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Neueste    Heute    20.06.2024    19.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Sick Of The "Grotesque Game Of Pretend" Being Played Around Joe Biden...
16.06.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sick Of The "Grotesque Game Of Pretend" Being Played Around Joe Biden... Authored by Jim Kunstler via, “Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him... the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” - Edward Dowd They’re kidding, right? That “Joe Biden” is...

Kiev's Plan To Store F-16s In NATO States Raises The Risk Of World War III
12.06.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Kiev's Plan To Store F-16s In NATO States Raises The Risk Of World War III Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Ukrainian Air Force head of aviation Sergey Golubtsov told US state-run Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in an interview over the weekend that Kiev plans to store some of its F-16s in NATO states for reserve and training purposes. While...

Danish PM Suffered Whiplash In Street Attack
08.06.2024, 20:29 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Danish PM Mette Frederiksen suffered whiplash after being attacked in central Copenhagen. The assailant was quickly apprehended, but the motive remains unknown. According to reports, a guy attacked Mette Frederiksen, the prime minister of Denmark, when she was strolling through the heart of Copenhagen, leaving her stunned and suffering from whiplash...

Gunman Captured After Attack, Lengthy Shootout At US Embassy In Beirut
06.06.2024, 02:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gunman Captured After Attack, Lengthy Shootout At US Embassy In Beirut The American Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut has come under attack Wednesday, and a gunman has been shot by Lebanese security forces after the armed man fired at the embassy. At least one embassy security guard was injured. The badly wounded suspect was taken into custody...

Top Judge Blocks Complaints Against Trump Judge Aileen Cannon
03.06.2024, 18:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Top Judge Blocks Complaints Against Trump Judge Aileen Cannon Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has blocked complaints against the judge overseeing one of former President Donald Trump’s criminal cases. Chief Judge William Pryor Jr., in a newly released...

Did FDR Really Confiscate Everybody's Gold?
01.06.2024, 15:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Did FDR Really Confiscate Everybody's Gold? Authored by Mike Maharrey via Money Metals, Did the U.S. government really try to confiscate Americans' gold? The short answer is... well, there isn't a short answer. It's a complicated subject with more nuance than most people give it. Yes, President Franklin D. Roosevelt did try to take most of the gold...

Despite Warnings, Biden Admin Finalizes Rule That Could Cripple Many Offshore Oil Companies
31.05.2024, 13:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Despite Warnings, Biden Admin Finalizes Rule That Could Cripple Many Offshore Oil Companies Authored by Pete McGinnis via RealClearPolicy, In June 2023, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management proposed a rule that would require stricter financial assurance standards for oil companies operating in the Outer Continental Shelf. This costly rule became final...

The Endgame, Part II: How The Conflict In Ukraine Ends
27.05.2024, 04:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Endgame, Part II: How The Conflict In Ukraine Ends By Tuomas Malinen In this piece I present four scenarios for the ‘endgame’ to the Russo-Ukrainian war. They are: The overruling majority (peace). The immovable majority (wider war). Regime change in Russia (risky conflict). World War III (nuclear holocaust). Scenarios concentrate on the drivers...

EU Actively Monitoring 'Fake News' On Slovak Prime Minister Assassination Attempt
17.05.2024, 10:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Actively Monitoring 'Fake News' On Slovak Prime Minister Assassination Attempt Before Slovakia national authorities could even come out with a confirmed motive for Wednesday's assassination attempt against its prime minister Robert Fico, the following disturbing quote from EU leadership was reported via Bloomberg: The European Commission said...

Did Michael Cohen Commit Perjury In The Trump Trial?
15.05.2024, 16:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Did Michael Cohen Commit Perjury In The Trump Trial? Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is a slightly expanded version of my column in the New York Post on the first day of cross examination for Michael Cohen. He still has one day of cross examination ahead of him on Thursday. With the government resting after Cohen’s cross examination, I believe...

