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Neueste    Heute    10.06.2024    09.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Germany Has Begun Dumping Migrants In Poland
11.06.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Germany Has Begun Dumping Migrants In Poland By Grzegorz Adamczyk of Aleksandra Fedorska who works for independent radio WNET and news outlet Biznes Alert has reported that migrants are being handed over to Polish border guards by German officers and are then transferred to hostels in bordering areas. According to her, many of the migrants...

$82,000 Gold Nugget Stolen From Long Beach Coin Show
11.06.2024, 04:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - $82,000 Gold Nugget Stolen From Long Beach Coin Show We guess gold demand really is picking up... In Long Beach this past week, a monster-sized gold nugget that is worth $82,000 was stolen from a coin expo and now, ironically, $10,000 is being offered as a reward for its safe return, according to Fox 11 Los Angeles.  Bob Campbell, a Utah-based coin...

After Texas Win, School-Choice Groups Eye Other Red States
11.06.2024, 04:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - After Texas Win, School-Choice Groups Eye Other Red States Authored by Susan Crabtree via RealClearPolitics, The political ground shifted in Texas last week, and the impact of the electoral shakeup could send aftershocks across the nation for months, if not years, to come. A wave of Republican incumbents fell to conservative challengers in the Texas...

UN Security Council Backs Biden's Gaza Ceasefire Plan, Russia Abstains
11.06.2024, 03:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UN Security Council Backs Biden's Gaza Ceasefire Plan, Russia Abstains The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has finally agreed on something related to Gaza. On Monday it adopted a US-proposed resolution which gives formal backing to an Israel-Hamas ceasefire plan. Fourteen council members voted in favor, Russia abstained, and there were no votes...

What Would Josey Wales Do?
11.06.2024, 01:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Would Josey Wales Do? Via the Burning Platform, “To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.” – Josey Wales As our political, economic, civic, and social structures continue to degrade, dissolve, and disintegrate before our very eyes, it is easy to become apathetic and surrender to hopelessness. There are relentless powerful...

Blinken's Exercise In Futility: Mideast Tour #8 To Achieve Gaza Truce
11.06.2024, 00:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blinken's Exercise In Futility: Mideast Tour #8 To Achieve Gaza Truce US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is once again in the Middle East where he's pressing for a Gaza ceasefire. But so far at least, it seems this but more of the same futile and hopeless, contradictory messaging. It is his eighth trip to the region since the Gaza war began. He first...

VDH: The Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work
10.06.2024, 23:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - VDH: The Left Knows Leftism Doesn't Work Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, Do not expect the radical left to survey the wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and erodes their freedoms. There will never be admissions by our elite that progressivism exists mainly for the acquisition...

What Exec Order? Biden Memo Instructs SoCal Border Patrol To Release Most Single Adults
10.06.2024, 21:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Exec Order? Biden Memo Instructs SoCal Border Patrol To Release Most Single Adults President Biden's executive order to curb the illegal alien invasion was nothing more than optically pleasing headlines before the September presidential debates. Just days after the order was signed, US Customs and Border Protection agents in the southern California...

NATO’s Secret ‘Military Schengen’ Strategy
10.06.2024, 20:30 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to an article in The Telegraph, NATO’s “Military Schengen” Strategy entails streamlining military logistics across Europe to expedite troop deployment, particularly to the Russian border, with the aim of strengthening the EU’s militarization and containment of Russia. The “military Schengen” proposal from...

Mapping Illegal Immigrants By State
10.06.2024, 17:31 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, illegal immigrants by state have been mapped below, with Illinois, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, and California having the highest numbers of undocumented immigrants in 2021. Recently, US President Joe Biden announced steps to prevent illegal immigration across the US-Mexico border. Bruno Venditti of Visual...

Goldman Agrees With Trump That Biden's Executive Order To Stop The Invasion Is BS
10.06.2024, 15:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Goldman Agrees With Trump That Biden's Executive Order To Stop The Invasion Is BS Last week was quite surreal, even by senile Joe's standards. Shortly after confirming that the president who is now imploding in the polls could, in fact, act on border security and the illegal alien invasion on the southern border without Congress, something which he...

Colorado Weed Industry In Free-Fall As Sales Plunge By $700 Million
10.06.2024, 13:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Colorado Weed Industry In Free-Fall As Sales Plunge By $700 Million Colorado's cannabis market is in free-fall, going from peak revenues of $2.2 billion in 2020, to $1.5 billion just three years later. The drop has had a substantial impact on the state's economy - with cannabis tax revenues decreasing more than 30% over the past two years to just $282...

