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Neueste    Heute    18.04.2024    17.04.2024    - Doppelte News  

Finanzprognose 2025-2032: Bitte seien Sie nicht naiv
19.04.2024, 12:56 Uhr. - https: - Von Tyler Durden Verfasst von Charles Hugh Smith über OfTwoMinds blog, Anstatt zu versuchen, sich dem Zugriff Cäsars zu entziehen, könnte eine bessere Strategie darin bestehen, “grau” zu werden: sich anzupassen, durchschnittlich zu erscheinen. Halten wir zunächst einmal fest, dass ich diese Prognose nicht “mag”. Ich spreche...

BRICS - The Project Of The Century
19.04.2024, 08:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - BRICS - The Project Of The Century Authored by Peter Hanseler via, The Western media are prioritizing the Ukraine conflict, the green revolution and the woke revolution. In the shadow of this media coverage, BRICS is changing the world. We bring you the latest figures and place them in the current geopolitical environment. – An analysis...

The Spear In AI's Back
18.04.2024, 13:25 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Spear In AI's Back Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, That real harm will result from the use of AI tools is a given. AI is like the powerful character in an action movie who looks invincible until they turn around, revealing a fatal spear embedded in their back. The spear in AI's back is the American legal system, which has been...

New York College Suspends Professor "Energized" By Hamas Attack On Israel
17.04.2024, 18:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - New York College Suspends Professor "Energized" By Hamas Attack On Israel Authored by Lisa Schiffren via The College Fix, A tenured professor is suspended throughout the rest of the semester after writing an essay celebrating Hamas’ attack on Israel. “McCarthyism is real. I’ve been relieved of teaching responsibilities,” Hobart and William Smith...

Russophrene und biblische Psychopathen
17.04.2024, 16:56 Uhr. Mathias Broeckers - https: - Dimitri Orlov hat kürzlich auf seinem Blog den Begriff “Russophrenie” geprägt, um die schizophrene Haltung des Westens gegenüber Russland und dem Konflikt und der Ukraine zu beschreiben. Das scheint mir ein eine ebenso zutreffende Diagnose wie Pepe Escobars Hinweis, dass es sich bei den Massenmorden Israels in Gaza um eine Art “biblische...

Russophrene und biblische Psychopathen
17.04.2024, 16:55 Uhr. Mathias Broeckers - https: - Dimitri Orlov hat kürzlich auf seinem Blog den Begriff “Russophrenie” geprägt, um die schizophrene Haltung des Westens gegenüber Russland und dem Konflikt und der Ukraine zu beschreiben. Das scheint mir ein eine ebenso zutreffende Diagnose wie Pepe Escobars Hinweis, dass es sich bei den Massenmorden Israels in Gaza um eine Art “biblische...

IWF bereitet Finanzrevolution vor – Verabschiedet euch vom Dollar
17.04.2024, 14:02 Uhr. - https: - Von Tyler Durden Verfasst von Brandon Smith über den Blog The Burning Platform, Der Status als Weltreservewährung lässt einen erstaunlichen geldpolitischen Spielraum zu. Das Finanzministerium weiß, dass in Übersee eine ständige Nachfrage nach Dollars besteht, um Waren leichter importieren und exportieren zu können. Das Petrodollar-Monopol machte...

Repression (2)
17.04.2024, 09:55 Uhr. ZG Blog - - Am 3. September 2020 begann ich die Dokumentierung und Protokollierung von Unterdrückungsmaßnahmen gegenüber Kritikern und Andersdenkenden. Was zunächst als Willkür und Machtmissbrauch gegenüber C‑Maßnahmen-Kritikern aussah, entpuppte sich schnell als ein neuer Nährboden für autoritäre Methoden, die völlig überzogen und unverhältnismäßig...

Financial Forecast 2025-2032: Please Don't Be Naive
16.04.2024, 03:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Financial Forecast 2025-2032: Please Don't Be Naive Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Rather than attempt to evade Caesar's reach, a better strategy might be to 'go gray': blend in, appear average. Let's start by stipulating that I don't "like" this forecast. I'm not "talking my book" (for example, promoting nuclear power because...

