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Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    + Doppelte News  

Are the powers-that-be preparing to cut Israel loose?
30.05.2024, 23:35 Uhr. OffGuardian - https: - For decades, Israel has been “one of the club”, a proud member of the “good-guy countries”. A handful of regimes protected by a bubble that makes them almost immune to criticism or consequence, whatever crimes and evils they might commit. No matter how many ships they bombed or children they shot or open air prison …...

Bitcoin: A New Hope For Innovators In Corrupt Economies
30.05.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin: A New Hope For Innovators In Corrupt Economies Authored by Win Ko Ko Aung via, In a world where "talent is everywhere, opportunity is not," the existing fiat monetary system perpetuates the divide between those with access and resources those without. Even in democratic societies, which have their own flaws, people generally...

Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World
29.05.2024, 05:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Signs Of America's Declining Power & The Emerging Multipolar World Authored by Christopher Roach via American Greatness, If we want our country to be safe and powerful, we should start on the firm foundations of respect for peace, human life, and other nations’ sovereignty. During Bush’s years as president, Democrats frequently criticized his foreign...

The Free World: An Alarming Status Report
28.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Free World: An Alarming Status Report Authored by Majod Rafizadeh via The Gatestone Institute, In the last few years, we have witnessed a world that has become significantly less safe and secure. American and Western policy failures and strategic missteps appear to have emboldened adversaries and undermined allies. A lack of decisive action and...

In Blow To China, Argentina's Milei Looking To US For Defense Cooperation
24.05.2024, 04:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - In Blow To China, Argentina's Milei Looking To US For Defense Cooperation Authored by Autumn Spredemann via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Over the past decade China’s security footprint in Argentina has grown considerably, but analysts say recent indicators demonstrate President Javier Milei may be shifting defense cooperation back towards the...

NZZ: Irans Präsident Raisi stirbt bei einem Helikopterunglück: Er war das Gesicht des Regimes – aber nicht dessen starker Mann
20.05.2024, 09:05 Uhr. Transition News - https: - - Was andere Medien melden...

Is America Losing?
20.05.2024, 05:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is America Losing? Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via, Below, we soberly assess the lessons of history and math against the current realities of a debt-defined America to ask and answer a painful yet critical question: Is America losing? The End of History and the Last Man In 1992, while I was still an undergrad with a seemingly endless...

Elections And Devaluations
15.05.2024, 04:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Elections And Devaluations Authored by Yves Smith via, Yves here. It’s revealing that Serious Economist Jeffrey Frankel limits himself to third-world examples in his case studies below on post-election devaluations. Perhaps it would be unseemly to look at, say, the US, UK, Japan, South Korea, or even Australia (admittedly the latter...

'Good News Is Bad News' Is The Worst News For Stocks
14.05.2024, 18:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Good News Is Bad News' Is The Worst News For Stocks Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, We’re back in a “bad news is good news” regime for stocks, where weak economic data prompts higher prices. That’s typically a supportive backdrop for equities, but investors should be alert for when stocks fail to rally on good news as this...

Westen lässt Unterdrückung der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche und Verhaftung von Priestern in der Ukraine zu
14.05.2024, 07:36 Uhr. - https: - Sonja van den Ende Die Einschränkung der Religionsfreiheit und die Verhaftung russischer Geistlicher ist ein weiteres Verbrechen des ukrainischen Regimes gegen das eigene Volk. Jahrhundertelang hat die russisch-orthodoxe Kirche die Herrschaft Moskaus gestärkt, indem sie die kirchliche Autorität über die ukrainischen Kirchen ausübte. Seit Anfang...

10 Jahre nach dem Massaker von Odessa… Das Schweigen der westlichen Medien verschleiert die Vorwürfe der NATO
06.05.2024, 17:20 Uhr. - https: - Letzte Woche jährt sich zum zehnten Mal der Tag, an dem Anhänger des von der NATO unterstützten Kiewer Regimes ein schockierendes und brutales Massaker in Odessa verübten. Mindestens 42 Männer und Frauen wurden am 2. Mai 2014 ermordet, als das Gewerkschaftshaus in der historischen Hafenstadt von einem faschistischen Mob in Brand gesteckt wurde...