Die Schuldig-Macher
12.05.2024, 15:21 Uhr. - https: - Der politische Prozess gegen den Bürgerrechtler Dr. Reiner Füllmich offenbart die Motive und Handlungsweisen eines kompromittierten Rechtsstaates. Offener Rechtsbruch und juristische Tricksereien sollen die Verurteilung von Dr. Füllmich sicherstellen. Die Verfehlungen von Staatsanwaltschaft und Richtern sind dokumentiert. Die Beteiligung böswilliger...

Jewish Businessman Gunned Down In Egypt In Suspected Terror Killing
09.05.2024, 21:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jewish Businessman Gunned Down In Egypt In Suspected Terror Killing Earlier this week, on Tuesday, a Canadian Jewish businessman was murdered in the city of Alexandria, Egypt when an unknown gunman approached his car and shot him at point-blank range. A shadowy terrorist organization has claimed responsibility as 'retaliation' for Israel's military...

USA heben im großen Stil Sanktionen für Transaktionen mit russischen Banken im Energiesektor auf
07.05.2024, 00:30 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Es wird spekuliert, dass im Falle einer Wahl von Donald Trump die Sanktionen oder Schikanen gegen Russland endgültig aufgehoben werden. Dies deutet auf eine Priorisierung nationaler Interessen und politische Motive hin.Den Bericht gibt's hier....

Pro-Gaza UCLA Activists Refuse Entry To Non-Allied Students
01.05.2024, 14:38 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Gaza UCLA Activists Refuse Entry To Non-Allied Students It's like the Seattle CHAZ encampment all over again.  Far-left activists have declared the UCLA campus a "liberated zone" and are refusing entry for many students not affiliated with the pro-Gaza protests.  They have erected barriers and placed guards, creating makeshift checkpoints which...

Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near
30.04.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Unification Of CBDCs? Global Banks Are Telling Us The End Of The Dollar System Is Near Authored by Brandon Smith via, World reserve status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The dollar’s...

German Defense Chief Compares Putin To Hitler
12.04.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - German Defense Chief Compares Putin To Hitler Amid the recent days of stepped-up major Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, which the Kremlin on Thursday said is necessary in response to Ukrainian forces' own cross-border attacks on Russian oil refineries, the rhetoric out of Europe is becoming unhinged. In but the latest example of this...

IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar
11.04.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar Authored by Brandon Smith via The Burning Platform blog, Global reserve currency status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Treasury Department understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The petrodollar monopoly...

Sen. Kennedy Suggest Ulterior Motive Behind Border Crisis While Questioning Mayorkas
11.04.2024, 16:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sen. Kennedy Suggest Ulterior Motive Behind Border Crisis While Questioning Mayorkas Authored by Samantha Flom via The Epoch Times, Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) suggested on April 10 that the Biden administration is facilitating illegal immigration to help Democrats politically. The senator’s remarks came amid his questioning of Homeland Security Secretary...

China Ditches US Farmers For Brazilian Ones In Protest Of Land Ownership Rules 
10.04.2024, 13:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Ditches US Farmers For Brazilian Ones In Protest Of Land Ownership Rules  In September 2023, we highlighted that Brazil, one of the BRICS nations, had overtaken the United States in becoming the world's top corn exporter. The sudden shift of China buying Brazilian corn over the US lacked a clear motive at the time. However, now, a new Bloomberg report...

Das Nord Stream-Mysterium: Neue Einblicke
10.04.2024, 12:09 Uhr. - https: - Wer hat die Nord Stream-Gaspipelines wirklich zerstört? ∗∗∗ Inhalt: Pipeline-Besitz / Datum und Uhrzeit / Standorte / Bombengrößen / Geheimnisvolle Schiffe / Seymour Hersh / Offizielle Ermittlungen / Mögliche Motive / Schlussfolgerungen ∗∗∗ Eigentum und Kapazität der Pipeline Die beiden Nord Stream-Gaspipelines Nord Stream 1 und Nord...

