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Neueste    Heute    26.04.2024    25.04.2024    + Doppelte News  

'Retaliation Risk' - What Wall Street Thinks Ahead Of Market Open
14.04.2024, 19:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Retaliation Risk' - What Wall Street Thinks Ahead Of Market Open The first actual 'market' response we have seen to Iran's attack on Israel is in crypto, which saw - rather intriguingly - a huge puke as the drones/missiles flew, and then some comeback as the impact of the attack seemed marginal at worst (and for now retaliation remains muted)... Source:...

Armstrong: Warum kaufen Zentralbanken Gold?
10.04.2024, 17:05 Uhr. - https: - Die Neugier der Investoren hat ihren Höhepunkt erreicht, da die Zentralbanken ihre Goldkäufe ausweiten. Wir werden nicht zu einer Situation wie in Bretton Woods zurückkehren, und das ist auch nicht das Problem. Man muss verstehen, dass Gold neutral ist. Die Zentralbanken kaufen Gold, weil die Neokonservativen den Dollar in eine Waffe verwandelt haben...

Biden mit 8% Zustimmung bedeutet Panik und Krieg – Martin Armstrong
05.04.2024, 13:01 Uhr. - https: - Der legendäre finanz- und geopolitische Analyst Martin Armstrong hat neue Daten zu den Zustimmungswerten von Präsident Biden veröffentlicht. Vor fast zwei Jahren lag die reale Zustimmungsrate für Präsident Biden in Amerika bei nur 12%. Vor mehr als einem Jahr sank Bidens reale Zustimmungsrate laut Armstrongs berühmtem Computerprogramm „Socrates“...

Armstrong: Why Are Central Banks Buying Gold?
04.04.2024, 18:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Armstrong: Why Are Central Banks Buying Gold? Authored by Martin Armstrong via, Investors’ curiosity has peaked as central banks are increasing their gold purchases. We are not going back to a Bretton Woods type situation and that is not the issue. You must understand that gold is neutral. Central banks are buying gold because...

Haiti & The Dominican Republic: Contrasting Fortunes
04.04.2024, 05:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Haiti & The Dominican Republic: Contrasting Fortunes Haiti is currently engulfed in the chaos caused by violent gang warfare, triggering a major wave of internal displacement. Almost 200,000 people are thought to have been displaced in 2023, and several thousand since the beginning of 2024. Thousands of Haitians continue to flee to the neighboring...

Martin Armstrong: Anschlag bei Moskau Teil des Krieges gegen Russland
27.03.2024, 01:49 Uhr. Transition News - https: - «Jeder islamische Terroranschlag hat ein Merkmal», schreibt der US-amerikanische Finanzanalytiker Martin Armstrong in einem aktuellen Beitrag auf seiner Webseite. «Sie glauben an einen Heiligen Krieg; wenn sie in einem solchen sterben, haben sie sofort Zugang zum Himmel.» Armstrong macht darauf aufmerksam, dass die Attentäter vom 22. März versuchten...

Where Water Stress Will Be Highest by 2050
23.03.2024, 23:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where Water Stress Will Be Highest by 2050 Water is not only the basis of life for animals and plants, but is also likely to become a contested resource in parts of the world in the coming decades. According to UN figures, global water stress, i.e. the proportion of water withdrawn for use in industry, agriculture or private households in relation...

Kanadas „Open Banking“ ebnet den Weg für ein nationales Sozialkreditsystem
19.03.2024, 07:36 Uhr. - https: - Martin Armstrong „Eine lange versprochene Revolution im Bankwesen ist auf dem Weg nach Kanada, aber Sie werden es vielleicht nicht merken, wenn sie kommt“, lautete die düstere Überschrift eines kürzlich in der Canadian Press erschienenen Artikels. Die Veränderung, an der gearbeitet wird, nennt sich „Open Banking“, und die...

Ukraine-Krieg: «Westen braucht Krieg als Vorwand, um Misswirtschaft zu vertuschen»
19.03.2024, 00:09 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Die Ukraine steht laut dem US-amerikanischen Finanzanalytiker Martin Armstrong am Rande des Zusammenbruchs. Das sei die Folge des Stellvertreterkrieges, der der Westen gegen Russland führe. «Statt auf Frieden ist der Westen auch nach mehr als 500'000 toten Ukrainern auf noch mehr Blut aus. Das ukrainische Volk war immer nur Kanonenfutter, da es von...