Eure Söhne sollen in der Ukraine für Soros sterben: Politik will Wehrpflicht-Volksabstimmung
05.05.2024, 11:13 Uhr. Report24 - https: - Was in Deutschland seit geraumer Zeit geschieht, erinnert mehr an sozialistische Regimes wie die DDR oder sogar Nordkorea. Die Möglichkeit zur Kritik an den Herrschenden wird jeden Tag mehr beschnitten, aus allen Rohren wird Kriegspropaganda gefeuert - und man scheint sich schon auf den Kriegseintritt gegen Russland zu freuen. Um den Bürgern rückmelden...

The Golden Age Of Disinformation Has Only Just Begun
03.05.2024, 23:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Golden Age Of Disinformation Has Only Just Begun Authored by Boyan Radoykov via The Epoch Times, Disinformation is all about power, and because of the harmful and far-reaching influence that disinformation exerts, it cannot achieve much without power. As a tool for shaping public perceptions, disinformation can be used by authoritarian regimes and...

Will The West Get Ever Serious About Sanctions On Iran?
02.05.2024, 11:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Will The West Get Ever Serious About Sanctions On Iran? Author3ed by Con Coughlin via the Gatestone Institute, (Image source: iStock/Getty Images) If attempts by Western leaders to impose further sanctions against Iran in retaliation for its direct attack against Israel are to have any validity, they will need to be a great deal more effective than...

Russia To Seize $440 Million From JPMorgan
25.04.2024, 16:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia To Seize $440 Million From JPMorgan Seizing assets? Two can play at that game... Just days after Washington voted to authorize the REPO Act - paving the way for the Biden administration confiscate billions in Russian sovereign assets which sit in US banks - it appears Moscow has a plan of its own (let's call it the REVERSE REPO Act) as a Russian...

Projekt Maven: Wie das US-KI-System den Ukraine-Konflikt nicht verändern konnte
25.04.2024, 07:38 Uhr. - https: - Obwohl die Vereinigten Staaten ihr maschinelles Lernprogramm Maven einsetzten, um den ukrainischen Streitkräften bei der Verarbeitung von Geheimdienstdaten zu helfen, erwies es sich offenbar als eine weitere Schöpfung des militärisch-industriellen Komplexes in Washington, die den Streitkräften des Kiewer Regimes keinen Vorteil auf dem Schlachtfeld...

Protest gegen die Bombardierung des iranischen Konsulats in Damaskus, von Amir Saeid Iravani
23.04.2024, 14:52 Uhr. Voltaire Netzwerk - https: - Auf Anweisung meiner Regierung und im Anschluss an unser Schreiben vom 1. April 2024, betreffend die bewaffneten Angriffe des israelischen Regimes auf die diplomatischen Räumlichkeiten der Islamischen Republik Iran in Damaskus (Arabische Republik Syrien), die zum Märtyrertod von sieben hochrangigen iranischen Militärberatern führten (A/78/838-S/2024/281)...

Former Obama White House Senior Policy Advisor Charged With 'Child Sex Offenses'
22.04.2024, 16:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Former Obama White House Senior Policy Advisor Charged With 'Child Sex Offenses' A 46-year-old former senior policy advisor the Obama administration appeared in a UK court over child sex offense charges. Rahamim 'Rami' Shy, who worked for the White House under both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, is accused of arranging...

Is There A Road-Map For What's Ahead?
21.04.2024, 17:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Is There A Road-Map For What's Ahead? Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via Substack, One of our primary survival traits is the ability to anticipate the future to avoid threats and reap higher yields. We seek a vantage point to view the road ahead, or even better a road map to what's ahead. Is there a road map to what's ahead?  An enormous amount of...

The Regime That Doesn't Care
20.04.2024, 13:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Regime That Doesn't Care Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times, We’ve all come across warnings against doom scrolling. This is the practice of waking up in the morning, scouring headlines, seizing on the bad news, and dwelling on the darkness. You do this during downtimes in the day and in the evening. Your mood worsens, permanently....

