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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Electricity Demand May Cure Debt Concerns
01.06.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Electricity Demand May Cure Debt Concerns Authored by Lance Roberts via, The future of electricity demand for everything from electric cars to Bitcoin mining to artificial intelligence may also be the cure for our debt concerns. Before you dismiss that statement, let me explain. One of the bears’ primary arguments against...

Better Than…
01.06.2024, 10:07 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - It seems that the concept of “better than . . .” has completely left the human experience. And wow, what a big deal that is! I mean the entire foundation of human, as well as animal, evolution is based on “survival of the fittest.” Even if you do not believe in the Darwinian concept of …...

Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up The Fight: Know Your Rights Or You Will Lose Them
01.06.2024, 05:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Get Up, Stand Up, Don't Give Up The Fight: Know Your Rights Or You Will Lose Them Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” - Thomas Jefferson If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and...

Minimum Wage Folly
31.05.2024, 04:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Minimum Wage Folly Authored by John Stossel via The Epoch Times, California now leads the nation in imposing dumb wage laws... The state just raised the hourly minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20. Gov. Gavin Newsom said: “We saw the inequities. ... We had a responsibility to do more.” Unions pushed for the higher minimum, and in Democrat-run...

As King's Health Deteriorates, Who Will MbS Appoint As Crown Prince?
31.05.2024, 03:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - As King's Health Deteriorates, Who Will MbS Appoint As Crown Prince? Via Middle East Eye Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is close to becoming king as the health of his elderly father, King Salman, deteriorates; he was recently treated for a lung infection. While Mohammed bin Salman’s succession to the throne may seem inevitable and straightforward...

Like Biden's Busted Gaza Pier, So Drifts Away Our Economy
30.05.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Like Biden's Busted Gaza Pier, So Drifts Away Our Economy Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance Chances are, if you’re reading this blog, you have completely given up on any semblance of fiscal responsibility from the current administration, and perhaps maybe from the nation as a whole, already. But if you’re one of the few still holding on to a shred...

The $150,000 Housekeeper: Wage Inflation Kicks Into Second Gear
30.05.2024, 15:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The $150,000 Housekeeper: Wage Inflation Kicks Into Second Gear Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, If we add up all these tidal forces, the conclusion is self-evident: labor "inflation" has just shifted into second gear. One of the lesser known manifestations of the inflationary crisis in early-1920s Germany was rampant wage inflation...

Masks Found To Be Ineffective After First Omicron Wave: New Study
30.05.2024, 11:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Masks Found To Be Ineffective After First Omicron Wave: New Study Authored by Megan Redshaw, J.D. via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were a recommended public health measure to prevent transmission of the virus. Yet new research suggests masks were ineffective at reducing the risk of infection when Omicron...

Bitcoin: A New Hope For Innovators In Corrupt Economies
30.05.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin: A New Hope For Innovators In Corrupt Economies Authored by Win Ko Ko Aung via, In a world where "talent is everywhere, opportunity is not," the existing fiat monetary system perpetuates the divide between those with access and resources those without. Even in democratic societies, which have their own flaws, people generally...

The Power Grid Expansion, Part 2: A Longer-Term View
29.05.2024, 15:54 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Power Grid Expansion, Part 2: A Longer-Term View Authored by Michael Lebowitz via, This article follows Part One, which discusses the massive investment dollars that will be spent expanding and modernizing the power grid to facilitate demand from AI data centers and EV users. With the macro investment theory laid out, we...

UK's Sunak Vows Mandatory Conscription For 18-Year-Olds If Elected
28.05.2024, 11:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK's Sunak Vows Mandatory Conscription For 18-Year-Olds If Elected In another ominous sign of things to come, leading Western governments appear to be preparing for 'something big' at a moment the proxy war between Russian and NATO centered in Ukraine is escalating at uncontrollable pace. "Rishi Sunak has vowed to introduce mandatory national service...

The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier & Our Societal Detachment From War
28.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier & Our Societal Detachment From War Authored by John Weeks via The Libertarian Institute, Modern nation states have developed an impressive symbolic innovation to memorialize their war dead, the tomb of the unknown soldier: “No more arresting emblems of the modern culture of nationalism exist than cenotaphs and tombs...

Friday Airline Travel Sets Record For Passenger Screenings: TSA
27.05.2024, 23:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Friday Airline Travel Sets Record For Passenger Screenings: TSA Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times, Friday set a new record for the most airline passengers screened by U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officials in a single day, according to the agency. “On Friday, May 24, 2,951,163 individuals were screened at checkpoints...

