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Neueste    Heute    14.06.2024    13.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

French-Bund Spread Blows Out Most On Record As Market Braces For Return Of European Debt Crisis
14.06.2024, 19:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - French-Bund Spread Blows Out Most On Record As Market Braces For Return Of European Debt Crisis It wasn't supposed to go like this: as discussed earlier today, Macron's gamble to dissolve parliament and call a two-round snap election on June 30 and July 7 was supposed to boost morale, "circle the troops" and push back against the "extremism" of Marine...

How Will Modi Rule in Coalition?
12.06.2024, 23:35 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The Indian leader’s new administration looks much the same, but he could face challenges to his Hindu nationalist agenda....

Croo Resigns: Left-Wing Belgian Prime Minister Out Amidst Populist Revolt In Europe
10.06.2024, 10:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Croo Resigns: Left-Wing Belgian Prime Minister Out Amidst Populist Revolt In Europe Populism is back on the menu in Europe. After a crushing defeat in France during Sunday's European elections, causing French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the French parliament and announce new elections in June and July, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo...

Right-Wing Tsunami: Nationalists Ascendant In Euro Parliament Vote, Le Pen Crushes Macron; Germany's SPD Suffers Record Rout
09.06.2024, 20:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Right-Wing Tsunami: Nationalists Ascendant In Euro Parliament Vote, Le Pen Crushes Macron; Germany's SPD Suffers Record Rout As we await the results from the European Parliament vote (previewed here), the exit polls from Germany are already in and they are a disaster for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats which crashed to their worst-ever...

New Texas GOP Platform Calls For Secession Vote, Resistance To Federal Infringements
08.06.2024, 22:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - New Texas GOP Platform Calls For Secession Vote, Resistance To Federal Infringements Reflecting plummeting patience with overstepping federal overlords, the Texas Republican Party has adopted two platform planks that call for legislators to assert state sovereignty, and to schedule a secession referendum in the next general election after November's...

Modi's BJP Loses Parliament Majority
07.06.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Modi's BJP Loses Parliament Majority Despite exit polls and projections suggesting otherwise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took a considerable hit at the election for the 18th Lok Sabha, India's lower house voted on by the country's citizens. Compared to 2019, the BJP lost 63 seats and was 32 seats shy of the 272-seat...

Bitcoin's 5th Epoch: Prophecies Of What's To Come
05.06.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin's 5th Epoch: Prophecies Of What's To Come Authored by Joe Rodgers via, Death and taxes and 21 million Bitcoin. That is what we know to be certain. The rest is conjecture. Today I wanted to share my big bets on the next halving. I am sure I will cringe in 4 years at some of these “prophecies” but some of them will come...

Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group 
28.05.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Absurd: Radical Leftist Rashida Tlaib Speaks At Conference Connected With Terrorist Group  Rashida Tlaib, a Congresswoman from Detroit and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, spoke over the weekend at the "People's Conference for Palestine," linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). This group, an Arab nationalist...

Hypocrite Dems Demanding Alito Recusal Played Dumb Over Virulent Anti-Trumper Ruth Bader Ginsburg
26.05.2024, 01:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hypocrite Dems Demanding Alito Recusal Played Dumb Over Virulent Anti-Trumper Ruth Bader Ginsburg Senate Democrats have found their latest tantrum to attack the Supreme Court since its conservative majority - the fact that Justice Samuel Alito reportedly flew two flags outside his homes they say makes him unfit to weigh in on matters concerning Donald...

A Fork In The Road Of The EU
25.05.2024, 14:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Fork In The Road Of The EU Authored by David Thunder via the Brownstone Institute, In case you hadn’t noticed, we just celebrated “Europe Day” on Thursday, May 9th, marking the 74th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. This declaration, presented by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman on 9th May 1950, paved the way for the formation of...

