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Neueste    Heute    05.06.2024    04.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global
06.06.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russian Warships Steam For Caribbean As Ukraine Tensions Go Global In a show of force perhaps prompted by President Biden's authorization of Ukrainian strikes inside Russia using US weapons, a group of Russian warships is en route to the Caribbean, a senior US official has told McClatchy and the Miami Herald. White House officials alerted members of...

"A Blatant Lie": The Biden Campaign Falsely Accuses Fox's John Roberts Of Lying About The Insulin Caps
05.06.2024, 23:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "A Blatant Lie": The Biden Campaign Falsely Accuses Fox's John Roberts Of Lying About The Insulin Caps Authored by Jonathan Turley, Winston Churchill once said that “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” It often seems like the Biden White House and campaign has embraced that warning as an operating...

CNN Provides Parenting Advice; What To Do If Your 4-Year-Old "Comes Out As Trans"
05.06.2024, 22:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - CNN Provides Parenting Advice; What To Do If Your 4-Year-Old "Comes Out As Trans" Authored by Steve Watson via, CNN has a piece on its website offering advice for parents on what to do when children barely older than toddlers say they might be non binary or transgender. Take a wild stab in the dark at what the advice consists of. “When...

BMW Admits Not Changing Logo To LGBTQ Colours In Middle East Due To "Cultural Aspects"
05.06.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - BMW Admits Not Changing Logo To LGBTQ Colours In Middle East Due To "Cultural Aspects" Authored by Steve Watson via, German auto manufacturer BMW has admitted that it only changes its logo for Pride month in certain regions and not others, taking into account “cultural aspects.” It has become custom for major corporations to jump...

Toxic Biosolids Threaten U.S. Farmland And Livestock
05.06.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Toxic Biosolids Threaten U.S. Farmland And Livestock Authored by Kurt Cobb via, Many years ago a civil engineer explained to me the wisdom of taking solid biological residues from sewage treatment plants—dubbed biosolids—and using them on farm fields and garden plots. After all, nature intended for human wastes to return to the soil...

In National IQ Test, Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!' Routine
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - In National IQ Test, Biden Does 'We Gotta Secure The Border!' Routine Update (1443ET): President Ron Burgundy read what is perhaps the most audacious attempt to trick Americans into believing the exact opposite of reality - namely, that he didn't cause the border crisis, Republicans are the reason it isn't fixed, and he's here to save the day. A national...

Dems Want You To Check Your Brain At The Door
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dems Want You To Check Your Brain At The Door Authored by Frank Miele via RealClearPolitics, “Do you accept the verdict of the New York jury that found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts?” That will be the question asked of every Republican from now until the presidential election in November, and if Republicans don’t know how to answer, they...

«Wie viele Kinder unter 21 Jahren wurden durch die COVID-“Impfung” getötet?»
04.06.2024, 21:47 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - According to a study of 820,926 children in the UK, not a single child was killed by the COVID vaccine. Remarkably safe, isn’t it?I’m not buying it. Not for a second.I’ve read about (and know of) far too many kids who died suddenly after getting the COVID shots.If you are aware of any child, under age 21, who died from the COVID shot in any country...

Erinnerung an die von Israel im Gaza-Streifen getöteten Kinder
04.06.2024, 00:09 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Die Namen und das Alter von mehr als 15.000 Kindern, die durch den israelischen Vernichtungsfeldzug im Gaza-Streifen ermordet worden sind, wurden am Samstag, dem Internationalen Kindertag, in Berlin verlesen. In rund 14 Stunden erinnerte eine Gruppe unter dem Motto «Honouring the Children of Gaza» («Die Kinder von Gaza ehren») vor der «Neuen Wache»...

"The Ninnies Of Biden-World Seem Not To Understand..."
03.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Ninnies Of Biden-World Seem Not To Understand..." Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Which Movie Will It Be? “It’s almost as if the principals (prosecutors and judge) were performing for their political audience - with a wink, a nod and a stage whisper (“watch this!”) as they ignore yet another fundamental element of American...