Crib-Notes For The 'Trial Of The Century'
15.04.2024, 21:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Crib-Notes For The 'Trial Of The Century' Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “Once someone determined Trump was so bad it was okay to lie about him, it set the precedent that the only thing that mattered was a subject’s politics.” - Matt Taibbi What fascinates us about sex, I suppose, is that most everyone wants it and seeks it...

UK, France, Germany Join Biden's Call For Israel's Restraint While Russia Defends Iran's Strike As 'Self-Defense'
15.04.2024, 14:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - UK, France, Germany Join Biden's Call For Israel's Restraint While Russia Defends Iran's Strike As 'Self-Defense' As Israel's war cabinet again meets Monday to debate how to respond to Iran's first-ever direct attack on Israel, intense international reaction continues, with leading European countries joining the Biden White House in urging restraint...

Film-Tipp: »Unternehmen Capricorn«
14.04.2024, 07:13 Uhr. ZG Blog - - Der Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 1977 von Peter Hyams ist eine von vielen kleinen vergessenen New-Hollywood-Perlen. Die NASA startet mit drei Astronauten einen Flug zum Mars. Während die ganze Welt gespannt den Start beobachtet, werden die drei Astronauten heimlich aus … Weiterlesen →...

Google Begins Blocking News From California Outlets Over State Bill
13.04.2024, 04:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Google Begins Blocking News From California Outlets Over State Bill Google has temporarily blocked access to California-based news outlets for some state residents, as the search giant escalates its battle with the state over a landmark bill which would force tech giants to pay online publishers for their content. In doing so, the company has revived...

"I Cannot Afford To Live": Americans Get Emotional As The US Economy Goes Off The Rails
13.04.2024, 01:01 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "I Cannot Afford To Live": Americans Get Emotional As The US Economy Goes Off The Rails Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, As we approach what is likely to be the most chaotic presidential election in U.S. history, troubling signs are starting to erupt for the U.S. economy.  In fact, CNN is actually admitting that “the long-predicted...

The Beauty Parlor's Full Of Sailors And The Circus Is In Town
12.04.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Beauty Parlor's Full Of Sailors And The Circus Is In Town Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “They have tried to solve a wide range of insoluble problems, from the weather to poverty to viruses, and now they will attempt to solve us.” - Eugyppius This is that part of the movie where the hero — you — tumbles off the cliff...

Sound Money Vs. Fiat Currency: Trade And Credit Are The Wild Cards
12.04.2024, 13:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Sound Money Vs. Fiat Currency: Trade And Credit Are The Wild Cards Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, We need to start thinking outside the current system, which has no solutions. Our convictions about money are quasi-religious: heretics are burned at the stake. I'm not sure which stake I'll be tied to, because all the conventional...

IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar
11.04.2024, 19:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - IMF Prepares Financial Revolution – Say Goodbye To The Dollar Authored by Brandon Smith via The Burning Platform blog, Global reserve currency status allows for amazing latitude in terms of monetary policy. The Treasury Department understands that there is constant demand for dollars overseas as a means to more easily import and export goods. The petrodollar monopoly...

Amerika steuert auf einen ausgewachsenen heißen Bürgerkrieg zu
11.04.2024, 14:05 Uhr. - https: - Von Tyler Durden Verfasst von Justin Smith über den Blog The Burning Platform, Es erstaunt mich immer wieder, wie wenig so viele Menschen in diesem Land getan haben, um ihren Verstand zu schulen und Informationen kritisch zu analysieren. Sie haben Augen, um zu sehen, und Ohren, um zu hören, und doch scheint sich die Wahrheit […]...

Twitter hat meinen Account zensiert. Er sei nun “markiert” und “in der Reichweite beschränkt”
11.04.2024, 13:04 Uhr. >b's weblog - https: - Einen konkreten Grund dafür nennt Twitter nicht.Ist aber auch nicht so wichtig. Hab den Account deaktiviert. An zensierten Plattformen bin ich nicht übermässig interessiert. Meine Hauptplattform bleibt dieses Blog. Das ist schlechter zu zensieren....

