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Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine
31.05.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Expects NATO, And Possibly Poland In Particular, To Escalate The Proxy War In Ukraine Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, President Putin shared a lot of insight about the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine during the press conference that he held during his latest trip to Uzbekistan. The first point of relevance that he made is that...

Selected Articles: Israeli Missile Attack Turns Refugee Camp Into Rafah Hellscape
29.05.2024, 15:17 Uhr. Global Research - https: - Israeli Missile Attack Turns Refugee Camp Into Rafah Hellscape By Mike Whitney, May 29, 2024 On Sunday, Israel launched multiple missile strikes on a “safe zone” in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah. The explosions –which could be heard … The post Selected Articles: Israeli Missile Attack Turns Refugee Camp Into Rafah Hellscape appeared...

Ukrainian Special Recon Commander Confirmed That Kharkov's Border Was Undefended
21.05.2024, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ukrainian Special Recon Commander Confirmed That Kharkov's Border Was Undefended Authored by Andrew Korybko via Substack, BBC published a report over the weekend about how “The Russians simply walked in, Ukrainian troops in Kharkiv tell BBC”, citing special reconnaissance commander Denis Yaroslavsky.  According to him, “There was no first line...

Rail Union Warns German Train System Turning Into "Battleground" Thanks To Male Migrants
15.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Rail Union Warns German Train System Turning Into "Battleground" Thanks To Male Migrants Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, The head of a German rail union warns that the country’s train system is turning into a “battleground” thanks to a wave of violence and intimidation being unleashed by male asylum seekers against female staff...

Every Conservative Party In Europe Needs To Prepare For Mass Censorship, Warns Flemish MEP
03.05.2024, 12:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Every Conservative Party In Europe Needs To Prepare For Mass Censorship, Warns Flemish MEP By Thomas Brooke of In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Gerolf Annemans, the Vlaams Belang MEP and president of the European Identity and Democracy group, warns that even greater censorship of conservatives is just around the corner, and tells...

NYPD Warns Anti-Israel Protesters A 'Seattle-Style' Occupation Zone Won't Be Tolerated
26.04.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NYPD Warns Anti-Israel Protesters A 'Seattle-Style' Occupation Zone Won't Be Tolerated Authored by Patricia Tolson via The Epoch Times, As protests escalate across college and university campuses in the United States, a New York Police Department (NYPD) official vowed that a “Seattle-style” occupation zone will not be tolerated on the streets of...

The Great Game Returns To Central Asia
26.04.2024, 05:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Great Game Returns To Central Asia Via, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has reanimated US and EU interest in Central Asia. China has eclipsed Russia as the region's largest trade partner. Central Asian trade is diversifying away from Russia and towards the West. The Great Game is playing out once again in Central Asia, but it is getting...

NYU, Columbia, Yale Crack Down On Demonstrators As Anti-Israel Protests Intensify
23.04.2024, 16:19 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NYU, Columbia, Yale Crack Down On Demonstrators As Anti-Israel Protests Intensify Several pro-Palestinian protests at major universities have been forcibly shut down, as tension simmer over the Israel-Hamas war. NYU staff join protests (AFP via Getty Images) The protests, which have been growing in size and intensity over the last week, were met with...

Russia Mulls Security Buffer Zone As Ukraine Drones Shut Down 600,000 Barrels Of Daily Refining
18.03.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Mulls Security Buffer Zone As Ukraine Drones Shut Down 600,000 Barrels Of Daily Refining After Russian President Vladimir Putin's post-election victory speech and Q&A with the press wherein he first unveiled the possibility of creating a buffer zone between Ukrainian land and Russian border regions, the Kremlin has issued more details of the...

Putin Warns Of 'Full-Scale WW3' If West Sends Troops To Ukraine
18.03.2024, 16:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Warns Of 'Full-Scale WW3' If West Sends Troops To Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin's election victory speech and Q&A with the press was full of familiar themes, but he used the occasion after capturing a record 87% of the vote to warn the US and Europe that a "full-scale World War III" is "possible" should any Western troops enter Ukraine...

