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Neueste    Heute    07.06.2024    06.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Loose Talk About The End Of Everything: VDH
24.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Loose Talk About The End Of Everything: VDH Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, After a recent summit between new partners China and Russia, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin issued an odd one-sentence communique: “There can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be fought...

Iran Announces Interim President After Raisi's Helicopter "Hit A Mountain & Disintegrated"
20.05.2024, 16:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran Announces Interim President After Raisi's Helicopter "Hit A Mountain & Disintegrated" Following Tehran's early Monday confirmation of the deaths of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, 63, along with Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and other officials after their helicopter went down over mountainous terrain near the border with Azerbaijan...

US Wars Are Making Türkiye's Relationship With The West Politically Untenable
17.05.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Wars Are Making Türkiye's Relationship With The West Politically Untenable Authored by Conor Gallagher via, Turkish public opinion of the West dropped due to the Iraq War and has not recovered. There have been almost constant issues since, with both sides fanning the flames – the US with its arrogance and Turkish President...

Israel Will 'Set Sights' On Turkey If Hamas Defeated, Erdogan Claims
16.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel Will 'Set Sights' On Turkey If Hamas Defeated, Erdogan Claims Via The Cradle Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned on 15 May that Israel would "target" Turkey if victorious against the Hamas and other Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. "Israel will not stop in Gaza, and if not stopped, this rogue state will eventually target Anatolia...

Erdogan lässt über 1.000 Hamas-Mitglieder in türkischen Krankenhäusern behandeln
14.05.2024, 10:01 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Das NATO-Land Türkei gilt mittlerweile als wichtiger Unterstützer der palästinensischen Terrororganisation Hamas. Dies geht so weit, dass derzeit mehr als 1.000 dieser islamistischen Terroristen in türkischen Krankenhäusern behandelt werden. Für die Ummah legt er sich auch mit Mördern ins Bett....

Turkey Treating Over 1,000 Wounded Hamas Members In Hospitals: Erdogan
13.05.2024, 21:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Treating Over 1,000 Wounded Hamas Members In Hospitals: Erdogan The NATO country with the second largest military in the alliance has just admitted to aiding and abetting a US-designated terror organization. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in surprisingly frank statements acknowledged that Turkey is currently treating over 1,000 Hamas...

Is The End Near? Victor Davis Hanson Ponders Threat Of Annihilation
11.05.2024, 03:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is The End Near? Victor Davis Hanson Ponders Threat Of Annihilation Authored by Rob Bluey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Victor Davis Hanson tackles a topic related to military history in his new book, “The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation.” (Courtesy of The Heritage Foundation) Victor Davis Hanson is well known for his...

Das Einmaleins des Pharisäertums: Anwendbar auf Putin, Orban, Erdogan, Griechen etc.
06.05.2024, 09:17 Uhr. Geld und mehr - https: - 6. 05. 2024 | Im Jahr 2008 veröffentlichte Carlos Ruiz Zafón als Teil seines Romans „Das Spiel des Engels“ ein Einmaleins des Pharisäertums. Als ich den Text 2016 las, erschien er mir ausgsprochen erhellend für das damalige politisch-mediale Klima, weshalb ich ihn auf diesem Blog wiedergab. Weitere acht Jahre später hat er nichts...

Israeli Industry Braces For Economic Damage Amid Turkish Trade Ban
04.05.2024, 14:12 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israeli Industry Braces For Economic Damage Amid Turkish Trade Ban Via Middle East Eye Sectors across the Israeli economy are warning of wide-reaching impacts of Turkey’s decision to halt all trade with Israel, and are scrambling to find alternative sources for lost imports. The Turkish trade ministry announced earlier this week that Ankara...

Hamas-Freund Erdogan bricht türkische Handelsbeziehungen mit Israel ab
03.05.2024, 10:00 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Die türkische Führung hat ihre pro-palästinensische und anti-israelische Stellung bekräftigt. Präsident Erdogan kündigte die Handelsbeziehungen mit Israel auf und schwingt immer lauter anti-westliche Hasstiraden. Wie lange noch, bis er zum Dschihad aufruft?...

