde dies von den Vereinigten Staaten durch eine Kriegshandlung – eine Blockade – verhindert. Die Vereinigten Staaten griffen sowjetische Schiffe an. Die US-Militärführung war auch der Überzeugung, dass sie das...

Israelischer Völkermord verursacht „vollständige psychologische Zerstörung“ der Kinder im Gazastreifen
21.03.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - „Fünf Monate Gewalt, Vertreibung, Hunger und Krankheit sowie fast 17 Jahre Blockade haben bei den Kindern im Gazastreifen unerbittliche psychische Schäden verursacht“, so Save the Children. Brett Wilkins Der völkermörderische Angriff Israels auf den Gazastreifen hat nicht nur Hunderttausende von palästinensischen Kindern getötet, verstümmelt...

Kanada: Letzte Anklagen wegen «Corona-Protesten» auf der Ambassador Bridge fallen gelassen
11.03.2024, 00:05 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Teil der Proteste zahlreicher Trucker gegen die Corona-Massnahmen der kanadischen Regierung war im Februar 2022 eine sechstägige Blockade der Ambassador Bridge. Über diese Brücke, welche die kanadische Provinz Ontario mit dem US-Bundesstaat Michigan verbindet, werden täglich Waren im Wert von etwa 323 Millionen Dollar befördert. Nachdem ein Richter...

WHO meldet erste Hungertote aufgrund der israelischen Blockade von Gaza | Von Thomas Röper
06.03.2024, 12:29 Uhr. - https: - Ein Kommentar von Thomas Röper. Die WHO meldet, dass die ersten Kinder im Gazastreifen infolge der israelischen Blockade verhungert sind. Insgesamt sind fast 600.000 Menschen dort “nur einen Schritt von einer Hungersnot entfernt”. Das sind ein Viertel der Bevölkerung, weshalb es angemessen ist, von einem Völkermord zu sprechen. Die WHO...

WHO meldet erste Hungertote aufgrund der israelischen Blockade von Gaza
05.03.2024, 18:49 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Die WHO hat gemeldet, dass eines ihrer Teams im Gazastreifen die zehn verhungerte Kinder gemeldet hat. Das hat unter anderem der Spiegel unter der Überschrift „Besuch der Weltgesundheitsorganisation – WHO beklagt verhungernde Kinder im Gazastreifen“ gemeldet. In der Einleitung des Artikels heißt es: „Ein Team der WHO hat Nordgaza...

Jemens furchtlose Eskalation
04.03.2024, 16:07 Uhr. - https: - Ansarullah fordern Ägyptens Einhaltung der israelischen Hilfsbeschränkungen für den Gazastreifen heraus Während viele arabische Regierungen, die über Hunderte von Panzern und Kampfflugzeugen verfügen, dem völkermörderischen Krieg Israels gegen den Gazastreifen passiv zusehen, hat die jemenitische Regierung in Sanaa – obwohl sie von acht Jahren...

Polish Truckers To Rejoin Farmers In Border Crossing Blockades
28.02.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Polish Truckers To Rejoin Farmers In Border Crossing Blockades By Salon24.PL via Remix News Polish truckers are to resume their border blockade protest on March 1 after having previously suspended their protest actions at the turn of the year. Truckers are demonstrating once again because they are not satisfied with what has been done to stop Ukrainian...

Polish Farmers To Block Critical Border Road As Tusk Government Faces First Serious Challenge
24.02.2024, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Polish Farmers To Block Critical Border Road As Tusk Government Faces First Serious Challenge Polish Farmers are planning to block a key frontier road into Germany as part of a growing protest over Europe's green agenda and cheaper imports - primarily from Ukraine. Farmers say they have been especially hit by increased taxes and other rules./ Photo:...

Senate Passes $95BN Ukraine-Israel Package But Johnson Signals Blockade In House
13.02.2024, 15:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Senate Passes $95BN Ukraine-Israel Package But Johnson Signals Blockade In House Early Tuesday Senate Democrats and Republicans joined to pass the $95 billion national security package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan after months of tense holdup and negotiations by Republicans, given especially the fight over the border security measures. "With this...

Brandanschlag auf Bauernhof – Drohung hinterlassen: „Schluss mit Blockade, sonst brennt alles“
12.02.2024, 12:01 Uhr. Report24 - https: - In der Nacht auf Sonntag ging im Erzgebirge ein Agrarbetrieb in Flammen auf. Dessen Besitzer wirkt an den Bauernprotesten mit und veranstaltete auch selbst entsprechende Demos. Der Schaden soll sich auf 500.000 Euro belaufen. An einer Scheunenwand fand die Polizei eine Drohung vor: "Schluss mit Blockade, sonst brennt alles"....

"We Have No Other Choice": Pissed Off Polish Farmers Launch 30-Day Protest Across Country, Ukraine Border Crossings
10.02.2024, 15:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "We Have No Other Choice": Pissed Off Polish Farmers Launch 30-Day Protest Across Country, Ukraine Border Crossings While the EU caved earlier this week to demands that they drop key climate provisions and punitive taxes aimed at cutting greenhouse gas pollution, Polish farmers on Friday launched a series of protests against EU climate policies as well...