Labour MP Says "Millions Of White Men" 'Beat Or Murder' Women In The UK Every Week
29.02.2024, 09:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Labour MP Says "Millions Of White Men" 'Beat Or Murder' Women In The UK Every Week Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, In response to a debate about Muslim ‘no-go areas’ in the UK, a Labour MP said there were “millions of white men” who “beat or murdered women this week”. Yes, really. Tory MP Paul Scully is being attacked...

Israeli Destruction to Make Gaza ‘Buffer Zone’ a ‘War Crime’: UN
12.02.2024, 15:42 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button … The post Israeli Destruction to Make Gaza ‘Buffer Zone’ a ‘War Crime’:...

Crime Pays: Seattle Pays 2020 BLM Rioters $10 Million Over 'Excessive Force' Claims
27.01.2024, 01:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Crime Pays: Seattle Pays 2020 BLM Rioters $10 Million Over 'Excessive Force' Claims Peacefully protest at the Capitol before getting teargassed by Capitol Police and possibly murdered by them? The Biden DOJ will hunt you down and lock you up. Participate in a summer of anti-Trump chaos? Cities will pay you because the cops were mean while stopping you...

Gold-Backed Cryptos: The Next Level For Protection From Capital Controls
23.01.2024, 12:34 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Gold-Backed Cryptos: The Next Level For Protection From Capital Controls Authored by Mark Jeftovic via, One of the things I frequently point at in the incessantly tiresome debate between the precious metals and cryptocurrency communities is that while each asset offers its own advantages, cryptos afford a level of optionality for capital...

The Diabolical Dozen: The Twelve "Most-Significant COVID Events"
07.01.2024, 14:11 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Diabolical Dozen: The Twelve "Most-Significant COVID Events" Authored by Bill Rice via The Brownstone Institute, When a new ‘medical’ product causes millions of deaths and life-altering adverse events, this should qualify as a “significant event.” I occasionally enjoy publishing “List” articles. To me, these essays can provide larger...

Bedlam In Berlin As Immigrants Bring In The New Year
01.01.2024, 18:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bedlam In Berlin As Immigrants Bring In The New Year Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via, Migrants in Berlin performed their annual act of New Year’s Eve cultural enrichment by setting fire to cars and attacking police and firefighters with projectiles, leading to 15 officers being injured. Major cities in Germany routinely welcome in...

The Dangerous Side Of 'Phantom Debt'
27.12.2023, 21:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Dangerous Side Of 'Phantom Debt' Authored by Sam Bourgi via, Recent Fed data showed that Americans racked up an extra $48 billion in credit card debt last quarter - but that might be the tip of the short-term debt iceberg. With more Americans getting close to maxing out their credit cards, they are turning to “buy now, pay later”...

Last Rights: The Death Of American Liberty
13.12.2023, 02:49 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Last Rights: The Death Of American Liberty Authored by James Bovard, This is the first chapter of James Bovard's new book: "Last Rights: The Deeath of American Liberty" CHAPTER ONE: TYRANNY COMES TO MAIN STREET Americans today have the “freedom” to be fleeced, groped, wiretapped, injected, censored, injected, ticketed, disarmed, beaten, vilified...

Israel's Ground Operation Is Raging For 1st Time In A Southern Gazan City
05.12.2023, 18:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Israel's Ground Operation Is Raging For 1st Time In A Southern Gazan City For the first time since the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a ground attack on Gaza, dozens of tanks and infantry are now fighting in the heart of a major city in the southern half of the Strip. Until now, the IDF was focusing its operations in the north but following last...

