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Neueste    Heute    26.07.2024    25.07.2024    + Doppelte News  

The Presence of Evil
25.07.2024, 10:10 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - I have frequently explained that when I sat in the International Court of Justice and heard Israel’s lawyers tell lie after lie to justify or excuse the Gaza genocide, I could feel I was palpably in the presence of evil. At least in the Hague you could also feel and indeed observe that most people […] The post The Presence of Evil appeared...

Neben dem Atomkrieg ist die digitale Revolution die größte Katastrophe für die Menschheit
24.07.2024, 12:30 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Mir war von Anfang an klar, dass die digitale Revolution eine riesige Katastrophe ist, die sich anbahnt. Die digitale Revolution ist in jeder Hinsicht eine Katastrophe. Sie ermöglicht Regierungen nicht nur, eine Tyrannei jenseits der Vorstellungskraft von George Orwell zu errichten, sie unterwirft alles gesammelte Wissen einem elektromagnetischen...

Who is Running America?
22.07.2024, 21:10 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - There is an argument to continue the convention of referring to the President of the United States as the most powerful man in the world. The dollar has not quite yet been replaced as the world’s international reserve currency and Bretton Woods still, creaking and cracking, holds. China is now the manufacturer of the world […] The post Who...

Das Versagen der deutschen Führung
22.07.2024, 17:06 Uhr. - https: - Dieser Artikel von Paul Craig Roberts ist vor zehn Jahren auf erschienen. Vor zehn Jahren erschien auch sein Buch “Amerikas Kriege(r)” als Sammlung seiner bis dato auf erschienenen Artikel. Das Versagen der deutschen Führung Merkel prostituiert sich für Washington Paul Craig Roberts Mit Hilfe seiner folgsamen...

Existence vs Expansion
20.07.2024, 17:56 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - In its reaction to the International Court of Justice’s crystal clear ruling on occupied Palestine, the Labour government has disgracefully attempted to ignore the ruling and to contine the Tory policy of total support for Israel. The UK statement says that: The Foreign Secretary was clear on his visit to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian […]...

Scotland’s Rampant Corruption
19.07.2024, 11:18 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - Under Sturgeon, Scotland was in thrall of an incredible degree of rampant corruption that included government, civil service, police, prosecutors and judiciary. Listen to this simply stunning speech in Parliament yesterday by David Davis MP and you will understand precisely why I spent four months in jail, almost all in solitary confinement. It is time...

A Shocking Paucity of Ambition
18.07.2024, 17:27 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - An old man in a comic opera uniform was dragged by carthorses in a gilded carriage through the streets of London, then bedecked in diamonds and more gold, all to very little purpose. That we truly have a uniparty could not be better proven than by a new captain taking over the ship of state, […] The post A Shocking Paucity of Ambition appeared...

RussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted For "Real Peace" Negotiations With A "Foreign Adversary"
18.07.2024, 02:45 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - RussiaGate 2.0: Donald Trump Has Opted For "Real Peace" Negotiations With A "Foreign Adversary" Authored by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky via, Introduction Normalization of diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation had first been proposed by Donald Trump in 2017. Under RussiaGate (2016), President-elect Donald Trump had been accused...

Nantucket Beaches Closed After Wind Turbine Blade Fail Scatters "Fiberglass Shards" 
17.07.2024, 19:47 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Nantucket Beaches Closed After Wind Turbine Blade Fail Scatters "Fiberglass Shards"  Nantucket residents are watching their pristine beaches transform into "waste dumps" filled with floating debris and sharp fiberglass shards. This prompted officials to close beaches this week after a massive offshore wind turbine experienced a catastrophic failure...

The Muslim Vote
17.07.2024, 10:48 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - With Gaza genocide as the galvanising issue, in seats where Muslims are over 30% of the electorate, Labour’s vote share plunged from 65% in 2019 to 36% at the 2024 general election. In Blackburn, where I stood, Labour’s vote share dived incredibly, from 65% to 27%. This in a general election where Labour won a […] The post The Muslim...

