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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Wenn es drauf ankäme ...
26.05.2024, 02:37 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Die einen brauchen dafür eine Studie, den andern ist es ohnehin klar − und Dritte interessiert es ganz einfach nicht: dass immer weniger Kinder geboren werden und zugleich immer mehr Menschen sterben. «Sei getreu bis in den Tod», steht auf so manchem Kriegerdenkmal. Ist dieses Bibelwort hier schon fehl am Platz, so kann es angesichts der eben angedeuteten...

Blowback In The African Coup Belt
22.05.2024, 08:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blowback In The African Coup Belt Authored by Marcel Dumas Gautreau via The Mises Institute, Starting in 2020, things started to get strange in Africa for those who knew what to look for. Normally, coups in Africa are nothing to write about. But starting in 2020, we saw six countries flip into a pro-Russian direction in just three years. Individually...

Global Bankers Are Suddenly Worried About The Soaring US National Debt
21.05.2024, 19:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Global Bankers Are Suddenly Worried About The Soaring US National Debt In January of this year JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon argued in an interview with Fortune Magazine that the record US debt 'Is a cliff...and we're going 60MPH towards it."  He claimed that the situation was a global market rebellion waiting to happen.  His comments preceded reports...

American & Foreigners Reportedly In Custody After Deadly Coup Attempt, Shootout In Congo 
19.05.2024, 21:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - American & Foreigners Reportedly In Custody After Deadly Coup Attempt, Shootout In Congo  Military leaders of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DR Congo) said they have put down an attempted coup in a dramatic Sunday incident which included a large shootout erupting in the capital of Kinshasa. At least three men have been reported killed, with...

Netanyahu Could Fire Defense Chief As Public Spat Erupts Over Gaza 'Day After'
17.05.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Netanyahu Could Fire Defense Chief As Public Spat Erupts Over Gaza 'Day After' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is at odds with his own defense minister Yoav Gallant after Gallant said in a Wednesday televised address that the Israeli leader must take "tough decisions" on Gaza's 'day after' the war ends. Gallant came out very strongly against any...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Der Wert des Unwerten
12.05.2024, 03:07 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Als ich vor vielen Jahren dieses Schild «Wertstoffhof» zum ersten Mal sah, wusste ich nicht, ob ich mir an den Kopf fassen oder einfach nur lachen sollte. Es wies in eine kurze Zufahrtsstraße. Hinter dem offenen Gitter waren auf der rechten Seite mehrere Container zu sehen, geradeaus zwei Betonsilos, augenscheinlich halb gefüllt mit Altmetall. «Aha...

Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools
20.04.2024, 18:18 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools It's not the easiest thing for a person to step away from their peer group and question the dogmatic political path the mob has chosen to follow.  When it comes to the woke left, stepping out of line is doubly difficult because any deviation from the approved ideology usually means...

A Generation Lost To Climate Anxiety
17.04.2024, 03:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - A Generation Lost To Climate Anxiety Authored by David Zaruk via RealClear Politics, In a far-reaching new essay in The New Atlantis, the environmental researcher Ted Nordhaus makes a damning and authoritative case that while the basic science of CO2 and climate is solid, it has been abused by the activist class in service of a wildly irresponsible...

Das «andere Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Den Himmel für ein freies Wort!
13.04.2024, 18:00 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Natürlich ist es gut, sich über Meinungsfreiheit und -unfreiheit seine Gedanken zu machen. Aber vergessen wir darüber nicht, zu einer eigenen Meinung − so vorhanden − auch wirklich zu stehen, auch bei erwartbarem Gegenwind. In einer Demokratie muss die Meinungsfreiheit ein «Freibrief» sein, bei dem niemand darüber zu befinden hat, welche «Denk-...

Investing Lessons From Your Mother
10.04.2024, 19:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Investing Lessons From Your Mother Authored by Lance Roberts via, Your mother likely imparted valuable investing lessons you may not have known. With Mother’s Day approaching and bullish market exuberance present, such is an excellent time to revisit the investing lessons she taught me. Personally, when I was growing up, my...

"Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Martin Armstrong Warns That's What "Makes Them So Dangerous" Now
19.02.2024, 01:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Martin Armstrong Warns That's What "Makes Them So Dangerous" Now Via Greg Hunter’s, Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is predicting political turmoil, civilian unrest, war and a big economic downturn in 2024 in a new report called “The Year from...

House Democrats Eye 'Back Door' To Force Vote On Ukraine, Israel Funding
14.02.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Democrats Eye 'Back Door' To Force Vote On Ukraine, Israel Funding After the Senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package Tuesday morning, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) refused to hold a vote on it before Congress secures the southern US border first. "We really do owe it to the American people to get control of that border," said Johnson. House...

Stewart Thomson: Gold, Schulden & Rebellion der Weltmärkte
12.02.2024, 12:15 Uhr. - https: - Eine Rebellion der globalen Märkte? Ist das wirklich möglich, und wie sollten sich die Bürger der Welt darauf vorbereiten? Jamie Dimon von JP Morgan glaubt, dass es passieren kann. Er gibt Amerika ungefähr das gleiche Jahrzehnt Zeit, das ich der Nation vorgeschlagen habe… Bevor die weltweiten Aktien- und Anleihemärkte in einer rebellischen Reaktion...

Zelensky Pulls Trigger On Firing Top General, Initiates Major Shake-Up
08.02.2024, 17:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Zelensky Pulls Trigger On Firing Top General, Initiates Major Shake-Up It's official: as we predicted even starting last month Ukraine's top general and commander of the armed forces is now out. President Zelensky has confirmed that Gen. Valerii Zaluzhny has been dismissed, in what appears part of a broader shake-up of top military and government leadership...

Live: Supreme Court Hears Trump-Colorado 14th Amendment Ballot-Ban Case
08.02.2024, 15:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Live: Supreme Court Hears Trump-Colorado 14th Amendment Ballot-Ban Case Today, at 10amET, the Supreme Court will rule on Colorado’s efforts to get former President Trump off the 2024 ballot for “insurrection or rebellion”. A Wall Street Journal editorial calls for a 9-0 vote to strike it down. Additionally, as RaboBank's Michael Every notes, within...

Was Zelensky's Top General Just Whisked Off To Become Ambassador To UK?
07.02.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Was Zelensky's Top General Just Whisked Off To Become Ambassador To UK? The near future fate of Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny continues to be subject of rampant speculation, after President Zelensky belatedly confirmed that he's about to embark in a major shake-up of military leadership.  Already it's been widely reported that Gen. Zaluzhny...

Zelensky Visits Front Line Troops Amid Brewing Split With His Top General
05.02.2024, 01:15 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Zelensky Visits Front Line Troops Amid Brewing Split With His Top General President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Ukrainian troops along the frontlines of fighting with Russia on Sunday, on the southeastern front, according to Reuters. "It's an honor to be here today. To support the warriors and award them. They face a difficult and critical mission to...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Auf ins Weite!
04.02.2024, 04:58 Uhr. Transition News - https: - «Unter umgekehrten Vorzeichen wiederholt sich gerade das Jahr 2015», meint Eric Gujer, Chefredaktor der NZZ. So willkommenstrunken wie die Deutschen damals waren, so erschrocken seien sie jetzt über «die Erfahrung des Kontrollverlusts in breiten Bevölkerungsschichten». Mit realen Menschen kamen auch reale Probleme. Keine noch so deutsche Romantik...

Watch: Eco Loon Tells Brits "There Is A Moral Issue" With Having Children
31.01.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Watch: Eco Loon Tells Brits "There Is A Moral Issue" With Having Children Authored by Steve Watson via, An environmental lobbyist told viewers of British News channel GB News Tuesday that having children presents a “moral issue” because of the amount of carbon they will produce over the course of their lifetime. Donnachadh McCarthy...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag« oder: Abgedrängt in Neuland
27.01.2024, 19:46 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Es war eine Verhaftung, die keine sein sollte. Man hatte uns «nur» das Megafon abgenommen, damit ich nicht mehr zu dem kleinen Menschenzug hinter mir sprechen konnte, Anfang Januar 2021 in Fürth. Zwei Schwarze Männer vom USK, dem sogeannten Unterstützungskommando, führten meine Kollegin und mich zu ihren Mannschaftswägen. Man würde uns dort...

