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Neueste    Heute    25.06.2024    24.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

EU Formally Launches Membership Talks With Ukraine & Moldova
25.06.2024, 17:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Formally Launches Membership Talks With Ukraine & Moldova A symbolic ceremony kicked off Tuesday in Luxembourg which marks the start of formal European Union accession talks for the two ex-Soviet countries of Ukraine and Moldova, putting yet more distance between them and Russia. The process will move forward, despite some recent roadblocks set by...

US Budget Disaster Ahead Will Impoverish Americans
24.06.2024, 15:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Budget Disaster Ahead Will Impoverish Americans Authored by Daniel Lacalle, Deficit spending is not a growth tool. It is the recipe for stagnation. The latest Congressional Budget Office (CBO) budget and economic outlook estimates show the extent of the challenges of the United States fiscal nightmare. The CBO expects a budget deficit of $1.9 trillion...

The Game Theory Of Biden's Replacement And Trump's VP Pick
22.06.2024, 00:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Game Theory Of Biden's Replacement And Trump's VP Pick Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance If there’s one political rule that always seems to hold true, it’s that both parties will wind up choosing the worst possible selection for whatever needs they seek to fulfill. That’s just the miracle of government. Who knew that doing things as inefficiently...

Mission Creep: How The Police State Acclimates Us To Being Modern-Day Slaves
21.06.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mission Creep: How The Police State Acclimates Us To Being Modern-Day Slaves Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which...

Louisiana Orders Schools To Display 10 Commandments In Every Classroom, Including Colleges
21.06.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Louisiana Orders Schools To Display 10 Commandments In Every Classroom, Including Colleges In the latest shot fired in America's intensifying culture wars, Louisiana will now require public schools to display a Ten Commandments poster in every classroom, after Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed a bill into law on Wednesday. “If you want to respect...

Putin & Kim Sign Pact Vowing Mutual Defense If Attacked
19.06.2024, 16:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin & Kim Sign Pact Vowing Mutual Defense If Attacked Russia's President Vladimir Putin is calling it a "breakthrough document" while Kim Jong Un is hailing the "strongest ever treaty" which will hasten the start of a "new multipolar world" — but the BBC is calling it an "ominously ambiguous commitment" between "pariahs in arms". The two leaders...

Netanyahu Rips Biden: 'Inconceivable' That US Weapons Were Ever Halted
18.06.2024, 23:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Netanyahu Rips Biden: 'Inconceivable' That US Weapons Were Ever Halted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons transfers to Israel, in violation of stated promises that Washington would remove all restrictions on arms deliveries. Netanyahu revealed this during a video address discussing meetings...

NATO Expansion: A New Detailed Timeline
14.06.2024, 22:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO Expansion: A New Detailed Timeline The official website of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has since January of this year featured an entire page which seeks to "debunk" what it calls "Russian disinformation on NATO".  The series of "myths" that the official NATO page sets out to dispel in one section mocks the very term "NATO expansion"—strongly...

Damage is a Given
14.06.2024, 11:06 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - The heavy rains are rich with life in the Spring. Even when the lilacs have died and the wafting scent of lily-of-the-valley has faded. Summer will come very soon, although it seems a long Spring this time and that is something to celebrate because it freshens the air and whispers its promises. We all want …...

"Unstoppable": Bitcoin Is The Only Decentralized Currency, Tether CEO Says
13.06.2024, 20:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Unstoppable": Bitcoin Is The Only Decentralized Currency, Tether CEO Says Authored by Helen Partz via, According to Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino, Bitcoin is unique among the more than 14,000 various cryptocurrencies because it is the only one that is not centralized. Bitcoin is the only decentralized currency, Ardoino said in an interview...

The ECB Policy Nightmare And Rate-Cut Mistake
12.06.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The ECB Policy Nightmare And Rate-Cut Mistake Authored by Daniel Lacalle, The ECB decided to cut rates by 25 basis points the same day it elevated its own inflation estimates for 2024 and 2025. You simply cannot make this up. If you wanted unmistakable proof of the lack of independence of central banks, this is it. The ECB only has one mandate, price...

What Would Josey Wales Do?
11.06.2024, 01:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Would Josey Wales Do? Via the Burning Platform, “To hell with them fellas. Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms.” – Josey Wales As our political, economic, civic, and social structures continue to degrade, dissolve, and disintegrate before our very eyes, it is easy to become apathetic and surrender to hopelessness. There are relentless powerful...