Warum bereitet sich der Westen auf einen Krieg vor?
16.07.2024, 17:09 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Der INF-Vertrag wurde am 8. Dezember 1987 von Ronald Reagan und Michail Gorbatschow unterzeichnet und am 1. Juni 1988 ratifiziert. Der Vertrag war ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Beendigung des Kalten Krieges. Reagan nannte den Vertrag einen “Schritt in Richtung einer sichereren Welt”. “Der INF-Vertrag (Intermediate-Range...

"Ordered My First MAGA Hat": Closet Trump Supporters Are Coming Out Of Woodwork After Failed Assassination Attempt 
16.07.2024, 02:17 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - "Ordered My First MAGA Hat": Closet Trump Supporters Are Coming Out Of Woodwork After Failed Assassination Attempt  "The dam broke for me and many others today. I live in SF, where it's a social death sentence to voice support for Trump," tech entrepreneur James Ingallinera wrote on X moments after the Trump assassination attempt on Saturday afternoon...

Assassination and Trump’s Mentality
15.07.2024, 12:01 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - Six months ago I said to a well known public figure that the US intelligence agencies had destroyed Trump’s first Presidency and that, in a second chance, he would have to uproot their entire leadership or simply let them continue to run the country and concentrate on making money for himself. My contact replied that […] The post Assassination...

The Election Where Nothing Changed
12.07.2024, 10:36 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - What exactly has changed as a result of that election, other than a different team of snouts in the trough? Starmer’s first act as Prime Minister of the UK was to attend a NATO warmonger fest and promise unlimited resources to keep going the terrible and unwinnable war in the Ukraine. In addition he is […] The post The Election Where Nothing...

Die Rolle des Hasses bei den bevorstehenden Wahlen
11.07.2024, 17:02 Uhr. - https: - Von Paul Craig Roberts James Howard Kunstler erklärt, wie Demokraten und Medien die Wahrheit vermeiden, indem sie eine falsche Realität schaffen und am Ende ihre eigenen Lügen glauben. Der gesamte Zweck der Demokraten und der Medien besteht darin, die Amerikaner zu täuschen und einzuschüchtern, damit sie in einer Unwirklichkeit leben und ihren...

Ich erinnere mich an die Zeit, als wir die Kontrolle über die Autos hatten.
09.07.2024, 17:30 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Kürzlich stieß ich auf eine Ausgabe von Road & Track vom November 2015. Sie enthält einen Artikel, in dem der Ford Mustang Shelby GT 350 von 1965, ein Muscle Car seiner Zeit, mit dem Ford Mustang Shelby GT 350R von 2016, einem Muscle Car seiner Zeit, verglichen wird. Der Unterschied von 51 […]...

Mega-Donors Cut Off Biden, Prepare PACs To Fund 'Mini-Primary' And New Candidate
07.07.2024, 17:05 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Mega-Donors Cut Off Biden, Prepare PACs To Fund 'Mini-Primary' And New Candidate On Saturday, a fifth Democratic member of Congress called for embattled, enfeebled President Biden to quit the 2024 presidential race. Minnesota Rep. Angie Craig also became the first incumbent in a tight race to do so, saying, "I do not believe that the President can...

Scotland and Me
07.07.2024, 11:10 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - I left Scotland during this election campaign simply because I thought I could do more good campaigning explicitly for Gaza in a seat where Starmer could be punished for his genocidal zionism. Scottish independence and the freedom of my own country remains the cause closest to my heart. But although Scotland suffers the drain on […] The post Scotland...

The Rejection of Starmerism
05.07.2024, 20:15 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - Millions fewer people turned out to make Keir Starmer Prime Minister than turned out to attempt the same for Jeremy Corbyn. That is the most important fact of this election, and the one the mainstream media works hardest to hide. TOTAL LABOUR VOTE Corbyn 2017: 12,877.918 Corbyn 2019: 10,269,213 Starmer 2024: 9,634,399 I don’t think […] The...

