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Neueste    Heute    29.06.2024    28.06.2024    27.06.2024    26.06.2024    25.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

US Negotiating To Send Israel's Patriot Systems To Ukraine
27.06.2024, 22:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Negotiating To Send Israel's Patriot Systems To Ukraine In a surprise development, the United States and Israel are currently in negotiations to send eight Patriot air defense systems from Israel to Kiev. Ukraine has for months been eyeing Israel's retired Patriots, but they still could be needed by Tel Aviv given the country is on the brink of full-blown...

Vil Israel provosere fram ein kataklysme?, von Thierry Meyssan
27.06.2024, 17:28 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Benjamin Netanjahu, den israelske statsministeren som har fleirtal i Knesset, men stort mindretal blant medborgarane sine, truar med angrep på Libanon. Om ein slik operasjon kjem, vil det ikkje lykkast den israelske arméen å aleine overvinne Hizbollah. For å redde den israelske staten, vil USA måtte gripe inn, men i staden for å direkte delta...

"How F***ing Dare You!": ZeroHedge Immigration Debate Gets Heated
27.06.2024, 16:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "How F***ing Dare You!": ZeroHedge Immigration Debate Gets Heated Last night, ZeroHedge brought together four prominent pundits to debate one of the most combustible topics of the day: illegal immigration across the porous US border. Immigration is the most important political problem facing the US today according to Gallup and about a half-dozen other...

Wird Netanjahu mit US-Unterstützung taktische Atombomben gegen die Hisbollah abfeuern?, von Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
27.06.2024, 15:53 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Die Drohung einer israelischen Aggression gegen den Libanon wird von Tag zu Tag stärker. Dennoch besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass die Hisbollah über weitaus größere konventionelle Mittel verfügt als Israel. Daher die Hypothese, dass Tel Aviv taktische Atombomben einsetzen könnte, wie diese bereits während des saudischen Krieges gegen den Jemen...

Azerbaijan’s Strategic Partnership With Israel Explained
27.06.2024, 14:41 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - This report reveals Azerbaijan’s unique stance amidst global criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza, contrasting with other Muslim-majority nations. Despite recognizing Palestine and advocating for a two-state solution, Azerbaijan maintains a notably muted response to the Gaza conflict, avoiding public criticism of Israel. This stance is...

Wird Israel eine Katastrophe verursachen?
27.06.2024, 12:25 Uhr. - https: - von Thierry Meyssan Benjamin Netanjahu, der israelische Ministerpräsident, der in der Knesset die Mehrheit hat, aber unter seinen Mitbürgern weitgehend in der Minderheit ist, droht mit einem Angriff auf den Libanon. Falls es zu dieser Operation kommt, wird es der israelischen Armee nicht gelingen, die Hisbollah allein zu besiegen. Um den jüdischen...

Israel Bombs UN Headquarters Distributing Aid In Gaza
27.06.2024, 12:06 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - In a tragic incident, an Israeli airstrike hit near the main gate of the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency headquarters in Gaza City, killing at least eight people and injuring many others who were seeking aid or sheltering from the conflict. The attack, which Israel claims targeted a site used by Hamas, devastated a key humanitarian […] The...

Die Deutschen in immerwährender Schuld gefangen? | Von Wolfgang Effenberger
27.06.2024, 12:02 Uhr. - https: - Die Deutschen von den NS-Mördern in immerwährender Schuld gefangen? Ein Narrativ auf fruchtbarem Boden Ein Kommentar von Wolfgang Effenberger. Als Reaktion auf die Diskussion über die Lage in Nahost infolge des Hamas-Überfalls auf Israel vom 7. Oktober 2023 bekundete der deutsche Vizekanzler Dr. Habeck seine persönliche Betroffenheit und legte...

New Report Warns Of Mass Starvation And Risk Of Famine In Gaza
27.06.2024, 11:57 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Gaza is facing a severe hunger crisis as the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas has pushed nearly half a million people to the brink of starvation, with 96% of the population struggling to find enough food. A report warns that only an end to the conflict and unrestricted humanitarian access can prevent a full-blown […] The post New Report Warns...

Secret Shipments: ‘Made In India’ Bombs Fuel Gaza War
27.06.2024, 09:30 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Discover how Indian-made weapons are quietly making their way to Israel amid the Gaza conflict, sparking controversy and raising questions about India’s stance on international conflicts. A cargo ship, loaded with explosives reportedly from India, was tracked heading towards Israel, bypassing usual routes to avoid conflict zones. This revelation...

Azerbaijan: Israel's 'Oil For Arms' Quiet Friend
27.06.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Azerbaijan: Israel's 'Oil For Arms' Quiet Friend Via Middle East Eye While many Muslim-majority states have condemned Israel for the conduct of its war in Gaza, Azerbaijan stands out for its relative quiet. Baku, which will soon attract more global attention as it prepares to host Cop29 in November, has long enjoyed closer ties to Israel than...

White House Warns Lebanon: US Can't Control Or Restrain Israel If Offensive Starts
27.06.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Warns Lebanon: US Can't Control Or Restrain Israel If Offensive Starts Among the more interesting positions which the Biden White House has recently articulated to Arab allies in the Middle East is that the Untied States cannot restrain Israel if it decides to launch new offensives, namely against Lebanon. Axios has revealed that during...

Court Orders Israel Army To Start Drafting Ultra-Orthodox, Compounding Internal Tensions
27.06.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Court Orders Israel Army To Start Drafting Ultra-Orthodox, Compounding Internal Tensions In an historic development that promises to fuel friction between different elements of the country's society, the Israeli high court on Tuesday unanimously ruled that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) must start drafting ultra-Orthodox Jewish students.  Until now...

Neueste    Heute    29.06.2024    28.06.2024    27.06.2024    26.06.2024    25.06.2024    + Doppelte News