"Zero Tolerance": Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing
09.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Zero Tolerance": Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing In response to last weekend's terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead - and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit...

Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen"
09.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Next Month's NATO Summit Might See Most Members Joining The "Military Schengen" Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, NATO logistics chief Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank is responsible for last November’s “military Schengen” proposal, which bore fruit in February after Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland – the last of which has comprehensively...

The Myth That Biden Had Nothing To Do With The Prosecutions Of Trump; VDH
07.06.2024, 17:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Myth That Biden Had Nothing To Do With The Prosecutions Of Trump; VDH Authored by Victor Davis Hanson, The five criminal and civil prosecutions of former President Donald Trump all prompt heated denials from Democrats that President Joe Biden and Democrat operatives had a role in any of them. But Biden has long let it be known that he was frustrated...

What's Next For Battlefield America? Israel's High-Tech Military Tactics Point The Way
06.06.2024, 23:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What's Next For Battlefield America? Israel's High-Tech Military Tactics Point The Way Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute, “I did not know Israel was capturing or recording my face. [But Israel has] been watching us for years from the sky with their drones. They have been watching us gardening and going...

"The Ninnies Of Biden-World Seem Not To Understand..."
03.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "The Ninnies Of Biden-World Seem Not To Understand..." Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Which Movie Will It Be? “It’s almost as if the principals (prosecutors and judge) were performing for their political audience - with a wink, a nod and a stage whisper (“watch this!”) as they ignore yet another fundamental element of American...

Iran's Khamenei Receives Assad, Hails Syria's Resistance To Regime Change Efforts
31.05.2024, 00:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran's Khamenei Receives Assad, Hails Syria's Resistance To Regime Change Efforts Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is in Tehran on Thursday for a rare state as part of a condolence message in the wake of the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash earlier this month. Assad met with Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as well...

Trump And Musk Discussing Advisory Role In Next Administration: Report
30.05.2024, 15:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump And Musk Discussing Advisory Role In Next Administration: Report In a notable shift from past acrimony, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has engaged in discussions with Elon Musk about a possible advisory role for the Tesla mogul should Trump retake the White House, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move could see Musk influencing...

Trump entpuppt sich als strammer Neocon
30.05.2024, 15:30 Uhr. Home - https: - Die Washington Post enthüllt, dass Trump Milliardärsspendern privat erklärte, er hätte den Kreml am 24. Februar 2022 „bombardiert“. Am 28. Mai 2024 titelte die Washington Post „Trump macht Spendern auf seiner gewagten Fundraising-Tour weitreichende Versprechen“. Bei einer Veranstaltung habe er etwa angedeutet, er hätte im Februar 2022 Moskau...

Is Russia Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban?
29.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is Russia Preparing To Strategically Partner With The Taliban? Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, The Taliban remain international outcasts due to their refusal to implement a truly ethno-politically inclusive government per their prior promises as well as their treatment of women. Although no tangible progress has been made on either of those...

Why Land Reform Matters in South Africa’s Election
27.05.2024, 11:38 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Even in an urbanized economy, many Black voters care deeply about the government’s unfulfilled promises when it comes to land redistribution....

Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within
26.05.2024, 05:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within Authored by William Brooks via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), “The enemies from within are more dangerous to me than the enemies from the outside,” said Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, at a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on May 11, 2024. The United States flag at the dome of...

They Want To Scare You With Myths Of "Unhampered Capitalism"
25.05.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - They Want To Scare You With Myths Of "Unhampered Capitalism" Authored by George Fo4rd Smith via The Mises Institute, Bad ideas are sometimes the hardest to dethrone. It’s probably accurate to say most people think of money as the paper currency printed by governments. And it is money in the sense that it functions as a medium of exchange, but is...

Penn Protestor Who Claims She Was Left 'Homeless' Is Daughter Of Affluent Celebrity Game Show Host
25.05.2024, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Penn Protestor Who Claims She Was Left 'Homeless' Is Daughter Of Affluent Celebrity Game Show Host One Penn encampment student who claimed to have been left 'homeless' by the administration's 'violence' has been found to be the daughter of a jet-setting, caviar eating business owning parents.  University of Pennsylvania sophomore Eliana Atienza was...