Drastic And Irreversible Climate Geoengineering Worries Scientists
04.03.2024, 09:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Drastic And Irreversible Climate Geoengineering Worries Scientists Authored by Katie Spence via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The Earth is too hot and only getting hotter, according to governments and global bodies such as the United Nations; and the efforts to reduce carbon dioxide aren’t having enough of an effect. “The world is passing through...

As China Builds Yugos, EVs May Be The New Edsels
02.03.2024, 01:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - As China Builds Yugos, EVs May Be The New Edsels Authored by Duggan Flanakin via RealClear Wire, The year 1957 is memorable for at least two historic launches. The launch by the Soviet Socialist Union of the Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite, prompted the U.S. to create the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) the very...

2024: «Das Jahr aus der politischen Hölle?»
20.02.2024, 00:03 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der legendäre geopolitische und Finanz-Analyst Martin Armstrong sagt politische Turbulenzen, zivile Unruhen, Krieg und einen grossen wirtschaftlichen Abschwung im Jahr 2024 voraus. Er tut dies in einem neuen Bericht namens «The Year from Political Hell?» («Das Jahr aus der politischen Hölle?»), über den er mit Greg Hunter auf USAWatchdog sprach...

"Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Martin Armstrong Warns That's What "Makes Them So Dangerous" Now
19.02.2024, 01:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Everything Is Going Wrong For The Deep State" - Martin Armstrong Warns That's What "Makes Them So Dangerous" Now Via Greg Hunter’s, Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is predicting political turmoil, civilian unrest, war and a big economic downturn in 2024 in a new report called “The Year from...

What Everyone Is Missing About The Putin/Carlson Talk
15.02.2024, 06:06 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Everyone Is Missing About The Putin/Carlson Talk Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, “The Vorlons say, understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth” — John Sheridan, Babylon 5 The biggest media story of 2024 so far has come and gone. Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin...

Where Corruption Is Rampant
01.02.2024, 05:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where Corruption Is Rampant Transparency International has released its 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index which gauges levels of perceived public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories around the world. The index scores them on a scale of zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (clean) with the average score just 43 out of 100. As Statista's Martin...

Most Airplane Accidents Happen During Landing
28.01.2024, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Most Airplane Accidents Happen During Landing Most accidents in civil aviation occur during landing. (we are sure there is a joke in there but it would be highly inappropriate) Statista's Martin Armstrong reports that data from the airline umbrella organization IATA shows that 53% of all aviation accidents that occurred between 2005 and 2023 happened...

Der Plan für eine digitale öffentliche Infrastruktur (DPI)
26.01.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Martin Armstrong Ungewählte Globalisten des Entwicklungsprogramms der Vereinten Nationen (UNDP) arbeiten seit zehn Jahren an der Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), der ersten Stufe des digitalen ID-Systems. „Die Digitale Öffentliche Infrastruktur (DPI) ist ein gemeinsames Werkzeug für viele Zwecke. Sie ist ein wichtiger Wegbereiter für die...

Dutch Queen Promotes Global Digital ID At Davos
23.01.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Dutch Queen Promotes Global Digital ID At Davos Authored by Martin Armstrong via, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands took to the Davos stage to declare that digital IDs are necessary for nearly every aspect of social engagement. The Dutch queen told the World Economic Forum (WEF) that they can no longer trust the people, and digital...

Migrant Crisis Motive Revealed
12.01.2024, 17:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Migrant Crisis Motive Revealed Authored by Martin Armstrong via, Democratic Rep. Yvette Clarke is running for re-election this year in New York’s 9th District to FINISH THE JOB of utterly destroying New York. To achieve her goal of ruining a once great city, Clarke is demanding MORE illegal migrants. Clarke actually admitted...

