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Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

Bud Dajo oder Die Orchestrierung des Grauens
30.05.2024, 12:03 Uhr. NachDenkSeiten – Die kritische Website - https: - Anfang Mai erschien im New Yorker Verlag PublicAffairs/Hachette Book Group mit „Massacre in the Clouds: An American Atrocity and the Erasure of History“ („Massaker in den Wolken: Eine amerikanische Gräueltat und die Auslöschung von Geschichte“) aus der Feder des dänisch-britischen Historikers Kim A. Wagner ein längst überfälliges...

Kery, Wagner, Zilk, Van der Bellen: Freimaurer-Politiker in Österreich
18.05.2024, 10:43 Uhr. Report24 - https: - In Österreich existiert seit 1742 eine lange Tradition der Freimaurerei. Nur wird nicht über die „Freimaurerpolitik“ in der Alpenrepublik gesprochen. Denn viele Politiker waren und sind dabei, die sich das Logenschürzl umbanden. Es ist also mehr als an der Zeit, einige dieser Personen der Zeitgeschichte und Freimaurer näher unter die Lupe zu...

Russia Orders UK Defense Attaché Out Of The Country In Tit-For-Tat
17.05.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Orders UK Defense Attaché Out Of The Country In Tit-For-Tat Russia has hit back at the UK's latest diplomatic moves against Moscow, on Thursday ordering the expulsion of the British defense attache from the country. "The defense attaché at the British Embassy in Moscow, A. T. Coghill, has been declared persona non grata. He must leave the territory...

Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons
14.05.2024, 23:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons A top British intelligence official has issued a new alarmist warning concerning the 'Russian threat' to the West. Anne Keast-Butler, who for the last year has headed up the UK's GCHQ, or signals intelligence operations (which is the equivalent of America's...

Kampfsportler trotz Embolie weiter geboostert: Heute ist er auf Hilfe anderer angewiesen
12.05.2024, 11:55 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Durch Covid-Injektionen wurde der ehemalige MMA-Kampfsportler Rudolf Wagner zum Beinahe-Pflegefall. In einem exklusiven Interview schildert der Arbeiter aus Oberösterreich AUF1-Moderatorin Isabelle Janotka seinen tragischen Leidensweg....

Russian Troops Enter Air Base Hosting US Soldiers In Post-Coup Niger
03.05.2024, 21:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russian Troops Enter Air Base Hosting US Soldiers In Post-Coup Niger US diplomats and the Pentagon have been in retreat from the West African nation of Niger, while also scrambling to maintain some influence there, following the junta seizing power in a coup in July 2023. Niger's military toppled the US-friendly government of President Mohamed Bazoum...

Biden To Withdraw Troops From Niger As Region Increasingly Turns To Russia
21.04.2024, 13:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Biden To Withdraw Troops From Niger As Region Increasingly Turns To Russia In what is simultaneously a humiliating setback for the Deep State and a welcome victory for noninterventionist American taxpayers, the White House on Friday announced that US military forces will be withdrawn from Niger over the coming months. The move comes after Niger's mid-March...

Amid Budget Shortfall, San Francisco Reexamines Tax Burden On Big Businesses
21.04.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Amid Budget Shortfall, San Francisco Reexamines Tax Burden On Big Businesses Authored by Brian Back via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Facing mounting budget woes this election year, as spending far outpaces revenues, the City of San Francisco is scrambling to reform its infamously large and complex tax burden on business. Several San Francisco companies...

France Takes Down Fake Ukraine War Recruitment Website Targeting Immigrants
29.03.2024, 20:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - France Takes Down Fake Ukraine War Recruitment Website Targeting Immigrants In a bizarre and unprecedented situation, France has flagged what officials are calling a fake recruitment website which seeks volunteers to fight on behalf of Ukraine in the with Russia. It reportedly was made to look official, to the point of misleadingly presenting itself...

Wie die RKI-Files das Spiel ändern
28.03.2024, 11:33 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Die vom veröffentlichten RKI-Files ändern das Spiel. Aber nicht nur das Pandemie-Spiel. Ein Wiederfinden der Balance ist möglich.Die RKI-Files belegen, wie die Argumente der Kritiker während der Corona-“Pandemie” nicht nur von aussen an die Regierung herangetragen wurden; nein, dieselben Argumente hatten auch die...