Huge Blast Rocks Iraq Base Used By Iran-Linked Militias
20.04.2024, 00:52 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Huge Blast Rocks Iraq Base Used By Iran-Linked Militias Reuters is reporting a massive blast at an Iraqi base used by Iran-linked militias south of Baghdad in the overnight hours (local).  "A huge blast rocked a military base used by Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) to the south of Baghdad late on Friday," army sources said to Reuters. Fires...

Why Arab States Haven’t Broken With Israel
19.04.2024, 12:54 Uhr. Foreign Policy - https: - Arabs across the region are angry, but regimes can’t afford to sever ties....

Stocks Will Get Bad Breadth From Higher Yields
17.04.2024, 15:59 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Stocks Will Get Bad Breadth From Higher Yields Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Higher yields threaten to make already-fraying breadth in US stocks even worse. This points to heightened short-term risks for the market, although the medium-term positive trend remains intact. Breadth measures for the US market have in many cases deteriorated...

These Inflation Trades Have Most Catching Up To Do
16.04.2024, 15:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Inflation Trades Have Most Catching Up To Do Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Markets are unprepared for price growth that is becoming entrenched. But even though the risk-reward in shorting Treasuries or buying gold or Bitcoin is diminishing, we can instead pinpoint the assets that have the most potential to catch up to persistent...

Zelensky Condemns Iran, Uses Attack On Israel To Ask For More Money
15.04.2024, 19:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Zelensky Condemns Iran, Uses Attack On Israel To Ask For More Money Once again the specter of a major Middle East war has overshadowed the much bloodier and fiercer Russia-Ukraine war, and coming at a moment the Zelensky government is deeply struggling to attract more weapons and funding from Western capitals, most notably Washington. President Zelensky...

Der Iran bei den Vereinten Nationen zu den Angriffen auf Israel – USA und seine Vasallen werden bei der Sondersitzung bloßgestellt!
15.04.2024, 07:31 Uhr. - https: - Israeli und USA werden bei der Sondersitzung bloßgestellt! Iran hat wiederholt vor den Folgen der böswilligen Aktivitäten des Regimes für den regionalen und internationalen Frieden und die Sicherheit gewarnt. Iran hat maximale Zurückhaltung geübt. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, dass das Besatzungsregime die volle Verantwortung für die Folgen trägt...

19 Retired Generals, Admirals File Supreme Court Brief Against Trump Immunity Bid
15.04.2024, 03:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 19 Retired Generals, Admirals File Supreme Court Brief Against Trump Immunity Bid Authored by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), More than a dozen former Defense Department officials, generals, and admirals filed a brief with the Supreme Court arguing against former President Donald Trump’s presidential immunity arguments. (Left) Special...

Rede des Außenministers der Russischen Föderation Sergej Lawrow am Runden Tisch der Botschaften zur Regelung der Lage um die Ukraine
12.04.2024, 17:33 Uhr. - https: - Kollegen, Meine Damen und Herren, Eure Exzellenz, Unsere Treffen sind zu einem traditionellen Treffen geworden, um die Prozesse zu diskutieren, die sich weltweit als Ergebnis des hybriden Krieges gegen die Russische Föderation abspielen, der vom ukrainischen Regime geführt, aber vom Westen geplant und entfesselt wurde. Im Januar haben wir über die...

Iran Blames UN Security Council 'Inaction' For What Comes Next
11.04.2024, 18:22 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran Blames UN Security Council 'Inaction' For What Comes Next We previously reported that Iran now considers Israel's embassies and diplomatic sites abroad as essentially fair game in the wake of Israel's April 1st airstrikes on Iran's embassy in Damascus, which killed two high-ranking IRGC generals and at least five others. An analyst from the Middle...

Quit Complaining About Inflation!
09.04.2024, 21:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Quit Complaining About Inflation! Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via, The New York Times has published a strange article by Justin Wolfers, an economist at the University of Michigan. The headline is that his economist brain makes him say with regard to inflation: “Don’t worry, be happy.” The article gives the reader as much reason...