WEF: Generation Z wird CBDC akzeptieren
12.01.2024, 16:35 Uhr. - https: - Martin Armstrong Das Weltwirtschaftsforum hat kürzlich einen Artikel veröffentlicht, der erklärt, wie Banken die jüngsten Mitglieder der globalen Arbeitnehmerschaft für sich gewinnen können. Die Generation Z (geboren zwischen 1997 und 2012) ist die erste Generation, die mit dem Internet aufgewachsen ist. Die jüngeren Millennials hatten zwar Zugang...

Wie man die gesündesten Lebensmittel herstellt, die man sich vorstellen kann
10.01.2024, 12:55 Uhr. - https: - Link zum Video Interviewtranskript herunterladen / meinen KOSTENLOSEN Podcast herunterladen Die Geschichte auf einen Blick Im obigen Interview spricht Ashley Armstrong, ein Experte auf zwei Gebieten. Zum einen stellt sie einige der gesündesten Lebensmittel in den Vereinigten Staaten her, zum anderen versteht sie, wie der Körper diese verwertet und...

Where Boeing's 737 Max 9 Is In Operation
10.01.2024, 12:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where Boeing's 737 Max 9 Is In Operation On Friday January 5, the 'door plug', replacing a possible extra exit in the fuselage of a Boeing 737 Max 9 operated by Alaska Airlines, was ripped off shortly after take-off. The aircraft was supposed to be flying from Portland, Oregon, to Ontario airport, on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Luckily, there were...

EU Data Protection Fines Hit Record High In 2023
09.01.2024, 08:48 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - EU Data Protection Fines Hit Record High In 2023 In 2023, approximately €2.1 billion in fines were imposed in the EU due to violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), according to data from As Statista's Martin Armstrong notes, this means that more fines were incurred than in 2019, 2020 and 2021 combined...

Entry-Level Jobs Pay Six Figures In This Gritty Part Of America
04.01.2024, 01:43 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Entry-Level Jobs Pay Six Figures In This Gritty Part Of America Authored by John Haughey via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Josef McConnell, a tennis coach from Southern California, had been unemployed for a year after the government response to the pandemic destroyed his business. Then, in 2021, a friend told him that there were good-paying jobs...

These Are The 10 Most Influential Crypto Tweets Of 2023
28.12.2023, 03:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Are The 10 Most Influential Crypto Tweets Of 2023 Authored by Daniel Ramirez-Escudero via, 2023 has been a turbulent year for the crypto markets, but X encapsulated the rollercoaster of sentiments and became the perfect ledger to recall what occurred. 2023 dragged some of the rotten apples from the bear market, which brought...

'Science' Discovers That "Sex Matters" For Sports Performance, Not 'Gender-Identity'
26.12.2023, 20:26 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Science' Discovers That "Sex Matters" For Sports Performance, Not 'Gender-Identity' In an earth-shattering, mind-blowing, narrative-destroying new scientific study from PhDs at King's College, London, researchers found: "...a sex gap in race times between athletes who identify as non-binary, and that there is no evidence that the gap between biological...

Barbie, Shakira, & War In Israel Dominated Google Search In 2023
24.12.2023, 13:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Barbie, Shakira, & War In Israel Dominated Google Search In 2023 2023 has been eventful, to say the least, and a look at the biggest trending Google searches this year can serve as a reminder for some of the events and situations that have shaped our world over the last 12 months. You will find more infographics at Statista Statista's Martin Armstrong...

The "Control System" Is Collapsing - 'The Great Taking' Looms As Globalism's Last Gasp
23.12.2023, 20:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The "Control System" Is Collapsing - 'The Great Taking' Looms As Globalism's Last Gasp Authored by Mark Jeftovic via, The Great Taking: The Latest “Anti-Mainstream” Conspiracy A new book has exploded on the alternative / conspiracy / fringe landscape over the past few weeks – I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense. Zerohedge...

Luongo: No One Has Really Grokked How Big The Suez/Houthi Gambit Is
23.12.2023, 13:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Luongo: No One Has Really Grokked How Big The Suez/Houthi Gambit Is Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, We’ve had a lot of foreshadowing of the Suez Canal being a major hotspot for conflict over the past couple of years. Think back to the Evergreen beaching itself in the canal in 2021. Everyone is just now waking up to the idea...