NSF Paid Universities To Develop AI Censorship Tools For Social Media
28.03.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NSF Paid Universities To Develop AI Censorship Tools For Social Media By Daniel Nuccio of The College Fix "Used by governments and Big Tech to shape public opinion by restricting certain viewpoints or promoting others’: report The National Science Foundation is paying universities using taxpayer money to create AI tools that can be used to censor...

US Military Desperately Seeking To Stay In Niger Despite Order To Leave
21.03.2024, 01:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - US Military Desperately Seeking To Stay In Niger Despite Order To Leave The Pentagon is desperately seeking to stay in Niger despite the military-led government telling US troops to leave in the wake of accusations from American officials that Niger could be poised to transfer uranium to Iran. Niger was outraged at the allegations and rejected them...

 Weltjugendfestival: Putin spricht über Kooperation mit Deutschland
20.03.2024, 16:48 Uhr. - https: - Vom 1. bis 8. März fand das Weltjugendfestival in Sotschi (Russland) statt. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung beantwortete der russische Präsident Fragen von Teilnehmern aus aller Welt. Ein Meinungsbeitrag von Christian Wagner. Das Weltjugendfestival hat eine lange Geschichte und fand erstmals 1947 in Prag und 1951 in Berlin als sozialistisches Event...

Niger Severs Ties With US Military After Alarm Raised Junta Will Supply Uranium To Iran
18.03.2024, 13:14 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Niger Severs Ties With US Military After Alarm Raised Junta Will Supply Uranium To Iran Niger announced over the weekend that it is suspending military cooperation with the United States, in a significant blow to the Pentagon's presence in West Africa, which is likely to result in Washington being forced to withdraw its troops, also in a major blow...

Hertz CEO Out As Firm Seeks Traction After Big EV Bet Goes Bust
16.03.2024, 23:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hertz CEO Out As Firm Seeks Traction After Big EV Bet Goes Bust CEO Stephen Scherr's barely two-year ride with Hertz came to a screeching halt on Friday. In his wake, he leaves a company still working to recover from a big bet on electric vehicles gone bad. It will do so under new CEO Gil West, whose previous posts include executive roles at Delta...

AUSDRUCK (März 2024)
15.03.2024, 11:01 Uhr. Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) - https: - ———————————————————- AUSDRUCK – Das IMI-Magazin Ausgabe März 2024 Schwerpunkt: Kriegstüchtig Gesamte Ausgabe hier herunterladen ———————————————————- INHALTSVERZEICHNIS SCHWERPUNKT — Editorial (Andreas Seifert und Jürgen Wagner) — Deutschland im Krieg (mit Russland)...

Wagner ist jetzt das Afrikakorps. Und es steht in der Sahara
04.03.2024, 07:30 Uhr. - https: - Russlands Militärbasen in Westafrika werden helfen, den Neokolonialismus zu beenden Änderungen in der Architektur der Weltmachtzentren verstärkten unerwartet den militärischen Einfluss Russlands in der Sahara-Sahel-Region, die sich zwischen Nord- (Magrib) und Westafrika vom Roten Meer bis zum Atlantik erstreckt. Fast alle westafrikanischen Länder...

No, The Court Is Not "Slow Walking" The Trump Immunity Case
04.03.2024, 00:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - No, The Court Is Not "Slow Walking" The Trump Immunity Case Authored by Jonathan Turley, The decision of the Supreme Court to review the immunity question in the Trump prosecution has brought forth the usual (and a couple not so usual) attacks on the integrity of the Court.  While some are calling the justices now part of the “insurrection,” others...

Dossier des Grauens – Strafanzeige gegen die Fahnenträger der Lüge (des RKI und PEI)
20.02.2024, 23:13 Uhr. Der Nachrichtenspiegel - https: - RA Wilfried Schmitz, Mitglied der RA-Kammer Köln An die Staatsanwaltschaft Leipzig Alfred-Kästner-Str. 47 04275 Leipzig AZ: 18/2024                                                                        Selfkant, den 19.2.2024   Strafanzeige gegen Dr. med. Ole Wichman (RKI), Dr...

Die Anstalt – kabarettistisches Feigenblatt des ZDF
14.02.2024, 11:12 Uhr. QPress - https: - Die Anstalt, kabarettistisches Glanzlicht des ZDF, ist in den letzten Jahren im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes auf den Hund gekommen. Die Anpassung an die Sender-Richtlinie und der neue Wohlverhaltenskodex sind auch an Uthoff und von Wagner nicht vorbeigeschrammt. Sie haben sich gut eingelebt in die schöne neue Glanzwelt, in der man richtig heiße Eisen...

