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Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Three Philly Coffee Shops Forced To Close After Unionization Attempts Result In "Staggering" Costs
12.06.2024, 23:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Three Philly Coffee Shops Forced To Close After Unionization Attempts Result In "Staggering" Costs Turns out trying to extort the person paying your salary isn't the best way to go about making sure a business is successful. Take Philadelphia, for instance, where a chain of three OCF Coffee Houses are closing down "immediately" after its workers informed...

Kritik: Stadt Atlanta zahlt 196.000 US-Dollar an Steuergeld für einen Regenbogen-Zebrastreifen
11.06.2024, 15:43 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Vermutlich muss man der Politik in jeder Stadt der Welt auf die Finger schauen, welche sich der Schwulen-Agenda unterwirft und ihre Städte mit Regenbogen-Zebrastreifen und Homosexuellen-Ampeln zupflastert. Denn gratis ist all das nicht - es gibt wie bei jeder organisierten Korruption finanzielle Nutznießer. In Atlanta greifen diese besonders frech...

Did Roaring Kitty Just Kill The Bull Market?
09.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Did Roaring Kitty Just Kill The Bull Market? Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance My intuition is telling me this is it. This is the end of the bull market. Before I get into my reasoning, I want to remind my readers that this is not financial advice, and I have been wrong about the market being overdue for a pullback over the last 2 1/2 years since interest...

OpenAI And Political Bias In Silicon Valley
02.06.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - OpenAI And Political Bias In Silicon Valley Authored by Kalev Leetaru via RealClearPolitics, AI-powered image generators were back in the news earlier this year, this time for their propensity to create historically inaccurate and ethically questionable imagery. These recent missteps reinforced that, far from being the independent thinking machines...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Ein Wort wider die Heuchelei
01.06.2024, 23:37 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Das Thema ist eigentlich zu groß für ein Wort zum Sonntag. Aber es rumort, es wurde zum Rumoren gebracht: die Leute von Sylt und ihr Liedchen, um das gleich schon 'mal potentiell verfänglich zu «framen». Ein guter Freund − den ich hier aber nicht befragt habe − würde mir wohl raten: «Lass die Finger davon, du kannst sie dir hier nur verbrennen...

Knock On Wood
29.05.2024, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Knock On Wood Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance With every year that passes by, I try to talk less unadulterated sh*t about individuals in the financial industry. I understand that when you point one finger forward, three more point back at you and, to be honest, many of the people I've criticized over the years have all become extravagantly wealthy...

US-UK Intelligence Warning: China Cyberthreats Pose 'Epoch-Defining' Challenge
24.05.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US-UK Intelligence Warning: China Cyberthreats Pose 'Epoch-Defining' Challenge Authored by James Gorrie via The Epoch Times, The cybersecurity wars between communist China and the West are raging, yet few people realize what’s really going on. That’s now changing. The Chinese regime’s ability to launch successful cyberattacks against American...

2024 & The Inevitable Rise Of Biometrics
23.05.2024, 01:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 2024 & The Inevitable Rise Of Biometrics Authored by Kit Knightly via, Have you noticed a lot of two-factor authentication prompts lately? Are you getting emailed verification codes that take forever to arrive, so you have to request another? Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting...

Flash-Crash Backlash: Citi Fined $79 Million For London Trader's 2022 European Market 'Fat Finger'
22.05.2024, 21:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Flash-Crash Backlash: Citi Fined $79 Million For London Trader's 2022 European Market 'Fat Finger' While much of the world was still snoring in the post-labor day hangover on May 2nd of 2022 - and markets were even more devoid of liquidity than usual - early in the morning Europe's stock market suddenly puked following a flash-crash in Stockholm, which...

Habecks dreister Missbrauch des Attentats auf Fico
17.05.2024, 09:03 Uhr. - https: - Mit seiner Äußerung hat Habeck die Grundlage eines Anfangsverdachts auf üble Nachrede oder Verleumdung gelegt. Doch – Optimismus beiseite – kein Staatsanwalt wird sich an einem derartigen Verfahren die Finger verbrennen wollen. Raten Sie warum. Von Thomas Rießinger. Der Beitrag Habecks dreister Missbrauch des Attentats auf Fico erschien zuerst...