"Zero Tolerance": Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing
09.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Zero Tolerance": Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing In response to last weekend's terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead - and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit...

Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen"
09.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen" Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, NATO logistics chief Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank is responsible for last November’s “military Schengen” proposal, which bore fruit in February after Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland – the last of which has comprehensively...

Tokyo App Helps Residents Get Laid To Avoid Population Collapse
09.06.2024, 00:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Tokyo App Helps Residents Get Laid To Avoid Population Collapse Officials in Tokyo, Japan are launching a new dating app to help promote marriage and boost the collapsing national birth rate. The fee-based app from the Tokyo Metropolitan government will ask people to prove that they are legally single, and sign a letter confirming their willingness...

Pro-Palestinian Protesters En Route To White House In Busses; Biden Team Erects Wall Around Perimeter 
08.06.2024, 17:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Palestinian Protesters En Route To White House In Busses; Biden Team Erects Wall Around Perimeter  President Biden loves taxpayer-funded walls, except for former President Trump's southern border wall. The elderly president has a beautiful taxpayer-funded wall around his beach home in exclusive Rehoboth Beach (a destination for rich liberals)...

Venture Capitalist David Sacks Goes All In On Trump 
07.06.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Venture Capitalist David Sacks Goes All In On Trump  A new wave of enthusiasm is emerging for former President Trump among VCs and business leaders across America. While some (or much) of this may be simply reading tea leaves and staying nimble, it's worth noting that many former Democrat defenders are now on team Trump. It doesn't take a crystal ball...

"They Can't Afford To Lose Their Grip On The Levers Of Power..."
07.06.2024, 22:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "They Can't Afford To Lose Their Grip On The Levers Of Power..." Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Time To Jettison The Animals “The old left had intellectual commitments that were false in interesting and theoretically stimulating ways. The new left demands adherence to lurid absurdities so preposterous that merely entertaining...

Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Years
07.06.2024, 17:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Years On the surface, it was a blockbuster jobs report, certainly one which nobody expected, with the two largest US banks - JPMorgan and JPM - both expecting a below-consensus print at 150K and 165K (well we did, and we said that the number "will beat" moments before it was published) Goldman (165K) and JPM...

NATO Kicks Off Massive Baltic Drills As Biden Affirms US Weapons 'Now Being Used Inside Russia'
06.06.2024, 23:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO Kicks Off Massive Baltic Drills As Biden Affirms US Weapons 'Now Being Used Inside Russia' In the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war, and right next door, NATO has kicked off its massive annual military exercises in the Baltic Sea. "Baltic Operations 24" is about to be in full swing, kicking off formally on Friday, and involves over 9,000...

Look Who's Spreading Disinformation On Ukraine
06.06.2024, 23:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Look Who's Spreading Disinformation On Ukraine Authored by Dave Lindorff via, ‘Black kettle’ Tony Blinken’ accused Russia of spreading propaganda to mislead the Americans and Europeans, while hiding US decision to escalate the confrontation in Ukraine Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during a set of whirlwind...

What's Next For Battlefield America? Israel's High-Tech Military Tactics Point The Way
06.06.2024, 23:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What's Next For Battlefield America? Israel's High-Tech Military Tactics Point The Way Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going...

ACLU To Sue Biden Administration Over New Border Rules
06.06.2024, 15:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - ACLU To Sue Biden Administration Over New Border Rules Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced its intention to sue the White House after Joe Biden announced a new executive order that would ostensibly reduce access to the asylum system for illegal aliens. According to Axios, the...

Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens
06.06.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple facts:  not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs "gained" in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden "recovery" has been, about...

US Warns Netanyahu Against Major Offensive In Southern Lebanon
06.06.2024, 01:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Warns Netanyahu Against Major Offensive In Southern Lebanon The United States is warning Israel against "escalation" in Lebanon following fresh Wednesday remarks of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which threatened a major offensive due to ratcheting Hezbollah attacks. "We are prepared for a very intense operation in the north. One way...

Israel Is Gearing Up For Lebanon War As IDF Reaching 'Decision Point'
05.06.2024, 22:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Is Gearing Up For Lebanon War As IDF Reaching 'Decision Point' There are fresh reports out of Israeli media that the country's war cabinet is discussing launching a full-scale war against Hezbollah, which would likely involve an army ground invasion of southern Lebanon. Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, said...