NATO Member Rolls Out Red Carpet For Hamas Chief
22.04.2024, 21:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO Member Rolls Out Red Carpet For Hamas Chief As head of NATO's second largest military, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has continued to stir controversy among allies by his Hamas-sympathetic stance. As early as last October, just on the heels of the Oct.7 Hamas terror attack, he was bluntly expressing that "Hamas is not a terror organization" but...

What If The Fed's Hikes Are Actually Sparking US Economic Boom?
16.04.2024, 20:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What If The Fed's Hikes Are Actually Sparking US Economic Boom? Authored by Ye Xie via Bloomberg, As the US economy hums along month after month, minting hundreds of thousands of new jobs and confounding experts who had warned of an imminent downturn, some on Wall Street are starting to entertain a fringe economic theory. What if, they ask, all those...

Spring, Summers, Nuclear Fall(out), Or Winter?
11.04.2024, 18:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Spring, Summers, Nuclear Fall(out), Or Winter? By Michael Every of Rabobank Yesterday’s US CPI was radioactive. Headline and core were both 0.4% m-o-m, and 3.5% and 3.8% y-o-y. Energy prices were higher, which is bad. Shelter inflation was stuck at 5.7%, which is worse. But worst of all, services excluding shelter were 0.8% m-o-m and 4.8% y-o-y. In...

Hamas Leader's Sons & Grandchildren Killed In Single Israeli Airstrike
10.04.2024, 22:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hamas Leader's Sons & Grandchildren Killed In Single Israeli Airstrike The leader of Hamas has had much of his family wiped out in a new Israeli airstrike. Hamas has confirmed that its leader, Ismail Haniyeh, received word that three of his sons and grandchildren were killed in an Israeli assault Wednesday.  International reports say a drone strike...

More Cold War Era Treaties Collapse As Turkey Suspends EU Arms Limitation Deal
07.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - More Cold War Era Treaties Collapse As Turkey Suspends EU Arms Limitation Deal Via The Cradle Turkey has followed suit with its NATO allies and Russia in suspending an arms treaty that imposed limitations on conventional military equipment in Europe. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signed a decree on April 4 to suspend Ankara's duties under...

Futures Slide As Yields Jump And Oil Surges
02.04.2024, 14:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Slide As Yields Jump And Oil Surges US equity futures are sliding as bond yields spike to 4.36%, the highest level since November, and the price of Brent crude rises to a new five-month high above $89 driven mostly by supply/demand dynamics but a geopolitical fear premium over the brewing Israel-Iran conflict begins to build, and as fears that...

Turkey Expected To Become US' Largest Supplier Of Artillery
02.04.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Expected To Become US' Largest Supplier Of Artillery Authored by Ahmed Adel via, Turkey is set to become the United States’ largest supplier of artillery shells as NATO allies have exhausted their stocks and now struggle to ship ammunition to Ukraine. Turkey’s indirect support for Ukraine is also supplemented by direct support...

Türkei: Hunderte Soldaten zum Wählen in kleine Dörfer gebracht
01.04.2024, 14:57 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - In Bussen wurden Soldaten zu den Wahllokalen gefahren. Das Ziel: Ein Sieg für die Partei von Präsident Erdogan....

Futures Rise In First Day Of New Quarter As Gold Explodes To Record Highs
01.04.2024, 14:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rise In First Day Of New Quarter As Gold Explodes To Record Highs US futures extend their record-breaking meltup following the long weekend (which was to be expected with hedge funds piling into shorts last week, hoping for a reversal), with most European markets still closed and Asian stocks closing lower. As of 7:30am, S&P futures were 0.3%...

Opposition gewinnt Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei
01.04.2024, 10:15 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Für den türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan ist es eine bittere Niederlage: Seine AKP verlor bei den Kommunalwahlen deutlich - vor allem in den Metropolen. Dort stellt die Oppositionspartei CHP die Bürgermeister - auch in Istanbul.Den Bericht gibt's hier....