Ukraine Enforces Desperate Conscription Laws As Russian Troops Close In On Kharkiv
24.05.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine Enforces Desperate Conscription Laws As Russian Troops Close In On Kharkiv Ukraine is now enforcing a new mobilization law which is being called 'divisive' among many Ukrainian citizens and some political leaders.  The law requires men ages 18-60 to carry their military paperwork at all times to be presented to authorities on demand.  It lowers...

EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability
21.05.2024, 21:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EPA's Clean Power Plan Rule Prioritizes Net-Zero Over Grid Reliability Authored by Gabriella Hoffman & Christian Palich via RealClearEnergy, Coal and natural gas plants provide 60% of the U.S.’ affordable, reliable, and baseload power. In a time of increased electricity demand, America needs to double down on harnessing these sources—not abandon...

Two New Swing State Polls Show Why Biden Is Desperate To Debate Trump
20.05.2024, 00:08 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Two New Swing State Polls Show Why Biden Is Desperate To Debate Trump Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden according to Nate Cohn at the New York Times. A Surge in Discontent With Biden Please consider Trump Leads in 5 Key States by Nate Cohn. The surveys...

Not Just The US: Global Debt-To-GDP Ratios Are Skyrocketing
18.05.2024, 16:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Not Just The US: Global Debt-To-GDP Ratios Are Skyrocketing Via, The US national debt is so out of control that, ironically enough, even the Federal Reserve chair has expressed concern about the problem. And while America is among the top contributors, it isn’t just the US that’s spending money it doesn’t have: after briefly...

Why Trials Like Trump's Must Be Televised
16.05.2024, 19:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Trials Like Trump's Must Be Televised Authored by Alan Dershowitz via The Gatestone Institute, If you were flipping between CNN and Fox News following the cross-examination of Stormy Daniels in the New York criminal case against former President Donald Trump, you would have had the impression that the CNN commentator, who professed to be reporting...

Did Michael Cohen Commit Perjury In The Trump Trial?
15.05.2024, 16:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Did Michael Cohen Commit Perjury In The Trump Trial? Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is a slightly expanded version of my column in the New York Post on the first day of cross examination for Michael Cohen. He still has one day of cross examination ahead of him on Thursday. With the government resting after Cohen’s cross examination, I believe...

The Masked And The Super Masked
14.05.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Masked And The Super Masked Authored by Roger L. Simon via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), We live in an era of masks, only not the fun kind you might find at Carnivale in Venice, Italy. A pro-Palestinian protestor wears a keffiyeh on the West Lawn of Columbia University, in New York, on April 29, 2024. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP via Getty Images) Something...

Shocking Headline Of The Day: Germany To Re-Introduce Slavery
13.05.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Shocking Headline Of The Day: Germany To Re-Introduce Slavery Authored by Mike Shedlock via, Young Germans will have to choose between the Bundeswehr (military service) and unpaid social service work. Libertarians to a person, will call this slavery, because that is what it is. Germany to Re-Introduce Slavery Please consider the Eurointelligence...

Asia Embraces Coal As The U.S. Rejects It
11.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Asia Embraces Coal As The U.S. Rejects It Authored by Vijay Jayaraj via RealClear Wire, Vietnam and other Asian countries are on a coal spree! Given the dynamics of energy use in the rapidly developing industrial sector there, it is no surprise that these nations have backpedaled on big promises made at international climate conferences to reduce emissions...

To Prevent A Banking Crisis, The Fed Must Cut; But...
09.05.2024, 16:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - To Prevent A Banking Crisis, The Fed Must Cut; But... Via, In 2009, 140 banks failed, and a recent report from financial consulting firm Klaros Group says that hundreds of banks are at risk of going under this year. It’s being billed mostly as a danger for individuals and communities than for the broader economy, but for stressed...

North Macedonia’s Political Future Is on the Line
08.05.2024, 10:48 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The right-wing nationalist opposition is making a comeback as voters punish the Social Democrats for scandals and broken EU accession promises....

Sober Gold Vs The Rate-Cut Circus Show
07.05.2024, 13:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sober Gold Vs The Rate-Cut Circus Show Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via, Poor America. Poor Jerome Powell… A Real Cliff, Fake Smile It is no fun to be openly trapped, and even less fun to be in open decline while meekly declaring all is fine. I have the image of Uncle Sam (or Aunt Yellen) hanging off a cliff with a forced (i.e.,...

