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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Canada's Oil Resurgence Is Doomed Without Younger Workers
30.05.2024, 21:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Canada's Oil Resurgence Is Doomed Without Younger Workers By Tsvetana Paraskova of Canada's oil industry is booming, but companies in its top oil-producing province, Alberta, are struggling to hire and retain skilled talent to seize the opportunity of greater market access that the expanded Trans Mountain oil pipeline provides.   Canadian...

Top Medical Journal Slaps Down Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth For Unscientific Trans Activism
29.05.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Top Medical Journal Slaps Down Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth For Unscientific Trans Activism Authored by Paul Thacker via The Disinformation Chronicle, In a shot across the bow against Scientific American’s continued descent into unscientific twaddle, a BMJ investigation documented over a dozen social media posts by editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth...

Trans Sports Agenda: Drag Queens Carry The Olympic Torch To Launch Summer Games
27.05.2024, 15:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Trans Sports Agenda: Drag Queens Carry The Olympic Torch To Launch Summer Games The push for public acceptance of trans athletes has been relentless for the past few years.  The agenda has been forced to the forefront of western social discourse despite the fact that the majority of people polled believe trans athletes should not be allowed to compete...

'Mises Caucus Just Exploded': Libertarian Party Nominates Left-Winger Chase Oliver
27.05.2024, 14:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Mises Caucus Just Exploded': Libertarian Party Nominates Left-Winger Chase Oliver After seven rounds of balloting stretching over seven hours -- and coming close to nominating nobody -- the Libertarian Party gave its presidential nomination to the decidedly left-leaning Chase Oliver on Sunday night in Washington DC.  The result was a devastating upset...

"We're Numb" To Chaos: Baltimore Crowned America's Overdose Capital
25.05.2024, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "We're Numb" To Chaos: Baltimore Crowned America's Overdose Capital "Walking through the streets of Baltimore City, especially on the west side, feels like navigating a warzone. Drug gangs have taken over entire neighborhoods, and the police are nowhere to be found. We've all become numb to the violence, with shootings and drug overdoses around the...

The Unifying Principle: Here's Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended
24.05.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Unifying Principle: Here's Why The Political Divisions In The US Today Cannot Be Mended Authored by Brandon Smith via, Recently I was watching a short documentary about the history of political discourse and division in the US and it got me thinking about how the internal conflicts of the past might relate to the rampant social battles...

Bill Maher: Some Of Transgenderism Is A "TikTok Challenge That Got Out Of Hand"
21.05.2024, 18:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bill Maher: Some Of Transgenderism Is A "TikTok Challenge That Got Out Of Hand" Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, During an appearance on Fox News, liberal broadcaster Bill Maher asserted that in some cases, transgenderism is just a “TikTok challenge that got out of hand.” Maher asserted that the United States was now an “outlier”...

KIKA will Trans-Wahn fördern – und macht dafür Schnecken und Fische zu Säugetieren
20.05.2024, 12:01 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Auf dem öffentlich-rechtlichen Kinderkanal (KIKA) wird aktuell die LGBTQ-Agenda durch eine Fernsehserie beworben, die sich um einen Jungen dreht, der sich als trans identifiziert. Die Reaktionen in den sozialen Netzen sind gemischt: Während Woke allgemein ganz hingerissen auf jedwede Propaganda für Geschlechtsverwirrung reagieren, zeigen sich andere...

Get Woke, Go Broke: New "Queer" 'Doctor Who' Suffers Worst Ratings In Series History
16.05.2024, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Get Woke, Go Broke: New "Queer" 'Doctor Who' Suffers Worst Ratings In Series History Woke activists today often like to hearken back to nostalgic media from the 1960s; what they consider the golden era or genesis moment of far-left movements in British and US history.  These were the days when being a progressive was considered "counter-culture" and...

Mississippi Passes Law Banning Trans-Friendly Bathroom Policies In Public Schools
16.05.2024, 02:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mississippi Passes Law Banning Trans-Friendly Bathroom Policies In Public Schools A lot of Americans are asking how we so quickly got to a point where a man could simply declare he is the opposite sex, throw on a wig and a leotard, and then walk into a women's restroom while being protected by government officials?  In some Democrat controlled states...

Ackman Badgered By Rich Wokes At Closed-Door Milken Session
11.05.2024, 17:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ackman Badgered By Rich Wokes At Closed-Door Milken Session At this week’s Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, while the financial elite discussed artificial intelligence and Elon Musk's latest ventures, a crucial and fiery debate on diversity unfolded behind closed doors. About 40 attendees, including influential Wall Street figures...

7 Numbers That Clearly Reveal The Direction That America Has Chosen
07.05.2024, 23:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 7 Numbers That Clearly Reveal The Direction That America Has Chosen Authored by Michael Snyder via, Over the past several decades, America’s culture has been transformed at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  When I was growing up, I was convinced that I believed in a shared set of national values that most other Americans...

New Star Wars Animated Series Features A 'They/Them' Jedi
07.05.2024, 21:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - New Star Wars Animated Series Features A 'They/Them' Jedi Authored by Steve Watson via, Disney+ is taking more flak for crowbarring a them/them character into its latest Star Wars series. The animated show Tales of the Empire, is made up of six shorts, with one of the episodes featuring a non-binary Jedi. In a scene below, the they/them...

Title IX Rule Change On Gender Triggers Lawsuits From 15 States
07.05.2024, 20:04 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Title IX Rule Change On Gender Triggers Lawsuits From 15 States Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Republican-led states are suing the Biden administration and advising schools to ignore the new federal Title IX changes that expand sex discrimination protection to students who identify as the opposite sex, or...