Outside APEC, Complaints Of Intimidation & Assaults
20.11.2023, 04:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Outside APEC, Complaints Of Intimidation & Assaults Authored by Susan Crabtree via RealClear Wire, The United States sent Chinese President Xi Jinping a dissonant message on human rights this week when the Biden administration and California officials rolled out the red carpet for the brutal dictator. Xi’s 10 years as president are marked by a genocide...

Solcher Quatsch kommt zustande, wenn die “Journalisten” (in dem fall Propagandisten der Zensur- und Manipulationsorganisation “Correktiv”) keine Ahnung von Waffen haben
07.11.2023, 19:07 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Einige davon, das lässt sich vor allem über Telegram-Kanäle nachvollziehen, kommen in Russlands Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine zum Einsatz. Zum Beispiel Pistolen vom österreichischen Hersteller Glock und automatische Gewehre des Typs AR-15.Den Quatsch findet Ihr hier. Im Krieg verwenden Offiziere durchaus Pistolen. Und Russland verwendet 9mm Parabellum...

Ireland Is Reaching Its "Limit" For Accommodating Refugees, Admits PM Varadkar
27.10.2023, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ireland Is Reaching Its "Limit" For Accommodating Refugees, Admits PM Varadkar Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, Ireland is reaching its capacity of the number of refugees it can accommodate, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has admitted... Speaking in the Dáil, the lower house of the Irish parliament, on Wednesday, Varadkar revealed that his administration...

Insisting on “Demilitarized Zone” in Russia, Kiev Shows No Interest in Diplomatic Solutions
01.06.2023, 15:31 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article … The post Insisting on “Demilitarized Zone” in Russia, Kiev Shows No...

Die “grüne Zone” implodiert – wird Bagdad das neue Kabul?
30.08.2022, 16:11 Uhr. Report24 - https: - In der irakischen Hauptstadt Bagdad ist die Hölle los. Schwere Gefechte zwischen den Anhängern des prominenten schiitischen Klerikers al-Sadr und den staatlichen Sicherheitskräften finden statt. Eine Eskalation der Lage droht....

Why a Ukraine ‘No-fly Zone’ Would Mean the End of the World…Literally
18.03.2022, 15:36 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Visit … The post Why a Ukraine ‘No-fly Zone’ Would Mean the End of the World…Literally...

Ukraine Crusade: “No Fly Zone” and Influx of Foreign Mercenaries
10.03.2022, 20:13 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Visit … The post Ukraine Crusade: “No Fly Zone” and Influx of Foreign Mercenaries...

Reality Check: A “no-fly zone” over Ukraine means WAR
02.03.2022, 19:30 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - Western pundits and journalists are all in a flutter over Ukraine. They think it’s terribly exciting, and want to be seen to be tough and decisive. Their internal monologues probably feature the word “Churchillian” quite a lot. Naturally, that means a lot of them are saying some really stupid things. This includes widespread calls...

Klitschko bleibt sich treu: Nationalgarde kontrolliert "Impfzertifikate" in Kiew
04.11.2021, 00:19 Uhr. Corona Doks - https: - Auf ist am 3.11. zu lesen: »Wie Europas härtester Lockdown für Ungeimpfte eine Stadt ins Chaos stürzt Für die Bewohner der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew muss es sich wie eine Reise in die Vergangenheit anfühlen. Die Drei-Millionen-Einwohner-Metropole gehört seit Montag zur „roten Zone“, wie es das ukrainische Gesundheitsministerium...

Kein Besuch aus der „roten Zone“ erlaubt – Wissenschaftler legen Konzept vor
11.02.2021, 15:48 Uhr. Corona Transition - https: - - Corona Cockpit...

“Wie braun war die DDR?”, fragt Micha Brumlik zur rechten Zeit
03.01.2020, 19:09 Uhr. - - ob Micha Brumlik bei seinem Beitrag im Deutschlandfunk unter der Fragestellung „Wie braun war die DDR?“ der aus einer jüdischen Familie stammenden DDR-Justizministerin  Hilde Benjamin den Vorwurf macht, dass sie nicht gründlich genug gegen die faschistischen Antisemiten vorgegangen  sei ?  So viel ich das noch weiß aus der Zeit, als ich in...