In der Ukraine könnte sich das Schicksal der Welt entscheiden
24.05.2024, 09:41 Uhr. Anti-Spiegel - https: - Der russische Philosoph Alexander Dugin wird im Westen als Faschist und Nationalist diskreditiert, was jedoch ganz und gar nicht der Wahrheit entspricht. Er ist ein konservativer, patriotischer und gläubiger Mann, der für Respekt zwischen Völkern, Staaten und Kulturen plädiert und die Politik des Westens heftig kritisiert. Er gilt als einer größten...

House Republicans Express Concern Over Sharp Uptick On Chinese Migrants Illegally Crossing Border
19.05.2024, 04:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Republicans Express Concern Over Sharp Uptick On Chinese Migrants Illegally Crossing Border Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Republicans on the House Homeland Security subcommittee expressed concern as the surge of illegal Chinese migrants hit an all-time high in April after the Biden administration relaxed...

Malta's Central Bank Governor Charged With Fraud And Misappropriation Of Funds
10.05.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Malta's Central Bank Governor Charged With Fraud And Misappropriation Of Funds They say central bankers can always print money out thin air: in this one case, however, the head of Malta's central bank could desperately do with a bigger money printer, or at least a much better attorney. Malta's attorney general filed charges of fraud and misappropriation...

North Macedonia’s Political Future Is on the Line
08.05.2024, 10:48 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The right-wing nationalist opposition is making a comeback as voters punish the Social Democrats for scandals and broken EU accession promises....

Every Conservative Party In Europe Needs To Prepare For Mass Censorship, Warns Flemish MEP
03.05.2024, 12:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Every Conservative Party In Europe Needs To Prepare For Mass Censorship, Warns Flemish MEP By Thomas Brooke of In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Gerolf Annemans, the Vlaams Belang MEP and president of the European Identity and Democracy group, warns that even greater censorship of conservatives is just around the corner, and tells...

White South Africans Face Crime And Torture But Still Believe US And Europe Face Darker Future: Ernst Roets
03.05.2024, 12:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - White South Africans Face Crime And Torture But Still Believe US And Europe Face Darker Future: Ernst Roets By John Cody of In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Ernst Roets, the head of policy for the Solidarity Movement in South Africa, spoke with Remix News about the future of White Boers in South Africa, how they're building their...

Whoopi Goldberg "Enraged" By Donald Trump Saying There Is An "Anti-White Feeling" In America
01.05.2024, 16:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Whoopi Goldberg "Enraged" By Donald Trump Saying There Is An "Anti-White Feeling" In America Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The View host Whoopi Goldberg said she was “enraged” over Donald Trump asserting that there is “an anti-white feeling in America.” Goldberg made the remarks as she angrily glared at the camera. “This...

Maté: What 10 Years Of US Meddling In Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy)
01.05.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Maté: What 10 Years Of US Meddling In Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy) Authored by Aaron Maté via RealClear Investigations, In successfully lobbying Congress for an additional $61 billion in Ukraine war funding, an effort that ended this month with celebratory Democrats waving Ukrainian flags in the House chamber, President Biden...

We Have Reached The Geo-Populist Tipping Points: Here Are Four Examples
30.04.2024, 16:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - We Have Reached The Geo-Populist Tipping Points: Here Are Four Examples By Michael Every of Rabobank Beg, Borrow, or Steel Yesterday’s JPY slump from 158 to 160, surge to 155 on BOJ intervention, and stop over 156 underlines how volatile markets are as long-run fundamentals finally reach tipping points. Tomorrow’s FOMC decision should make that...

What's Really Behind Poland's Interest In Deporting Ukrainian Draft-Dodgers?
28.04.2024, 15:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What's Really Behind Poland's Interest In Deporting Ukrainian Draft-Dodgers? Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz expressed support in an interview for Ukraine’s latest conscription-related policy of refusing consular services for draft-aged men aged 18-60. The form of assistance that Warsaw...

NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting
20.04.2024, 20:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NPR Scandal Should Kill Taxpayer-Funded Broadcasting Authored by Charles Lipson via RealClearPolitics, “I don't want any yes-men around me,” said Sam Goldwyn, the Hollywood producer famed for his movies and malapropisms. “I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their job.” The brass at National Public Radio must have heard...

Speaker Johnson's Ignominious Betrayal
20.04.2024, 03:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Speaker Johnson's Ignominious Betrayal Authored by David Stockman via David Stockman's Contra Corner, Speaker Johnson’s ignominious betrayal of fiscal sanity might well be the death knell for the GOP. He is apparently risking his speakership on behalf of $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that Uncle Sam cannot remotely afford, and which actually...

Desperation Behind European Politicians' Latest Russiagate Hoax
18.04.2024, 09:34 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Desperation Behind European Politicians' Latest Russiagate Hoax Authored by Peter Sourek, Cecile Jilkova, and Michael Shellenberg via Public Substack, The success of right-wing German political party AfD led European politicians to abuse their powers, perhaps illegally... European Commission Vice President Věra Jourová (left) Prime Minister of the...

European Parliament Approves Controversial Migration Pact; Furious Nationalists Vow To Bring It Down After EU Elections
11.04.2024, 09:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - European Parliament Approves Controversial Migration Pact; Furious Nationalists Vow To Bring It Down After EU Elections Authored by Thomas Brooke via ReMix News, The European Parliament has approved the controversial EU Asylum and Migration Pact, which will see countries forced to accept their fair share of new arrivals into the bloc or pay a fine for...

Bloomberg Admits '10,000 Migrant Crossings A Day' Has 'Upended The Election'
03.04.2024, 18:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bloomberg Admits '10,000 Migrant Crossings A Day' Has 'Upended The Election' While Paul 'not my child porn' Krugman and other idiots want you to believe that illegal immigration is actually a good thing for America and will boost GDP by $7 trillion, Bloomberg is a bit more realistic... Even worse for Joe Biden's handlers (i.e. whoever's running the...

"Turkish People Demanded Change": Erdogan Suffers Shocking Defeat In Country's Municipal Elections
01.04.2024, 03:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Turkish People Demanded Change": Erdogan Suffers Shocking Defeat In Country's Municipal Elections In a historic upset, Turks dealt President Tayyip Erdogan and his party their biggest electoral blow yet in Saturday's nationwide local vote that reasserted the opposition as a political force and reinforced Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu as the president's...

US-Backed Egypt Sitting Atop Muslim Brotherhood Powder Keg Inspired By Gaza, Failing Economy
24.03.2024, 20:12 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US-Backed Egypt Sitting Atop Muslim Brotherhood Powder Keg Inspired By Gaza, Failing Economy Via The Cradle On the morning of March 4, the State Security Criminal Court in Egypt sentenced the Muslim Brotherhood's supreme guide Mohammed Badie to death, along with seven of the outlawed group's leaders (Mahmoud Ezzat, Mohamed el-Beltagy, Amr Zaki, Osama...

China’s Public Wants to Make a Living, Not War
21.03.2024, 15:01 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Discontent about the country’s poor economic reality is starting to drown out nationalist calls to attack Taiwan....

Piers Morgan Vs Jeffrey Sachs On Putin: "Russia's War With Ukraine Was Completely Avoidable"
20.03.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Piers Morgan Vs Jeffrey Sachs On Putin: "Russia's War With Ukraine Was Completely Avoidable" Economist Jeffrey Sachs has appeared this week on Piers Morgan Uncensored where the two discussed Russian leader Vladimir Putin just being elected to a fifth 6th year term as president. Sachs speaks from within the establishment, having long served as a...

Young French Voters Are Flocking To The Right Ahead Of EU Elections
14.03.2024, 08:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Young French Voters Are Flocking To The Right Ahead Of EU Elections By Thomas Brooke of Remix News An increasing number of young French voters are preparing to vote for right-wing parties in the upcoming European Parliament elections in June, the latest polling has revealed. According to an Ipsos survey published on Tuesday, 31 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds...