"Turkish People Demanded Change": Erdogan Suffers Shocking Defeat In Country's Municipal Elections
01.04.2024, 03:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Turkish People Demanded Change": Erdogan Suffers Shocking Defeat In Country's Municipal Elections In a historic upset, Turks dealt President Tayyip Erdogan and his party their biggest electoral blow yet in Saturday's nationwide local vote that reasserted the opposition as a political force and reinforced Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu as the president's...

'Will Send Netanyahu To Allah': Erdogan's Words Spark Outrage In Israel
23.03.2024, 20:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Will Send Netanyahu To Allah': Erdogan's Words Spark Outrage In Israel Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has from the start of the Israel-Hamas war been among the most aggressive and fiercest critics of Israel and especially its prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. While Erdogan has long denounced Israel's operation in Gaza, on Thursday he unleashed his...

Doha Hunts For Whistleblowers Who Revealed Qatar's Funding Of ISIS
16.03.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Doha Hunts For Whistleblowers Who Revealed Qatar's Funding Of ISIS Via The Cradle Qatar National Bank (QNB) and Qatar Charity (QC) are attempting to uncover the identities of confidential sources that supplied documents to lawyers representing the family of murdered US journalist Steven Sotloff, which allege the financial institutions – acting at...

Turkey Earthquake One Year On: Survivors Still Living In Tent & Container Cities Amid Gov't Infighting
07.02.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Earthquake One Year On: Survivors Still Living In Tent & Container Cities Amid Gov't Infighting Via Middle East Eye When Turkish soldier Muslum Ozdemir died during a military operation in Iraq last month, a troubling back story emerged. He was from Kahramanmaras, the epicenter of the twin earthquakes that claimed the lives of more than...

Kommt jetzt das Ende der SPD? Erdogan-Türken gründen eigene Partei in Deutschland
28.01.2024, 17:17 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Der autokratische türkische Staatspräsident Erdogan lässt seine Muskeln spielen. In Deutschland sollen rund drei Millionen Türken leben - und insgesamt 5,6 Millionen Mohammedaner. Ihnen macht ein Ableger der Erdogan-Partei AKP nun mitten in Deutschland ein Angebot. Die Partei "DAVA" soll bei der EU-Wahl antreten - und könnte möglicherweise den...

Die Vorgeschichte der türkischen Zustimmung zum NATO-Beitritt Schwedens
24.01.2024, 14:16 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Der Weg Schwedens in die NATO ist nun fast frei, nachdem das türkische Parlament dem Beitritt Schwedens zugestimmt hat. Der Weg dahin war lang, denn Erdogan hat versucht, seine Zustimmung so teuer wie möglich zu verkaufen. Nun fehlt noch grünes Licht aus Ungarn, damit Schweden der NATO beitreten kann. Die russische Nachrichtenagentur TASS hat die...

Turkey Approves Sweden's Accession To NATO After 20 Month Delay
24.01.2024, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Approves Sweden's Accession To NATO After 20 Month Delay After nearly two years of delays, Turkey's parliament finally agreed to ratify Sweden's NATO membership bid on Tuesday, clearing the biggest remaining hurdle to expanding the Western military alliance following the Ukraine war. Turkey's general assembly, where President Tayyip Erdogan's...

Turkey Boycotts World Economic Forum Over Klaus Schwab's Stance On Gaza
17.01.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Boycotts World Economic Forum Over Klaus Schwab's Stance On Gaza Via The Cradle, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told his country’s officials to not attend the World Economic Forum in Davos this week due to the organizers’ position on Israel's war on Palestinians in Gaza, Bloomberg reported this week, citing sources close to...

Turkey, Russia Condemn Strikes On Yemen: West Turning Red Sea "Into A Bloodbath"
13.01.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey, Russia Condemn Strikes On Yemen: West Turning Red Sea "Into A Bloodbath" The international reaction to the Thursday night US-UK coalition bombing of Houthi positions in Yemen continues to come in, with the more interesting of the statements being issued by Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Friday statements to the press in Istanbul...