Nicht Viren, sondern den wirklichen Ursachen einer Grippe nachspüren
16.05.2024, 12:19 Uhr. - https: - Der ehemalige langjährige Radiologie-Chefarzt und profunde Medizinkritiker Dr. med. Gerd Reuther hat in dem gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Dr. phil. Renate Reuther herausgebrachten Buch „Wer schweigt – hat schon verloren“ 1 erneut den Finger auf die Täuschungen der Virus-Theorie als unmittelbare Ursache der Grippeerkrankungen gelegt. Damit konnte...

Das entlarvende Signal für den Vorsatz bei Lauterbach & Co.
15.05.2024, 12:00 Uhr. - https: - Prof. Stefan Homburg, Finanzwissenschaftler in Hannover, hat auf Twitter (X) wieder mit logischer Präzision den Finger in die offenen Wunden gelegt. Nachdem von Paul Schreyer vom Multipolar-Magazin durch die herausgeklagten RKI-Protokolle nachgewiesen worden ist, dass die Machthaber die Corona-Pandemie inszeniert und die totalitären Lockdown-Maßnahmen...

Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons
14.05.2024, 23:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons A top British intelligence official has issued a new alarmist warning concerning the 'Russian threat' to the West. Anne Keast-Butler, who for the last year has headed up the UK's GCHQ, or signals intelligence operations (which is the equivalent of America's...

Wenn die Regierenden die Wähler ignorieren, aber Angst vor Demonstranten haben, sagt das etwas aus.
14.05.2024, 17:25 Uhr. - https: - Wenn niemand an der Macht auch nur einen Finger rührt, um Ihre Stimme zu bekommen, sondern mit aller Macht versucht, eine starke Protestbewegung im Keim zu ersticken, dann zeigt Ihnen das, wovor die Mächtigen wirklich Angst haben und worauf Sie Ihre politische Energie wirklich konzentrieren sollten. Caitlin Johnstone Politico berichtet, dass das DNC...

Whistleblower Reveals How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation In American Election
02.05.2024, 23:18 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Whistleblower Reveals How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation In American Election Authored by Paul D. Thacker via The Disinformation Chronicle, Some of the shine on the disinformation industry has gone dull in recent years, as many misinformation experts having been caught trafficking in misinformation themselves, or exposed for...

Ukraine-Konflikt gerät außer Kontrolle
02.05.2024, 17:01 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts In meinem Bemühen, die Menschheit vor ihrem Untergang in einem drohenden Atomkrieg zu warnen, habe ich mit dem Finger auf Putins und Xis Irrglauben gezeigt, der Weg zur Vermeidung dieses Krieges bestehe darin, Provokationen zu ignorieren und darauf zu warten, dass Washington zur Vernunft kommt. Das ist Diplomatie auf höchstem Niveau...

'FX Vigilantes' Strike - Yen Suddenly Crashes To April 1990 Lows Against The Dollar
29.04.2024, 05:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'FX Vigilantes' Strike - Yen Suddenly Crashes To April 1990 Lows Against The Dollar The yen crashed in early Asia trading, tumbling to match is exact lows from April 1990 in what is being blamed on a 'fat finger' trade or multiple barrier-option trades being triggered, by sources that have literally no idea. The plunge extended Friday's big drop which...

Man Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Killing Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison
28.04.2024, 18:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Man Who Filmed Ashli Babbitt Killing Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison Authored by Joseph M. Hanneman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), John Earle Sullivan, the onetime racial-justice activist and provocateur who filmed the deadly shooting of Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, was sentenced to six years in federal prison by a judge in...

Geschwätz von gestern (23)
26.04.2024, 07:06 Uhr. ZG Blog - - »Ich hingegen möchte an dieser Stelle ausdrücklich um gesellschaftliche Nachteile für all jene ersuchen, die freiwillig auf eine Impfung verzichten. Möge die gesamte Republik mit dem Finger auf sie zeigen.« - Nikolaus Blome. Spiegel-Kolumnist. Dezember 2020. »Eine Minderheit kann nicht … Weiterlesen →...

Der größte italienische Rüstungskonzern heißt Leonardo
24.04.2024, 00:08 Uhr. - - Lieber Werner Rügemer, Danke für Deinen Vortrag in Hanau Oh Leonardo, du hast viele Namen eine Reise mit und zu da Vinci nach Speyer 1995 Nebelschwaden über dem Rhein vermilchen die Sonne die Augen tasten nach den Silhouetten Auenriesen Weidengnome Heckenzwerge wiegender Wind lautlos tanzende Schleier Zwei totenstarre vertiklerikale päpstliche...

