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Neueste    Heute    18.06.2024    17.06.2024    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    14.06.2024    + Doppelte News  

An Army Special Forces Veteran Creates American Flags That Don't Burn
16.06.2024, 23:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - An Army Special Forces Veteran Creates American Flags That Don't Burn By Blake Stilwell if In many ways, Kyle Daniels is your typical Midwestern American. He grew up in a patriotic household, many of his family members joined the military, and his father was very meticulous about flag etiquette -- probably more so than your average American...

Der Petrodollar endete am 9. Juni 2024
16.06.2024, 23:19 Uhr. Home - https: - Das U.S.-Saudi-Petrodollar-Bündnis bildete für fünf Jahrzehnte die Grundlage der amerikanischen Weltmachtstellung. Nach dem Beitritt Saudi Arabiens zu den BRICS zeichnete sich ab, dass dies baldige Vergangenheit sein würde. Nun sind die Saudis auch in keinem Bündnis mehr mit den USA. er hinaus hat das Aufkommen neuer ölproduzierender Länder wie...

"There Seems To Be A Sense Of Incredulousness Around What Is Going On In The Markets"
16.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "There Seems To Be A Sense Of Incredulousness Around What Is Going On In The Markets" By Peter Tchir of Academy Securities Same but different A few topics that we have touched on over the past few months continue to be relevant. What is interesting is that a few of those topics now seem to have garnered far more attention than in the past. Discrepancies...

Eight Israeli Soldiers Killed In One Of Single Deadliest Incidents Since Oct 7
16.06.2024, 21:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Eight Israeli Soldiers Killed In One Of Single Deadliest Incidents Since Oct 7 The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Saturday suffered a mass casualty event in southern Gaza after a Hamas attack scored a direct hit on an armored vehicle which was carrying a group of soldiers. Eight Israeli solders were killed after the infantry transport vehicle was hit...

Musk Says "Eliminate Electronic Voting Machines" After Dominion's Puerto Rican Imbroglio
16.06.2024, 20:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Musk Says "Eliminate Electronic Voting Machines" After Dominion's Puerto Rican Imbroglio Elon Musk on Saturday suggested that electronic voting machines should not be used in elections, as "The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high." Musk was responding to the recent news that Puerto Rico is 'reviewing' their contract...

'Annexation & Elimination' Of Taiwan Is China's Great National Cause, President Lai Says
16.06.2024, 19:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Annexation & Elimination' Of Taiwan Is China's Great National Cause, President Lai Says Taiwan's recently installed new President William Lai Ching-te issued a blistering critique of China in a speech on Sunday while calling on Taiwan's people to resolutely determine their own fate. He addressed cadets and officers at the Whampoa Military Academy in...

Prepare For The Repricing Of Risk Globally
16.06.2024, 17:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Prepare For The Repricing Of Risk Globally Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, There are no more "saves" available for the next market meltdown. The past 24 years can be viewed as an era in which risk declined due to the dynamics of globalization and financialization. The ascent of China as "workshop of the world" generated a deflationary...

Sick Of The "Grotesque Game Of Pretend" Being Played Around Joe Biden...
16.06.2024, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sick Of The "Grotesque Game Of Pretend" Being Played Around Joe Biden... Authored by Jim Kunstler via, “Biden is not well. Everyone knows this even those who support him... the difference is they don’t care and that’s the most frightening aspect of this situation.” - Edward Dowd They’re kidding, right? That “Joe Biden” is...

Education Nightmare: Baltimore & Chicago Public Schools Spend, Spend, Spend As Test Scores Drop 
16.06.2024, 15:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Education Nightmare: Baltimore & Chicago Public Schools Spend, Spend, Spend As Test Scores Drop  Baltimore City and Chicago Public Schools are spending taxpayer monies like there's no tomorrow, yet math and reading test scores are shockingly low. Radical leftists, who are embedded in these school systems, along with the officials in City Halls...