“Ich fühlte mich, als würde ich sterben”: Nachrichtenfotograf, der durch COVID-Booster verletzt wurde, will Impfpolitik ändern
03.07.2024, 12:35 Uhr. - https: - Von John-Michael Dumais In einem Interview mit The Defender beschrieb der Fotojournalist Craig Norkus aus Minneapolis die schwächenden gesundheitlichen Probleme, die er nach seiner zweiten COVID-19-Auffrischungsimpfung hatte, die monatelangen Fehldiagnosen und wie er schließlich wirksame alternative Behandlungsmethoden fand. Craig Norkus, ein erfahrener...

Closing Blackburn Rally With Roger Waters
03.07.2024, 11:55 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - Yesterday was unforgettable. We have campaigned with open hearts and honed minds, against the slough of corruption which is politics under modern capitalism. Free Palestine and free us all! The post Closing Blackburn Rally With Roger Waters appeared first on Craig Murray....

Werden Washingtons jüngste Sanktionen unbeabsichtigte Folgen haben?
03.07.2024, 07:35 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Ich habe mich nicht eingehend mit den Einzelheiten der Sanktionen befasst, die Washington gegen Russland und andere Länder verhängt hat, die mit Russland über sanktionierte Güter Handel treiben. Meiner Meinung nach waren die Sanktionen gut für Russland, weil sie es aus der Globalisierungsfalle in Richtung Autarkie gezwungen haben...

Das Böse ist jetzt die dominierende Macht in der westlichen Welt
28.06.2024, 17:30 Uhr. - https: - Von Paul Craig Roberts Können Menschen mit den Herausforderungen des Lebens fertig werden, wenn so viel von ihrer Kultur zerstört wurde? Depressionen, die Sinnlosigkeit des Lebens und spirituelle Verzweiflung beschäftigen heute so viele Menschen, weil sie nicht mehr über das kulturelle Wissen verfügen, das sie aus der Vertrautheit mit ihrer klassischen...

Ein Aufruf an die Amerikaner, die genau so an Deutschland sein könnte
26.06.2024, 07:40 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Liebe Amerikaner, ist euch klar, dass der republikanische Sprecher des Hauses, der demokratische Minderheitensprecher des Hauses, der Sprecher des Senats und der Minderheitensprecher im Senat zusammen mit nahezu allen Stimmen des Kongresses euch dazu verpflichtet haben, den israelischen Völkermord an Palästina zu unterstützen,...

The Happiest of Days
25.06.2024, 05:10 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - I cannot tell you how happy I am at Julian’s release. It is 4.00am and I haven’t been to bed yet. I have spoken to John Shipton but everyone else is on a plane en route to Australia. The guilty plea is of course coerced in the extreme and nobody should take it seriously. It […] The post The Happiest of Days appeared first on Craig...

What Really Happens in Blackburn
24.06.2024, 11:26 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - When I stood in Blackburn against foreign secretary Jack Straw in 2005 as an anti-Iraq war candidate, Jack Straw’s campaign manager was Ibrahim Master. He is now the campaign manager of “Independent” candidate, vote-splitter Adnan Hussain. This is him on the right campaigning with Adnan. When I attended a meeting with Adnan until 2...

Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Reagen-Administration warnt eindringlich vor Krieg
21.06.2024, 17:20 Uhr. - https: - Der Westen zündelt am Krieg Paul Craig Roberts Die westlichen Medien sind eine Lügenmaschinerie. Westliche Regierungen leben in einer Scheinwelt ihrer eigenen Straflosigkeit. Deshalb sind sich die westlichen Völker der gefährlichen Situation nicht bewusst, die Washington mit Russland geschaffen hat. Die sogenannte “Friedenskonferenz”...

The Leaving of Blackburn
20.06.2024, 19:25 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - It is with a very heavy heart I agreed to this as I feel I am letting down all those who crowdfunded and helped me. I believed I had a duty to try to further my work against the genocide through Parliament.But I cannot beat Labour with a local independent joining the race. — […] The post The Leaving of Blackburn appeared...