NY Times Confirms 'First' Ukraine Strike On Russia With US Long-Range Missiles
05.06.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NY Times Confirms 'First' Ukraine Strike On Russia With US Long-Range Missiles Ukraine is already attacking Russian territory with US-supplied long-range weapons, a fresh NY Times investigation has acknowledged. It comes a mere days after the Biden administration greenlighted Ukraine's request to fire American weapons onto Russian soil. "Yehor Chernev...

"He's Not The Same Person": Biden Allies Freak After WSJ Blasts "Slipping" Brain
05.06.2024, 20:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "He's Not The Same Person": Biden Allies Freak After WSJ Blasts "Slipping" Brain The Biden administration is scrambling for damage control over the president's mental condition. Over the past month, the White House claimed executive privilege over an audio tape of Biden's classified documents interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur, the transcripts...

What Is Included In Biden’s Border Plan
05.06.2024, 15:37 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - President Joe Biden’s new border plan, announced Tuesday, includes closing the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry, imposing strict asylum limits, and enhancing deportation measures amidst high crossing rates. The U.S. border with Mexico will close between ports of entry at midnight as a result of President Joe Biden’s long-awaited...

Does Poland Fear That Ukraine Might One Day Make Irredentist Claims Against It?
05.06.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Does Poland Fear That Ukraine Might One Day Make Irredentist Claims Against It? Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, The argument can be made that the national security pretexts upon which President Duda vetoed the Sejm’s bill to make Silesian a regional language concern the threat of Ukrainians exploiting this proposed precedent to revive their...

"This Is Horrifying": Baltimore County Releases Illegal Alien Sex Offender, Defying DHS' Detainer Request
05.06.2024, 03:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "This Is Horrifying": Baltimore County Releases Illegal Alien Sex Offender, Defying DHS' Detainer Request Local media outlet Fox 45 News revealed a convicted sex offender and illegal alien was released by Baltimore County officials, blatantly ignoring the federal government's request to keep the criminal in jail. This stunning act of defiance in the...

Report Details US Troop 'Land Corridors' In Event Of European Ground War With Russia
05.06.2024, 01:57 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Report Details US Troop 'Land Corridors' In Event Of European Ground War With Russia NATO has a plan in place for rapid deployment of its forces in the scenario of a future Russian attack on Europe. It includes the development of "land corridors" which can be used to rush some 300,000 troops — mostly American soldiers — to front line positions in...

Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fires Rage In Northern Israel After Uptick In Hezbollah Attacks Huge fires in Israel's Galilee region are once again raging out of control following stepped-up rocket and drone attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel. Some reports are citing over 20 wildfires in various locations. Israeli media has confirmed that "a large blaze is spreading in the Ramim...

In National IQ Test, Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!' Routine
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - In National IQ Test, Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!' Routine Update (1443ET): President Ron Burgundy read what is perhaps the most audacious attempt to trick Americans into believing the exact opposite of reality - namely, that he didn't cause the border crisis, Republicans are the reason it isn't fixed, and he's here to save the day. A national...

Fentanyl Mixed With Potent Animal Sedative Is All The Rage
04.06.2024, 04:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fentanyl Mixed With Potent Animal Sedative Is All The Rage Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Various forms of fentanyl. (Courtesy of the University of Houston) Public health authorities are warning of a new fentanyl drug concoction laced with a veterinary sedative more potent than previous cocktails. According to a libertarian...

"The Ninnies Of Biden-World Seem Not To Understand..."
03.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Ninnies Of Biden-World Seem Not To Understand..." Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Which Movie Will It Be? “It’s almost as if the principals (prosecutors and judge) were performing for their political audience - with a wink, a nod and a stage whisper (“watch this!”) as they ignore yet another fundamental element of American...

Hedge Fund CIO On The Next Leg: "It'll Be Parabolic. The Talking Heads Will Go Nuts. VIX Will Hit 10"
03.06.2024, 01:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hedge Fund CIO On The Next Leg: "It'll Be Parabolic. The Talking Heads Will Go Nuts. VIX Will Hit 10" By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management “Still nosebleed long,” grunted Bulldog, selling a few S&P puts for sport. “Bought more stocks, and now I’m buying bonds. Not as a hedge, they’re both going up,” growled Dawg. “The Baby...

Our Chemical Facilities Are Vulnerable To Attack
02.06.2024, 04:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Our Chemical Facilities Are Vulnerable To Attack Authored by Chris Jahn via RealClear Wire, If our nation suffers another terrorist attack, it will be hard to argue that the signs weren’t there for us to see. The federal government has expressed growing concern that AI will empower attacks on our water, transportation, and financial systems. The...