Krieg oder Kreidestrich
11.04.2024, 12:47 Uhr. Feynsinn - https: -   Feynsinn hat sich gegründet als ein Blog, in dem auf der Ebene politischer Texte bürgerliche Kritik an Wirtschaft, Staat und Gesellschaft ins Extrem getrieben wurde. Der Weg war einfach und konsequent: Die juristischen Texte und das Narrativ ernst nehmen und mit der Wirklichkeit konfrontieren. Hier war oft die Rede vom "Kreidestrich", jenem...

Bananenrepublik Deutschland (11)
11.04.2024, 08:06 Uhr. ZG Blog - - »Um das Bundesverfassungsgericht besser vor Einflussnahme zu schützen, ist eine Grundgesetz-Änderung im Gespräch. Das soll eine einseitige politische Einflussnahme auf das Gericht verhindern.« Natürlich geht es auch hier wieder um die AfD. Regelmäßige Abendessen von Angela Merkel und der Regierung … Weiterlesen →...

Could US Treasuries Become The Trade Of The Decade?
10.04.2024, 21:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Could US Treasuries Become The Trade Of The Decade? Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, The expediencies and policy extremes have yet to be explored, much less exploited. Napoleon is reputed to have said, "Do you know what amazes me more than anything else? The impotence of force to organize anything." This is the lament of someone...

Staving Off Revolution
10.04.2024, 01:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Staving Off Revolution Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, If the leadership chooses happy-story PR and toothless reforms for show in the hopes it will all blow over, these subterfuges have the potential to push dissatisfaction beyond the point of control. Whatever else we might say or think about the leadership class, they tend to have...

In The Next Several Weeks, We Could See $300 Billion Of Liquidity Leaving The System
09.04.2024, 14:28 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - In The Next Several Weeks, We Could See $300 Billion Of Liquidity Leaving The System Submitted by Larry McDonald, creator of the Bear Traps Report and author of the newly published book "When Markets Speak" which has been #1 on Amazon over the last week across most non-fiction, finance categories. What’s Under the Surface? The heart of “conditioning...

"Have You Checked If Your Hair Is On Fire Today?"
08.04.2024, 22:24 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Have You Checked If Your Hair Is On Fire Today?" Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Bang-and-Whimper “Whoever doesn’t miss the Soviet Union doesn’t have a heart. Whoever wants it back doesn’t have a brain.” - VV Putin Have you checked if your hair is on fire today? Here comes an eclipse of the sun. Our moon will cast a totality...

What Is Driving Gold To All-Time Highs?
08.04.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Is Driving Gold To All-Time Highs? Submitted by BullionStar/Jesse Colombo After more than three years of stagnation, gold has awakened with a vengeance since early-March and has promptly surged by nearly $300 an ounce or 14% to an all-time high $2,330 — a sharp move for a safe-haven asset that has a reputation for its slow and steady trends....

NATO: It's Time To Cull The Snake In America's Garden
08.04.2024, 08:02 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - NATO: It's Time To Cull The Snake In America's Garden Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, This week’s brouhaha in Brussels saw the Foreign Ministers of NATO emerge from their holes in the ground looking for food now that things are finally warming up for Spring. And they had a message for us: more for them and less for us. They were...

Der pädagogische Happen (55)
08.04.2024, 06:53 Uhr. ZG Blog - - -Elternsicht- Heute will ich mal ein wenig aus dem komplett subjektiven Nähkästchen plaudern. Die allermeisten Eltern haben eine komplett verquere und romantisierende Sicht auf ihre eigenen Kinder. Lehrer, Pädagogen und anderes Schulpersonal sehen und erleben die Kinder meist 8 Stunden … Weiterlesen →...

What's So Great About The Great Reset, Great Taking, Great Replacement, Great Deflation, & Next Great Depression?
08.04.2024, 05:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What's So Great About The Great Reset, Great Taking, Great Replacement, Great Deflation, & Next Great Depression? Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, “At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move all the tables and chairs out...

America Is Hurtling Toward A Full-Blown Hot Civil War
07.04.2024, 05:23 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - America Is Hurtling Toward A Full-Blown Hot Civil War Authored by Justin Smith via The Burning Platform blog, It never ceases to amaze me at how little so many people in this country have done to train their minds to critically analyze information. They have eyes to see and ears to see, and yet, somehow the truth of any major issue still seems to evade...