The Geopolitics Of Chaos: Apocalypse Scenario IV
08.04.2024, 03:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Geopolitics Of Chaos: Apocalypse Scenario IV Submitted by Tuomas Malinen In this entry I will expand the analysis we presented in the March Deprcon Outlook of GnS Economics. Issues discussed: ‘Craziness’ driving the world towards WWIII is increasing. Geopolitics is dominating in the background, but people tend to forget it’s a two-way street...

Prantl versucht, die Deutungshoheit zu wahren, und schwurbelt über Aufarbeitung als Aufklärung
05.04.2024, 11:18 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Siehe hier:Aufarbeitung ist nicht Abrechnung, sondern Aufklärung. […] Aufarbeitung sorgt nämlich dafür, dass Fehler nicht wiederholt werden. Sie ist nicht darauf aus, die Handelnden der Corona-Pandemie anzuschwärzen. Sie fahndet nicht nach Verantwortlichkeiten, um dann Schuldzuweisungen zu machen. […] So kann man den Verschwörungsspekulationen...

In der Jimmy Dore-Show werden die dunklen Motive hinter der WEF-Agenda enthüllt
05.04.2024, 07:30 Uhr. - https: - „Sie wollen sie [die Menschen] tot sehen“. Kürzlich erschien im Fortune Magazine ein Artikel, in dem behauptet wurde, dass intermittierendes Fasten mit einem um 91% erhöhten Risiko verbunden sei, an einer Herzerkrankung zu sterben. Verschwiegen wurde, dass die C19-mRNA-Injektionen etwas damit zu tun haben könnten. „Das ist ein weiterer...

China Weaponizes Gallium Flows To West As US Miner Reveals New Discovery In Montana
05.04.2024, 01:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Weaponizes Gallium Flows To West As US Miner Reveals New Discovery In Montana China dominates the global production of the rare earth metal gallium, a critical component in semiconductor manufacturing and advanced weapon systems used by the United States.  Since China restricted gallium and germanium flows to the US last summer - seen as...

Reuters Has Ulterior Motives For Reporting That Iran Tipped Russia Off Before The Crocus Attack
04.04.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Reuters Has Ulterior Motives For Reporting That Iran Tipped Russia Off Before The Crocus Attack Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, This narrative is being pushed to deflect from the evidence tying Ukraine to the Crocus terrorist attack and to discredit the Russian security services... Reuters cited three unnamed sources to exclusively report...

The Weaponization Of The Secret Service Has Put Bobby Kennedy's Life At Risk
03.04.2024, 03:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Weaponization Of The Secret Service Has Put Bobby Kennedy's Life At Risk Authored by Blake Fleetwood via, Fifty years ago last summer, I met Robert F. Kennedy Jr. We were in a small group climbing on skis to a spectacular 14,000-foot pass in the snow-covered Chilean Andes. The light, fluffy, bottomless power is about eight feet deep...

Blaming Russia For "Havana Syndrome" Pushes The Opposite Narrative Than Intended
02.04.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blaming Russia For "Havana Syndrome" Pushes The Opposite Narrative Than Intended Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, For Russia to have successfully used a mobile directed energy weapon over 1,500 times, including against the US’ “top 5%, 10% performing officers across the Defense Intelligence Agency,” then it must have deeply penetrated...

Die Einschüchterungsstrategie
30.03.2024, 13:34 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Banken kündigen Regierungskritikern reihenweise die Konten, um auch „unterhalb der Strafbarkeitsschwelle“ Druck auf die Meinungsfreiheit auszuüben. Auch Manova hat es jetzt erwischt.Wir kennen diese Verfahren aus Coronazeiten: Was früher pure Selbstverständlichkeit und Recht jedes Staatsbürgers war, wird umgedeutet in eine Gnade, die jederzeit...

Riley Gaines Explains How Women's Sports Are Rigged To Promote The Trans Agenda
13.03.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Riley Gaines Explains How Women's Sports Are Rigged To Promote The Trans Agenda Is there a light forming when it comes to the long, dark and bewildering tunnel of social justice cultism?  Global events have been so frenetic that many people might not remember, but only a couple years ago Big Tech companies and numerous governments were openly aligned...

