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Neueste    Heute    02.06.2024    01.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

The Latent Fascism Of Today’s Anti-Fascists
12.05.2024, 05:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Latent Fascism Of Today’s Anti-Fascists Authored by Aaron Kheriaty via the Brownstone Institute, "Nothing can have as its destination anything other than its origin. The contrary idea, the idea of progress, is poison." -Simone Weil The terms “fascist” and “fascism” are continuously bandied about today. But those who use these words most...

The Interlocking Of Strategic Paradigms
05.05.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Interlocking Of Strategic Paradigms Authored by Alastair Crooke via the Ron Paul Institute, Theodore Postol, Professor of Science, Technology and National Security Policy at MIT, has provided a forensic analysis of the videos and evidence emerging from Iran’s 13th April swarm drone and missile ‘demonstration’ attack into Israel: A ‘message’...

Coalition Of Attorneys General File Amicus Brief Defending Ken Paxton And His Top Deputy
17.04.2024, 01:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Coalition Of Attorneys General File Amicus Brief Defending Ken Paxton And His Top Deputy Authored by Jana J. Pruet via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A national coalition of 18 state attorneys general filed an amicus brief to defend Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s First Assistant Attorney General Brent Webster in a lawsuit initiated by the State...

Is Reform Possible?
22.03.2024, 03:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is Reform Possible? Authored by Theodore Dalrymple via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), President Javier Milei of Argentina has had a certain degree of success already with his radical economic policies: That is, if certain macroeconomic statistics are a sign of success. Inflation, though still very high, has declined somewhat. The budget has been in...

The Path To Victory For Trump
21.03.2024, 18:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Path To Victory For Trump Authored by Josh Hammer via American Greatness, Following this week’s primaries, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have both attained enough delegates to be their respective parties’ presidential nominees this fall. Barring some sort of unforeseen event—a debilitating hospitalization, an ultra-expedited...

Stroke Could Be Transmissible, Study Finds
01.11.2023, 02:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Stroke Could Be Transmissible, Study Finds Authored by George Citroner via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), For decades, stress shouldered the blame for painful stomach ulcers. But in 1982, doctors made a groundbreaking discovery: A specific type of bacteria was the real culprit. Now, scientists are peering through microscopes again, but this time,...

Vatileaks 2.0
19.10.2019, 19:50 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - The first part - the original Vatileaks - was when Pope Benedict XVI’s butler Paolo Gabriele stole documents from the pontiff, which were then given to Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who published them in 2012’s His Holiness: The Secret Papers of Benedict XVI. The book revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, curial infighting, and was...

US-Professor: Syrien ist nicht verantwortlich für Sarin-Attacke in Chan-Scheichun
06.10.2019, 11:59 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Theodore Postol, Professor am Massachusetts Institut für Technologie (MIT) in Boston, behauptet, Syrien stehe nicht hinter der mutmaßlichen Giftgasattacke im April 2017 im syrischen Chan Scheichun. Sein Bericht widerlegt die offiziellen Untersuchungsergebnisse....

Capitalism, Imperialism, and their Genocidal Consequences by Rainer Shea
11.09.2019, 07:26 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The story of how America became an empire is one where a group of ambitious and egotistical men rationalized implementing a governing model which would lead to massive death and suffering. Its main forerunner was Theodore Roosevelt, a narcissistic politician from an upper-class household who was determined to turn his childhood obsession with war into...

Theodore J. Kaczynski – Schriften aus dem Gefängnis
13.03.2019, 12:15 Uhr. Neue Debatte - https: - Die Welt gerät aus den Fugen. Schuld soll das System sein. Einige bekämpfen es mit Gewalt. Doch was ist das System? Ein Auszug aus dem Buch "Schriften aus dem Gefängnis" des Terroristen Theodore J. Kaczynski. Der Beitrag Theodore J. Kaczynski – Schriften aus dem Gefängnis erschien zuerst auf Neue Debatte....

Neues von der Kinderfickerfront: Papst Jorge Mario “Franziskus” Bergoglio setzt Ex-Kardinal Theodore McCarrick ab
17.02.2019, 04:38 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Pope Francis has expelled Theodore E. McCarrick, a former cardinal and archbishop of Washington, from the priesthood, after the church found him guilty of sexually abusing minors and adult seminarians over decades, the Vatican said on Saturday.The move appears to be the first time any cardinal has been defrocked for sexual abuse — marking a critical...

Der Ebook-Download am Montag: Pandas Cookbook
04.02.2019, 11:52 Uhr. Der Schockwellenreiter - - Heute meint es Packt Publishing im Rahmen der freien (frei wie 🍺 Freibier) und täglich wechselnden Ebook-Download-Aktion mal wieder gut mit uns 🐍 Pythonistas und offeriert uns das »Pandas Cookbook« von Theodore Petrou. Auf über 500 Seiten will uns die Schwarte in die Programmierung der Python-Bibliothek für die Verwaltung und Analyse...

Neues von der Kinderfickerfront: Vatikan nimmt Zeugenaussage gegen McCarrick auf
05.01.2019, 07:55 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Im Verfahren gegen den ehemaligen Kardinal Theodore McCarrick hat der Vatikan die Zeugenaussagen eines Mannes entgegengenommen, der nach eigenen Angaben seit seinem 11. Lebensjahr von dem ehemaligen Washingtoner Erzbischof sexuell missbraucht wurde. Dieser Vorgang ist ein Beleg dafür, dass in dem Verfahren gegen McCarrick nun auch der Vorwurf schwerer...

Der Ebook Download am Sonntag: Pandas Cookbook
23.09.2018, 12:00 Uhr. Der Schockwellenreiter - - Dieses Wochenende verwöhnt uns Packt Publishing im Rahmen des freien (frei wie 🍺 Freibier) und täglich wechselnden Ebook-Downloads. War es gestern ein Buch zu React, so ist es heute das »Pandas Cookbook« von Theodore Petrou, das mich zwingt, meinen geheiligten Wochenend-Hiatus zu unterbrechen. Denn das Kochbuch ist beinahe 500 Seiten fett...

Neueste    Heute    02.06.2024    01.06.2024    + Doppelte News