»Madrid Central«: »Die effektivste ›grüne Zone‹ in Europa« [Online-Abo]
02.12.2019, 19:33 Uhr. junge Welt - https: - Während UN-Klimakonferenz in Madrid begonnen hat, bekämpfen Rechte in der Stadtregierung konkreten Umweltschutz. Ein Gespräch mit Ramón Linaza....

How the US is Trying to Play Turkey against Russia in Syria
31.10.2019, 17:36 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Whereas Trump’s telephonic conversation with Erdogan opened the way for a US exit from (northern) Syria and Turkey’s subsequent incursions into Syria against Kurdish militias, the very fallout of Turkish operation in Syria has led to events that appear to be at the centre of US efforts to ‘appease’ Turkey in such a way as to not only to make...

Exclusive: Russia says Bagdadi killing faked by US, part of new move against the region by Deep State (updating)
29.10.2019, 23:01 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - By Gordon Duff - The Russian Defence Ministry has no reliable information about US servicemen conducting an operation to ‘yet another’ elimination of the former Daesh leader Abu Bark al-Baghdadi in the Turkish-controlled part of the Idlib deescalation zone”, ministry spokesman Maj.Gen. Igor Konashenkov said. Russian intelligence inside Syria reported...

Vladimir Putin, Syria’s pacifier-in-chief
27.10.2019, 10:43 Uhr. Net News Global - - By Pepe Escobar - Russia-Turkey deal establishes ‘safe zone’ along Turkish border and there will be joint Russia-Turkey military patrols. The negotiations in Sochi were long – over six hours – tense and tough. Two leaders in a room with their interpreters and several senior Turkish ministers close by if advice was needed. The stakes were immense:...

US stokes the fires of Turkish revanchism
20.10.2019, 12:02 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - The US objectives range from Trump’s compulsions in domestic politics to the future trajectory of the US policies toward Syria and the impact of any US-Turkish rapprochement on the geopolitics of the Syrian conflict. Meanwhile, the US-Turkish joint statement creates new uncertainties. The two countries have agreed on a set of principles — Turkey’s...

Syria Between the Ottoman Hammer and the Israeli Anvil
07.10.2019, 18:30 Uhr. Net News Global - https: - Syria, uncomfortably and vulnerably, finds itself sandwiched between the Ottoman hammer to the North and the Israeli anvil to the South. Both power houses are, hostile, expansionist and occupy Syrian territory. When one thinks of a ‘safe zone’ along the Syrian-Turkish border on the Syrian side, one is reminded of the American-Mexican border. Both...

03.08.2019, 08:29 Uhr. Linke Zeitung - https: - von Falls es an ihnen medial vorbeigerauscht sein sollte die kürzlich demütig geschlagene im Nord-Westen Syriens stationierte Al-Qaida Allianz, hat Zeter und Mordio schreiend ihre diplomatischen Kanäle aktiviert, und eine weitere belanglose Waffenruhe erwirkt, der die syrische Regierung nur unter der Bedingung zustimmte wenn...

Türkische Patrouillen in Idlib kaum zweckdienlich- Al-Qaida greift weiterhin SAA und Wohngebiete an und soll Polit-Partei werden
11.03.2019, 08:44 Uhr. Linke Zeitung - https: - von Der türkische Außenminister, Hulusi Akar, kündigte jüngst an das die Türkei und Russland mit Patrouillen innerhalb und um Idlib begonnen haben. Laut Akar wurde Moskau das Grenzgebiet von Idlib zugeteilt, während die türkischen Streitkräfte in der “entmilitarisierten Zone” ihrer Aufgabe nachgehen sollen. Wie gehabt...

Neueste    Heute    01.06.2024    31.05.2024    + Doppelte News