Taibbi: Is The Electoral Fix Already In?
26.01.2024, 22:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Taibbi: Is The Electoral Fix Already In? Authored by Matt Taibbi via 'Racket News' substack, The fix is in. To “protect democracy,” democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet... On Sunday, January 14th, NBC News ran an eye-catching story: “Fears grow that Trump will use the military...

Democrats Want Biden To Take "Federal Control" Of The Texas National Guard
25.01.2024, 16:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Democrats Want Biden To Take "Federal Control" Of The Texas National Guard Authored by Steve Watson via, Democrats have called on Joe Biden to seize control of the Texas National Guard unless it stops trying to secure the border with razor wire barriers. The Guard is continuing to make and install the barriers in defiance of a Supreme...

Peru: Linksgerichtetem Ex-Präsidenten Pedro Castillo drohen über 30 Jahre Haft
23.01.2024, 05:21 Uhr. amerika21 - https: - Lima. Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft in Peru fordert 34 Jahre Haft für Pedro Castillo wegen den mutmaßlichen Verbrechen der Rebellion, des Amtsmissbrauches und der schweren Störung des öffentlichen Friedens. Auch vier seiner ehemaligen Minister:innen sowie drei Polizisten, die... weiter 23.01.2024 Artikel von David Keck zu Peru, Politik...

«Frieden», Chancen und Eskalation, Stand der Dinge vom 20.1.2024
22.01.2024, 08:03 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Inhalt: • Inhaltsübersicht 2:05 • Schweizer Ukraine-Friedenskonferenz – eine Totgeburt? 3:47 • Referendum Mantelerlass: Wie ist die Abstimmung zu gewinnen? 7:21 • Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht: Chancen und Gefahren 10:37 • Genozid-Verfahren vor dem Int. Gerichtshof: Entscheidet eine Formalität? 15:07 • Kleinkrieg im Roten Meer: könnte...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Strasse und Kämmerlein und zurück
07.01.2024, 01:14 Uhr. Transition News - https: - «Gerechtigkeit erhöht ein Volk, die Sünde aber ist die Schande der Völker.» Sprüche 14,34 Müssen wir darüber räsonieren, was nun mit Gerechtigkeit und Sünde genau gemeint sei? Das sollte nicht nötig sein. Wir können den Ball theologisch flach halten: Gerechtigkeit ist das, was Frieden und Einvernehmen bewirkt; beim einzelnen den aufrechten...

2024: Here's What Happens (According To Jim Rickards)
04.01.2024, 12:34 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 2024: Here's What Happens (According To Jim Rickards) Authored by James Rickards via, In 2023, we saw the outbreak of a banking crisis (that isn’t over), a new Middle East war break out in Gaza, two states ban Trump from the ballot in the 2024 elections and the mainstreaming of AI, among other things. All I can say is strap in,...

CO, ME Just The Start Of Trump Ballot-Blocking: These 20 States Have Suits In Progress
31.12.2023, 01:17 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - CO, ME Just The Start Of Trump Ballot-Blocking: These 20 States Have Suits In Progress As jarring as it's been to witness the anti-democratic, one-two punch in which a court in Colorado and an unelected bureaucrat in Maine decided Donald Trump cannot appear on primary election ballots, there are many more states where litigation is underway to ban the...

Democrat Secretary Of State Kicks Trump Off Maine Ballot
29.12.2023, 01:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Democrat Secretary Of State Kicks Trump Off Maine Ballot A day after former president Trump's lawyers demanded the Maine secretary of state recuse herself from her upcoming decision on the former president’s ballot eligibility under the 14th Amendment - citing her past statements about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot; Shenna Bellows - a Democrat - has kicked...