How Climate Change Narrative Is Preventing Africa From Modernizing And Gaining Prosperity
21.04.2024, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Climate Change Narrative Is Preventing Africa From Modernizing And Gaining Prosperity Authored by Katie Spence via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Under a blazing Kenyan sun, elderly women toil on their hands and knees in the reddish-brown clay, separating the choking weeds from the small, green shoots of a finger millet crop. The women are barehanded...

Borrell Came Up With A Nifty Excuse For Why NATO Won't Shoot Down Russian Missiles Over Ukraine
19.04.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Borrell Came Up With A Nifty Excuse For Why NATO Won't Shoot Down Russian Missiles Over Ukraine Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, This is credible enough of a reason to justify a conventional NATO intervention in defense of Israel without giving Ukraine grounds to claim that there are double standards at play. Ukraine became jealous like never...

US Prepares To Reimpse Venezuela Oil Ban As Biden Seeks Scapegoat To Resume Draining SPR
17.04.2024, 18:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Prepares To Reimpse Venezuela Oil Ban As Biden Seeks Scapegoat To Resume Draining SPR For much of the past year, we had joked that behind the facade of western Democratic ideals, was a cold hard truth: the price of oil must not be allowed to go up in an election year. This was obvious in Biden's "kid gloves" treatment of Iran's regime, it was obvious...

These Inflation Trades Have Most Catching Up To Do
16.04.2024, 15:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Inflation Trades Have Most Catching Up To Do Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Markets are unprepared for price growth that is becoming entrenched. But even though the risk-reward in shorting Treasuries or buying gold or Bitcoin is diminishing, we can instead pinpoint the assets that have the most potential to catch up to persistent...

Bread And Circuses: What It Means For Once-Great Nations
15.04.2024, 04:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bread And Circuses: What It Means For Once-Great Nations Authored by Nicole James via The Epoch Times, Democracy, that ever-so-fleeting fancy, has a tendency to tumble into a bit of a tizz before it topples over, panting and gasping like a winded walrus. John Adams, ever the prophet of doom, once quipped, “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes...

The Political Left Has Proven Beyond A Doubt That They Are Authoritarians
13.04.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Political Left Has Proven Beyond A Doubt That They Are Authoritarians Authored by Brandon Smith via, Nearly 20 years ago when I started my work in the independent media the common mantra among my peers was noting the existence of the “false left/right paradigm” – The idea that Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same...

GODL! Precious Metal Soars Above $2,400 After Sudden Gap Higher
12.04.2024, 03:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - GODL! Precious Metal Soars Above $2,400 After Sudden Gap Higher Crypto bulls - at least those who didn't sell previously - have had their day in the sun for the past 3 months as bitcoin and most other fiat alternatives soared, making it clear why, despite the difficult, it can be so very profitable to HODL, especially with the US is approaching the...

Moscow Accuses Hunter Biden-Linked Company Burisma Of Financing Terror Attacks
10.04.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Moscow Accuses Hunter Biden-Linked Company Burisma Of Financing Terror Attacks Russia says it has uncovered more damning evidence connecting the US and NATO to recent terror and assassination campaigns in Russia, including making connections to the March 22 Crocus City Hall terror attack which resulted in over 140 Russians dead and hundreds more wounded...

Escobar: How The "Order" Based On Made-Up Rules Is Descending Into Savagery
08.04.2024, 09:36 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: How The "Order" Based On Made-Up Rules Is Descending Into Savagery Authored by Pepe Escobar, The Europeans will never be able to replicate the time-tested Hegemon money laundering machine... The awful shadow of some unseen PowerFloats tho’ unseen amongst us, -visitingThis various world with as inconstant wingAs summer winds that creep from...

Automogul: „Manische Verlagerung auf Elektroautos“ wird die Autoindustrie zerstören
02.04.2024, 07:40 Uhr. - https: - Bernie Moreno kennt die Automobilindustrie als Gründer eines der größten Autohäuser des Landes. Er sieht eine bewusste Dezimierung des gesamten Sektors, von der vorwiegend China profitieren wird. Die Mitglieder der Trilateralen Kommission, die China überhaupt erst aufgebaut haben, lecken sich die Finger, denn sie sehen die bevorstehende wirtschaftliche...

