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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

US Initial Jobless Claims Refuse To Budge From Near Record Lows
23.05.2024, 14:38 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Initial Jobless Claims Refuse To Budge From Near Record Lows According to the magical data providers at the US Department of Labor, just 215,000 Americans filed for jobless benefits for the first time last week (down from the prior week's 223,000).   Source: Bloomberg Of course, back in the real world, this is what we have seen this year... 1. Everybuddy:...

Reality Dawns? Initial Jobless Claims Suddenly Spike To Highest In 9 Months
09.05.2024, 14:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Reality Dawns? Initial Jobless Claims Suddenly Spike To Highest In 9 Months With WARNs high, payrolls slowing, JOLTS data tumbling - led by construction jobs collapsing, and Challenger-Grey layoffs remarkably elevated, why would anyone question the government's official data on jobless claims - that continue to languish (in a good way) near record lows...

Thursday Humor: Jobless Claims
02.05.2024, 14:36 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Thursday Humor: Jobless Claims With WARNs high, JOLTS data tumbling - led construction jobs collapsing, and Challenger-Grey layoffs remarkably elevated, why would anyone question the government's official data on jobless claims - that continues to languish (in a good way) near record lows. Last week saw 208,000 Americans file for jobless benefits for...

Futures Jump As Tech Giants Soar, Yen Plummets After BOJ Refuses To Prop Up Crashing Currency
26.04.2024, 14:19 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Jump As Tech Giants Soar, Yen Plummets After BOJ Refuses To Prop Up Crashing Currency In a rollercoaster 48 hours to close the week, yesterday's early market slump (after the disappointing Meta guidance) has been fully reversed and stock futures are now pointing sharply higher after blockbuster earnings from Microsoft and Alphabet with attention...

Initial & Continuing Jobless Claims Continue To Ignore Reality
25.04.2024, 14:39 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Initial & Continuing Jobless Claims Continue To Ignore Reality In the real world labor market, 2024 has been a shitshow of layoffs... 1. Everybuddy: 100% of workforce 2. Wisense: 100% of workforce 3. CodeSee: 100% of workforce 4. Twig: 100% of workforce 5. Twitch: 35% of workforce 6. Roomba: 31% of workforce 7. Bumble: 30% of workforce 8. Farfetch:...

Jobless Claims Remains Deader Than Joe Biden's 'Uncle Bosey'
18.04.2024, 14:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jobless Claims Remains Deader Than Joe Biden's 'Uncle Bosey' In the real world labor market, 2024 has been a shitshow of layoffs... 1. Everybuddy: 100% of workforce 2. Wisense: 100% of workforce 3. CodeSee: 100% of workforce 4. Twig: 100% of workforce 5. Twitch: 35% of workforce 6. Roomba: 31% of workforce 7. Bumble: 30% of workforce 8. Farfetch: 25%...

Die Haie organisieren sich – EU-Kommission stellt Stahlfusion von Thyssenkrupp mit Tata in Frage
11.11.2018, 08:49 Uhr. Linke Zeitung - https: - von Willi Hendricks – Bild: Bearbeitung von Stahlbrammen bei Thyssenkrupp in Duisburg-Süd (Foto: Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe) Großaktionäre und Finanzinvestoren setzen nicht nur den Thyssenkrupp-Vorstand und -Aufsichtsrat massiv unter Druck, sie beeinflussen selbst Entscheidungen der EU-Wettbewerbskommission in Brüssel...

Zu Lust und Risiken des Kapitalverkehrs: Guidos Teilungsplan [Online-Abo]
05.10.2018, 19:31 Uhr. junge Welt - https: - Ei, da gratulieren wir doch Guido Kerkhoff. Er war erst im Juli zum CEO (so nennt man heute die Vorstandsvorsitzenden in deutschen Konzernen) von Thyssen-Krupp ernannt worden...

Thyssen-Krupp vor Aufspaltung: Genau hinschauen
28.09.2018, 19:30 Uhr. junge Welt - https: - IG Metall verlangt unabhängige Prüfung der Pläne für die Aufspaltung von Thyssen-Krupp....

MKS180: Fregattenallianz
11.08.2018, 13:56 Uhr. Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) - - Vor einiger Zeit flog ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) aus dem Rennen um die Vergabe von vier Mehrzweckkampfschiffen MKS-180 im Wert von 3,5 Mrd. Euro (siehe IMI-Aktuell 2018/151). Nun scheint das Unternehmen zu versuchen, über eine Allianz mit seinem bisherigen Konkurrenten (…)Read the rest of this entry »...

Industrie: Heuschrecken knabbern Stahl
22.07.2018, 19:31 Uhr. junge Welt - https: - Hedgefonds gewinnen an Einfluss bei Thyssen-Krupp. Gewerkschaft befürchtet Zerschlagung des Konzerns. Kanzlerin duckt sich weg...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News