This Post Has Been Marked "Biden Classified"
13.03.2024, 17:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - This Post Has Been Marked "Biden Classified" Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance I'd be remiss this morning if I didn't put down some of my quick thoughts from watching Special Counsel Robert Hur’s testimony in front of Congress yesterday. For those who missed it, Hur provided testimony yesterday on his inquiry into President Joe Biden's improper handling...

Associate Of DA Alvin Bragg Arrested For Murder After Severed Head Found In Freezer
08.03.2024, 18:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Associate Of DA Alvin Bragg Arrested For Murder After Severed Head Found In Freezer Submitted by blueapples on X Following his release after spending 20 years in prison, Sheldon Johnson pledged to turn his life around following and a beacon of hope for other ex-convicts. By becoming an advocate of criminal justice reform, Johnson was well on his way...

AHV: Die NZZ unterschiebt «Ja»-Stimmenden unmoralische Motive
06.03.2024, 13:27 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Manche Gegner der 13. AHV-Rente haben die Abstimmungsniederlage offensichtlich noch nicht verdaut. So auch die NZZ....

Wall Street Scrambles To Abandon DEI As "Legal Assaults" Mount
05.03.2024, 02:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wall Street Scrambles To Abandon DEI As "Legal Assaults" Mount We've been stating for months that both the DEI and ESG gravy trains on Wall Street are finally coming to an unceremonious end. Who would have guessed the profit motive would be incompatible with mindless, unproductive virtue signaling and reverse racism?  The pushback on DEI has been immense...

For Socialists, It Doesn't Matter if Socialism "Works" - What Matters Is Power
04.03.2024, 06:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - For Socialists, It Doesn't Matter if Socialism "Works" - What Matters Is Power Authored by Jason Montgomery via The Mises Institute, A recent rash of libertarian-leaning right-wing podcasters’ rehashing of a shopworn takedown of socialism has bothered me to the point of launching into this essay. It goes something like “Why is this still a thing...

The Endgame, Part I: The Russo-Ukrainian War And Geopolitics Of Europe
03.03.2024, 13:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Endgame, Part I: The Russo-Ukrainian War And Geopolitics Of Europe By Tuomas Malinen In early February, I posted a poll on X asking whether I should write a geopolitical piece on the Russo-Ukrainian war, adding to my series mapping a worst-case scenario for the war. While the vote count for this particular poll was not very high, an overwhelming...

Colorado Democrats Block Legislation Punishing Child Sex Traffickers - Suggest Criminals Are Also Victims
02.03.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Colorado Democrats Block Legislation Punishing Child Sex Traffickers - Suggest Criminals Are Also Victims While conservative states like Florida have passed legislation to institute the death penalty for criminals guilty of child sexual abuse and child trafficking, it's becoming more and more difficult in blue states to punish pedophiles at all.  No...

What Caused China's Quant Quake
01.03.2024, 05:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Caused China's Quant Quake While it has gone largely underreported in western media, in the past week China launched a war against both quant funds and High Frequency Traders, claiming they were responsible for the market crash observed at the start of February. But maybe Beijing does have a point, after all long-term readers will recall that one...

The Only Rx For Drug Shortages Is Competition
27.02.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Only Rx For Drug Shortages Is Competition Authored by Thomas McArdle via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Price controls lead to shortages. This axiom is as dependable and scientifically absolute as the law of gravity. And it is the case even when the controls are elaborately disguised. A staff member sorts through drugs while filling a prescription...

Media Blackout Over Illegal Immigrant Who Murdered GA Student
26.02.2024, 01:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Media Blackout Over Illegal Immigrant Who Murdered GA Student By Blue Apples With 7.3 million illegal immigrants entering into the country since Joe Biden was inaugurated as president, the national security threat of an unsecured border has become perhaps the biggest issue heading into the 2024 Presidential Election. The border crisis has even overshadowed...