These Are The World's Fastest-Growing Economies In 2023
20.12.2023, 08:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Are The World's Fastest-Growing Economies In 2023 Guyana, located on the north-eastern coast of South America, is emerging as a significant economic force. As Statista's Martin Armstrong reports, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the real GDP of this country with a population of 800,000 is expected to have grown by around 38...

Ripple, Coinbase, a16z Invest $78 Million In Pro-Crypto PAC Ahead Of US Elections
18.12.2023, 19:10 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Ripple, Coinbase, a16z Invest $78 Million In Pro-Crypto PAC Ahead Of US Elections Authored by Gareth Jenkinson via, Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse has publicly announced the company’s intent to support “pro-crypto’ candidates during the 2024 United States election season. The company is among a group to have pledged a total of...

Everest's Summit Has Become Dangerously Crowded
13.12.2023, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Everest's Summit Has Become Dangerously Crowded Seven decades ago, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mount Everest, becoming the very first climbers to conquer the world’s tallest mountain. Since that incredible feat in May of 1953, the summit of Everest has become increasingly congested and rubbish-strewn. While an earthquake...

"$24 Million From Foreign Nationals": House GOP Formalizes Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Releases Resolution Ahead Of Planned Vote
07.12.2023, 18:08 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "$24 Million From Foreign Nationals": House GOP Formalizes Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Releases Resolution Ahead Of Planned Vote Ahead of next week's vote to formally move forward with the Biden impeachment inquiry, Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) has released a 14-page resolution that would authorize the investigation. "Directing certain committees to continue...

Blood Money? These Are The Countries Pledging The Most Humanitarian Aid
01.12.2023, 11:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Blood Money? These Are The Countries Pledging The Most Humanitarian Aid The world is facing a number of significant humanitarian crises in 2023, with war, food insecurity and forced displacement, among others, causing great hardship around the globe. As part of United Nations coordinated humanitarian aid plans, around $20 billion has been contributed...

These Are The Most Charitable Countries In The World
28.11.2023, 11:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - These Are The Most Charitable Countries In The World The latest report from the Charities Aid Foundation has revealed what could be considered as the most generous and charitable countries in the world. Based on surveys by Gallup across 142 countries, the report examines volunteerism and charitable giving. As Statista's Martin Armstrong shows in the...

Terroristen, die Dinge in die Luft sprengen, als Vorwand für das Kriegsrecht – Martin Armstrong
08.11.2023, 07:38 Uhr. - https: - Der legendäre Finanz- und Geopolitik-Analyst Martin Armstrong sagte für das Jahr 2023 ein weltweites Chaos voraus. Wir haben einen blutigen Krieg in der Ukraine, einen neuen Konflikt mit Gaza und Israel und eine weit offene US-Grenze, während das FBI große Terroranschläge in Amerika voraussagt. Ist diese Destabilisierung ein Zufall oder ein Plan...

'Terrorism Leads To Lockdowns Leads To Martial Law' - Martin Armstrong Warns Of Deep State Plan To Hold On To Power
06.11.2023, 20:31 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 'Terrorism Leads To Lockdowns Leads To Martial Law' - Martin Armstrong Warns Of Deep State Plan To Hold On To Power Via Greg Hunter’s, Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong began 2023 predicting “chaos” would be coming around the world.  We have a bloody war in Ukraine, a new conflict with Gaza and...

Delhi's Air Hits 'Hazardous' Levels
04.11.2023, 01:03 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Delhi's Air Hits 'Hazardous' Levels Delhi, India, is currently suffering under what the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies as 'hazardous' air quality levels. As Statista's Martinm Armstrong reports, data collated by IQAir for the city show how dangerously high the levels of PM2.5 (atmospheric particulate matter that have a diameter of less...

Weltkrieg III – Er ist unausweichlich
02.11.2023, 13:56 Uhr. - https: - KOMMENTAR: Herr Armstrong; Es ist sicher zu sagen, dass niemand an Socrates herankommen kann. Niemand hat einen Krieg drei Jahre im Voraus prognostiziert, wie Sie es 2011 getan haben. Niemand hat einen Nahost-Krieg im Voraus vorhergesagt, wie Sie es vor zwei Jahren getan haben. Selbst Ihre Beiträge über die Türkei und ihren Konflikt mit der […]...