Is Africa Corps a Rebranded Wagner Group?
07.02.2024, 12:00 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - The death of Yevgeny Prigozhin has accelerated a shift in Russia’s interventions on the continent....

Oregon Supreme Court Blocks 10 Republicans From Running For Reelection
04.02.2024, 03:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Oregon Supreme Court Blocks 10 Republicans From Running For Reelection Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Ten Republican senators in Oregon cannot run for reelection, the state’s top court ruled on Feb. 1. The Oregon Senate in Salem, Ore., in a file image. (Amanda Loman/AP Photo) The court found that the senators are...

Visualizing The Events That Defined 2023
31.12.2023, 13:37 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Visualizing The Events That Defined 2023 Looking back at 2023, the year was defined by various international geopolitical events while the tech and business world kept a close eye on artificial intelligence’s advances in the first full year of the technology hitting its stride. This graphic from Visual Capitalist's upcoming 2024 Global Forecast Report looks...

Befehl zur Tötung von Prigoschin kam angeblich von Putin
28.12.2023, 11:17 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Vier Monate nach seinem Tod sorgt der tote Chef der russischen Söldnertruppe Wagner, Jewgeni Prigoschin immer noch für Erschütterungen auf breiter Ebene. Nicht nur in Russland. Das Wall Street Journal berichtete kurz vor Weihnachten, dass Putins enger Verbündeter und Sekretär des russischen Sicherheitsrates, Nikolai Patruschew, die Ermordung des...

Actors ‘Blacklisted’ For Unvaccinated Status Speak Out
23.12.2023, 22:19 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - Actor Dorian Kingi has spoken out about an unofficial ‘Blacklist’ that movie studios have created for people with unvaccinated status. Due to his vaccination status, actor, stunt performer, and director, Dorian Kingi claims he hasn’t had a work in the entertainment sector for three years. The Emmy-winning actress Lindsay Wagner and...

Welt-Redakteurin: Verunreinigungen im Impfstoff – Langzeitfolge Lymphknotenkrebs
23.12.2023, 18:00 Uhr. - https: - In einem aktuellen Artikel der Welt thematisiert die impfgeschädigte Welt-Angestellte Elke Boderas, das Thema Gentherapeutika im Zusammenhang mit dem BioNTech/Pfizer Impfstoff. Aufgegriffen wird hierbei der inzwischen gelöschte mdr Beitrag der das Thema DNA-Verunreinigungen und die unterschiedliche Herstellung des BioNTech/Pfizer Impfstoffs thematisierte...

Actors Report Being 'Blacklisted' For Unvaccinated Status
22.12.2023, 20:13 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Actors Report Being 'Blacklisted' For Unvaccinated Status Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Actor, stunt performer, and director Dorian Kingi says he hasn’t had a job in the entertainment industry in three years because of his vaccine status. The SAG-AFTRA logo is displayed outside of the National Headquarters on Wilshire...

Verunreinigungen im Impfstoff: „Der Streit lenkt ab von den wahren Problemen beim mRNA-Impfstoff
22.12.2023, 06:19 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Wagner: Impfstoffe werden in den Muskel gespritzt und gelangen in die Lymphknoten. Die neuen mRNA-Impfstoffe enthalten Nanocarrier, die das Genmaterial in die Zelle transportieren. Sie schmelzen sich dabei durch die Zellmembranen hindurch. In den Lymphknoten gibt es Zellen, die sehr leicht mutieren können. Wenn solch ein Nanocarrier die DNA in eine...

Biontech "hätte die Diskussionen leicht beenden können, wenn es von sich aus offengelegt hätte, wie viel Rest-DNA in seinen Chargen enthalten ist"
22.12.2023, 00:39 Uhr. Corona Doks - https: - Das ist zu lesen in einem Interview mit Dr. med. vet. Susanne Wagner auf am 21.12.23 (Bezahlschranke). Es steht unter der Überschrift "Der Streit lenkt ab von den wahren Problemen beim mRNA-Impfstoff". Wagner sieht das eigentliche Problem darin, daß "die Hersteller bis heute nicht zeigen mussten, wie lange die mRNA im menschlichen Körper...