Futures Rebound Despite $32 Billion In Month-End Pension Selling, Yen Surges Ahead Of Japanese Intervention
27.03.2024, 13:18 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rebound Despite $32 Billion In Month-End Pension Selling, Yen Surges Ahead Of Japanese Intervention US equity futures rebounded from yesterday's 3:30pm pension-selling inspired airpocket, and are higher along with European markets, even as Goldman anticipates continued month-end turbulence due to a sizable $32 billion in quarter-end selling...

France Raises Security Risk To Highest Level After Moscow Terror Attack
26.03.2024, 07:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - France Raises Security Risk To Highest Level After Moscow Terror Attack Starting Sunday night, France raised the nation's threat level awareness to its highest level of "emergency attack" - which comes two days after the Crocus City Hall attack which took the lives of at least 139 people, and has been claimed by the Islamic State. President Emmanuel...

Putin Vows Revenge For "Bloodbath" Moscow Attack, Points Finger At Help From Ukraine, As 11 'Terrorists' Captured
23.03.2024, 16:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Vows Revenge For "Bloodbath" Moscow Attack, Points Finger At Help From Ukraine, As 11 'Terrorists' Captured The official death toll from Russian authorities in the wake of Friday's terror attack on a Moscow concert hall has reached 133 dead, with some unofficial reports saying there could be as many as 140 or more. As the scene continues to be...

Stillstandsmanagement. Die Deutsche Bahn rauscht mit Karacho vor die Wand.
22.03.2024, 09:09 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Die DB AG hat 2023 über zwei Milliarden Euro an Verlusten eingefahren, zehnmal mehr als im Jahr davor. Eine Pleite mit Ansage ist das für die Initiative „Bürgerbahn“, die in ihrem alljährlich veröffentlichten „Alternativen Geschäftsbericht“ den Finger in eine Vielzahl an Wunden legt: Geschwindigkeits- und Größenwahn...

Australien: Geld vom Staat nur noch per digitaler ID
19.03.2024, 22:42 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Wie man die Masse dazu drängt, sich „freiwillig“ eine digitale ID zuzulegen? Wer Kindergeld bekommen will, muss sich in Australien eine digitale ID zulegen. Sonst schaut er durch die Finger. Den Bericht gibt's hier....

From Pioneer To Fallen Giant: How Hewlett Packard's Long List Of Failed Acquisitions Cost Its Reputation, Part 3
18.03.2024, 03:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - From Pioneer To Fallen Giant: How Hewlett Packard's Long List Of Failed Acquisitions Cost Its Reputation, Part 3 Part 3 in the series "From pioneer to fallen giant: How Hewlett Packard’s long list of failed acquisitions cost its reputation."  Read Part 1 "Billion dollar bungles" here; and Part 2 "The Autonomy Deal – Part 1: Leo Apotheker's Downfall"...

Omicron beendete die “Covid-Pandemie” – nicht die experimentellen Impfungen
22.11.2023, 10:01 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Ein Blick auf die Statistiken verdeutlicht, dass nicht die experimentellen Genspritzen Covid-19 den angeblichen Giftzahn zogen, sondern das Virus selbst. Alex Berenson zeigt mit dem Finger auf das Offensichtliche, welches im Mainstream geflissentlich ignoriert wird. Mit der Dominanz von "Omicron" sank auch die (ohnehin übertriebene) Covid-Sterblichkeit...

How It Felt To Carry A Gun In Combat
19.11.2023, 05:56 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How It Felt To Carry A Gun In Combat Authored by John Waters via RealClear Wire, The following is an excerpt from River City One: A Novel.  The safety was flicked off, the hammer cocked. The gun was one inch above the seam of my pants pocket. A sudden move and the thing might go off. I closed both eyes and held my breath to slow everything down, breathing...

Restoring 'Doomsday' Plane Ensures US Response To Adversary’s Nuclear Attack Is Annihilation: Congressman
18.11.2023, 04:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Restoring 'Doomsday' Plane Ensures US Response To Adversary’s Nuclear Attack Is Annihilation: Congressman Authored by John Haughey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), As the lone U.S. Air Force flag officer on “doomsday” flights, Brig. Gen. Don Bacon knew the loneliness of having Armageddon at his fingertips. Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), a retired...