Futures Rise, Bitcoin Erupts Ahead Of Mega-Tech Earnings
24.10.2023, 14:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Futures Rise, Bitcoin Erupts Ahead Of Mega-Tech Earnings Global stocks rose, US index futures jumped and bitcoin erupted higher ahead of closely-watched earnings from tech gigacaps Microsoft and Alphabet later today (full preview here). As of 8:00am ET, S&P futures were up 0.6%, at session highs and set to snap a five-day losing streak with Nasdaq...

Which Country Has The Fastest Internet In the World?
23.10.2023, 08:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Which Country Has The Fastest Internet In the World? According to the broadband speed league 2023, Taiwan is on top of the world when it comes to fast internet, with an average download speed of 153.51 Mbps - slightly ahead of second-placed France with 152.45 Mbps. You will find more infographics at Statista Statista's Martin Armstrong...

The Focus Of China's Belt And Road Initiative
18.10.2023, 10:16 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Focus Of China's Belt And Road Initiative In hosting its third Belt and Road Initiative Forum on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, China is welcoming representatives from around 130 countries for a diplomatic event focused on Xi Jinping's now ten-year-old signature policy. While coming in for criticism related to the "accentuated debt distress" it...

Martin Armstrong: Westliche Führer finanzierten die Terroranschläge in Israel
17.10.2023, 00:10 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Der Finanz- und Geopolitik-Analyst Martin Armstrong diskutierte kürzlich im «Health Ranger Report» mit Gastgeber Mike Adams darüber, wie die schrecklichen Hamas-Anschläge und der anhaltende Konflikt zwischen Israel und Palästina den Weg für einen Dritten Weltkrieg ebneten, in den Russland stark involviert wäre. Darüber berichtete Natural News...

Visualizing All Attempted & Successful Moon Landings
15.10.2023, 04:46 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Visualizing All Attempted & Successful Moon Landings Since before Ancient Greece and the first Chinese Dynasties, people have sought to understand and learn more about the moon. Curiosity and centuries of study culminated in the first moon landing in the 1960s. But there have been many other attempted moon landings, both before and after. This chart...

NASA's 'Psyche' Lifts Off (Via SpaceX) To Probe Colossal Untapped Value Of Asteroids
13.10.2023, 16:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NASA's 'Psyche' Lifts Off (Via SpaceX) To Probe Colossal Untapped Value Of Asteroids We have liftoff! NASA’s Psyche spacecraft, along with the agency’s DSOC (Deep Space Optical Communications) technology demonstration, launched from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 10:19 a.m. EDT. This will be the first interplanetary mission...

Video: “Israel has chosen the Path of Committing Genocide against Two Million Civilians”: Mike Adams Interviews Martin Armstrong
12.10.2023, 16:09 Uhr. Global Research - https: - All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article … The post Video: “Israel has chosen the Path of Committing Genocide...

Where Does The EU's Gas Come From?
12.10.2023, 11:50 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Where Does The EU's Gas Come From? Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Moscow's "weaponization" of energy have placed the diversification of energy supplies high on the agenda of European countries. However, as Statista's Martin Armstrong reports, although this remains a long and costly process, requiring investment in infrastructure (new pipelines, LNG...

100 Years Of World Cup Hosts
08.10.2023, 13:35 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - 100 Years Of World Cup Hosts FIFA announced this week it had agreed that the sole candidacy to host the 2030 World Cup would be the combined bid of Spain, Portugal and Morocco. In addition, in view of the centenary of the first World Cup, held in Uruguay in 1930, there will also be a ceremony in the country's capital Montevideo, as well as three opening...

Nancy Pelosi Evicted From Her Private Office By Acting House Speaker
06.10.2023, 02:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nancy Pelosi Evicted From Her Private Office By Acting House Speaker Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) speaks during her final weekly news conference at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Dec. 22, 2022. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images) Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) ordered Democrats...

Neueste    Heute    26.04.2024    25.04.2024    + Doppelte News