The Geopolitics Of World War III
09.02.2024, 05:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Geopolitics Of World War III Authored by Michael Hochberg & Leonard Hochberg via, Introduction On January 2, 2024, Foreign Minister Israel Katz proclaimed “We’re in the middle of World War III against Iran [led] radical Islam, whose tentacles are already in Europe.”   He claimed that Israel, in engaging in a war against...

US Asset Or US Adversary? Why Qatar Looks Worryingly Like Both
09.02.2024, 01:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Asset Or US Adversary? Why Qatar Looks Worryingly Like Both Authored by Ben Weingarten via RealClear Wire, After Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel, one of the terrorist organization’s chief financial sponsors, hosts of its leaders, and backers of its propaganda found itself singled out by America’s leaders – not for condemnation, but praise...

Norbert Bolz: Der inszenierte Bürgerkrieg
08.02.2024, 17:02 Uhr. - https: - Nach „Rettet das Klima!“ haben die Aktivisten und Staatsjournalisten in den letzten Wochen ein neues Mega-Thema gesetzt: „Rettet die Ampel!“ – Das ist aufgrund der katastrophalen Umfragewerte für die Regierungsparteien durchaus verständlich. Die Ablenkungsstrategie, die die politisch-mediale Elite dabei verfolgt, hatte bisher zwei Höhepunkte:...

Studie zeigt, dass die Mediengiganten New York Times, CNN und Fox News den US-Krieg im Jemen vorantreiben
08.02.2024, 16:03 Uhr. - https: - Von Alan Macleod Eine MintPress-Studie über die Berichterstattung der wichtigsten US-Medien über die Blockade des Roten Meeres im Jemen hat eine überwältigende Voreingenommenheit der Presse ergeben, die das Ereignis als aggressiven, feindseligen Terrorakt der Ansar Allah (auch bekannt als die Houthis) darstellte, die als Handlanger der iranischen...

Polish Farmers Set To Join European Revolt With Mass Blockade
07.02.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Polish Farmers Set To Join European Revolt With Mass Blockade Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Polish farmers are set to join the continent-wide revolt against the EU by launching a massive nationwide strike and blockade later this week. Farmer protests have exploded in multiple different countries against the EU’s green agenda and...

Houthi Rebels Fire Missiles At Two Ships As Red Sea Crisis Rages On
06.02.2024, 13:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Houthi Rebels Fire Missiles At Two Ships As Red Sea Crisis Rages On Iran-backed Houthi rebels targeted two commercial ships sailing in the southern Red Sea following airstrikes by the United States and the United Kingdom on dozens of locations across Yemen, Iraq, and Syria over the weekend. This escalation around the maritime chokepoint has led to...

„Wir sind Friedensfreunde“
06.02.2024, 11:03 Uhr. - https: - Exclusivinterview mit Mohammed Ali Al-Houthi von Ansar Allah über die Aussichten auf eine Eskalation, die Blockade des Jemen und darüber hinaus Ahmed Abdulkareem Nach dem Krieg und der Belagerung des Gazastreifens durch Israel, der am 7. Oktober letzten Jahres begann und Zehntausende von Palästinensern das Leben kostete, rief die jemenitische Armee...

Polish Farmers Plan General Strike, Blockade Of Ukraine Border
05.02.2024, 08:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Polish Farmers Plan General Strike, Blockade Of Ukraine Border Authored by Ella Kietlinska via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A aerial view shows trucks and tractors blocking the E40 highway during a farmer's protest, in Aalter, Belgium on January 31, 2024. (Kurt Desplenter/AFP via Getty Images) Polish farmers from the Solidarity trade union plan...

US Strikes Killed At Least 39, Including "Many Civilians," As Iraq Warns Stability Is On "Brink Of The Abyss"
03.02.2024, 19:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Strikes Killed At Least 39, Including "Many Civilians," As Iraq Warns Stability Is On "Brink Of The Abyss" Widespread reports say at least 39 were killed in the Friday US airstrikes on Iran-linked targets across Western Iraq and Eastern Syria, which used over 125 bombs and precision munitions, according to a Pentagon statement. There are reportedly...

Greg Abbott And The Invasion Of The Border Snatchers
31.01.2024, 05:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Greg Abbott And The Invasion Of The Border Snatchers Submitted by Donald Jeffries via "I Protest", We’ve come a long way from the Boston Tea Party. What would happen to “extremists” throwing tea into a harbor today? Independence Hall. Lexington and Concord. The Articles of Confederation. Patrick Henry declaring, “I may not agree with what you...

Hamas Increasingly Fighting With Israeli-Made Weapons
30.01.2024, 00:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hamas Increasingly Fighting With Israeli-Made Weapons Hamas has been using Israeli weapons against the Israeli military, finds a new investigation by New York Times. The Sunday piece posed the question, "Where Is Hamas Getting Its Weapons?" and answered: "Increasingly, From Israel." Israeli weapons were even used to some extent during the Oct.7 terror...

Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    + Doppelte News