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Neueste    Heute    11.05.2024    10.05.2024    09.05.2024    08.05.2024    07.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

CISA, FBI Resuming Talks With Social Media Firms Over Disinformation Removal, Senate Intel Chair Says
09.05.2024, 23:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - CISA, FBI Resuming Talks With Social Media Firms Over Disinformation Removal, Senate Intel Chair Says Authored by David Dimolfetta via, Key federal agencies have resumed discussions with social media companies over removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears, a stark reversal after the Biden administration...

Peter Schiff: Rate Hikes On The Horizon?
09.05.2024, 19:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Peter Schiff: Rate Hikes On The Horizon? Via, Peter’s back to recap the last week in markets and economic news. This episode starts with April’s dismal stock performance and also discusses Jerome Powell’s most recent appearance. Peter wraps up the episode by recounting the Bitcoin debate he participated in on Friday. Peter notes...

We Need To Talk About Recession Risk Again
09.05.2024, 18:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - We Need To Talk About Recession Risk Again Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, It’s time once more to increase vigilance for a US recession. Soft, survey data is starting to deteriorate, while hard data is already fragile. Expectations of a downturn are currently low, but they could quickly swing higher. Stocks – which experience...

Watch: Billionaire Real Estate Investor Expects 'One Or Two' Bank Failures A Week, UK Economist Says "Entering A New Dark Age"
09.05.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Billionaire Real Estate Investor Expects 'One Or Two' Bank Failures A Week, UK Economist Says "Entering A New Dark Age" Billionaire Barry Sternlicht, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Starwood Capital Group has issued an ominous warning about America's regional banks, which he says will fail at a rate of 'one or two' per week. Speaking with CNBC on...

Schrumpfende Verfassungsfreunde, wachsende Gaza-Proteste und die schützende Hand der USA über Netanjahu, Stand der Dinge am 9. Mai 2024
09.05.2024, 17:30 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Inhalt: • Wo stehen die Freunde der Verfassung? Eindrücke von ihrer Generalversammlung 02:20 • Die Proteste werden militanter. Die Schweiz sucht die Zusammenarbeit mit der US-Nationalgarde 09:31 • Netanjahu wehrt sich gegen einen Haftbefehl, die USA haben das passende Gesetz 12:10 • Der Strommarkt ist verrückt – wer ihn nicht versteht, wird...

To Prevent A Banking Crisis, The Fed Must Cut; But...
09.05.2024, 16:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - To Prevent A Banking Crisis, The Fed Must Cut; But... Via, In 2009, 140 banks failed, and a recent report from financial consulting firm Klaros Group says that hundreds of banks are at risk of going under this year. It’s being billed mostly as a danger for individuals and communities than for the broader economy, but for stressed...

Stocks And Bonds Rise Together As Inflation Fears Take Backseat
09.05.2024, 16:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Stocks And Bonds Rise Together As Inflation Fears Take Backseat Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Stocks and bonds have been rising together again, with investors getting longer of both assets. Inflation fears are taking a backseat for now, allowing lower yields to boost stock prices. Positioning data for equities shows that investors...

"The Polling Data Has Been Wrong All Along": Watch Biden Deny Economic Reality In Train-Wreck CNN Interview
09.05.2024, 14:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Polling Data Has Been Wrong All Along": Watch Biden Deny Economic Reality In Train-Wreck CNN Interview Authored by Steve Watson via, During a brutal CNN interview aired Wednesday, Joe Biden looked shocked when host Erin Burnett reeled off a list of stats detailing how bad the economy is. Instead of suggesting how he is going to improve...

BOE Keeps Rates Unchanged But Edges Closer To Cutting As Deputy Governor Calls For Easing
09.05.2024, 13:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - BOE Keeps Rates Unchanged But Edges Closer To Cutting As Deputy Governor Calls For Easing With both the Swiss SNB and Swedish Riksbank starting to cut rates, many were wondering if the BOE would join the easing cycle next. And while it did not, instead keeping rates unchanged at 5.25% for the sixth straight meeting of its policymakers, in line with...

The Machinery Of Fascism Revisited
09.05.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Machinery Of Fascism Revisited Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Brownstone Institute, Fascism became a swear word in the US and UK during the Second World War. It has been ever since, to the point that the content of the term has been drained away completely. It is not a system of political economy but an insult.  If we go back a decade before...

The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle: Behind The Inexplicable "Strength" Of US Consumers Is $700 Billion In "Phanton Debt"
09.05.2024, 04:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle: Behind The Inexplicable "Strength" Of US Consumers Is $700 Billion In "Phanton Debt" Yesterday we discussed the latest consumer credit data, which revealed that the amount of credit card debt across the US has hit a new record high of $1.337 trillion (even though it appears to have finally hit a brick wall, barely rising...

Philadelphia Mayor Starts Long-Awaited Process Of Cleaning Out City's Open Air Drug Markets
09.05.2024, 02:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Philadelphia Mayor Starts Long-Awaited Process Of Cleaning Out City's Open Air Drug Markets Philadelphia's new mayor Cherelle Parker may be succeeding with what seems like a relatively simple task that her predecessors were wholly incapable of performing: cleaning out the city's open air drug markets in its Kensington section. Pay attention, Democrats...

Putin Doesn't Bluff
09.05.2024, 01:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Doesn't Bluff Authored by James Rickards via, Two weeks ago, the Congress passed (and President Biden signed) four key pieces of legislation related to national security. Three of the bills provided assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. They received the most attention. The one that got the least attention was a mixed bag...

Gen-Zers Slide Deeper Into Debt As Bidenomics Failure Crushes America's Future Leaders 
09.05.2024, 00:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gen-Zers Slide Deeper Into Debt As Bidenomics Failure Crushes America's Future Leaders  It may seem crazy, but here's some advice for heavily indebted Gen-Zers: Put down the smartphone. Stop spending on DoorDash and Uber Eats. Perhaps cancel a few streaming services. Also, the spending party is over despite calls from the White House to cancel student...

Neueste    Heute    11.05.2024    10.05.2024    09.05.2024    08.05.2024    07.05.2024    + Doppelte News