Watch: Hezbollah Shoots Down Large Israeli Drone In Expanded Fighting
01.06.2024, 21:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Hezbollah Shoots Down Large Israeli Drone In Expanded Fighting Friday saw intensifying fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border as Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets in an expanded assault on northern Israel, some of which were sent to areas never hit before since the conflict started last year. On Saturday morning the Lebanese paramilitary group...

Biden Planning To Send Migrants For Resettlement In Greece And Italy
01.06.2024, 21:17 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to people familiar with the government, Biden is planning to send migrants for resettlement in Greece and Italy. As part of an additional initiative to deter residents of the region from visiting the border between the United States and Mexico, the Biden administration intends to refer certain migrants from Latin America for resettlement in...

America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah
01.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - America's Dictator In Egypt Faces Dangerous Dilemma Over Rafah The Egyptian populace's anger could soon boil over if the Abdel Fattah Al Sisi government doesn't form a tougher response to Israel's offensive in Rafah. Israeli forces now have direct control of the about nine-mile Gaza-Egypt border, and this led to a flare-up in tensions as on Monday...

NATO Chief Pushes Allies To Commit $44 Billion In Defense Aid To Ukraine Annually
31.05.2024, 18:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO Chief Pushes Allies To Commit $44 Billion In Defense Aid To Ukraine Annually Currently NATO defense and foreign ministers are gathered in Prague for two days of meetings as part of preparations for the major Washington Summit in July. At the meeting chaired by the alliance's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg he urged that NATO countries must...

US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon
31.05.2024, 17:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon Authored by Jeffrey D. Sachs via Common Dreams, Each of the last five presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, have brought us closer to the brink. We desperately need leaders with a knack for peace who can steer the nation, and the world, toward a more secure and less dangerous future. The overriding...

Kremlin: NATO Weapons To Be Hit In Any Country From Where Russia May Be Attacked
31.05.2024, 16:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kremlin: NATO Weapons To Be Hit In Any Country From Where Russia May Be Attacked Predictably, the Kremlin is fuming at widespread reports that the Biden administration has made a U-turn on its policy which previously prohibited Ukraine from attack Russian soil with US-supplied weaponry. Former Russian president and current Security Council Deputy Chairman...

These Black And Hispanic Biden Voters Plan To Vote For Trump
31.05.2024, 15:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Black And Hispanic Biden Voters Plan To Vote For Trump Authored by Beth Brelje, Lawrence Wilson, T.J. Muscaro, Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times, (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times, Cher Lynne Photography for The Epoch Times, When Wender Angeles arrived in the United States from Peru in 2006, he registered to...

10 Million Illegals Later, Biden To Use Executive Orders To Fix His F-Up: Report
31.05.2024, 14:37 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 10 Million Illegals Later, Biden To Use Executive Orders To Fix His F-Up: Report After President Joe Biden shredded Donald Trump's Executive Orders on border security his first day in office, resulting in a staggering 10 million illegals pouring into the United States, the White House is reportedly on the verge of implementing new executive orders in...

Sequoia's Shaun Maguire: "I Just Donated $300k To Trump"
31.05.2024, 14:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sequoia's Shaun Maguire: "I Just Donated $300k To Trump" Authored by Shaun Maguire via X (republished with permission), I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why. Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her...

Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalation
31.05.2024, 04:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Allows Ukraine To Use US Weapons To Attack Inside Russia In Highly Dangerous Escalation Given the last days of momentum and growing pressure coming from some NATO countries, this was perhaps inevitable: the United States has now greenlighted Ukraine's use of American-supplied weapons against Russian territory in a huge escalation which takes the...

Lawsuit Seeks End To 'Lawless' Noncitizen Voting In Pennsylvania
31.05.2024, 00:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lawsuit Seeks End To 'Lawless' Noncitizen Voting In Pennsylvania Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The conservative advocacy group America First Legal (AFL) filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of State, seeking to end a directive that allows noncitizens to vote in state and federal elections. Illegal...

Our Revolutionary Times: VDH
30.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Our Revolutionary Times: VDH Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, Sometimes unexpected but dramatic events tear off the thin veneer of respectability and convention. What follows is the exposure and repudiation of long-existing but previously covered-up pathologies. Events like the destruction of the southern border over the last...

Neueste    Heute    10.06.2024    09.06.2024    + Doppelte News