«Schnittstelle Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) - völliges Versagen der Arzneimittelsicherheit»
16.12.2023, 21:25 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Das PEI ist in Deutschland für die Arzneimittelsicherheit zuständig. Gemeinsam mit dem Bundesministerium der Gesundheit sorgten sie aber mit den sog. “Impfstoffen” von BioNTech und Moderna dafür:Daten nicht zu erheben. Bestehende Erkenntnisse der medizinischen Wissenschaft nicht zu verarbeiten. Und Meldungen der Hersteller über signifikante...

NATO-AKTE Grimme-Preisträger Frieder Wagner im Interview: 16 Studien im Geheimarchiv bei der WHO
16.12.2023, 01:15 Uhr. - - AKTUELLESDEMOKRATIE – MEDIEN – AUFKLÄRUNG NATO-AKTE Grimme-Preisträger Frieder Wagner: 16 Studien im Geheimarchiv bei der WHO 15. Dezember 2023Webredaktion51 ViewsInterview, Irak, Irakkrieg, Krebserkrankungen, Todesopfer, Uranmunition, USA, Video Interview von Anneliese Fikentscher mit Frieder...

NATO-Akte: Grimme-Preisträger Frieder Wagner – Abgereicherte Uranmunition
13.12.2023, 10:45 Uhr. - https: - Mit zwei Dokumentarfilmen (u.a. Deadly Dust) und dem Buch „Todesstaub made in USA – Uranmunition verseucht die Welt“ stellt der Regisseur und Grimme-Preisträger Frieder Wagner umfassendes Material aus umfangreichen Recherchen und wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung, um sich ein Bild über die Gefährlichkeit...

Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid
09.12.2023, 01:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Formally Announces 2024 Election Bid As was long anticipated, Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a formal announcement saying he's seeking re-election in 2024 - a vote that will be held between March 15 and March 17, 2024. The winner will be inaugurated in early May. Assuming a Putin victory, it would be his fifth term as head of state...

MSM Admits "Magical Thinking" Guided Its Reporting On Ukraine... Many Thousands Of Deaths Later
17.11.2023, 20:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - MSM Admits "Magical Thinking" Guided Its Reporting On Ukraine... Many Thousands Of Deaths Later A very short while ago, any US politician or media pundit publicly calling for peace negotiations in Ukraine with Russia's Putin was branded 'pro-Kremlin' and somehow compromised. For example, mainstream media has sought to isolate and cancel thinkers like...

WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA's Shadow
12.11.2023, 00:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA's Shadow Consider the source (and the timing)... No lesser deep-state mouthpiece than The Washington Post just dropped a bombshell with the revelation that Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky "was integral to the brazen sabotage operation"...

Hezbollah Escalates Rocket Attacks Amid Reports Russia Could Supply Anti-Air System
02.11.2023, 22:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hezbollah Escalates Rocket Attacks Amid Reports Russia Could Supply Anti-Air System Since the start of the Gaza war in the wake of the Oct.7 Hamas terror raids, Israel's northern border has suffered almost daily rocket attacks, mainly from Hezbollah out of south Lebanon. However, the conflict there has been by and large "contained" thus far, despite...

We Didn't Start The Fire
29.10.2023, 16:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - We Didn't Start The Fire By Peter Tchir of Academy Securities There is so much going on in the world that it is difficult to keep track. On Wednesday Academy published its latest Around the World. By Friday, we needed to publish a SITREP on the U.S. Airstrikes in Syria. This was all on the back of The Middle East – A Difficult Week and Increasing...

Ukraine Claims It Has Entire Battalion Of Russian Citizens Who Rebelled Against Putin
27.10.2023, 10:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukraine Claims It Has Entire Battalion Of Russian Citizens Who Rebelled Against Putin Ukraine claims to have formed an entire military battalion of Russian citizens who have revolted against Putin's government and desire to fight on behalf of Kiev. Bloomberg and others this week have reported on the establishment of the 'Sibir' (or Siberia) battalion...

Neue Seidenstraße als Friedensprojekt der Menschheit
20.10.2023, 08:08 Uhr. - https: - Ein Meinungsbeitrag von Christian Wagner. Die Welt verändert sich zunehmend von einer Unipolaren in eine Multipolare Weltordnung. Während in der westlichen Hemisphäre ein kultureller, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Zusammenbruch immer mehr zur traurigen Lebensrealität der Bevölkerung wird, formen sich in der Mehrheit der gesamten Welt neue Strukturen...

