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Neueste    Heute    25.06.2024    24.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Neue Videos am Dienstag
18.06.2024, 17:37 Uhr. - https: - Lassen Sie sich heute von einer breiten Palette neuer und fesselnder Videos begeistern, die nicht nur unterhalten, sondern auch Ihren Horizont erweitern werden. Von faszinierenden Dokumentationen bis hin zu aktuellen Nachrichten und informativen Clips ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei! MANOVA The Great WeSet: „Anpfiff am Abgrund“ (Thomas Berthold...

An Older, Anxious, Mildly Paranoid Analyst
29.05.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - An Older, Anxious, Mildly Paranoid Analyst By Michael Every of Rabobank An older, anxious, mildly paranoid analyst US Treasury yields spiked higher yesterday after strong consumer confidence data and weak bond auctions, pushing the dollar up. The Fed’s Kashkari said the FOMC hasn’t entirely ruled out further rate hikes, but the odds are “quite...

"Global Trade War Looms, But It's Not Just Trade War To Fear"
28.05.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Global Trade War Looms, But It's Not Just Trade War To Fear" By Michael Every of Rabobank History, Humility, and Wishful Thinking The UK election and the “I will protect you, but forgot my umbrella” Tory campaign have both been shaken up by its pledge to bring back conscription for 18-year-olds. This is seen as a desperate gamble and sad joke by...

Dr. Josef Thoma: Alles für Österreich – Alles für die Ukraine – Nichts für Deutschland
27.05.2024, 12:31 Uhr. - https: - „Dies ist kein AfD-Werbefilm und auch kein Wahlkampfaufruf für Björn Höcke. Es ist vielmehr ein Plädoyer gegen die widerliche Menschenhatz, die wieder einmal im Auftrag der herrschenden Klasse und der ihr hörigen Justiz stattfindet, mit dem Ziel, Menschen psychisch und physisch zu vernichten“, so leitet Privatdozent Dr. med. Josef Thoma seinen...

UCLA Med School Prioritized Racial Diveristy, Leading To "Shocking Decline" In Medical Knowledge; Report
24.05.2024, 18:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UCLA Med School Prioritized Racial Diveristy, Leading To "Shocking Decline" In Medical Knowledge; Report Via The College Fix, The University of California Los Angeles medical school is admitting underqualified racial minorities in the interest of diversity, according to a report in The Washington Free Beacon. The report, published today, is based...

UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory 'Fat Positivity' Class
27.04.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory 'Fat Positivity' Class Authored by Steve Watson via, UCLA medical school is under fire for forcing students to attend ‘health equity’ classes where ‘fat positivity’ is promoted, and reading material claims that the medical term ‘obesity’ is a slur “used to exact violence on fat people...

Kolanovic Says "Correction Has Further To Go" Even As JPM's Trading Desk Remains "Bullish"
23.04.2024, 02:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kolanovic Says "Correction Has Further To Go" Even As JPM's Trading Desk Remains "Bullish" On one hand, the technical storm appears to have subsided: as we correctly predicted last night, just days after the biggest CTA shake-out in over a year (thanks to the fake Iran-Israel war, which on Thursday shook out all the sell stops thanks to the latest brutal...

Living On Uneasy Street
19.04.2024, 23:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Living On Uneasy Street Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, It's nice to anticipate sunny weather, but it's a good idea to carry an umbrella just in case the forecasts prove overly optimistic. Yes, the market will rally if World War III didn't start last night. The market will also rally if World War III does start, because the Federal...

Stocks Surge, Goldgasms To Record High After "Adjusted" PPI Sparks Buying Frenzy
11.04.2024, 21:59 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Stocks Surge, Goldgasms To Record High After "Adjusted" PPI Sparks Buying Frenzy What started off as another ugly day with stocks tumbling and yields surging following yesterday's VaR-shock inducing CPI print, quickly reversed after the market - in its infinite stupidity - took what was a hot PPI print (core PPI came in at 2.4% vs Exp. 2.2% and up from...

Michael Nehls im MEGA Radio Interview über „Das Indoktrinierte Gehirn“
11.04.2024, 06:11 Uhr. - https: - Das indoktrinierte Gehirn beschreibt einen neurobiologischen Mechanismus der Indoktrination, der bisher weitgehend unbekannt war. Er hat tiefgreifende Persönlichkeitsveränderungen zur Folge, schrieb PD. Dr. med. Michael Nehls als Einleitung zu seinem TKP-Gastartikel im August 2023 über sein Buch „Das indoktrinierte Gehirn“. Nach seinem Interview...

UCLA Med School Forces Students To Attend Hamas Supporter's Lecture On "Housing Injustice"
08.04.2024, 03:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UCLA Med School Forces Students To Attend Hamas Supporter's Lecture On "Housing Injustice" First-year medical students at UCLA were mandated to attend a lecture by Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia, a supporter of Hamas, who criticized modern medicine as "white science" and urged them to worship "mama Earth", according to a new report from the New York Post...

Neueste    Heute    25.06.2024    24.06.2024    + Doppelte News