The Endgame, Part II: How The Conflict In Ukraine Ends
27.05.2024, 04:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Endgame, Part II: How The Conflict In Ukraine Ends By Tuomas Malinen In this piece I present four scenarios for the ‘endgame’ to the Russo-Ukrainian war. They are: The overruling majority (peace). The immovable majority (wider war). Regime change in Russia (risky conflict). World War III (nuclear holocaust). Scenarios concentrate on the drivers...

Why Are They Drugging The Students?
26.05.2024, 19:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Are They Drugging The Students? Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The last few years have blown wide open a scandal that has long existed but is not that well known aside from specialists. The problem is the collaboration between pharmaceutical companies, government regulators, and the medical industry. The problem...

Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within
26.05.2024, 05:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within Authored by William Brooks via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), “The enemies from within are more dangerous to me than the enemies from the outside,” said Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, at a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on May 11, 2024. The United States flag at the dome of...

No, Artificial Intelligence Will Not Solve All Problems
25.05.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No, Artificial Intelligence Will Not Solve All Problems Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The famed historian and epidemiologist John M. Barry just threw out a trope that has become unbearably popular today. He predicted that in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will make it possible to more perfectly enact pandemic lockdowns and...

The Doom Of The Total State
24.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Doom Of The Total State Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, We’ve been waiting for the big thoughts on the meaning of it all. Where does the crisis of our times fit into the historical trajectory? What does it all imply for how we should think about politics, culture, society, our lives, and our futures? A frustrating part of current...

First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses
24.05.2024, 21:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses Investors holding a tranche of top-rated debt backed by commercial real estate have suffered losses for the first time since the housing meltdown collapsed the economy 16 years ago. This alarming development signals a worsening multi-year downturn in the CRE space, fueled by the...

Rage Against The Inflation Denialists
24.05.2024, 15:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rage Against The Inflation Denialists Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, Such strange times. We are living through the most destructive bout of inflation in 45 years, one that threatens to become worse and perhaps just as ruinous in the long run as the last one. And yet daily and for years, we’ve been told it’s not so bad and that it’s...

30% Of Americans Believe College Isn't Worth It
24.05.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 30% Of Americans Believe College Isn't Worth It The value of a college education is spiraling lower as youngsters realize it's a giant scam. Racking up $100k in college debt for worthless gender degrees in liberal indoctrination camps, only to graduate and land a job that didn't require a degree—such as a realtor or bartender, as many millennials...

Bitcoin & The Wrong Lessons From Pizza Day
24.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin & The Wrong Lessons From Pizza Day Authored by Jimmy Song via, The following is an excerpt on Bitcoin Pizza Day from "Fiat Ruins Everything" by Jimmy Song. Visit the Bitcoin Magazine Store to order a print, digital or audio copy of the book. Pizza Day is often viewed with a sense of regret. The well-known story goes...

TD Bank Fires More Than A Dozen After Anti-Money-Laundering Failings, Says Report
23.05.2024, 19:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - TD Bank Fires More Than A Dozen After Anti-Money-Laundering Failings, Says Report The anti-money-laundering scandal at Toronto-Dominion Bank, currently under investigation by the US Justice Department, has sparked an internal reorganization at the Canadian bank, leading to the termination of over a dozen employees.  According to a report from the Wall...

Ranking Trump's Vice-Presidential Options
23.05.2024, 18:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ranking Trump's Vice-Presidential Options Authored by Sean Trende via RealClearPolitics, Playing the Veepstakes guessing game is often a losing one for analysts. Vice-presidential selection is ultimately a highly personal choice, and it is simply too difficult to venture into the mind of one individual and mimic their thought process. Perhaps more importantly...

Red Or Blue, Rich Or Poor — Recessions Don't Care
23.05.2024, 15:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Red Or Blue, Rich Or Poor — Recessions Don't Care Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Political affiliation and wealth, it’s speculated, are making a recession look more likely than it really is by introducing systematic bias into the economic data. But this is a distraction. For the data that matters most in gauging the likelihood...

Long-Wear, Noise-Canceling, And Wireless: How Earphones Damage Our Hearing
23.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Long-Wear, Noise-Canceling, And Wireless: How Earphones Damage Our Hearing Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), On Nov. 24, 2019, a new thread titled “AirPods causing tinnitus?” appeared on the Apple community forum page. The Apple user said that after using AirPods for a while, he noticed a high-pitched ringing in his ears...