Jordan Faces Six (Or More?) Holdouts For Speaker As Tuesday Floor Vote Looms
17.10.2023, 16:37 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Jordan Faces Six (Or More?) Holdouts For Speaker As Tuesday Floor Vote Looms The House will vote on Tuesday for a new Speaker, a vote in which Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) can only lose four Republicans in his quest for 217 votes. The first vote is scheduled to be held at Noon today. While Jordan has picked up key support from holdouts heading into the vote...

House Republicans In Chaos After Scalise Drops Out Of Speaker's Race; Jordan To Run Again
13.10.2023, 16:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - House Republicans In Chaos After Scalise Drops Out Of Speaker's Race; Jordan To Run Again After the withdrawal of Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) from the GOP House Speaker's race, the chamber has been paralyzed and is unable to push through legislation as a Nov. 17 government funding deadline looms. Scalise on Thursday threw in the gavel, just...

Costco Is Selling Out Of Gold Bars. The Economic Crisis Can No Longer Be Hidden...
06.10.2023, 21:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Costco Is Selling Out Of Gold Bars. The Economic Crisis Can No Longer Be Hidden... Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog, These days, at Costco, it seems like you can get whatever you need for the Zombie Apocalypse. A savvy shopper can purchase anything from a massive bulk pack of toilet paper they can barely fit into the trunk of their...

Putin On Prigozhin Death: Wagner Leaders Got Drunk, High, & Played With Grenades Aboard Plane
05.10.2023, 23:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin On Prigozhin Death: Wagner Leaders Got Drunk, High, & Played With Grenades Aboard Plane President Vladimir Putin just floated the most interesting - and let's say, colorful - theory to date on why Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane went down outside Moscow on August 23. While much of Western reporting and even Russian media itself have described the Wagner...

Why Did People Comply?
02.10.2023, 04:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Did People Comply? Authored by Maximilien Lacour via The Brownstone Institute, On Monday 16th of March 2020, when Boris Johnson first proclaimed, “You must stay home,” I very meekly said “OK!” And the chances are that you did too.  Polling from the time shows that self-reported compliance with the stay-at-home orders was high – a finding...

Russian Mystery Plane That Landed In Pyongyang Making Washington Nervous
30.09.2023, 04:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russian Mystery Plane That Landed In Pyongyang Making Washington Nervous A Russian 'mystery plane' spotted in North Korea is making Washington nervous, after Kim Jong Un visited Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin this moth. The two leaders, deemed 'rogue' actors by the West, are believed to have discussed and possibly inked a weapons deal...

Putin Crowns New Wagner Chief, Tasked With Sending Fighters Back To Ukraine
29.09.2023, 18:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Crowns New Wagner Chief, Tasked With Sending Fighters Back To Ukraine The future fate and leadership of PMC Wagner has become clearer on Friday, following the Aug. 23 death of Yevgeny Prigozhin and much of his senior leadership when their private plane went down outside Moscow while en route to St. Petersburg. It is believed that either a bomb...

Wagner Fighters Have Returned To Ukraine Battlefield: CNN
28.09.2023, 18:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Wagner Fighters Have Returned To Ukraine Battlefield: CNN CNN has cited Ukrainian military sources to say that Wagner fighters have been redeployed to the battlefield in Ukraine, but this time under the Russian defense ministry.  Hundreds of Wagner fighters have reportedly appeared in the east, according to the Ukrainian sources. The last time the...

Surovikin könnte Wagner in Afrika wiederbeleben und der Westen stünde mit leeren Händen da
19.09.2023, 16:05 Uhr. - https: - General “Armageddon” in Algerien gesichtet, mit Mali und Niger in der Nähe Hochrangige Kader des russischen Verteidigungsministeriums, die früher Wagner beaufsichtigten oder Kontakt mit der Gruppe hatten, wurden in Afrika gesichtet. Sergej Surowikin, ehemaliger Kommandeur der Gemeinsamen Truppengruppe in der SVO-Zone, hält sich derzeit in Algerien...

tkp: Was haben Prigoschin, Wagner und die Revolutionen in Afrika miteinander zu tun?
04.09.2023, 09:01 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Neueste    Heute    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    + Doppelte News