Trump Eviscerates Biden Over 'Apology Tour' After Calling Illegal Alien Murderer An "Illegal"
10.03.2024, 21:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Eviscerates Biden Over 'Apology Tour' After Calling Illegal Alien Murderer An "Illegal" Authored by Steve Watson via, Joe Biden is now seemingly on an apology tour after accurately describing the illegal immigrant who killed Laken Riley as an “illegal” in his State of the Union speech. The 22-year-old nursing student at Augusta...

Joe Scarborough Ridiculed After Gushing Endorsement Of Biden's Cognitive Health
07.03.2024, 15:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Joe Scarborough Ridiculed After Gushing Endorsement Of Biden's Cognitive Health Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough was ridiculed after engaging in a bizarre, performative endorsement of the strength of Joe Biden’s cognitive health. “That guy’s mental state, I’ve said it for years now, he’s cogent...

Turkey Approves Sweden's Accession To NATO After 20 Month Delay
24.01.2024, 08:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey Approves Sweden's Accession To NATO After 20 Month Delay After nearly two years of delays, Turkey's parliament finally agreed to ratify Sweden's NATO membership bid on Tuesday, clearing the biggest remaining hurdle to expanding the Western military alliance following the Ukraine war. Turkey's general assembly, where President Tayyip Erdogan's...

The Soros Of Silicon Valley: Reid Hoffman's Millions For Democrat Activism
24.01.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Soros Of Silicon Valley: Reid Hoffman's Millions For Democrat Activism Authored by Hayden Ludwig via Restoration of America, There’s no shortage of leftist mega-donors for funding America’s “progressive” revolution. Meet the newest billionaire backing it: Reid Hoffman, whose campaign to destroy Donald Trump is matched only by the scale of...

"Rural Renaissance": Venture Fund Plans New Community In Appalachia To Escape Soros-Enabled-Hellhole Cities
23.01.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Rural Renaissance": Venture Fund Plans New Community In Appalachia To Escape Soros-Enabled-Hellhole Cities A majority of Americans are fed up with imploding progressive metro areas transforming into violent crime hellholes because Soros-backed District Attorneys refuse to enforce common sense law and order. Americans are tired of radicals in the Biden...

Escobar: How The West Was Defeated
20.01.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: How The West Was Defeated Authored by Pepe Escobar, Emmanuel Todd, historian, demographer, anthropologist, sociologist and political analyst, is part of a dying breed: one of the very few remaining exponents of old school French intelligentzia – a heir to those like Braudel, Sartre, Deleuze and Foucault who dazzled successive young Cold War...

Bannon Predicts Trump's First 100 Days Will Set 50-Year Agenda
19.01.2024, 15:44 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bannon Predicts Trump's First 100 Days Will Set 50-Year Agenda Authored by Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), In an exclusive interview with The Epoch Times, Steve Bannon laid out what the beginning of former President Donald Trump’s second term would look like if he is elected later this year. “The first 100 days of President...

Turkey: America's Worst Ally?
08.01.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turkey: America's Worst Ally? Authored by Anders Corr via The Epoch Times, Turkey is simultaneously one of the most important and worst of U.S. and NATO allies. Most recently, it denied transit to two British minehunters that would have disabled Russian munitions and helped transport Ukrainian grain. Last year, Turkey annoyed the West with a tanker...

The Trilateral Threat: India, Russia, And China
05.01.2024, 09:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Trilateral Threat: India, Russia, And China Authored by Andres Corr via The Epoch Times, India, a country the United States and allies had hoped would be a bulwark of democracy against China, is becoming a problem. The South Asian country is desperately poor, at just $2,400 gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in 2022. Yet it seeks to portray...