The Path Of Least Resistance: Northwestern Reaches Controversial Settlement With Pro-Palestinian Protesters
01.05.2024, 21:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Path Of Least Resistance: Northwestern Reaches Controversial Settlement With Pro-Palestinian Protesters Authored by Jonathan Turley, Northwestern University has agreed to a controversial settlement with pro-Palestinian protesters encamped on its campus this week, including a commitment for scholarships for Palestinians, Palestinian faculty appointments...

'Chestfeeding' And Other Transgender Terms Banned In NHS By UK Government
30.04.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Chestfeeding' And Other Transgender Terms Banned In NHS By UK Government Authored by Steve Watson via, The UK government is updating the constitution of the National Health Service specifically to expunge the creeping effort to ‘transition’ medical language by radical gender ideologists. The move is being taken to ensure hospitals...

Scottish First Minister Quits After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law'
29.04.2024, 14:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Scottish First Minister Quits After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law' Just over a year after coming into office, despite his infamous racist tirade against 'white' Scotland... Scotland’s First Minister is resigning in disgrace. HumzaYousaf’s legacy includes the hatred of Scottish people, a mainstreaming of American leftist woke politics, and a pro-Gaza...

UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory 'Fat Positivity' Class
27.04.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UCLA Students Forced To Take Mandatory 'Fat Positivity' Class Authored by Steve Watson via, UCLA medical school is under fire for forcing students to attend ‘health equity’ classes where ‘fat positivity’ is promoted, and reading material claims that the medical term ‘obesity’ is a slur “used to exact violence on fat people...

UK Government-Funded Trans-Lobbyist Group Calls Puberty Blockers "Wonderful"
25.04.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK Government-Funded Trans-Lobbyist Group Calls Puberty Blockers "Wonderful" Authored by Steve Watson via, A government funded LGBT activist group that is active in more than half of Scotland’s schools has called puberty blocking drugs, which effectively sterilise children, “wonderful.” LGBT Youth Scotland, which is registered as...

Tennessee Republicans Pass Law Allowing Teachers To Be Armed - Democrats Cry "Fascism"
24.04.2024, 17:49 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Tennessee Republicans Pass Law Allowing Teachers To Be Armed - Democrats Cry "Fascism" Tennessee House Republicans on Tuesday passed legislation to allow some trained teachers and school staff to carry firearms despite aggressive opposition from Democrats and gun control advocates calling for the bill to be defeated.  The bill is all but guaranteed...

Scientific American Claims It Is "Misinformation" That There Are Just Two Sexes
24.04.2024, 03:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Scientific American Claims It Is "Misinformation" That There Are Just Two Sexes Authored by Steve Watson via, Scientific American has published a piece claiming that “misinformation,” such as the notion that there are only two sexes, is “being used against transgender people” and in order to target “gender-affirming medical...

Activist Who Called On Trans Women To "Arm Up" Enraged By Conservative Media Coverage
22.04.2024, 23:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Activist Who Called On Trans Women To "Arm Up" Enraged By Conservative Media Coverage Is biological men forcing their way into women's bathrooms really a hill worth dying on?  Transgender activist "Tara Jay" (originally named Thomas Jay White) seems to think so.  A year ago Thomas made a TikTok that went viral, calling on trans women (men) to 'arm...

UK Physiotherapist Leaders Announce Goal To "Eradicate" Critics Of Gender Ideology From The Profession
21.04.2024, 13:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK Physiotherapist Leaders Announce Goal To "Eradicate" Critics Of Gender Ideology From The Profession Authored by Bryndis Blackadder via Reduxx, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), which is the “professional body” and trade union which represents member physiotherapists in the UK, has launched its first “definitive position statement...

Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools
20.04.2024, 18:18 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bill Maher Calls Out Hollywood Pedophilia And The Gay Agenda In Schools It's not the easiest thing for a person to step away from their peer group and question the dogmatic political path the mob has chosen to follow.  When it comes to the woke left, stepping out of line is doubly difficult because any deviation from the approved ideology usually means...

Utah Students Stage Walkout To Protest 'Barking And Biting Furries' In The Classroom
20.04.2024, 15:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Utah Students Stage Walkout To Protest 'Barking And Biting Furries' In The Classroom American schools have changed a lot in just the past five years.  Not long ago, it was understood by even the most progressive educators that some rules need to be put in place to keep kids in check.  Structure has always been a good thing for small people with developing...

Bread And Circuses: What It Means For Once-Great Nations
15.04.2024, 04:58 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bread And Circuses: What It Means For Once-Great Nations Authored by Nicole James via The Epoch Times, Democracy, that ever-so-fleeting fancy, has a tendency to tumble into a bit of a tizz before it topples over, panting and gasping like a winded walrus. John Adams, ever the prophet of doom, once quipped, “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes...

20 Women Soccer Players Withdraw From League Over Transgender Players
13.04.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 20 Women Soccer Players Withdraw From League Over Transgender Players Authored by Jim Birchall via The Epoch Times, Concerns over the physical safety of female-born football (soccer) players competing against transgender athletes have compelled at least 20 players to quit, according to a source from within a Sydney-based league. Calling itself the “biggest...

Line-Dancing Troupe Ejected From Contest After Audience "Triggered" By US Flag Outfits
12.04.2024, 18:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Line-Dancing Troupe Ejected From Contest After Audience "Triggered" By US Flag Outfits Authored by Steve Watson via, A troupe of line dancing women were effectively booted out of a contest in Seattle after some members of the audience complained that they had been “triggered” by the stars and stripes outfits of the performers. The...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News