Turkey: America's Worst Ally?
08.01.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey: America's Worst Ally? Authored by Anders Corr via The Epoch Times, Turkey is simultaneously one of the most important and worst of U.S. and NATO allies. Most recently, it denied transit to two British minehunters that would have disabled Russian munitions and helped transport Ukrainian grain. Last year, Turkey annoyed the West with a tanker...

Turkey Arrests 34 Suspected Mossad Spies Over Abduction Plot Aimed At Hamas Leaders
02.01.2024, 23:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Arrests 34 Suspected Mossad Spies Over Abduction Plot Aimed At Hamas Leaders Turkey has busted up what it says is a major Israeli spy plot on its soil, having arrested 34 suspects on Wednesday, alleged to have been plotting attacks on foreigners in Turkey, namely Hamas operatives. In total 46 arrest warrants were issued, with the Chief Prosecutor's...

Erdogan On The Attack Again, Says Netanyahu 'No Different Than Hitler'
27.12.2023, 20:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Erdogan On The Attack Again, Says Netanyahu 'No Different Than Hitler' Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has continued to heap denunciations and insults on Israel in relation to its military operation in Gaza and the immense civilian death toll. Since the Israeli military's major offensive in the wake of Oct.7, Erdogan's verbal attacks have grown, taking...

Nikki Haley Tries To Tie Putin To Israel Attackers, Says Gazans Should Be Resettled In 'Pro-Hamas Countries'
22.12.2023, 04:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nikki Haley Tries To Tie Putin To Israel Attackers, Says Gazans Should Be Resettled In 'Pro-Hamas Countries' Two ultra controversial and somewhat bizarre statements from Nikki Haley this week on the Israel-Hamas war... first, the Republican presidential candidate lashed out at what she called the "pro-Hamas" countries of Iran, Qatar, and Turkey in a...

Sweden's NATO Membership Depends On US, Canada Decisions: Erdogan
20.12.2023, 10:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sweden's NATO Membership Depends On US, Canada Decisions: Erdogan It's now widely perceived that Turkey will continue holding up final formal approval for Sweden's entry into NATO as retaliation for the West's support for Israel as it continues assaulting Gaza. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan added further items to the list of grievances in...

Anti-Spiegel: Wie lange lässt Erdogan die NATO noch warten?
09.12.2023, 06:49 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Wie lange lässt Erdogan die NATO noch warten?
09.12.2023, 05:22 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Auch wenn der Spiegel im deutschen medialen Mainstream als seriös gilt und Spiegel-Leser sich (warum auch immer) für bestens informiert halten, ist der Spiegel bekannt dafür, seine Leser – diplomatisch ausgedrückt – nicht umfänglich zu informieren und ein aktueller Spiegel-Artikel mit der Überschrift „Türkischer Präsident –...

It’s Time to Reconsider Turkey’s NATO Membership
06.12.2023, 18:05 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - In nearly every theater of vital security interests, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems devoted to undermining the trans-Atlantic alliance....

02.12.2023, 20:52 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Realsatire Achtung, enthält Darstellungen von Tabak- und Drogen- (Kaffee) Konsum     Quellen : – Die Welt lacht über die Bundesregierung :

Die Medien und der Elefant im Raum
02.12.2023, 17:32 Uhr. dieBasis | Basisdemokratische Partei Deutschland - https: - von Sven Teubner Es ist noch keine Woche her und doch schon weitestgehend aus den deutschen Mainstream-Medien verschwunden. Das bilaterale Treffen des türkischen Präsidenten Recip Tayip Erdogan mit dem deutschen Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. Dabei hätte es wichtiger nicht sein können, zeigt es doch, welch grundlegende Wahrnehmungs- und Meinungsunterschiede...

Back To Deadlock: US Tells Erdogan Ratify Sweden's NATO Entry "As Soon As Possible"
29.11.2023, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Back To Deadlock: US Tells Erdogan Ratify Sweden's NATO Entry "As Soon As Possible" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared all the way back in July that his country's longstanding objection to Sweden's entry into NATO had been reverse. This was seen as the beginning of Sweden's accession, and yet now as the year's end approaches, it still...