"Geopolitical Risk Is Everywhere"
03.06.2024, 18:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Geopolitical Risk Is Everywhere" By Michael Every of Rabobank Two kinds of Stag Do/No-Bucks Night We are all invited to two different kinds of ‘Stag Do’ (for those in the US, Bachelor Party), which (for those in Australia) are also a ‘No-Bucks Night’. April US personal consumption income and spending data on Friday saw the former up 0.3% m-o-m...

US Secret Service Reacts To Trump’s Criminal Conviction
03.06.2024, 04:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Secret Service Reacts To Trump’s Criminal Conviction The US Secret Service on Friday said that Donald Trump's conviction in his 'hush money' trial will have "no bearing" on whether the agency will protect him. Surrounded by campaign staff and members of the U.S. Secret Service, former U.S. President Donald Trump (C) waves to supporters as he visits...

Hedge Fund CIO On The Next Leg: "It'll Be Parabolic. The Talking Heads Will Go Nuts. VIX Will Hit 10"
03.06.2024, 01:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hedge Fund CIO On The Next Leg: "It'll Be Parabolic. The Talking Heads Will Go Nuts. VIX Will Hit 10" By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management “Still nosebleed long,” grunted Bulldog, selling a few S&P puts for sport. “Bought more stocks, and now I’m buying bonds. Not as a hedge, they’re both going up,” growled Dawg. “The Baby...

State Supreme Courts Take Up COVID-19 Vaccine Cases
02.06.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - State Supreme Courts Take Up COVID-19 Vaccine Cases Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A health care worker prepares a COVID-19 vaccine in a file image. (Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images) Two state supreme courts are considering whether workers who administered COVID-19 vaccines to minors without parental consent should be shielded...

Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate
01.06.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch Dave Smith Burn Chris Cuomo To The Ground In Epic Covid Debate For the legions of us who still carry righteous rage about the tyrannical and destructive Covid-19 regime, the planets aligned on Friday and gave us the enormous, vicarious pleasure of watching one of libertarianism's most articulate voices repeatedly pummel one of the most visible...

US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon
31.05.2024, 17:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Presidents Who Gamble With Nuclear Armageddon Authored by Jeffrey D. Sachs via Common Dreams, Each of the last five presidents, both Democrats and Republicans, have brought us closer to the brink. We desperately need leaders with a knack for peace who can steer the nation, and the world, toward a more secure and less dangerous future. The overriding...

Why China Does Not Dare To Solve Its Problems By Printing Large Amounts Of Money
31.05.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why China Does Not Dare To Solve Its Problems By Printing Large Amounts Of Money Authored by Law Ka-Chung via The Epoch Times, China’s proposal of a 300 billion Yuan bank loan to rescue the housing sector is obviously a tiny amount compared to the amount outstanding; I discussed this in last week’s piece here. At first glance, it looks odd that...

No Such Thing As Bad Publicity
31.05.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No Such Thing As Bad Publicity By Bas van Geffen, Senior Macro Strategist at Rabobank Trump has been found guilty of all charges in his hush money trial. While this may prevent Trump from voting for himself in November, it is questionable if this conviction will meaningfully lower his odds in the Presidential elections. In fact, as my colleague noted...

Nicht mehr nur in den USA und in Kanada: Millionen Kinder in Grossbritannien haben nicht genug zu essen
31.05.2024, 11:52 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Bei fast jedem fünften Kind reicht das Geld daheim nicht mehr für täglich ausreichende Mahlzeiten. Mangelernährung nimmt zu. Den Bericht gibt's hier....

OPEC+ Could Jolt Oil Higher, Confounding Bearish Speculators
30.05.2024, 14:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - OPEC+ Could Jolt Oil Higher, Confounding Bearish Speculators Authored by Grant Smith via Bloomberg, Bearish oil speculators have been out in force this month, building up their biggest short position in Brent since the depths of the pandemic in late 2020. But with a busy agenda of OPEC+ news scheduled for this weekend, history suggests that they should...