The Reality Of Vitamin D Supplementation
07.04.2024, 01:51 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - The Reality Of Vitamin D Supplementation Authored by Sheramy Tsai via The Epoch Times, One in five Americans regularly reach for vitamin D supplements, yet most are unaware that they’re taking not just a vitamin -  but a hormone. While renowned for bolstering bone strength and immune health, vitamin D’s story is not straightforward. A blend of...

Vectoring Dangerously
05.04.2024, 22:21 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Vectoring Dangerously Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, “Strategic ambiguity requires strategic capabilities. Otherwise, it’s just make-believe.” - Lee Slusher on “X” If your situational awareness is well-tuned, you can put together a political weather report from the swirl of events that otherwise seem to confound the degenerate...

Ex-CIA-Analytiker Larry Johnson: Wendepunkt im Krieg in Palästina erreicht?
05.04.2024, 10:46 Uhr. - https: - Zwei kürzlich erfolgte Aktionen des israelischen Militärs haben weltweit für einige Aufregung gesorgt: Erstens der Angriff auf in iranisches Konsulat in Damaskus und zweitens die Tötung von Mitarbeitern der humanitären Hilfsorganisation World Central Kitchen (WCK). Der frühere CIA-Analytiker Larry Johnson hat in einem Interview in der Alex Jones...

Neulich im Zug...
05.04.2024, 07:05 Uhr. ZG Blog - - Über Ostern 2024 haben wir unsere erste Deutschlandticket-Challenge absolviert. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Berlin. Schwerin. Hamburg. Bremen. Freunde besucht. Städte angeschaut. Natürlich haben wir damit gerechnet, dass am Wochenende ‑und insbesondere an den Feiertagen- die Bahn voll sein wird. … Weiterlesen →...

Great, Now Band-Aids Pose Cancer Risk Thanks To 'Forever Chemicals'
05.04.2024, 02:40 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Great, Now Band-Aids Pose Cancer Risk Thanks To 'Forever Chemicals' Major medical bandages, including from brands Band-Aid and Curad, were found to contain dangerous levels of 'forever chemicals' linked to cancer, according to a new report. The chemical, fluorine, was found in over two-dozen different bandages, the Daily Mail reports. PFAS chemicals...

What Orwell And Huxley Got Wrong And Kafka Got Right
04.04.2024, 23:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - What Orwell And Huxley Got Wrong And Kafka Got Right Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, What Kafka got right is how societies can become busily dysfunctional. For self-evident reasons, the fictional visions of Orwell and Huxley resonate as maps to the present distemper. Orwell's account of full-spectrum technological totalitarianism maps...

"Urban Doom Loop" Of Vacant Offices: How Far Will It Go?
04.04.2024, 16:27 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Urban Doom Loop" Of Vacant Offices: How Far Will It Go? Via, Even the mainstream is starting to acknowledge the massive problem of vacant office buildings littering American cities, slowly turning them into post-Covid wastelands. While a few pundits are claiming (in somewhat Orwellian fashion) that the surge in empty commercial real...

YOLO Spending, Inflation, & The Wisdom/Madness Of Crowds
04.04.2024, 12:30 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - YOLO Spending, Inflation, & The Wisdom/Madness Of Crowds Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, The harder the authorities and pundits push the "inflation is under control" narrative, the faster they erode public trust and confidence in the future value of labor and "money." YOLO spending--grabbing what you can right now because You Only...

Gefahren durch mRNA-„Impfung“ von Schweinen und Rindern für Umwelt und Nahrungssicherheit
04.04.2024, 11:28 Uhr. - https: - Viehzüchter warnen mittlerweile die Öffentlichkeit, dass Vieh, das für die Lebensmittelversorgung bestimmt ist, mit mRNA-Impfstoffen behandelt wird, die "uns letztendlich zerstören können". Der amerikanische Viehzüchter, der nicht identifiziert wurde, schlug in einem Video in den sozialen Medien Alarm. Ein Rancher und Arzt warnt in seinem Blog...