Watch: Blinken Dies Inside While Biden Blunders Through Major Geopolitical Moment
16.11.2023, 17:14 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Blinken Dies Inside While Biden Blunders Through Major Geopolitical Moment With President Biden's 81st birthday right around the corner, his ancient brain - barely clinging to reality, is no longer responding to whatever cocktail of drugs and blood transfusions (we can only assume) have been keeping him marginally functional since his inauguration...

Think Tank Warns Biden's Inner Circle 'Bidenomics' Media Blitz Failed
16.11.2023, 02:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Think Tank Warns Biden's Inner Circle 'Bidenomics' Media Blitz Failed A progressive think tank recently met with President Biden's top aides at the White House and delivered a stark warning: The economic policies often referred to as "Bidenomics" were not resonating with most Americans. According to Politico, members of the Progressive Change Campaign...

Trump Files Motion For Mistrial In NY, Claims Judge Has "Tainted" Case
15.11.2023, 22:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Files Motion For Mistrial In NY, Claims Judge Has "Tainted" Case Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday requested a mistrial in his New York fraud case, arguing that the trial judge and his top law clerk have exhibited bias against Trump and "tainted" the case. "This appearance of bias threatens both Defendants’ rights and the integrity...

Peter Schiff: Investor Optimism Is At Odds With Reality
15.11.2023, 19:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Peter Schiff: Investor Optimism Is At Odds With Reality Via, Optimism is driving the markets. Most investors seem to believe the economy is strong. The consumer is resilient. Price inflation is easing. And most people think the Federal Reserve is finished hiking rates. In his podcast, Peter Schiff explained why this investor optimism...

Die vier Kriege
10.11.2023, 16:11 Uhr. - https: - „Es hat noch nie einen langwierigen Krieg gegeben, von dem ein Land profitiert hätte.“ — Sun Tzu Chinas große Strategie, um seine Vorherrschaft auf der globalen Bühne zu übernehmen, hängt davon ab, die USA gleichzeitig in vier Kriege zu verwickeln. Wie läuft es bisher? Ziemlich gut. Erstaunlicherweise musste China kaum einen Finger...

China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars
08.11.2023, 01:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China's Grand Strategy & The Four Wars Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “There has never been a protracted war from which a country has benefited.” - Sun Tzu China’s grand strategy to take its turn at dominance over the global scene depends on bogging down the USA in four wars at once. How’s it working so far? Pretty darn...

Peter Schiff: The Recession May Have Already Started
07.11.2023, 19:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Peter Schiff: The Recession May Have Already Started Via, President Biden keeps saying the economy is great. Fed officials say the economy is expanding at a “strong pace.” Peter Schiff isn’t buying the narrative. He says we may already be in a recession and he made a strong case in his podcast. Peter started with a deep dive into...

Tucker Carlson Interviews 'The Most Hated Man In America': "I'm Not Going To Bow Down To The Government"
07.11.2023, 19:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Tucker Carlson Interviews 'The Most Hated Man In America': "I'm Not Going To Bow Down To The Government" Martin Shkreli, once dubbed "the most hated man in America," gained notoriety for hiking the price of a life-saving drug, Daraprim, by 5,000%, a move that led to significant public backlash and a sentence of seven years in prison (Shkreli was released...

Markets Are Pricing For Utopia Of Low Rates, Rising Stocks, Low Inflation, No Recession And No War
07.11.2023, 15:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Markets Are Pricing For Utopia Of Low Rates, Rising Stocks, Low Inflation, No Recession And No War By Benjamin Picton, Senior macro strategist at Rabobank Utopia or Eutopia? US equities overcame a gloomy lead from Europe to close higher yesterday. That makes for 6 straight trading days of gains after major US indices rose every day of last week. Asian...

The 7th Circuit Holds That AR-15s Aren't Protected By The Second Amendment
06.11.2023, 03:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The 7th Circuit Holds That AR-15s Aren't Protected By The Second Amendment Authored by Andrea Widburg via American Thinker, Illinois desperately wants to ensure that, within the state’s borders, only criminals have guns. When it comes to law-abiding citizens, the state will do anything to disarm them. That includes passing a law that pretty much bans...

Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    + Doppelte News