Journalism's Latest Draft Recasts Ukraine Narrative
07.05.2024, 11:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Journalism's Latest Draft Recasts Ukraine Narrative Authored by J. Peder Zane via RealClearPolitics, Journalism may indeed be the first draft of history but that old chestnut can be misleading. Where it suggests a set-in-stone version of events, that first draft is really an unfolding detective story, revised and rewritten as we dig out better answers...

Berkshire's Growing Cash Pile Has A Hidden Message On Stocks
06.05.2024, 15:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Berkshire's Growing Cash Pile Has A Hidden Message On Stocks Authored by Ven Ram, Bloomberg cross-asset strategist, US stocks are seeing no evil and certainly hearing none, but Berkshire Hathaway’s ever-growing cash pile should hold a tacit warning for those who are overexuberant. Berkshire’s war chest surged to a record $189 billion at the end...

Maryland Officials Release Timeline And Cost Estimate For Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge
06.05.2024, 10:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Maryland Officials Release Timeline And Cost Estimate For Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge In the wake of a catastrophe that claimed the lives of six roadwork crew members and disrupted one of the nation’s busiest ports, Maryland has committed to a monumental task of rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge. The project, set to be completed by the fall...

"Economics Works In Mysterious Ways": Is China's Wealth Effect Being Substituted?
06.05.2024, 01:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Economics Works In Mysterious Ways": Is China's Wealth Effect Being Substituted? By Teeuwe Mevissen, Senior Macro Strategist at Rabobank Is the wealth effect being substituted? Summary China’s real estate market suffered heavy losses early this year while stock market investors continue to face huge uncertainty. This will add to the deterioration...

Governments Cause Inflation And Hurt Bond Investors
04.05.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Governments Cause Inflation And Hurt Bond Investors Authored by Daniel Lacalle, The Fed’s preferred inflation measure rose 2.8% in March from a year ago. This is the core personal consumption expenditures price index, excluding food and energy, which should be less volatile than the consumer price index and a better indicator of the real process of...

Trump To Address Libertarian Convention In Move That Has Members Debating Merits
02.05.2024, 23:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump To Address Libertarian Convention In Move That Has Members Debating Merits Donald Trump will address the Libertarian Party national convention, in a move that promises publicity for America's largest "third party" while giving Trump an opportunity to shake some non-uniparty votes in his direction. At the same time, however, Trump puts himself...

China Humiliated Blinken But Blinken Kept Begging
02.05.2024, 05:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - China Humiliated Blinken But Blinken Kept Begging Authored by Gordon Chang via The Gatestone Institute, It is not clear whether a Chinese official was at the Beijing airport to bid farewell to Secretary of State Antony Blinken as he ended his three-day visit to China on Friday, but the send-off was in any event low-key and Chinese leader Xi Jinping...

California's Perpetual Drought Is Manmade And Intentional
02.05.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - California's Perpetual Drought Is Manmade And Intentional Authored by Roger Canfield via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) last week released its next five-year plan for the State Water Project—Update 2023. After years of meetings, California’s premier water agency has decided to focus on “three...

Biden's Dollar Weaponization - Growing Backlash Could Kill The Economy
01.05.2024, 23:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden's Dollar Weaponization - Growing Backlash Could Kill The Economy Authored by Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group, President Biden’s decision to participate in the Ukraine-Russia conflict back in February 2022 has taken a new and dangerous turn this year. The U.S. dollar could suffer dramatically as a result. Before we explore that new development...

Fed Policies Turn The Wealth Gap Into A Chasm
01.05.2024, 17:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fed Policies Turn The Wealth Gap Into A Chasm Authored by Michael Lebowitz via, In an op-ed for the Washington Post on November 5, 2010, Ben Bernanke did a victory lap, praising the Fed’s efforts in stemming the financial crisis. In the article, he discusses how QE and other Fed policies eased financial conditions, bolstering...

It's The End Of The Foreign Exchange Reserves As We Know It... Don't Feel Fine About It
01.05.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - It's The End Of The Foreign Exchange Reserves As We Know It... Don't Feel Fine About It Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, “Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, Boom!” — R.E.M. The world we’ve known is over. The US Congress finally pushed the big red button. When the West froze around $300 billion of Russia’s foreign...

Netanyahu Promises Rafah Attack ‘With or Without a Deal’
30.04.2024, 23:16 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Far-right voices in the Israeli prime minister’s cabinet seem to be eclipsing foreign warnings against the planned offensive....

Neueste    Heute    25.06.2024    24.06.2024    + Doppelte News