The Life And Public Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy By The CIA
28.11.2023, 05:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Life And Public Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy By The CIA Authored by Edward Curtin via, What is the truth, and where did it go? Ask Oswald and Ruby, they oughta know “Shut your mouth,” said the wise old owl Business is business, and it’s a murder most foul Don’t worry, Mr. President Help’s on the way...

Election Of Milei, Wilders, & Cogswell Has The Left Worried
27.11.2023, 23:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Election Of Milei, Wilders, & Cogswell Has The Left Worried Authored by Roger Kimball via American Greatness, Is there a disturbance in the force? I think there might be. In just the last week, the chainsaw-wielding “anarcho-capitalist” Javier Milei won the presidential election in Argentina, the Freedom Party of Islamo-realist Geert Wilders trounced...

Milei And Wilders Elected: Is The Libertarian Moment Finally Here?
27.11.2023, 04:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Milei And Wilders Elected: Is The Libertarian Moment Finally Here? Authored by Roger Simon via The Epoch Times, It used to be said that conservative guys just called themselves “libertarian” so girls would talk to them at cocktail parties. At least one well-known conservative talk show host called them “losertarians” since they didn’t always...

Where Europe's 'Far-Right' Has Gained Ground
24.11.2023, 15:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where Europe's 'Far-Right' Has Gained Ground The media is so anti-common sense that anyone who dares to take any contrary view is called "far-right" as if they are Nazis. As Armstrong Economics' Martin Armstrong points out, anyone who wants to return just to normal life is now disgustingly far-right. You have to support World War III, high taxes, lifestyle...

Lawlessness In France Is Off-The-Charts As Govt Continues To Bury Its Head In The Sand On Immigration, says Marine Le Pen
23.11.2023, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Lawlessness In France Is Off-The-Charts As Govt Continues To Bury Its Head In The Sand On Immigration, says Marine Le Pen Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, Lawlessness in France fuelled by mass immigration has spread from the inner-city suburbs to the French countryside as the government continues to ignore the reality staring it in the face...

Elon Musk's X To Donate Revenue To Hospitals In Israel, Red Cross In Gaza
22.11.2023, 20:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Elon Musk's X To Donate Revenue To Hospitals In Israel, Red Cross In Gaza Authored by Katabella Roberts via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Elon Musk's X Corp. will be donating to hospitals in Israel and the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Gaza, the businessman announced on Nov. 21. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and owner of X, formerly known as...

Geert Wilders' Conservatives Surge To Top Of Polls Just Days Before Dutch Election
22.11.2023, 11:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Geert Wilders' Conservatives Surge To Top Of Polls Just Days Before Dutch Election Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, A shock new poll saw Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) enjoy a dramatic rise in support to put it on equal footing with the governing VVD... Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) has experienced a dramatic rise in popularity...

Illegal Biolab In California Received $1.3 Million From Chinese Banks: House Committee
20.11.2023, 23:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Illegal Biolab In California Received $1.3 Million From Chinese Banks: House Committee Authored by Sophie Li via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A black market Chinese biolab in Reedley, California, located about 25 miles southeast of Fresno, received more than $1.3 million in unexplained payments from banks in China while in operation, according to...

Elon Musk Plans "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters
18.11.2023, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Elon Musk Plans "Thermonuclear" Lawsuit Against Media Matters Early Saturday morning, Elon Musk said his social media platform X will be "filing a thermonuclear lawsuit" against left-leaning non-profit Media Matters and "all those who colluded" for "completely misrepresenting" the real user experience on X. "This week, Media Matters for America posted...

EU Gets Busted 'Microtargeting' X Users, Rage-Quits Ad Campaign Citing 'Misinfo'
17.11.2023, 16:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Gets Busted 'Microtargeting' X Users, Rage-Quits Ad Campaign Citing 'Misinfo' Earlier this week, the European Union came under fire for microtargeting users of X, after a not-for-profit watchdog filed a complaint against the EU Commission's Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs. The complaint, filed with the European Data Protection...

Neueste    Heute    14.06.2024    13.06.2024    + Doppelte News