Befehl zur Tötung von Prigoschin kam angeblich von Putin
28.12.2023, 11:17 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Vier Monate nach seinem Tod sorgt der tote Chef der russischen Söldnertruppe Wagner, Jewgeni Prigoschin immer noch für Erschütterungen auf breiter Ebene. Nicht nur in Russland. Das Wall Street Journal berichtete kurz vor Weihnachten, dass Putins enger Verbündeter und Sekretär des russischen Sicherheitsrates, Nikolai Patruschew, die Ermordung des...

Trump Stays On Michigan Ballot After State Supreme Court Ruling
27.12.2023, 16:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Stays On Michigan Ballot After State Supreme Court Ruling The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that Donald Trump can remain on the state's primary ballot, rejecting an attempt to remove the former president under the US Constitution's "insurrectionist ban." The decision comes just over one week after the Colorado Supreme Court made the...

Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling
27.12.2023, 03:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bill Barr Calls On Supreme Court To 'Smack' Down Colorado Trump Ruling Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Former Attorney General Bill Barr said that the U.S. Supreme Court should strike down a ruling issued by the Colorado Supreme Court that barred former President Donald Trump from the state ballot. Ivanka Trump listens...

The 4 Major Battlefronts In Trump’s Ongoing Ballot Dispute
26.12.2023, 04:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The 4 Major Battlefronts In Trump’s Ongoing Ballot Dispute Authored by Sam Dorman via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A slew of lawsuits are seeking to disqualify President Donald Trump from running for office in 2024, creating an increasingly unstable presidential election season. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Freepik, Getty Images) All of these...

Supreme Court Will Reverse Trump Ballot Removal But Dodge Insurrection Question, Expert Predicts
24.12.2023, 05:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Supreme Court Will Reverse Trump Ballot Removal But Dodge Insurrection Question, Expert Predicts Authored by Petr Svab via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The U.S. Supreme Court is likely to strike down a Colorado court ruling that removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s ballot. However, the conservative majority on the highest court...

Trump Calls Biden An 'Insurrectionist' After Colorado Ballot Ban
23.12.2023, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trump Calls Biden An 'Insurrectionist' After Colorado Ballot Ban Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Former President Donald Trump on Thursday denied being an "insurrectionist" while labeling President Joe Biden as one, while citing as proof factors like the "open" border and accusing the president of "destroying" America with...

'Whatever It Takes' Won't Be Enough
22.12.2023, 22:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Whatever It Takes' Won't Be Enough Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “Like many people, I assumed every impeachment, every indictment, every criminal count would be the end of him.” - Robert B. Reich, celebrated Trump hunter, career summation. And just like that — snap ! — the news about the Colorado Supreme Court’s droll...

'Pursuing Litigation, Not Democracy' - Federal Judge Rejects Lawsuit To Remove Trump From Ballot
22.12.2023, 18:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Pursuing Litigation, Not Democracy' - Federal Judge Rejects Lawsuit To Remove Trump From Ballot Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times, A federal judge in West Virginia rejected a bid Thursday to remove former President Donald Trump from the state's ballot, rebuffing a bid from a little-known presidential candidate to remove the former president...

Turley: SCOTUS Should Rule Unanimously Against Trump Ballot Ban
21.12.2023, 15:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Turley: SCOTUS Should Rule Unanimously Against Trump Ballot Ban Authored by Jonathan Turley, In his book Profiles of Courage, John F. Kennedy discussed figures who answered the call of history and how such defining moments are “an opportunity that sooner or later is presented to us all.” That moment will now be presented to nine justices of the...

Ramaswamy Threatens To Boycott Colorado Primary, Turley Rages, And Luntz Warns Of 'Backfiring' Lawfare Against Trump
20.12.2023, 17:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ramaswamy Threatens To Boycott Colorado Primary, Turley Rages, And Luntz Warns Of 'Backfiring' Lawfare Against Trump In response to the Colorado Supreme Court's Tuesday ruling that former President Donald Trump is ineligible to run for president in the state under the 14h Amendment's "insurrection clause," Vivek Ramaswamy has vowed to withdraw from...