Lawless America: Truck Hauling Corvettes Hijacked In 'Grand Theft Auto'-Like Robbery
19.02.2024, 00:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lawless America: Truck Hauling Corvettes Hijacked In 'Grand Theft Auto'-Like Robbery Fox 10 Phoenix reports that a 23-year-old man, freshly out of jail, hijacked a tractor-trailer loaded with exotic sports cars, telling law enforcement after he was caught, he simply needed a ride.  According to the Cochise County Sheriff's Department in Phoenix...

Telepolis: Plagiatsvorwürfe und sachfremde Motive: Der Fall Ulrike Guérot
18.02.2024, 09:45 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

How Progressive Policies Are Designed For Civilizational Suicide
17.02.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - How Progressive Policies Are Designed For Civilizational Suicide Authored by John D. O'Connor via American Greatness, We all understand, in the timeless words of the poet Robert Burns, that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Most Americans are accustomed to assessing the various failed initiatives of our country’s leaders as well-intended...

UK Met Office Says It Can't Back Up Senior Meteorologist's Claim That Storms Are "More Intense" Due To Climate-Change
16.02.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK Met Office Says It Can't Back Up Senior Meteorologist's Claim That Storms Are "More Intense" Due To Climate-Change Authored by Chris Morrison via, The Met Office has been unable to back up a claim that storms in the U.K. are “more intense” due to the effects of climate change. The claim was made by senior Met Office meteorologist...

US CBDC & The Western Sanctions Against Russia
14.02.2024, 02:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US CBDC & The Western Sanctions Against Russia Authored by 'Sundance' via The Last Refuge, I made the notation during the Tucker Carlson interview that Russian President Vladimir Putin knows everything below in this article about Russian Sanctions and the formation around a dollar-based U.S. CBDC. Unfortunately, Tucker Carlson does not know the specifics...

Houston Church Shooter Identified As Transgender With A Long Criminal History
13.02.2024, 02:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Houston Church Shooter Identified As Transgender With A Long Criminal History Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times, A shooter who was killed by off-duty police officers after opening fire at a Houston megachurch while seemingly using a 7-year-old child as a human shield has been identified as a woman named Genesse Moreno, who police said also...

Could Trump Win By Simple Attrition Rather Than Vindication?
12.02.2024, 15:59 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Could Trump Win By Simple Attrition Rather Than Vindication? Authored byJonathan Turley, While Woody Allen once said that  “80 percent of success is showing up,” former president Donald Trump proved this week that the same could be said about “just sticking around.” Trump had one of the best weeks as cases and critics seemed to implode from...

Das SRF in voller Aktion: «Wie steht es um Bidens geistige Gesundheit?»
09.02.2024, 15:54 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Sein Gedächtnis habe «erhebliche Einschränkungen» gezeigt und sei teilweise «verschwommen gewesen». Es sei jedoch schwierig, aufgrund dieses Berichts zu beurteilen, ob Biden als Präsident noch tragbar seiAch, was, Demenz hin, Tattergreis her – «Hier stecken auch der Wahlkampf und parteipolitische Motive dahinter». Aber klar doch ;-) 🤡🤡🤡...

Growing Concerns Over Links Between Transgenderism And Violence
27.01.2024, 03:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Growing Concerns Over Links Between Transgenderism And Violence Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Mental health issues that manifest in gender confusion, combined with potent cross-sex hormones, can be a recipe for violence, some experts have said. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Shutterstock) Since 2018, five...

Home Office # 406 (Klimareligion, Parteiverbot & Eskalationsspirale Nahost)
25.01.2024, 17:23 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - Realsatire In der ersten Sendung auf dem neuen Kanal und leicht veränderten Gewand, sprechen wir mit Markus Fiedler und Thomas Röper über die aktuellen Schlagzeilen, analysieren die Motive hinter der Klimareligion und blicken auf die zunehmende Eskalationsspirale im Nahen Osten....

Neueste    Heute    20.06.2024    19.06.2024    + Doppelte News