Millionen Kinder in Grossbritannien haben nicht genug zu essen
30.05.2024, 12:52 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Bei fast jedem fünften Kind reicht das Geld daheim nicht mehr für täglich ausreichende Mahlzeiten. Mangelernährung nimmt zu....

"Worried About The Whole System Going Down" - Chris Martenson Fears "The Great Taking" Is Imminent
29.05.2024, 21:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Worried About The Whole System Going Down" - Chris Martenson Fears "The Great Taking" Is Imminent Via Greg Hunter’s, Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in pathology from Duke University, is a futurist and an economic researcher.  Dr. Martenson was one of the very few scientists who called BS on the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s CV19...

An Older, Anxious, Mildly Paranoid Analyst
29.05.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - An Older, Anxious, Mildly Paranoid Analyst By Michael Every of Rabobank An older, anxious, mildly paranoid analyst US Treasury yields spiked higher yesterday after strong consumer confidence data and weak bond auctions, pushing the dollar up. The Fed’s Kashkari said the FOMC hasn’t entirely ruled out further rate hikes, but the odds are “quite...

Is The World Lurching Back Toward A Gold Standard?
28.05.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is The World Lurching Back Toward A Gold Standard? Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals, Could the world be creeping closer to a monetary gold standard?  Steve Forbes sees signs that it is. In a recent article published by Forbes Magazine, Steve Forbes wrote that it may seem hard to believe, but the world is “beginning to lurch toward a gold-based...

Wall Street Now Sees Ethereum Hitting $14,000 In 2025: Here's Why
28.05.2024, 02:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wall Street Now Sees Ethereum Hitting $14,000 In 2025: Here's Why Back in late March, when prevailing consensus was that the SEC would not approve an ethereum ETF, and when its price had dramatically diverged from that of bitcoin, we took the other side. Why was that? For several reasons: first of all, recall that in recent years, Wall Street had traditionally...

"Global Trade War Looms, But It's Not Just Trade War To Fear"
28.05.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Global Trade War Looms, But It's Not Just Trade War To Fear" By Michael Every of Rabobank History, Humility, and Wishful Thinking The UK election and the “I will protect you, but forgot my umbrella” Tory campaign have both been shaken up by its pledge to bring back conscription for 18-year-olds. This is seen as a desperate gamble and sad joke by...

Verbrechen am Kind: Prof. Dr. Kutschera über WHO-Standard zur Frühsexualisierung und Pädophilie
27.05.2024, 15:30 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Im Rahmen des Pressesymposiums "Zielscheibe Kind und Bindung" der neuen Organisation Axion Resist sprach Mascha Orel mit dem Evolutionsbiologen Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kutschera und befragte ihn zu seiner fachlichen Einschätzung des skandalösen Standards der WHO zur frühkindlichen Sexualisierung. Er räumte dabei mit einem gefährlichen Mythos auf und prangerte...

'Mises Caucus Just Exploded': Libertarian Party Nominates Left-Winger Chase Oliver
27.05.2024, 14:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Mises Caucus Just Exploded': Libertarian Party Nominates Left-Winger Chase Oliver After seven rounds of balloting stretching over seven hours -- and coming close to nominating nobody -- the Libertarian Party gave its presidential nomination to the decidedly left-leaning Chase Oliver on Sunday night in Washington DC.  The result was a devastating upset...

Kalifornien will Altersüberprüfung für die Nutzung sozialer Medien
27.05.2024, 00:08 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Kalifornien will eine Altersüberprüfung für die Nutzung sozialer Medien vorschreiben. Der Senat hat letzte Woche die entsprechende Gesetzesvorlage SB 976, den sogenannten Social Media Addiction Bill, verabschiedet. Damit liegt der Entwurf jetzt zur Beratung in der Assembly, der zweiten der beiden Parlamentskammern des US-Bundesstaates. Studien würden...