UK Vicar Under Investigation For Calling Trans Archdeacon "A Bloke"
18.12.2023, 09:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK Vicar Under Investigation For Calling Trans Archdeacon "A Bloke" Authored by Steve Watson via, A vicar is in trouble for expressing criticism of the Church of England’s decision to appoint a transgender archdeacon, after he noted that the person is “biologically, a bloke.” Reverend Brett Murphy is being investigated after he...

4th Generation Devastation: The West Has Been Targeted In A Cowardly Globalist Mind War
17.12.2023, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 4th Generation Devastation: The West Has Been Targeted In A Cowardly Globalist Mind War Authored by Brandon Smith via, When I first encountered the concept of 4th Generation Warfare around 20 years ago I was studying the basics of propaganda and how it works. While the core issue is deeply disturbing on a number of levels I also found...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Tiefer, weiter, wahrer
16.12.2023, 18:46 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Ein großes Manko des heutigen Widerstandes wird kaum je erwähnt: seine Rückbindung an geistige Vorfahren. Wir haben unsere Grössen der Gegenwart, auf die wir uns stützen und gerne berufen; fähige Männer und Frauen, die sich bereits zu normalen Zeiten auf ihrem Gebiet bewährt haben; Menschen, die selbtlos, klar und frühzeitig ihre Stimme gegen...

Der Klang der Rebellion – Schwarzer US-Jazz
15.12.2023, 12:33 Uhr. infosperber - Shoutem Feed! - https: - Monumental und politisch: Die Geschichte des Jazz von Ex-Radio-Redaktor und Jazzkenner Peter Kemper...

Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid
09.12.2023, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid As was long anticipated, Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a formal announcement saying he's seeking re-election in 2024 - a vote that will be held between March 15 and March 17, 2024. The winner will be inaugurated in early May. Assuming a Putin victory, it would be his fifth term as head of state...

Penn Trustees Call "Emergency" Meeting After Magill Testimony Meltdown
08.12.2023, 18:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Penn Trustees Call "Emergency" Meeting After Magill Testimony Meltdown After a smirking Penn president Liz Magill humiliated herself in front of Congress earlier this week, unable to clearly answer whether "calling for the genocide of Jews" violated Penn's code of conduct or constituted bullying or harassment, the University of Pennsylvania’s board...

Europe In Deep Freeze As Kerry Warns Of Rampant Global Warming
04.12.2023, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Europe In Deep Freeze As Kerry Warns Of Rampant Global Warming Authored by Steve Watson via, On the same day as Biden Administration ‘climate czar’ John Kerry warned of out of control global warming at the UN climate conference in Dubai, the entirety of Europe is experiencing an unprecedented deep freeze. Kerry called on the world...

Leftist Hatred Of Kyle Rittenhouse Is Boundless As He Announces New Book
03.12.2023, 21:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Leftist Hatred Of Kyle Rittenhouse Is Boundless As He Announces New Book There is a long list of evils that are associated with the concept of “cancel culture,” but perhaps the worst is the reality that cancel culture mobs never admit they are wrong. They cannot be wrong, for if they admit that cancel culture makes mistakes then they must also admit...

Das andere «Wort zum Sonntag» oder: Warten und überwinden
03.12.2023, 01:06 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Wenn ich so in meine Nachrichten-Kanäle schaue, dann frag ich mich manchmal: Freuen wir uns eigentlich an den schlechten Meldungen mehr als an den guten? Die schlechten haben den Vorteil, dass sie einen in Vorahnungen und kombiniertem Halbwissen über Verhängnisse bestätigen. Womit man sich wenigstens auf der richtigen Seite der Wahrnehmung wähnen...

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments, & AI To "Save Capitalism"
30.11.2023, 01:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments, & AI To "Save Capitalism" Authored by Brandon Smith via, If you’re not familiar with a little organization called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism,” don’t worry, most people have never heard of it. The group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic; as fear instilled...

Why You Should Read 1984 (Again)
22.11.2023, 01:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why You Should Read 1984 (Again) Authored by Nesrine Assani via, If you care at all about privacy, sovereignty, and freedom, the lessons of George Orwell's 1984 are more relevant than they ever have been... Despite being published in 1949 at the tail end of World War II, I think George Orwell's fictional novel, 1984, is still as...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News