What Gantz’s Exit Reveals About Israel’s Failed Gaza Strategy
16.06.2024, 15:33 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post What Gantz’s Exit Reveals About Israel’s Failed Gaza Strategy...

What Causes Stagflation?
16.06.2024, 15:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Causes Stagflation? Authored by Frank Shostak via The Mises Institute, In the late 1960s Edmund Phelps and Milton Friedman challenged the popular view that there can be a sustainable trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In fact, over time, according to Phelps and Friedman, loose central bank policies set the platform for lower economic...

NAACP Sues After School Goes Back To Confederate Name
16.06.2024, 14:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NAACP Sues After School Goes Back To Confederate Name The Virginia NAACP has sued a school board in Shenandoah Country after the district restored Confederate military names for two buildings - reversing what became a watershed moment in virtue signaling after dozens of schools changed their names following the 2020 death of George Floyd. Stonewall...

Acting As If It Weren’t Really So. “Ignorance of What is Really Going On…” “The Nightmare Which is Approaching”. Edward Curtin
16.06.2024, 13:50 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Acting As If It Weren’t Really So. “Ignorance of What is...

Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leak
16.06.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nashville Journalist Faces Jail Time Over Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leak A public records case over a leaked manifesto belonging to Audrey Hale, a transgender individual who shot up the Covenant School in a Nashville suburb - killing three 9-year-old children and three adults, has spiraled into a contentious legal battle which could see a journalist...

The Summer Of Living Dangerously
16.06.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Summer Of Living Dangerously Authored by Pepe Escobar, So Le Petit Roi in Paris was predictably crushed in the European polls. He has called parliamentary snap elections, dissolving the Assemblée Nationale in an act of blind, puerile revenge on French citizens, de facto attacking French institutional democracy. That doesn’t mean much anyway,...

Idaho schränkt das Recht ein, landwirtschaftliche Flächen zu bewässern
16.06.2024, 06:58 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - It's hard to understand why the department chooses to be so openly hostile to groundwater irrigators or why they decided to inflict widespread, massive curtailment on the state in a year when water is abundantly plentiful. This is not what sound resource management looks like. It's time for Idaho’s elected officials to step up and demonstrate true...

Chinese May Be 'Probing' American Military Readiness Through Base Breaches, Lawmaker Says
16.06.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Chinese May Be 'Probing' American Military Readiness Through Base Breaches, Lawmaker Says Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Fears of attacks on the homeland and foreign espionage stemming from the border crisis are growing in light of illegal immigrants breaching military bases as well as those with suspected...

The Crises And Sacrifices Yet To Come
16.06.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Crises And Sacrifices Yet To Come Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via Substack, The sense that we're approaching a tipping point into a crisis with no easy resolution is pervasive, a sense that beneath the veneer of normalcy (the Federal Reserve will lower interest rates and that will fix everything), we sense the precariousness of this brittle normalcy...

"Freaking Brilliant New Trend": Write "Vote Trump, End Taxes On Tips!" On Server Checks
16.06.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Freaking Brilliant New Trend": Write "Vote Trump, End Taxes On Tips!" On Server Checks About a week ago, former President Trump floated the idea of canceling taxes on tips at a campaign rally in Las Vegas. By Thursday of last week, Republican lawmakers were delighted by the idea and how it could generate new Trump voters ahead of the November elections...

"No Place in the Public Discourse": The Connecticut Bar Association Warns Lawyers Critical Of Trump Prosecutions
16.06.2024, 00:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "No Place in the Public Discourse": The Connecticut Bar Association Warns Lawyers Critical Of Trump Prosecutions Authored by Jonathan Turley via, This week, I have received emails from Connecticut bar members over a message posted by President Maggie Castinado, President-Elect James T. (Tim) Shearin, and Vice President Emily A. Gianquinto...

Neueste    Heute    18.06.2024    17.06.2024    16.06.2024    15.06.2024    14.06.2024    + Doppelte News