Craig Murray in Lahore: Interview With Moeen Azhar, Media City Lahore
19.06.2024, 20:10 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - This wide ranging interview took place in Lahore in May this year while on a tour from Lahore to Chittral. I also met with the PTI leadership and with Imran’s legal team. I also got to umpire some cricket matches, including at the wonderful Lahore Gymkhana, venue of Pakistan’s first ever Test Match, and at […] The post Craig Murray...

In Conversation WIth Richard Medhurst
18.06.2024, 21:25 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - The post In Conversation WIth Richard Medhurst appeared first on Craig Murray....

Der sich ausweitende Krieg
18.06.2024, 16:35 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts NATO-Generalsekretär Stoltenberg berichtet, dass die NATO darüber diskutiert, Atomwaffen aus den Depots zu holen und einsatzbereit zu machen. Polens Präsident will die Russische Föderation in kleinere unabhängige Staaten aufteilen. China baut sein Atomwaffenarsenal zügig aus. Russland und Weißrussland führen taktische Nuklearübungen...

European Mutiny At The Illiberal Order
17.06.2024, 08:00 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - European Mutiny At The Illiberal Order Submitted by Alastair Crooke, I have been writing for some time that Europe (and the U.S.) are in a period of alternate revolution and civil war. History warns us that such conflicts tend to be extended, with peak episodes which are revolutionary (as the prevailing paradigm first cracks); yet which, in reality...

“Der Zug ist abgefahren und niemand kann ihn aufhalten”
17.06.2024, 07:35 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Dies sind die Worte von Serbiens Präsident Aleksander Vucic. Er sollte es wissen. Er ist mittendrin im Geschehen. Er glaubt, dass sich Europa in “nicht mehr als drei oder vier Monaten”, wenn überhaupt, im Krieg mit Russland befinden wird. Präsident Vucic sagt: “Niemand versucht, den Krieg zu verhindern. Niemand...

Public Meeting On Gaza Genocide With Chris Hedges and Richard Medhurst Blackburn 13 June 2024
16.06.2024, 15:27 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - This was a fabulous meeting to a packed hall. There were moments in both Chris and Richard’s speeches where you could have heard a pin drop and breath was held. Craig Murray, Richard Medhurst and Chris Hedges talk to a packed hall in Blackburn...

Ten Facts About Craig Murray – Numbers 3, 4 & 5
15.06.2024, 19:58 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - The election campaign is so frenetic that I haven’t had time to put these out daily, even though they have been going out on other social media. So here we have ten facts about Craig Murray numbers three, four and five The post Ten Facts About Craig Murray – Numbers 3, 4 & 5 appeared first on Craig Murray....

Der Tod der Wahrheit ist nahe
14.06.2024, 17:05 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Der Juni steht vor der Tür und damit auch mein vierteljährlicher Aufruf an die Leser, diese Website zu unterstützen. Von Tag zu Tag wird es schwieriger und riskanter, Informationen zu liefern, die von den offiziellen Darstellungen abweichen. Websites müssen feststellen, dass Zahlungsmechanismen wie PayPal und Stripe sowie Banken...

Selected Articles: “The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It.” Europe Will be at War with Russia
14.06.2024, 11:54 Uhr. Global Research - https: - “The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It”. Europe Will be at War with Russia. Serbia’s President A. Vucic By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 13, 2024 These are the words of Serbia’s President Aleksander … The post Selected Articles: “The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It.” Europe Will be at War with Russia...

H1N1-Vogelgrippe-„Impfstoffe“ mit alarmierenden Sicherheitssignalen
14.06.2024, 07:41 Uhr. - https: - Von SenseReceptor H1N1-Vogelgrippe-„Impfstoffe“ mit alarmierenden Sicherheitssignalen in VAERS für „intra-uterine Todesfälle“ (Totgeburten), Spontanaborte und Abnahme eines wichtigen menschlichen Fortpflanzungshormons verbunden (Sind die „Vogelgrippe“-Impfstoffe in Wirklichkeit verdeckte Unfruchtbarkeitsinjektionen?) In dieser Diskussion...

Craig Murray’s Extraordinary Election Campaign
13.06.2024, 12:53 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - This is pretty candid with Crispin Flintoff of Not the Andrew Marr Show The post Craig Murray’s Extraordinary Election Campaign appeared first on Craig Murray....