Why Are They Drugging The Students?
26.05.2024, 19:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Are They Drugging The Students? Authored by Jeffrey A. Tucker via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The last few years have blown wide open a scandal that has long existed but is not that well known aside from specialists. The problem is the collaboration between pharmaceutical companies, government regulators, and the medical industry. The problem...

House Democrats Pushing Back Against 'Divisive' Netanyahu Speech To Congress
26.05.2024, 18:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Democrats Pushing Back Against 'Divisive' Netanyahu Speech To Congress Authored by Brett Wilkins via Common Dreams, A growing number of U.S. congressional Democrats pushed back Friday against pressure to endorse House Speaker Mike Johnson's invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress—even as...

Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn Of Dangers Of RNAi Crops
26.05.2024, 04:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hidden Food Threat: Experts Warn Of Dangers Of RNAi Crops Authored by Sayer Ji via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Imagine a technology that could genetically rewire organisms in real-time, silencing critical genes across entire ecosystems with unknown effects. Sounds like science fiction? It’s not. It’s the reality of a new class of pesticides...

No, Artificial Intelligence Will Not Solve All Problems
25.05.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No, Artificial Intelligence Will Not Solve All Problems Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The famed historian and epidemiologist John M. Barry just threw out a trope that has become unbearably popular today. He predicted that in the future, artificial intelligence (AI) will make it possible to more perfectly enact pandemic lockdowns and...

The Unifying Principle: Here's Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended
24.05.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Unifying Principle: Here's Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended Authored by Brandon Smith via, Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles...

Last Hope Against Biden-Bucks - House Passes Bill Blocking The Fed From Issuing A CBDC
24.05.2024, 02:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Last Hope Against Biden-Bucks - House Passes Bill Blocking The Fed From Issuing A CBDC The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act passed the United States House of Representatives on a largely partisan vote on May 23. As CoinTelgraph's Derek Andersen reports, the bill, which must still face a vote in the Senate, amends the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 to prohibit...

Ständige Impfkommission des RKI empfiehlt Comirnaty von Pfizer/BioNTech weiterhin für Schwangere
24.05.2024, 00:08 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der experimentelle Corona-«Impfstoff» Corminaty von Pfizer/BioNTech wird weiterhin von der ständigen Impfkommission für Schwangere empfohlen. Der Kinderarzt Dr. Albrecht Jahn hat dies in einem Referat Ende April als einen Skandal bezeichnet. Weiterhin hat Jahn wichtige Informationen über Forschungen an mRNA-Impfstoffen preisgegeben. Über Jahns...

Studie: Traditionelle Familie bleibt bevorzugt
24.05.2024, 00:07 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Die INSA-Familienstudie 2024, veröffentlicht am 13. Mai 2024 anlässlich des internationalen Weltfamilientages, bietet tiefgehende Einblicke in die aktuelle Stimmungslage der deutschen Bevölkerung hinsichtlich Familie, Kinderwunsch und Familienpolitik. Mit über 2.000 befragten Personen zeigt die Studie, dass die traditionelle Familie nach wie vor...

Deutschland: Mindeststrafen für Kinderpornografie-Delikte gesenkt
24.05.2024, 00:03 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Am Donnerstag, dem 16. Mai 2024, hat der Bundestag einen Gesetzentwurf zur Anpassung der Mindeststrafen für Delikte im Zusammenhang mit kinderpornografischen Inhalten angenommen. Der Entwurf, der von den Koalitionsfraktionen SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und FDP unterstützt wurde, senkt die Mindeststrafen für den Erwerb und Besitz solcher Inhalte...

White House Makes Nine Corrections To Transcript Of Biden's NAACP Speech
23.05.2024, 20:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White House Makes Nine Corrections To Transcript Of Biden's NAACP Speech Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, On Monday, the White House was forced to make nine different corrections on the transcript of Joe Biden’s speech to the NAACP... As Fox News reports, Biden made multiple mistakes during his speech which reflected his increased...