Southern US Border Sees 143% Jump In Imported Malaria: CDC
21.05.2024, 19:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Southern US Border Sees 143% Jump In Imported Malaria: CDC Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Imported malaria cases in three southern border jurisdictions more than doubled in 2023 from the year prior, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “During January–December 2023, a total...

Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet And Cancer Risk
21.05.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet And Cancer Risk Authored by Jennifer Sweenie via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), You may have heard that sugar feeds cancer cells, and evidence supports that. However, the missing link in this narrative has been a thorough understanding of just “how” sugar feeds cancer—until now. A recent study...

Educational Explosion: The Damage of Unnecessary Advanced Degrees
21.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Educational Explosion: The Damage of Unnecessary Advanced Degrees Via, The percentage of U.S. adults holding an advanced degree increased by over 3% from 2011-2021. This increase in education is assumed to have a crucial role in America’s increasing economic strength over that time period. The expertise gained from such degrees is...

A Former Ukrainian MP Blew The Whistle On Burisma's Connections To Terrorism
20.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Former Ukrainian MP Blew The Whistle On Burisma's Connections To Terrorism Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Former Ukrainian MP Andrey Derkach, who’s reviled by the Biden Administration for sharing dirt about Hunter Biden’s Burisma corruption scandal with Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani ahead of the 2020 elections, just gave a very...

After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock
19.05.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - After Sudden CEO Departure, Vanguard Taps Outsider From BlackRock After a jarringly sudden announcement of its CEO's retirement, investment giant Vanguard has tapped its first outsider to serve as the firm's fifth CEO. On July 8, Blackrock veteran Salim Ramji will take over, facing customer service challenges, uneasiness about whether an outsider will...

US Focused On Hunting Down Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar, In Bid To End War
18.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Focused On Hunting Down Hamas Chief Yahya Sinwar, In Bid To End War Via Middle East Eye The United States is focused on tracking down Hamas's Gaza chief, Yahya Sinwar, amid a new push by the White House to help Israel declare "total victory" so it can bring an end to the war in Gaza, US officials have told Middle East Eye. Current and former...

"The Economics Just Don't Work": Demand For Electric Semis Plunges Due To High Costs
18.05.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Economics Just Don't Work": Demand For Electric Semis Plunges Due To High Costs For the last year, we've been writing extensively about how high costs and low demand have made EVs uneconomical - and, as a result, unpopular to produce - for the auto industry. It turns out unionized employees extorting you on labor costs while the government mandates...

Why The Dollar Will Lose Its Status As Global Reserve Currency
18.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why The Dollar Will Lose Its Status As Global Reserve Currency Authored by James Hickman via, By the early 400s, the Roman Empire was coming apart at the seams and in desperate need of strong, competent leadership. In theory, Honorius should have been the right man for the job. Born into the royal household in Constantinople, Honorius...

America's Dairy Cow Replacement Inventory Collapses To Two-Decade Low 
18.05.2024, 00:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - America's Dairy Cow Replacement Inventory Collapses To Two-Decade Low  The nation's food supply chain remains under stress. We've been sounding the alarm on America's beef cattle supply dwindling to the lowest levels in over half a century. Now, Bloomberg reports that dairy farms are pivoting breeding programs toward beef-on-dairy hybrids, capitalizing...

The Trouble With World Government
17.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Trouble With World Government Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, Well, at least that’s one setback for world government. A court in Australia has told the government’s own eSafety Commission that Elon Musk is correct: One country cannot impose censorship on the world. The company X, formerly known as Twitter, must obey national...

Common Medications For ADHD Linked To Increased Risk Of Glaucoma
17.05.2024, 09:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Common Medications For ADHD Linked To Increased Risk Of Glaucoma Authored by Marina Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Common drugs prescribed to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are associated with an increased risk of glaucoma, a recent Canadian study found. (joel bubble ben/Shutterstock) Glaucoma is a progressive eye...

Why Trials Like Trump's Must Be Televised
16.05.2024, 19:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Trials Like Trump's Must Be Televised Authored by Alan Dershowitz via The Gatestone Institute, If you were flipping between CNN and Fox News following the cross-examination of Stormy Daniels in the New York criminal case against former President Donald Trump, you would have had the impression that the CNN commentator, who professed to be reporting...