Bitcoin Redundancy Realizations
03.04.2024, 20:08 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Bitcoin Redundancy Realizations Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance When I think about the key concepts that I’ve learned about Bitcoin over the last month or two, there wasn’t one that pushed me over the line to be a believer more than the function of the network's redundancy. I mean, sure, almost everybody that knows me knows that ideologically...

Kurze Durchsage (2)
03.04.2024, 12:16 Uhr. ZG Blog - - Liebe ZG-Freunde, der aktuelle Stand ist, dass wir sehr viel Glück im Unglück hatten. Die Ersatzwohnung ist in örtlicher Nähe und deutlich besser ausgestattet. Abgezogene Dielen. Einbauküche. Großer Balkon. Deutlich ruhiger. Sie ist größer und für uns gerade so bezahlbar. … Weiterlesen →...

Hey NASA! ISS Space Junk May Have Ripped Through South Florida Home
02.04.2024, 20:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Hey NASA! ISS Space Junk May Have Ripped Through South Florida Home In early March, Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics posted on social media platform X that space junk from the International Space Station "reentered" the Earth's atmosphere between "Cancun and Cuba."  The EP-9 equipment pallet reentered at 1929 UTC...

TradFi Vs DeFi: De-Polarizing The Bitcoin 'To The Moon' Or 'Worthless' Battle
02.04.2024, 18:41 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - TradFi Vs DeFi: De-Polarizing The Bitcoin 'To The Moon' Or 'Worthless' Battle Authored by Omid Malekan, Co-Authored with Ulrich Bindseil, Director General of the European Central Bank Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have always been polarizing, even within the world of economics and finance. This divisiveness, which often pits the crypto faithful against...

"They Will Surely Try To Run The 'Disease X' Ruse" Ahead Of 2024 Elections
01.04.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "They Will Surely Try To Run The 'Disease X' Ruse" Ahead Of 2024 Elections Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, This Is Not An April Fool's Gag “I’m sorry for the harsh message, but somebody needs to tell the truth,” virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche Did you have a fabulous Transgender Visibility Day, uncluttered with any loose...

Fire, Then Ice: Our Deflationary Future
31.03.2024, 20:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Fire, Then Ice: Our Deflationary Future Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTWoMinds blog, Lest you weep for those whose phantom wealth will be drained away, recall that few win when a reserve currency dies. Labor can start earning the day after the reset, but the capital lost is gone for good. Outside the "everything's always fine" echo-chamber, the...

Asymmetric Response And The Perp Walk To World War III
31.03.2024, 16:42 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Asymmetric Response And The Perp Walk To World War III Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, 'n Guns blog, Have you ever tried to break out of the orbit of a narcissist? It’s damn difficult. Their pattern of emotional abuse is designed to make you feel like the abuser, demoralizing you, sapping you of your vitality and agency. They weaponize your...

Stellenausschreibung: »SPD-Wahlhelfer«
31.03.2024, 07:10 Uhr. ZG Blog - - Beschreibung Aus Gründen (die Sie nichts angehen!) suchen wir derzeit äußerst dringend Menschen, die sich für unsere Partei, die sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei, die Partei für den kleinen Mann, die SPD, stark machen. Was Sie erwartet und was wir Ihnen bieten Sie … Weiterlesen →...

Pentagon’s Rapid Wartime Response Cargo Ships Trapped In Baltimore After Bridge Collapse
31.03.2024, 00:37 Uhr. GreatGameIndia - https: - According to the shipping blog gCaptain, using the Automatic Identification System (AIS) data that tracks commercial vessels, the Pentagon’s Rapid Wartime Response cargo ships are trapped in Baltimore after the bridge collapse. The 1.6-mile-long Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed Tuesday morning, trapping two fast-moving military cargo ships in...

America's Ongoing Death-By-A-Thousand-Cuts
30.03.2024, 22:32 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - America's Ongoing Death-By-A-Thousand-Cuts Authored by James Howard Kunstler via, Oh Say Can You See? “A modern nuc can fit in the trunk of a compact car. When millions of people can walk across our border with impunity what do you think the chances are we would catch something that size?” - Sam Faddis, Retired CIA Who was not impressed...

Neueste    Heute    18.04.2024    17.04.2024    - Doppelte News