Watch: Cruz, Kennedy Destroy Biden Judge For Placing '6 Foot 2 Serial Child Rapist' In Women's Prison
23.05.2024, 16:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Cruz, Kennedy Destroy Biden Judge For Placing '6 Foot 2 Serial Child Rapist' In Women's Prison Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and John Kennedy (R-LA) eviscerated a Biden judicial nominee on Wednesday over her 2022 recommendation that a transgender serial rapist, William McClain (aka July Justine Shelby) be housed in a women's prison despite previous convictions...

The Great Pandemic Walkback
23.05.2024, 03:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Great Pandemic Walkback Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, The pattern is now clearly established. Major figures in and around the pandemic response are slowly walking back all the major claims surrounding the global compulsory regime that ruled life for two and a half years. And each statement is pointing to the same reality. The critics...

Concerns Grow Over The Increasing Abilities Of AI
23.05.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Concerns Grow Over The Increasing Abilities Of AI Authored by Raven Wu and Cindy Li via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Big tech companies’ full commitment to developing artificial intelligence (AI), even enabling AI to “see” and “speak” to the human world, has led to a growing concern over humans being controlled by technology. (Andrey Suslov/Shutterstock)...

Studie: Fluorid erhöht bei Kindern auf «besorgniserregende» Weise das Risiko für neurologische Verhaltensstörungen
23.05.2024, 00:09 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Sind Fluoride gesundheitsschädlich oder nicht? Diese Frage wird ähnlich kontrovers diskutiert wie die, ob Impfungen oder Mobilfunkstrahlen sinnvoll und unbedenklich sind oder nicht. Transition News hat in diesem Zusammenhang kürzlich über die Dokumentation «Fluoride on Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health» («Fluorid auf dem...

"Inflation Creates An Illusion Of Wealth" - Peter Schiff Blasts Biden's Brags About Raising Taxes
22.05.2024, 17:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Inflation Creates An Illusion Of Wealth" - Peter Schiff Blasts Biden's Brags About Raising Taxes Via, This week Peter’s back to discuss new economic data, Powell’s recent remarks in the Netherlands, and the Biden administration’s new tariffs. More and more signs point to economic stagflation, but Biden, Powell, and their cronies...

Das lachende Kind
22.05.2024, 11:59 Uhr. Manova Magazin - https: - Das lachende Kind...

Republicans Call For Drug Testing Ahead Of Presidential Debates
22.05.2024, 03:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Republicans Call For Drug Testing Ahead Of Presidential Debates Authored by Steve Watson via, Several Republicans are calling for Joe Biden to undergo drug testing before taking part in the presidential debates with Donald Trump scheduled for June and September. South Carolina Senator Tom Scott was asked to comment on the issue on Fox...

«Klaus Schwab zieht sich zurück, um mehr Zeit mit seiner Echsenfamilie auf dem Planeten Zarkon VII zu verbringen»
22.05.2024, 02:25 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Having met many of his important goals in the area of world domination and the destruction of freedom around the world, Schwab made the decision to step down from his throne made of human skulls and return to his homeworld, where he will live out the remainder of his life watching the plans he set in motion on Earth come to fruition.“It appears my...

ELFs Are The Single Greatest Threat To Our Enduring Liberties
22.05.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - ELFs Are The Single Greatest Threat To Our Enduring Liberties Authored by Jack Cashill via, Jan 6 / COVID Stir The Fascist Soul of The Educated Liberal Female In researching my new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, I discovered something unexpected: an alarming confirmation of my September 2022 article in...

Salman Rushdie Says Free Palestinian State Would Be 'Taliban-Like'
21.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Salman Rushdie Says Free Palestinian State Would Be 'Taliban-Like' Via Middle East Eye Salman Rushdie has said that a free Palestinian state would be "Taliban-like" and a "client" of Iran. Speaking to German broadcaster RBB, the author said that "any human right now" had to be "distressed by what is happening in Gaza because of the quantity of human...

Neueste    Heute    05.06.2024    04.06.2024    + Doppelte News