Under Armour Approves Restructuring, Warns Of Collapse In Clothing Demand Collapse As Buyback Authorized To Save Plunging Stock
16.05.2024, 17:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Under Armour Approves Restructuring, Warns Of Collapse In Clothing Demand Collapse As Buyback Authorized To Save Plunging Stock Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank needs to spend long weekends at his thoroughbred horse breeding farm in steeplechase country in upper Baltimore County to reflect on what has happened to the sportswear company over the past decade...

Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem
16.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem Authored by Pepe Escobar, Get ready for what may well be the geoeconomic bombshell of 2024: the coming of a decentralized monetary ecosystem. Welcome to The Unit  – a concept that has already been discussed by the financial services and investments working...

"Make Innocence Great Again": Mothers Gear Up To Decide The 2024 Elections
16.05.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Make Innocence Great Again": Mothers Gear Up To Decide The 2024 Elections Authored by Russ Jones via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A voter casts her ballot with her child during the midterm primary election at a polling station at Rose Hill Elementary School in Alexandria, Va., on June 21, 2022. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) “Make innocence great again...

Thousands Of Children Prescribed Ivermectin Or Hydroxychloroquine For COVID: Study
16.05.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Thousands Of Children Prescribed Ivermectin Or Hydroxychloroquine For COVID: Study Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times, Doctors prescribed ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine more than 4,400 times to children with COVID-19 during periods of time when the drugs were not recommended against the illness by authorities, according to a new study...

Diesel Takes Another Hit And May Be Driving Down Broader Oil Market
16.05.2024, 00:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Diesel Takes Another Hit And May Be Driving Down Broader Oil Market By John Kingston of FreightWaves With the benchmark diesel price used for most fuel surcharges down for the fifth week in a row, diesel consumers should be reveling in the fact that market trends appear to have completely thrown out concerns about the Middle East conflict and are focused...

'Guns & Butter': Putin Explains Reason Behind Major Cabinet Shake-Up
16.05.2024, 00:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Guns & Butter': Putin Explains Reason Behind Major Cabinet Shake-Up Russian President Vladimir Putin has for the first time explained the rationale behind this week's major cabinet reshuffling, which for the first time of the Ukraine operation saw Sergey Shoigu removed as defense minister (and 'promoted' to head of the national security council),...

Bitcoin Paves The Way For A New Era Of Free Market Banking
15.05.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin Paves The Way For A New Era Of Free Market Banking Authored by Nick Giambruno via, Hal Finney was a pioneering computer scientist, cryptographer, and prominent Cypherpunk who played a crucial role in the early development of Bitcoin. He was one of the first supporters, contributors, and adopters of Bitcoin. In short, Finney...

Where Wealth Is Concentrated In Africa
15.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where Wealth Is Concentrated In Africa 56 percent of Africa’s millionaires and over 90 percent of its billionaires lived in just five countries in 2023 - South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, and Morocco, according to The Africa Wealth Report 2024 published by Henley & Partners and New World Wealth. There were 135,200 people who owned wealth of 1...

Mass Starvation: Here's Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared
15.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mass Starvation: Here's Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared Authored by Brandon Smith via, The concept of mass starvation has not been in the forefront of American society for a very long time. Even during the Great Depression the US was majority agrarian and most people knew how to live off the land. In fact, the US has never...

The Tide Turns: Research On COVID Vaccine Harms, Once A Taboo Subject, Now Appearing In Some Medical Journals
14.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Tide Turns: Research On COVID Vaccine Harms, Once A Taboo Subject, Now Appearing In Some Medical Journals Authored by Joe Wang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), When COVID-19 took the world by storm in early 2020, I mostly relied on reading Nature Medicine, The Lancet, and a few other medical journals to learn the latest on this new disease....

US Says Putin's Dramatic Cabinet Reshuffle Smacks Of 'Desperation'
14.05.2024, 08:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Says Putin's Dramatic Cabinet Reshuffle Smacks Of 'Desperation' The Biden administration has reacted to Russian President Vladimir Putin's significant cabinet shake-up announced Sunday, wherein Putin tapped Andrey Belousov, a former deputy prime minister who specializes in economics, to move into the position of defense minister. Sergei Shoigu...

Oil - A Global Tax
14.05.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Oil - A Global Tax Authored by Robert Burrows via, Few commodities wield as much influence in the intricate web of global economics as oil. Oil is pivotal in driving economic growth and development as the primary energy source for transportation, manufacturing, and countless other sectors. However, beneath its surface lies a hidden...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News