More Russian LNG Being Exported To Europe Than Asia
09.04.2024, 09:33 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - More Russian LNG Being Exported To Europe Than Asia By Charles Kennedy of, Russia’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports gained over 4% in the first quarter of this year as it increased output to replace sanctioned pipeline gas exports to Europe, Russia’s Kommersant newspaper reported on Monday.  Citing a 4.3% (8.7 million metric ton)...

Russia Finally Says 'Nyet' To Continued North Korea Sanctions Enforcement
08.04.2024, 00:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Russia Finally Says 'Nyet' To Continued North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Authored by Joseph D. Terwilliger via, Last week, a United Nations Security Council resolution to extend the mandate for the UN Panel of Experts on DPRK sanctions was vetoed by the Russian Federation, effectively disbanding the primary enforcement mechanism for the nine...

Deep State Goes After Trump And Musk's Financial Assets... Who's Next?
04.04.2024, 02:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Deep State Goes After Trump And Musk's Financial Assets... Who's Next? Authored by James Gorrie via The Epoch Times, Is America as we know it over? Are we in the middle - or perhaps the end - of the transition from a national republic to a single-party regime that rules by fiat instead of law? If we look at what’s happening to two, high-profile cases...

Escobar: The Sahel's 'Axis Of Resistance'
03.04.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Escobar: The Sahel's 'Axis Of Resistance' Authored by Pepe Escobar via The Cradle, The African Sahel is revolting against western neocolonialism – ejecting foreign troops and bases, devising alternative currencies, and challenging the old multinationals. Multipolarity, after all, cannot flower without resistance paving its path... The emergence of Axes...

When Rogue States Embrace Crypto
01.04.2024, 20:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - When Rogue States Embrace Crypto Submitted by Omid Malekan I want to talk about North Korea, but first we need to revisit El Salvador. The Central American country’s decision to buy Bitcoin is looking good, despite almost universal skepticism from The Establishment when it was announced. Some of that skepticism ultimately proved accurate — legal...

Why Is NATO And The Kiev Regime Terrified Of Russia's 'Zircon' Hypersonic Missile?
01.04.2024, 08:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Why Is NATO And The Kiev Regime Terrified Of Russia's 'Zircon' Hypersonic Missile? Authored by Drago Bosnic via, Even before the horrendous Crocus City Hall terrorist attack, the Russian military's long-range strike capabilities were sending shivers down the spines of NATO aggressors and their Neo-Nazi junta puppets. Weapons such as the...

Importiertes Kanonenfutter
26.03.2024, 06:44 Uhr. Peds Ansichten - https: - Ausländische Söldner, die für die Streitkräfte des Kiewer Regimes kämpfen, sollten sofort abziehen. Frankreichs Präsident Macron wirbt für die Entsendung regulärer französischer Truppen in die Ukraine, wobei er von den baltischen Staaten und Tschechien unterstützt wird. Das kann einen falschen Eindruck erwecken. Denn neben zehntausenden ausländischen...

Putin Vows Revenge For "Bloodbath" Moscow Attack, Points Finger At Help From Ukraine, As 11 'Terrorists' Captured
23.03.2024, 16:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Putin Vows Revenge For "Bloodbath" Moscow Attack, Points Finger At Help From Ukraine, As 11 'Terrorists' Captured The official death toll from Russian authorities in the wake of Friday's terror attack on a Moscow concert hall has reached 133 dead, with some unofficial reports saying there could be as many as 140 or more. As the scene continues to be...

Sens. Scott, Rubio Call For Plan To Handle Influx Of Haitian Migrants
18.03.2024, 20:09 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sens. Scott, Rubio Call For Plan To Handle Influx Of Haitian Migrants Florida Republican Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio have called on the Biden administration to produce a plan to deal with a potential influx of Haitian migrants into the United States as political and social unrest intensifies in the Caribbean country. Residents flee their homes...

