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Neueste    Heute    26.05.2024    25.05.2024    24.05.2024    23.05.2024    22.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Behind The 'Cloward-Piven' Downfall Of America
24.05.2024, 23:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Behind The 'Cloward-Piven' Downfall Of America Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Of Men and Myths “Donald Trump doesn’t trust women. I do. ” - “Joe Biden” on “X” There comes a time when the rigors and exertions of being insane just aren’t worth it anymore. You end up in a deadly Pareto distribution in which 80 percent...

The WHO's Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time
24.05.2024, 22:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The WHO's Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream, Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about the potential for an H5N1 pandemic among humans at the same time that the WHO is preparing for a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the 77th World...

Biden Admin Is Hiring A 'Meme Manager'; Hilarity Ensues...
24.05.2024, 21:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden Admin Is Hiring A 'Meme Manager'; Hilarity Ensues... Authored by Steve Watson via, The Biden campaign has posted a job listing seeking a ‘meme manager’ prompting many to submit examples of their finest Biden meme manager memes. The listing, seeking a ‘Partner Manager, Content and Meme Pages’, was posted on Daybook. It states...

US Service Member Critically Injured In Gaza Pier Op To Bypass Israeli Blockade
24.05.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Service Member Critically Injured In Gaza Pier Op To Bypass Israeli Blockade A cost of US government support of Israel's war in Gaza gained a grim new dimension Thursday, as three American service members suffered "non-combat injuries" in the humanitarian relief operation off the Gaza coast, with one in critical condition. The military branch of...

Watch: US Deploys Anti-Air Defense System On Gaza Aid Pier
24.05.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: US Deploys Anti-Air Defense System On Gaza Aid Pier Israeli media has reported that two American soldiers were injured Thursday in an accident which occurred while working on the Gaza humanitarian pier.  "Two U.S. soldiers sustained light injuries on Thursday during a work accident near the temporary floating pier in Gaza," i24 News said. IDF/Reuters...

Der Weltimperialist – der wahre Todfeind
24.05.2024, 12:35 Uhr. - https: - Die herrschenden Politiker in Deutschland rüsten militärisch gewaltig auf und wollen das gesamte Land „kriegstüchtig“ gegen den angeblichen Aggressor Russland machen, dessen „stetige Drohgebärden gegen NATO, EU und Deutschlands Bündnispartner“ auch imperialistische Angriffspläne gegen Ost- und Mitteleuropa befürchten lasse. Die Begründung...

Venezuelas Präsident Nicolás Maduro vor den Wahlen
24.05.2024, 05:25 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Kolumnist Clodovaldo Hernández legt dar, was die Regierung Maduro vorrangig angehen sollte, wenn sie gewinnen will Der Wahlkampf des venezolanischen Präsidenten Nicolás Maduro findet unter besseren Bedingungen statt als 2018, als das Land mit einer extrem schlechten Wirtschaftslage zu kämpfen hatte und die Regierung einem internationalen Angriff...

China's Rapid Nuclear Expansion Is Threatening US Dominance In The Sector
24.05.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China's Rapid Nuclear Expansion Is Threatening US Dominance In The Sector Authored by Haley Zaremba via, China is quickly becoming the world's leading producer of nuclear energy, raising concerns for US competitiveness. China's plans for floating nuclear plants in the disputed South China Sea create tension with neighboring countries. China...

30% Of Americans Believe College Isn't Worth It
24.05.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 30% Of Americans Believe College Isn't Worth It The value of a college education is spiraling lower as youngsters realize it's a giant scam. Racking up $100k in college debt for worthless gender degrees in liberal indoctrination camps, only to graduate and land a job that didn't require a degree—such as a realtor or bartender, as many millennials...

China Threatens 25% Car Tariff Against US, EU Moves - Trade Ties To Worsen In Coming Weeks
24.05.2024, 01:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Threatens 25% Car Tariff Against US, EU Moves - Trade Ties To Worsen In Coming Weeks Beijing is still mulling its expected retaliation in the wake of last week's Biden administration rollout of steep tariff increases on a series of Chinese tech imports, importantly including computer chips, EV batteries and medical technology products. Wednesday...

Bipartisan Calls Grow For Ukraine To Hit Russian Territory With US Arms
24.05.2024, 00:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bipartisan Calls Grow For Ukraine To Hit Russian Territory With US Arms Officials in the US are growing more vocal in making the case for allowing Ukraine to use Washington-supplied weaponry to attack Russian territory. On Wednesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson came out with a full-throated statement expressing support for such a move which would certainly...

Neueste    Heute    26.05.2024    25.05.2024    24.05.2024    23.05.2024    22.05.2024    + Doppelte News