Ten Facts About Craig Murray Part 2
12.06.2024, 20:10 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - In the second instalment of 10 facts about Craig Murray, I talk about tuition fees. The post Ten Facts About Craig Murray Part 2 appeared first on Craig Murray....

Ten Facts About Craig Murray Part 1
11.06.2024, 22:35 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - I have been told that many people in Blackburn know nothing of me, so I have made ten short videos giving ten facts about Craig Murray. I am posting one a day to be followed by ten equally short videos giving key policies for the future. So here is number one: Our campaign HQ is […] The post Ten Facts About Craig Murray Part 1 appeared first on...

Our Current Campaign Leaflet
09.06.2024, 12:40 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - This is what we are currently putting through doors. In 50 years of political campaigning I have never before known a leaflet which in itself changes people’s attitudes towards you immediately. This one really does, on the most positive way possible. Do come and help me campaign. It is enjoyable to be on the dies […] The post Our Current...

Pro-Palestinian Protesters En Route To White House In Busses; Biden Team Erects Wall Around Perimeter 
08.06.2024, 17:07 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Palestinian Protesters En Route To White House In Busses; Biden Team Erects Wall Around Perimeter  President Biden loves taxpayer-funded walls, except for former President Trump's southern border wall. The elderly president has a beautiful taxpayer-funded wall around his beach home in exclusive Rehoboth Beach (a destination for rich liberals)...

Campaign Speech on Gaza
07.06.2024, 17:25 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - I am very busy on the stump in Blackburn. I hope you enjoy this one. The post Campaign Speech on Gaza appeared first on Craig Murray....

Der Mord an einer Zivilisation
05.06.2024, 07:45 Uhr. - https: - Paul Craig Roberts Vor einem Monat schrieb ich über die Schildmaid Eva Vlaardingerbroek, eine junge niederländische Anwältin, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, weiße Europäer zu ermutigen, sich dagegen zu wehren, dass Länder, die aus ethnischen Nationalitäten wie Deutschen, Engländern, Franzosen, Italienern, Niederländern, Spaniern und Ungarn...

Pro-Palestinian Encampment Erected At LA City Hall; Protesters To Surround White House
04.06.2024, 22:20 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Palestinian Encampment Erected At LA City Hall; Protesters To Surround White House Get ready for Pro-Palestinian demonstrations to spill over from universities and colleges onto city streets this summer. Just days ago, we were the first to report that the ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) group is planning to surround the White House...

Pro-Palestinian Protesters To "Surround The White House" Next Weekend Over Rafah Strike
01.06.2024, 22:55 Uhr. ZeroHedge News - https: - Pro-Palestinian Protesters To "Surround The White House" Next Weekend Over Rafah Strike In the wake of a deadly Israeli strike at a tent camp in Rafah last week which produced horrific viral footage of charred corpses, days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to immediately halt military operations, and miles beyond Biden's 'red...

Großbritannien: «Der Impfstatus wurde systematisch falsch kategorisiert»
31.05.2024, 15:39 Uhr. Transition News - https: - Daten des britischen Statistikamtes (Office for National Statistics, ONS) über die Sterblichkeitsraten im Jahr 2021 wiesen auf einen starken Anstieg der Todesfälle bei den Impffreien hin. Dies erweckte den Eindruck, dass die Ungeimpften für eine höhere Sterblichkeit sorgte. Doch offensichtlich wurde der Impfstatus der Toten geändert. Das jedenfalls...

George Galloway and Me: Stop the Genocide
29.05.2024, 21:02 Uhr. Craig Murray - https: - In December 1980 I stood alongside George Galloway in Caird Square as the flag of Palestine was hoisted above Dundee City Chambers to mark the twinning of Dundee with Nablus in the West Bank. I was 22 years old. George had led the campaign for the twinning, against much opposition. In those days I worked […] The post George Galloway and Me: Stop...

Neueste    Heute    26.07.2024    25.07.2024    + Doppelte News