Niger Severs Ties With US Military After Alarm Raised Junta Will Supply Uranium To Iran
18.03.2024, 13:14 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Niger Severs Ties With US Military After Alarm Raised Junta Will Supply Uranium To Iran Niger announced over the weekend that it is suspending military cooperation with the United States, in a significant blow to the Pentagon's presence in West Africa, which is likely to result in Washington being forced to withdraw its troops, also in a major blow...

Staatsduma ruft Bundestag auf, sich zu deutschen Beteiligungen an Verbrechen des Kiewer Regimes und Beschädigungen der Zivilinfrastruktur in Russland zu äußern.
15.03.2024, 12:20 Uhr. - https: - Aufruf der Staatsduma an den Deutschen Bundestag im Zusammenhang mit deutscher Beteiligung an Verbrechen des Kiewer Regimes gegen Zivilbevölkerung und an Beschädigung von Zivilinfrastruktur in Russland Die Abgeordneten der Staatsduma der Föderalen Versammlung der Russischen Föderation halten es für grundlegend wichtig, zeitgerecht und nötig, sich...

If Biden Is Serious About Border Security, He Must Start With Venezuela
13.03.2024, 01:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - If Biden Is Serious About Border Security, He Must Start With Venezuela Authored by Douglas Schoen via RealClear Wire, The tragic killing of 22-year-old Laken Riley in Georgia two weeks ago by Jose Ibarra, a Venezuelan migrant in the country illegally and with a criminal record, is the latest example of a much larger problem: Criminal gangs are brazenly...

COVID Showed Us Who Really Rules America
10.03.2024, 01:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - COVID Showed Us Who Really Rules America Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, This month marks the fourth anniversary of one of the most disastrous assaults on human rights in American history. It was on March 16, 2020 that the President Trump issued "guidelines" for "15 days to slow the spread" which stated that "Governors of states...

Smedley Butler Explains The Latest Excuse For American Intervention In Ukraine
09.03.2024, 05:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Smedley Butler Explains The Latest Excuse For American Intervention In Ukraine Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute, Senior Fellow Alex Pollock drew my attention to an important quotation by Smedley Butler:  1935 speech and later a book by Major General Smedley D. Butler (USMC), includes  “… A racket is best described, I believe, something...

When Military Rule Supplants Democracy
09.03.2024, 05:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - When Military Rule Supplants Democracy Authored by Robert Malone via The Brownstone Institute, If you wish to understand how democracy ended in the United States and the European Union, please watch this interview with Tucker Carlson and Mike Benz. It is full of the most stunning revelations that I have heard in a very long time. The national security...

Economic Earthquake Ahead? The Cracks Are Spreading Fast
08.03.2024, 23:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Economic Earthquake Ahead? The Cracks Are Spreading Fast Authored by Brandon Smith via, One of my favorite false narratives floating around corporate media platforms has been the argument that the American people “just don’t seem to understand how good the economy really is right now.” If only they would look at the stats, they would...

'Weaponized Migration' - A Coordinated Effort Playing Out Deep In The Panama Jungle
06.03.2024, 05:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Weaponized Migration' - A Coordinated Effort Playing Out Deep In The Panama Jungle Authored by Darlene McCormick Sanchez via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The ripe smell of garbage baking in the tropical sun mixed with the stench of human waste is one of the first things visitors notice at Bajo Chiquito, one of four large migrant camps in the Darién...

Iran's Jewish Population Belies Claims Of Tehran's Genocidal Intent
02.03.2024, 01:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Iran's Jewish Population Belies Claims Of Tehran's Genocidal Intent By Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities For decades, Israeli government officials — chief among them, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have accused Iran of plotting a new Holocaust against the millions of Jews who call Israel home. Netanyahu has said Iran is “planning another...

Low Volatility In Gold Is Calm Before Inflation Storm
01.03.2024, 13:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Low Volatility In Gold Is Calm Before Inflation Storm Authored by Simon White, Bloomberg macro strategist, Inflation is back on the radar this week after yesterday's release of PCE in the US. It showed a modest fall from the prior month in the headline print (but under the surface the picture was more worrying), lending credence to the bigger picture...

Neueste    Heute    31.05.2024    30.05.2024    + Doppelte News