Europe Is Getting Record Amounts Of Russian Gas Through TurkStream. So Who Keeps Trying To Blow It Up
27.11.2023, 08:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Europe Is Getting Record Amounts Of Russian Gas Through TurkStream. So Who Keeps Trying To Blow It Up Authored by Conor Gallagher via, The TurkStream pipeline, which brings natural gas from Russia to Türkiye across the Black Sea and then into southeastern Europe,  was controversial in certain quarters of the West ever since it...

Wie in Russland über Erdogans Berlinbesuch berichtet wurde
20.11.2023, 11:01 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Ich habe bereits darauf hingewiesen, dass deutsche Medien nur sehr unvollständig über den Besuch des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan berichtet haben. Sie haben alles weggelassen, was Verständnis für Erdogans Position zum Gazakrieg wecken könnte. Aber was deutsche Medien verschweigen, dass sehen nicht-westliche Medien trotzdem. Daher war Erdogans...

In Incredibly Awkward Joint Presser, Erdogan Says Germany's Scholz Can't Criticize Israel Because Of The Holocaust
18.11.2023, 21:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - In Incredibly Awkward Joint Presser, Erdogan Says Germany's Scholz Can't Criticize Israel Because Of The Holocaust Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has continued to be a thorn in Israel's side, as well as the NATO alliance, given that on Friday he was in Germany and aggressively denounced Israel's military operation against Hamas and Gaza. Erdogan...

Wenn der Spiegel über Erdogans Besuch in Berlin berichtet
18.11.2023, 17:15 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Der Besuch des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan in Berlin hat schon im Vorwege für Unruhe in der deutschen Politik gesorgt, denn Erdogan hat einen ganz anderen Blick auf den Krieg in Gaza als die deutschen Politiker und Medien. Die deutsche Regierung unterstützt Israel bedingungslos und ignoriert die israelischen Kriegsverbrechen. Die deutschen Medien...

Escobar: Why The US Needs This War In Gaza
17.11.2023, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: Why The US Needs This War In Gaza Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle, Washington needs to win its Gazan war against Iran because it failed to win its Ukrainian war against Russia... The Global South was expecting the Dawn of a New Arabian Reality.  After all, the Arab street - even while repressed in their home nations - has pulsed with...

WELT: „Diese Imame gehen zurück in die Türkei“ – Spahns klare Botschaft an Erdogan
17.11.2023, 07:50 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Der türkische Präsident Erdogan bezeichnet Israel als «Terroristenstaat»
16.11.2023, 15:46 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der türkische Präsident Tayyip Erdogan hat Israel in einer Rede als einen «Terroristenstaat» bezeichnet, der im Gazastreifen Kriegsverbrechen begehe und das Völkerrecht verletze. Gleichzeitig wiederholte er seine Ansicht, dass die bewaffneten Hamas-Kämpfer keine Terroristen, sondern eine «von den Palästinensern gewählte politische Partei»...

Olaf Scholz zu Gaza: Israel ist dem Völkerrecht verpflichtet und handelt dementsprechend
16.11.2023, 10:06 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Am 14. November gab Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz eine Pressekonferenz im Bundeskanzleramt, in welcher er in Bezug auf die Lage im Gazastreifen und Israel-kritischen Äußerungen des türkischen Präsidenten Erdogan erklärte, Israel sei „ein Land, das sich den Menschenrechten und dem Völkerrecht verpflichtet fühlt und in...

NATO Member Turkey Ratchets Anti-Israel Rhetoric: "Terror State"
16.11.2023, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO Member Turkey Ratchets Anti-Israel Rhetoric: "Terror State" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been very clear thus far in condemning Israel's ongoing military operation in Gaza while progressively ratcheting his fiery rhetoric, and simultaneously Turkey-Israel ties are spiraling toward breaking point.  Already, ambassadors have been recalled...

Neueste    Heute    07.06.2024    06.06.2024    + Doppelte News